VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Game of Hearts [Ch.5 R2] [SparkHG]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2986322

    thank you dev for making this game
    because of my english who isn't really good i will keep it short
    The visual are amazing, the girls look hot. It has already a lot of content for just one chapter, good luck dev u got a great game
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for Ch.4 R1 (4 stars -> 5 stars)

    Returning to this after letting some updates build up, I think it's time to sing this games praises a bit. It's turning into something pretty exceptional.

    This game is erotic. Truly erotic. You may say "well no shit it's a porn game," but this really fits the true meaning of the word. Sex scenes don't just feel like a single part/aspect of the game, but rather they are very heavily ingrained into it. They're almost the core of the game. It's hard to know where to begin on describing them. Sex scenes are long. Very long. There's so much effort being put into making full on intimate scenes, to a level I have rarely seen done before. From the choreography, dialogue, emotions, variations, and whatever other little details, they are very well thought out. It's impressive.

    Now if you're wondering if this is more of a fuckfest given the emphasis on the sex scenes, the answer is yes? Which is usually pretty bad news for me. Thing is, this game is also very competent. The writing and characters have a ton of thought going into them, to a point where they feel realistic. The narrative, though perhaps something you've seen before, is actually pretty compelling thus far. I'm even liking the MC a lot which is a rarity for me.

    I'll also be the first to say that in a world full of magical powers and such, I find mind reading to be a pretty lame one in the grand scheme of things. However, this might be the first AVN I've played where I actually enjoy it. The way it gets engrained naturally into the dialogue is working for me. It can be hot in the sex scenes, and works in an interesting way with the sort of minigame that crops up later. It doesn't feel like something that got thrown in so the MC can conveniently use it at random, but rather an actual important part of the game.

    The seduction gameplay was something that felt new. The game explains it better than I would, but trying to navigate between raising arousal and love while making sure not to overdo it added a fun element of interactivity to everything. The many variations, though not wildly different, are still pretty impressive. Also appreciate than I can follow love routes. You essentially become a drug for these women, but I like that they are more addicted to you as a person than just your dick (though they may be addicted to both).

    Corruption games tend to not be for me more often than not, but this has really surprised me. I think it might be one of the best takes I've seen of the genre. The premise may not be something new, but with how quality the game feels I don't mind that one bit.

    If I had a main complaint, its that I want to see more out of the love interests outside of a sexual light. They have personality, but almost all of the game revolves around sex scenes so far. The element that gets me attached to these characters is showing me the romance that not only happens inside the bedroom, but outside as well. There was actually a perfect moment to do it in that flashback dinner with Maxime, but then the game just skips it. Not going to lie, that was disappointing.

    Renders are nice, character models are great, effort put into the music/sounds, and again the game just has a very competent feel to it overall. Very easy to tell that there's a lot of thought and effort going into this. I'm pretty invested now. A bit different from my usual cup of tea, but I suppose I like variety. This is a very solid corruption game thus far.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, this game is REALLY fucking good. It's right up my alley in tone and theme. If you are a fan of genuine affection and feeling in your AVNs, and not just random fuckery. If you like sex scenes that actually focus on maximizing the female partner's pleasure, as the actual end goal for why you are enjoying the sex in the first place. If you aren't about degrading your partner, but reveling in stoking their arousal because it's just so damn intoxicating to get them literally quivering with desire, then this game is for you!

    Opening scene is with a nice thicc, curvy milf, and the whole thing is built around pleasuring her. Can't speak for anyone else, but I've always found it more fun IRL to focus my attention on getting my lady friend writhing with need for more pleasure, and so far, pretty much all the scenes in this game center around that. You're not playing some immature, incel douchebag, who wants to do nothing but punish the women around him. You're playing a guy who is fairly well adjusted, has a thing for milfs, and enjoys actually taking the time to get his partner hot and bothered before getting to the thrusting. And that's pretty much how this game works.

