
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Honestly, I came here for the lewd scenes with the sexy characters at the thumbnail.
But I wouldn't be mad if there isn't any, this game looks so amazing and well-made
This is porn game? Im really confused LOL
In this demo alone, there's;
  • 4 enemies with 2 animations each
  • 2 in-game environmental hazards that cause sex animations
  • 1 boss with a lengthy, multi-phase animation
  • 3 lengthy cutscenes with sex going on in them
  • 5 game over sequences with 3 images per sequence and 2 variations per sequence
  • Sex itself is woven into the plot and the level itself is a sex toy factory (all the enemies are sex machines)
Just from the images the gameplay looks cool as shit. I prefer more pixely art on sidescrolling platformers like this, it just looks cleaner, but still. Nice change from all the gameplay-less VNs.
Thanks a lot! Yeah, the art style is definitely unique but if you play it, it'll likely grow on you some :p

Fake Count

Jun 4, 2017
Hey, is there a way to get into the hole in the ceiling near the exit of P5M3 of the electric area? Is there anything in there? Because I tried getting in there the way I thought of, but the narrator stopped me from using that way =I

Edit: @HentaiWriter , two things that I think would be neat is if there was a way to find more easily find the location of the silver data banks after you've beat the boss and if there was a way to tell where the core to the MainFrame is once you fight him after you've already beaten him. The first because I'd like to find all the silver data banks as I looked fairly thoroughly and missed three. And the second as I'd like to hear all of the MainFrame's lines without having to beat him more than twice. Thanks for the game!
Last edited:


New Member
Nov 26, 2016
I have to say, this game is really impressive. From what I've played, it's really fun. Cannot wait to see how it shapes out. Great job!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Hey, is there a way to get into the hole in the ceiling near the exit of P5M3 of the electric area? Is there anything in there? Because I tried getting in there the way I thought of, but the narrator stopped me from using that way =I
There's nothing in there, that's why the narrator stopped you; if he didn't, you'd just fly through the roof and the game would effectively break :p

That said... how in the world did you even get there? That shouldn't be possible anymore thanks to the softlock preventions I put in, can you screencap that or tell me what you did? I'm impressed!

...if there was a way to find more easily find the location of the silver data banks after you've beat the boss and if there was a way to tell where the core to the MainFrame is once you fight him after you've already beaten him.
Well, unfortunately, in the full game, once you've beaten a boss, the entire level is sealed off; every time you beat a boss in this game, their defeat effectively destroys the entire area of the game you were just in (in different ways), so that's why Vie gives the warning that once you beat the boss, there's no going back.

We will eventually have icons on the Megamap though that list things like if a Databank is in that map (and you haven't read it), and we'll also have a databank/cutscene reviewer accessible from your ESC menu that will let you re-read or re-watch any of those.

And the second as I'd like to hear all of the MainFrame's lines without having to beat him more than twice. Thanks for the game!
There's actually a LOT of lines he's got; there's 6 or 7 blurbs he's got in the puzzle maps alone (up to beating all 16 maps without triggering his true boss fight), and then there's a large variation of lines he says during the actual sex machine animation if you lose to him (for instance, try idling for about a minute on an animation, or not pressing anything at all once the sequence starts, or idling for 5+ minutes on an animation, etc.).

We're encouraging replaying through the game, as the best you could possibly do on a single playthrough of the game in terms of content or variations of databank responses/cutscenes that you'd end up on would be something like 40% or so of them, which is why the databank/cutscene reviewer will be consistent through all games to let you know what ones you've already seen/done in previous playthroughs.

The first time through, you'll only get one save slot, but in subsequent playthroughs you'll have 10 slots to mess around with, so you should be able to find everything that way if you want :) and thanks for trying the game and the praise!

