3.90 star(s) 42 Votes


New Member
Oct 21, 2017
I really liked the game, though I feel that the enemies didn't scale up in difficulty enough when the danger level increased, then again perhaps I didn't stay and fight long enough. Need to find myself stuff similar to this.
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New Member
Jul 22, 2017
Anyone else experiencing slow transmitting between menues? Like if you go into save area it takes almost 30 sec for it to load. Just starting the game takes 1-2 min. Weird.
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Apr 14, 2018
Can someone explain how to triger Goblina's scenes, because so far I haven't been able to figure that out. Either there is a requirement I don't know of, or she doesn't have any, but I assume it's the first because Blin had some.
Believe it or not, but it took me over an hour to figure out that before you can trigger her reaction, you need to move arrows to grope her boobs. In the end I found out by accident really, I'd have never guessed it otherwise and there is no site or walkthrough that explains this.
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Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
Anyone know how many capture targets there are in total?
The save file provided has 23, but I know there are at least 3 guards you can capture as well.
in the west, in the north and the east. Knight, witch and battalion commandress all in my save.

Can someone explain how to triger Goblina's scenes, because so far I haven't been able to figure that out. Either there is a requirement I don't know of, or she doesn't have any, but I assume it's the first because Blin had some.
feed them then grope her. blin can just be smacked on the ass to get happy thoughts.


Active Member
Sep 19, 2017
how you unlock the memorie before the ending one? someone knows how you get it? this is the only thing i missing and i have no clue what to do XD


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
Some general advice:
Upgrade your sword asap as knights at first take way too long to kill. I mean there's nothing else you can upgrade at first but the first few upgrades make a huge difference especially early on.

Kill the fat merchant looking dudes, they always drop money and usually way more than every one else, sometimes they carry chests which you can attack for more money or an item.

You can unlock other gates, one in the north comes first(after the first boss), then south, then west, you'll know them by their glowing shield and two knights stationed in front of them. Approach the knights and kill them both to unlock the gate, now you can return here with any captured girls instead of walking all the way back to the east.

You can only gain one level at a time in regular mode. Say you get 300 exp and you need 150 to level, when you return to base you level once but the excess exp doesn't carry over to the next level. Genocide mode (which is unlocked after you beat the "final" boss) allows exp to carry over but you can't capture girls then. This is a mode that can be switched on or off without loss of progress. Captures give a big exp bonus.

When hauling a girl back to base stay at the top of the screen(or bottom if you're using the south exit), it makes it MUCH easier to avoid the rocks that the civilians throw.

Learn to use the dash attack, it knocks every non-boss enemy down and can be a god send when you're surrounded.

Money is pretty hard to come by, after a certain point you unlock the castle in the center of town that always spawns knights which is the best way to make money but by that point you've pretty much beaten the game. Before then I've found the best way is to get your danger level to max and constantly run to the left side of an area to the right picking off all merchants and knights that you come across.

I want to say there are 31(?) girls to capture but it's been a while since I played, there's a picture I saw on 4chan that had a list and location of all the girls but I can't find it now.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Damn, I finally killed that bitch. It took me 75 levels of grind to do it. I first attempted it around level 40, and her friggin' meteors one shotted me. Turns out you DON'T use the bomb on that (also, you can walk out of range of that pretty easily), but when the item key flashes after she stops time to summon a bunch of light-spears. Basically, the key to beating her here is to have a lot of potions, keep strafing around until she flies up and finishes her attack, whack the shit out of her when she comes back down, and make sure your active item is the bomb. If you have to heal, switch right back after. Arrows and the bomb (outside of the condition stated above) will not damage her, so don't waste your time and resources trying.

PS to grope Goblina, you need to use the arrow keys too.
3.90 star(s) 42 Votes