    It feels very familiar to another game that I'm pretty sure was abandoned years ago, even down to the sex scene on tape and stuff. But frankly, I don't care if it is something of a rehash/reboot, because it's a significant fucking improvement let me tell you. The renders are fantastic, the writing feels natural and thoughtful, as in the writer actually took the time/effort to think about the way 2 humans would speak to each other in such a moment, and describe it beautifully. I liked this one enough to go support it on patreon. I'm definitely eager for more of this. Even though it's a supernatural harem game, and those are a dime a dozen, I do like that the premise of how you succeed, is more built around establishing a genuine connection of intimacy with the women. Not just putting the mind whammy on them and turning them into your fucksluts. The magic doesn't work that well UNLESS you establish a strong bond to them. And I like that. The game also doesn't preclude their free will, one of those really icky parts about any Incubus based story. Their bonding to you is still a CHOICE, and they have to freely do it. And to get them to do it you have to *gasp* form true bonds with them! xD So much more enjoyable for me personally.

    Now the one negative I have. I'm not a huge fan of the multiple choice stats/game aspect of it. I've never been a huge fan of it. I get having it there, to make it an actual game instead of just a VN. But the reality, for me at least, is if I pick the wrong outcome, I just scroll back and pick the other anyway. So the "game" part isn't really a game for me, it's more of an application of the brakes in a way if that makes sense? Like I get the point is to give people the choice to play someone more dominant and overpowering, versus someone more sensual and alluring, and having the woman have different reactions accordingly. But I personally find that aspect a tad tedious. Now, to be clear, I'M FINE WITH IT. It's hardly the first game to do that, and it's nothing a good WT mod can't fix, or simply just scrolling back and watching the meters I'm observing, move in the ways I want. But still, it is a slight criticism, but it's very very minor in my opinion.

    I highly recommend checking this one out. If you like actual passion and intimacy, and empathy, and compassion in your smut, this is a solid entry in that style.

    **Edit for ch2r1 release**
    Still a high quality entry. Everything I said above still applies, both good and bad (though that bad is a veeery tiny bad IMO). It was really nice having more sexy fun times to play around with. Renders are still top notch, writing is still very good, though there were a handful of grammatical errors in the script that I don't know if they got fixed with the public release. But I can handle typos. Compared to a lot of the "writing" in these AVN's, that seemed to have been put together by a hamster with a cocaine habit, a few misspellings here and there are hardly a big issue. Ladies are gorgeously rendered, lighting is really nice too. You don't really think about that as much until you notice how few AVNs actually get natural lighting right. This one does a MUCH better job than most. Gives the scenes a nice warm, intimate feel to them, further improving the overall appeal of the game.
    Still high quality smut, with an actual good plot. It's not super original, like we've seen this basic premise plenty of times in AVNs, but the way it's presented here, is novel in the approach, and with the care and sincerity it gives to the characters, and to the player. Most AVNs I just Unseen Skip past the dialogue, because it's usually utter trash. This one, I actually read it. So yeah, high recommend. Go support the dev on their various sites. This is the kind of AVN that SHOULD get legit support.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    1) Marvellous renders but no beautiful girls, they're just above average. I agree they seem very realistic but I had prettier women in my real life.
    2) A great idea is wasted. With ability to 'hear' others' thoughts we could expect a great and super-interesting plot, instead we get some dull absurd fantasy about demons which need to shoot porno?! It would be much better to see the protagonist living his normal life, not all this nonsense.
    3) Cannot choose girls you are interested in but there's a very nice set of choices for sex initiating. Unfortunately they seem not to have so much impact on what the girl feels and thinks about you, as on some demon energy bullshit.
    I see that the developer has a great potential but (s)he mus think about a different better plot. I hate seeing such potential wasted.
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    That one is different...

    We like the art rendering, it is well written and avoid usual stereotypes.

    As a prologue it is really awesome.

    We rarely play games at this state, but still we are happy we tried yours.

    Very well done and keep the good work.

    Wish you good luck
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game combines complex character development, an intriguing story, compelling storytelling, and masterfully-done graphics, animation, and sexual excitement. In a situation that could have devolved into an uninspiring fuck-fest, the writer has given us an interesting story where we move forward in order to find out what will happen with characters we've gotten to know well enough to want to see how their lives develop. I'll be following this one to find out what happens next.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game looks really great. It has an interesting story and I recommend you to try it out.