I have to say, this game is really impressive. From what I've played, it's really fun. Cannot wait to see how it shapes out. Great job!
Thanks for the positive words, it's really nice to see our work being reviewed like this, really makes us feel like all our work was worth it and that we're on the right track :D

Fake Count

Jun 4, 2017
@HentaiWriter I'd really like it if you put an easter egg up there and remove the narrator as it's relatively difficult to get up there (with the upgrades currently available that is) and having a reward up there would be nice as you'd only really try to get in there once you've finished everything you can. If you don't want to put anything there, atleast close the map hole so it doesn't stand out on the map . . .

There is currently only one way I know of that will let you get in that room with the gravity reversed, but if you ever give the player the ability to place something they can stand on there will be at least two other ways to get in there. I hope that you won't nerf any of the upgrades needed to do this as I really like one of them as it currently is and the other is not normally that useful. I also hope that you won't remove this way to get up there and put an easter egg in that pit . . .

Do you want me to PM you how I did it so you could potentially keep the method hidden? Or do you want me to post it here?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
@HentaiWriter I'd really like it if you put an easter egg up there and remove the narrator as it's relatively difficult to get up there (with the upgrades currently available that is) and having a reward up there would be nice as you'd only really try to get in there once you've finished everything you can. If you don't want to put anything there, atleast close the map hole so it doesn't stand out on the map . . .
Okay, I'm an idiot; I confused your post for the previous poster that mentioned P5M3 and they meant P5M2, as there's a hole there and a narrator bit there too, which is why I was amazed at how someone could get into the P5M2 one because it should be literally impossible.

That little one up there where Vie comes in and flips you over on P5M3 is just meant as a softlock fix for the demo, but in the final game we'll likely edit that to be a little easter egg thing, yeah. :p

There is currently only one way I know of that will let you get in that room with the gravity reversed, but if you ever give the player the ability to place something they can stand on there will be at least two other ways to get in there. I hope that you won't nerf any of the upgrades needed to do this as I really like one of them as it currently is and the other is not normally that useful. I also hope that you won't remove this way to get up there and put an easter egg in that pit . . .

Do you want me to PM you how I did it so you could potentially keep the method hidden? Or do you want me to post it here?
To be clear, we don't want to nerf any of the powerups or abilities unless it was horrifically breaking the game; we'd just put down things like what you experienced to prevent softlocks where the player couldn't get out of an area, and the only levels in the game that should be possible on would be the Electric and The End levels.

We in fact want people to actually try to sequence break and skip over some stuff if they can, because one of the secret endings is beating the game faster than the dev time (which i'll establish once we've finished the game of course), and we've actually designed a few powerups, like the wall clock, specifically for this. On my run through, though, to establish the time, I won't use powerups so it'll be fair given that powerups will be gotten by RNG methods in the final game.

We don't have any plans for an ability to create platforms on walls or anything like that, but definitely feel free to post here what you did to get in there for other people who'd like to have fun with it, maybe it'll inspire them to try out unconventional ways of beating maps :)


Aug 7, 2017
the controls are hard i love the game but sometimes the controls are bug when i try to jump shoot and sometimes dont do nothing at all


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
the controls are hard i love the game but sometimes the controls are bug when i try to jump shoot and sometimes dont do nothing at all
Are you playing on a keyboard or a controller?
And are you on a laptop or a tower computer?
We'll try to help out :)

Fake Count

Jun 4, 2017
Sorry, I misspoke earlier and it is indeed P5M2, @HentaiWriter . . . and here's a flood of words:

To get up on the ceiling for the room with the signs P5M3 on the far left and P5M1 on the far left (I forgot the signs are for what room the exit leads to and not the label for the room itself . . .), you need both the men's sneakers *and* the glass of wine. Go to P5M1. Get to the exit leading to P5M2. Trigger gravity. Jump onto the ledge and run to P5M2. Get Narrator message.

This way is easy to pull off when you know what to do, however, so I recommend making one of the other potential ways possible so you have a harder option if you want to remove this way. Keep in mind you'd need to remove the gravity gate in P5M3 to make this path work. You might already know how to get into the soft lock in P5M3 and you just need to dash so you get into the passage way instead of the soft lock. If you don't know how, well I do it by going into P5M4 and freezing the bot once he's close enough to the platforms you can pass through and use him as a step-stool. Jump up until you get to P5M3. Then just make sure you dash so you avoid the soft lock and run through where there is currently a gravity gate. Now if either the gravity gate was removed or you could keep the gate open another way, you'd be able to get through to the hole in the ceiling of P5M2 without needing the maximum obtainable jump height in this version.

Now about the glass of wine . . . I think it's useless in almost all cases as it provides like, what, a ~5% increase in jump height which means nothing outside the way I found to the ceiling of P5M2. And it lets you have a longer horizontal jump . . . which because of fire dash providing so much horizontal movement, doesn't mean much. I think for the glass of wine to have meaningful use it either should increase max speed (but not acceleration) by some amount, have it's gravity reduction effect should be more exaggerated (like maybe 50% even? Could be useful for the MainFrame fight if it was that high maybe?), or make it so moving faster increases jump height (this could just be a base mechanic instead?). Out of all the upgrades I got in this version, this one was probably the least useful.

I might as well give my opinion on the other upgrades as well:
  • Sewing Needles: Bullets don't get enough distance for the damage to matter that much. Perhaps they should increase bullet range?
  • Coral: I think this is fine except you can't fire charged shots of any variety while crouching.
  • Pomegranate: While this is sort of useful early on, it loses all use when you've explored all the rooms. Perhaps make it's effect work once per respawn/teleportation so it has use later on?
  • Wall Clock: While this is potentially really strong, you lose speed far too easily. Perhaps make it so the buff loses stacks over a second or so of being stopped?
  • Japanese Knife: Sounds cool, but there isn't really any enemies that can survive a single charged shot on Easy mode . . . and I don't think it would stun the boss =/
  • Shiba Inu: Enemies don't have enough health for this to give you meaningful healing even with the other slots full with just +damage stuff. Like you can only occasionally see your health go up when using this. 50% reduction in health from healing orbs (which are your main source of healing) hurts this a lot. If the healing orb penalty was removed, this would still be weak as it breaks the stack from the Koto, one of the best defensive upgrades for when there isn't healing orbs. Overall, just pretty weak right now.
  • Koto: This is really good in situations where you can't heal. Still really good outside of that.
  • Drumset: There isn't really a situation where you can just sit in one place and just spam at a target as such, its pretty weak. Perhaps increasing the buff to 2% or increasing the decay time and capping it at +100% (which I don't think is possible to reach) would make this more useful?
  • Men's Sneakers: I really like these, but the extra jump is useful in very few places and can cause you to bash your head in some places. Still solid though.
  • Bar of Soap: Just like the pomegranate, it's almost useless after you clear everything. Maybe make it so you get one free full heal per respawn? Or even a 50% heal?
  • Bananas: Fairly situational (because not many long horizontal areas in this version), but if the clock gets changed, this wouldn't need any changes.
  • Protein Drink: Honestly, this is the best healing upgrade for later in the game. That is only the case though, because the other ones (Pomegranate and Shibu Inu) are not useful late game.
  • Calligraphy Brush: Shots moving at half speed is more useful than the damage honestly. Probably fine.
  • Baseball Helmet: Fairly useful since most of the damage you can take is projectile, but is worse than the Koto. If this was 30%, it would be solid in my opinion.
  • Kendo Helmet: Not as useful as it's counterpart. As this would need to be a really strong damage reduction to be useful for the electric area (like 40~60% maybe), perhaps making it like 30% and also affect traps (electrified ground, wall traps, milkers, but not the beams that shoot out of the floor/ceiling) would be good.
  • Australian Meat Pie: This is fine as it is I think. 10% per enemy is useful enough in a scenario where you get swarmed and even outside that as it's a minimum +10% damage. I'd really like a version of this that is defensive like "Reduces damage taken by X% per enemy on screen. Is multiplicative instead of additive with itself." Ex: If X was 10%, the second enemy would reduce damage by another 9% instead of 10%. With X equal to 10%, you'd need eight enemies on screen to bring you to ~52% damage reduction.
And that's all the upgrades I got. Tell me if I missed any for the electric stage. And keep in mind I judged these upgrades against each other so I don't know about the other upgrades and if there is any that are overpowered or really weak or work well with others. My favorites were the Men's Sneakers, Koto, and Calligraphy Brush.