    The protagonist is your average guy but the way you turn the girls heels over you is what make it's interesting.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks very promising for a first release. Story is intriguing for now, a lot of room for it to get way better but also way worse, hope the Dev is consistent with updates and we don't have to wait too long for the next one. Looking forward to it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    *for CH1
    (i dont "review " games at first releases/chapter or w/e much -but this deserves it)
    this is at my top 5 at "first release" games

    the renders and animations are high quality stuff

    the writing is very good (some minor corrections needed)

    the anticipation building at the meredith scene is the best i have read/seen so far

    the plot is not overused at this kind of VN´s , some may say rare

    the choice/point system is well thought out

    i wish the dev @SparkHG all the best for his project

    i, for sure, will play through and cant wait for the next release
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex Lem

    This is one of the best debuts for the entire existence of this site, on a par with debut of Motherless for me. Right now MC, story, girls, renders, music, sex scenes is absolutely perfect and I have nothing to complain about. Even though this is just the beginning, but already looks like a future masterpiece, good luck SparkHG (y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The seduction / corruption process in the game is terribly efficient
    Good renders
    Only drawback is that animations suffer a "jump back" effect that is quite disturbing. I guess that would be easy to patch into a simple loop.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a review of the first release, things may have changed in the future !

    Game of Hearts seems like a great game in the making.
    The art style is beautiful, the story intriguing and so far the characters are interesting.
    There is also a surprising amount of content for a first chapter, congrats to the developper !

    My only gripe is with the pacing which isn't on point yet.
    The sex scenes are long, detailed and very much so interactive which is nice but the story elements are as fast paced as A-Train coked out of his mind haha !
    My advice to the dev would be to slow down a little on that aspect.
    That's the reason why I rated it a 4 instead of a 5 by the way. I'd be more than happy to change that in the future !

    Looks very promising, I suggest you try it !
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Chapter 1

    TL;DR: Fantastic start with a surprising amount of content at release. Great writing, realistic renders and a solid cast of characters so far.

    Game of Hearts looks to be a story of corruption and seduction, where our demon-blooded protagonist aims to gather a harem of willing women to worship him. The key part there is willing: the author makes it very clear early on that the worshippers must choose to submit, leading to a mix of romance, corruption and domination which is frankly quite unique. The added twist of our MC being able to read minds lends itself well to the genre, allowing players to diegetically see the girls' thoughts during scenes - a great touch.

    What struck me most is the realism of the renders. Both Maxime and Meredith are true MILFs, looking the part of older women with gorgeous bodies and beautiful faces, without any of the perfect barbie doll esthetic present on so many other VNs. Kudos for that, it's not easy to pull off. The writing is also fantastic - they both seem like real people with actual personalities and mixed feelings, reacting organically to the situations present. Let me put it this way: it's one of the very few VNs where I didn't skip any text at all, and that's saying something.

    Overall the story is engaging if nothing too original. The demon backstory makes for a good excuse to speed up corruption while remaining plausible, and the mind-reading power is well implemented. The MC is likable, being both kind and confident at the same time. He clearly takes on a dominating role without ever seeming childish, inexperienced or cruel. It's also nice to see a father figure who isn't a total asshole - quite the contrary, he seems genuinely concerned for the MCs well-being, which is a pleasant touch.

    Finally, there is some actual gameplay in this, whereby you have to balance arousal, corruption and fear during certain scenes in order to progress a girl's path without scaring her away too quickly. This is done exclusively through dialogue options, but the transparency of the stats leads to an interesting gameplay loop. Trying to find the way to get the most points by the end of the scene is surprisingly engaging, really focusing on the fine balance between caring and seductive.

    An excellent start with a lot of promise, well done!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release wow, just wow.
    Amazing renders and coherent English, wait that's illegal.

    Milf is already obsessed with mc. Amen

    And that deal with Meredith was a turn-on, I went the corruption route and told her to let loose, I was not disappointed.
    Definitely give this a try and see what you think, Dont like NTR but love Netori,(Yes I'm a raging hypocrite) that's fine you'll love this.