I had fun messing around with this game and I look forward to the woods area that is coming up soonᵀᴹ. Good luck responding to this flood of words =P


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
How am I supposed to jerk off to this?
You can play on Easy mode where you can control the animations yourself; there's also animations that passively happen like in P3M3 with Faye, as well as long cutscenes you can advance at your own pace with sex in them that loops during certain portions of it.

There's also the game over CGs as well, too; most of the sex in this game doesn't require you to keep your hands on the keyboard, and there's the gallery once you've beaten the demo, as well :)

Trigger gravity. Jump onto the ledge and run to P5M2. Get Narrator message.
Oh, you're talking about the FIRST message that appears on the far right of P5M2 then, right? I was talking about the message at the far left of P5M2 that's an empty hole in the ceiling, that one's the one that you shouldn't be able to get to.

Before I reply to the rest of this, you can actually check out the powerups list at if you're interested :)

Now about the glass of wine . . . I think it's useless in almost all cases as it provides like, what, a ~5% increase in jump height which means nothing outside the way I found to the ceiling of P5M2.
If you check the description, it actually lowers gravity for the player by 25%; this would mean a 1/4th increase in jump height, roughly. It also causes movement momentum as a slight debuff, too.

I think for the glass of wine to have meaningful use it either should increase max speed (but not acceleration) by some amount, have it's gravity reduction effect should be more exaggerated (like maybe 50% even? Could be useful for the MainFrame fight if it was that high maybe?), or make it so moving faster increases jump height (this could just be a base mechanic instead?).
The problem with doing the max speed thing is that there's already powerups that do this (the Wall Clock, for example), and the gravity reduction being that drastic would lead to a lot more softlocks in the Electric Level, which would result in the map just being littered with softlock things which would kind of defeat the entire purpose of people wanting to explore to begin with :p

And making movement speed increase jump height would also be a level design nightmare, as while we do want people to explore in unorthodox ways, this would lead to a lot of powerup combinations that would definitely be near impossible to deal with unless we just had softlock alerts practically everywhere.

Essentially, it's a balance between letting the player have fun with powerups and the variety of things they can do (with the ones we have planned that you can see in that sheet up above), and keeping level design strong and fluid so that people who aren't using those powerups can still enjoy the game, so that we don't have to make level design super rigid and forced.

It's sort of like designing a rollercoaster or an amusement park ride; you want people to feel the thrill of the ride, but you don't want them jumping out of their rollercoaster car and killing themselves as a result, and then once that happens, you have to add walls to the ride, lock the whole thing down, drop the ride speed, which ruins the fun for everyone.

Sewing Needles: Bullets don't get enough distance for the damage to matter that much. Perhaps they should increase bullet range?
Have you tried using the Calligraphy brush with it? :p

Coral: I think this is fine except you can't fire charged shots of any variety while crouching.
This is actually one we're completely changing because it's just way too strong; combine this with the Calligraphy Brush and the Sewing Needles and you've got obscenely powerful shots.

Pomegranate: While this is sort of useful early on, it loses all use when you've explored all the rooms. Perhaps make it's effect work once per respawn/teleportation so it has use later on?
Try it out on the Boss Rooms! Remember too, you can swap out powerups; some powerups are only useful at the start of a level, while others are only useful later on in a level.

Wall Clock: While this is potentially really strong, you lose speed far too easily. Perhaps make it so the buff loses stacks over a second or so of being stopped?
This might be a useful fix for it, we'll likely do something like this when we rework a good deal of the powerups.

Japanese Knife: Sounds cool, but there isn't really any enemies that can survive a single charged shot on Easy mode . . . and I don't think it would stun the boss =/
On normal mode, the Jumperbot can take a full Fire charge shot, and can take a normal charged shot as well; additionally, remember that you're on level 3 out of 5, so the enemies are only going to get tougher.

Shiba Inu: Enemies don't have enough health for this to give you meaningful healing even with the other slots full with just +damage stuff. Like you can only occasionally see your health go up when using this. 50% reduction in health from healing orbs (which are your main source of healing) hurts this a lot. If the healing orb penalty was removed, this would still be weak as it breaks the stack from the Koto, one of the best defensive upgrades for when there isn't healing orbs. Overall, just pretty weak right now.
This is where combo effects come in with other powerups we'll be putting in; for instance, the Aulos powerup doubles the effects of your other two powerups, and the Protein Drink rework makes this stronger too. It also works great for blunting the effects of the Handcuffs and Dildo negative powerups, if you're playing through using those to get Egomaniac mode.

Drumset: There isn't really a situation where you can just sit in one place and just spam at a target as such, its pretty weak. Perhaps increasing the buff to 2% or increasing the decay time and capping it at +100% (which I don't think is possible to reach) would make this more useful?
This is in line with the knife up above; later on, this will likely be useful, but we'll also likely strengthen it some.

Men's Sneakers: I really like these, but the extra jump is useful in very few places and can cause you to bash your head in some places. Still solid though.
When paired with the wine glass, and another powerup coming soon, the Ensaïmada, that extra jump height will be really, really useful :p

Bar of Soap: Just like the pomegranate, it's almost useless after you clear everything. Maybe make it so you get one free full heal per respawn? Or even a 50% heal?
Giving them a full heal per respawn was something we initially tried out, and it just made the game far too easy; you could just beat paths by running through enemies and tanking them using the bar of soap, with no need to pick up health orbs. Something like a 50% heal might work, but it's still something we need to balance for sure.

Calligraphy Brush: Shots moving at half speed is more useful than the damage honestly. Probably fine.
You can also use this to trigger things late, which will be really useful once we get the enemy aggro rework in (in that attacking enemies will cause them to aggro you; this would give you more time to get away)

Baseball Helmet: Fairly useful since most of the damage you can take is projectile, but is worse than the Koto. If this was 30%, it would be solid in my opinion.
This one is also something we have to look at, because by itself, it isn't that great, true, but paired up with a good number of powerups, you basically border on unkillable.

Kendo Helmet: Not as useful as it's counterpart. As this would need to be a really strong damage reduction to be useful for the electric area (like 40~60% maybe), perhaps making it like 30% and also affect traps (electrified ground, wall traps, milkers, but not the beams that shoot out of the floor/ceiling) would be good.
Something like making it affect environmental hazards might be pretty neat, although I'd probably delegate that more to the Rugby Helmet, given that enemies running into you isn't something that happens that often; that, and Rugby is a sport where you collide a lot with other people and your environment, which would probably fit more with that.
And that's all the upgrades I got. Tell me if I missed any for the electric stage.
You just missed one; the Kiwi :p it doubles your mana regeneration rate.

I had fun messing around with this game and I look forward to the woods area that is coming up soonᵀᴹ. Good luck responding to this flood of words =P
Glad to hear you had so much fun with it; we will of course be balancing out the powerups all throughout the Earth Level, for sure, so we're definitely taking this critique to heart, and it's REALLY appreciated that you wrote all this out!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
So this is more than likely unfortunately a problem that's hardware based with your keyboard; you can read more about it at

The tl;dr though is that your keyboard can't handle certain combinations of multiple button presses at once; a full fix to this would be to use a gamepad as this bypasses the problem entirely.

In the event that you don't have a gamepad or you don't want to use one though, you can check and see which keys are giving you issues by going to and then trying out different key combinations; once you've found a combination of two keys that work (jumping and shooting), you should be able to use the in-game key remapping by pressing ESC during gameplay to change those keys to the appropriate ones that you found out on the test.

I hope that helps; if it doesn't, let us know!

Fake Count

Jun 4, 2017
One thing to note, @HentaiWriter is that I did try the Sewing Needle and Calligraphy Brush together and even then the Sewing Needle seemed very lackluster compared to other damage buffing items in the electric level.

With the Shibu Inu:
  • Protein Drink only increases Healing Orb healing by 20% in this version
  • Protein Drink in your spreadsheet still doesn't work well with it, because it simply doesn't heal enough.
  • Even with the Aulos this seems really weak.
  • I'd never use this with the Aulos anyways as there are other much stronger upgrades that would benefit more from this upgrade
  • An upgrade shouldn't need to rely/require on using 'cursed' upgrades to be useful
What I wanted for the Glass of Wine (more air time basically) as its potential buff seems to already be another item.

Perhaps you should merge the Rugby and Kendo Helmets and make a new helmet that protects against traps? Since the Rugby helmet seems really weak.

I personally don't really care for the random chance ones, especially the 4% for 400% damage and pierce one. 4% chance is 1 in 25 which means its something you can never rely on and it doesn't actually give you more DPS than other items. If you want to keep the theme, make it like 1000% at a 4% chance or something. For the pierce, there isn't many areas where you find enemies lined up in a row in the electric area so you'd never see it be useful enough to warrant using. I think making it pierce 100% of the time, but you only do 20% to the next target would be better.

I think an item that makes healing orbs heal an extra 50% over 10 seconds would be interesting. And an item that reduces regular attack damage to 1/3, but each attack shoots three projectiles in a quick burst.

I think you might want to let the player have at least 4 upgrades equipped at a time later in the game as there are a lot of upgrades that are only useful or not that strong unless used with another upgrade.

And the Aulos upgrade doesn't seem like it'd work with every other upgrade like the one that lets you shoot below you for example.

That's all for now. I might go through the list more at a later time.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
One thing to note, @HentaiWriter is that I did try the Sewing Needle and Calligraphy Brush together and even then the Sewing Needle seemed very lackluster compared to other damage buffing items in the electric level.
It should be doing something like 30-40 damage a shot at that point, which is pretty high damage; that's enough to kill off a Jumperbot in 3-4 hits!

Perhaps you should merge the Rugby and Kendo Helmets and make a new helmet that protects against traps? Since the Rugby helmet seems really weak.
Unfortunately, due to the plot (yes, believe it or not, all of these powerups were hand-picked for the plot), we can't take out any of the current powerups (in terms of looks) or alter them visually.

We definitely will be adjusting a lot of them though, some of them with completely new effects (like the Coral) and some of them just adjusting numbers (like your suggestions with the Drumset).

I personally don't really care for the random chance ones
Me either; when we first made them, it worked, but as it is now, yeah, we're going to alter them.

For the pierce, there isn't many areas where you find enemies lined up in a row in the electric area so you'd never see it be useful enough to warrant using.
Remember, some powerups are practically useless in some areas and other powerups are extremely strong in other areas; we don't want players sitting on the same configuration all game long, we want them switching out powerups probably 2-3 times a level to deal with various tasks, ideally.

For instance, the piercing ability would be extremely strong on one of the Earth Level enemies that replicates itself rapidly, or the row of the Elder Celodsts in the Ice Level. Both of them would be lined up frequently when attacking :p

I think an item that makes healing orbs heal an extra 50% over 10 seconds would be interesting. And an item that reduces regular attack damage to 1/3, but each attack shoots three projectiles in a quick burst.
These might both be good, yeah, I'll keep these in mind!

I think you might want to let the player have at least 4 upgrades equipped at a time later in the game as there are a lot of upgrades that are only useful or not that strong unless used with another upgrade.
This, however, would be very broken, and would make the game's map design get hit hard to balance out possible gamebreaking possibilities as well as just make the player possibly unkillable with some things. 3 powerups is going to be really hard to balance as-is in terms of powerups not being too strong, hahaha.

And the Aulos upgrade doesn't seem like it'd work with every other upgrade like the one that lets you shoot below you for example.
Yeah, it only works with some abilities, not everything.

That's all for now. I might go through the list more at a later time.
Feel free to, looking forward to it; do note though that you'd probably want to wait until we're at least another month or so into the Earth Level, as I haven't went through the powerups with the team yet in regards to reworking them, so we'll probably have a long call about that at some point in the next month and once we've done that, then it'd probably make more sense to go through the altered powerup list.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2016
hee hentaiwriter i love this game but i whas wondering iff it whould be possible that she looses her clothing bit by bit when its getting more thorn apart becausse it doesnt look good when she has no HP anymore she is insta out off clothes.
aswhell when getting more naked the enemy's more sexual attacks and maybe even more


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
hee hentaiwriter i love this game but i whas wondering iff it whould be possible that she looses her clothing bit by bit when its getting more thorn apart becausse it doesnt look good when she has no HP anymore she is insta out off clothes.
aswhell when getting more naked the enemy's more sexual attacks and maybe even more
So unfortunately, as all of the animations are hand-drawn and the costumes aren't just "placed" on her like some other forms of animation, to have partially damaged clothing during gameplay would require Triangulate to make a version of the countless frames of animation he's done already for the game with just that one bit of clothing damage, which would be a huge time sink.

We do eventually plan to have a "nude mode" if we reach a certain funding goal, which would change certain cutscenes and gameplay aspects, but doing a gradual clothing damage thing would take a long, long time.

The reason why she suddenly loses all of her clothes though is because her magic is putting up a protective barrier around her during gameplay; she's never actually harmed or hit with anything that's hitting her during battle, so your "life meter" is really your "mana shield" meter, so to speak.

When her shield breaks though (she hits 0 HP), the power spike from her shield breaking is enough to destroy her clothes; this is why when she's at 0 HP also, she can't just jump up and fight back, because her mana shield breaking signals that all of her magical power is drained to nothing as well.


Mar 20, 2017
What might be a good idea is to be able to trick Faye into getting stuck in the wall Talia can get stuck in by telling her there's a fragment there, as an extra evil choice.

Maybe some background characters trapped in those milk devices might also fleshen out the area a bit? Seeing as we read about captured female rebels/rebellious WORM soldiers in a couple of databanks.

I mean, not that it's lacking in any way. As it stands the Electric demo is a mastahpiece


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
What might be a good idea is to be able to trick Faye into getting stuck in the wall Talia can get stuck in by telling her there's a fragment there, as an extra evil choice.

Maybe some background characters trapped in those milk devices might also fleshen out the area a bit? Seeing as we read about captured female rebels/rebellious WORM soldiers in a couple of databanks.

I mean, not that it's lacking in any way. As it stands the Electric demo is a mastahpiece
The first thing about Faye is something I'm all for, for sure, that's mainly just on Triangulate if he'd wanna do that post-game as polish or something of that sort.

The second one with the background characters in the milk devices is somewhat hard because all of that stuff happens in a different area of the facility (plot-wise), and logistics-wise, with the parallax, having it in the background would mean either it looks really repetitive/odd, or Triangulate has to do a load of variations of the women in them, which might be a nightmare also, but it's not something we'd entirely write off.

Still really appreciate that review you did, by the way :D


Dec 28, 2017
Is there any official artwork for Future Fragments, such as the image in the OP? I really like the art style.
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