Others - Completed - Goblin Walker [v1.53] [rusimarudou]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a very competent battle raper with some fantastic animations and an enjoyable beat 'em up style gameplay loop.

    The dialogue is charming and doesn't overstay its welcome.

    I wish I could give it 5 stars, but it has a couple issues holding it back. The combat in this game is never really challenging. Rather, it feels like swatting a swarm of mosquitoes flying around your head and biting your face. You often have to carry girls VERY far back to return them to your base, which gets old quickly. Was this a mistake on the part of the dev, or did they intentionally do this to pad out the gameplay? Who knows.

    When you complete the main story, you unlock a special game mode called
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    If you like this style of game it is worth playing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Some time ago I played but I remember as if it was the first time, because it was the first game in this style I played. I liked the soundtrack and animation, the gameplay is also interesting, but the plot I didn't like much because I found it a little confusing. It is a game that takes a lot of hours to finish completely but still fun.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version 1.53

    1. Menus are vertically cyclical. Pressing down on the last option moves the cursor to the top.
    2. Able to sexually interact with the shopkeeper NPCs. Increase their affinity by giving them food, then get a sex cutscene.
    3. The shop UI lets you use left/right to increase/decrease the quantity purchased, and it won’t let you purchase more than the intended max quantity
    4. A ‘walk around-able’ gallery is unlocked after capturing 5 women
    5. Good brawler gameplay

    1. UI became unresponsive after triggering the Talk option in the first gameplay screen. It can only be progressed and fixed by pressing the keyboard
    2. No button on the controller acts as the attack key during the tutorial. Switching to keyboard.
    3. Button mashing for sex during combat
    4. Victory animation art after capturing a heroine isn’t great
    5. Laggy during gameplay sometimes
    6. Unclear how to trigger the shopkeeper sex cut scene more than once
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty good having a lot of fun verry underrated game. I like the fighting in this game way too much I like the gals and Deamon ladies in our keep and frequently coming back to play another session. and this is a verry graphic verry visceral experience in meany levels and the writing of this game and the intricate lore about daemons not only clarified for me what goblins are supposed to be in the jrpg cannon but its lore i will be shamelessly cloning for my own rpgs that involve daemons. All in all, the only things i wanted where ways to use each of your captives and the ability to rebind the controls for onehanded people.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: Good and fun, but does get repetitive at some point, and since you have to go to the same place over and over it's not really helping the game

    Music: OK at the start but started annoying me after the first hour

    CG: Most scenes happen in game, usually you can't eventake your time to apreciate them due to enemies attacking you, butcan always bereviewed from the galery. The game does still have some proper scenes tho but in lower quantity, and the art is decent.

    Story, is very nonsensical and exists just to justify you going to the same time over and over kidnapping one girl at a time

    Last criticism: would have probably enjoyed the game more if it offered a better sandbox, by for example allowing the rape of npc women as well, and added some better npc reactions, ex. masturbating while watching, sitting on the sidelines crying, joining you etc.

    Overall lengthy but fun game, it does get boring quick tho, and at some poin you might start to ask yourselves if it is even worth it to go to the city again spending 10-15 minutes in a run for another mini scene that lats 5 seconds.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A fun little hack-and-slash with an interesting twist on combat, mediocre sex content, and a predictable, uninspired story.

    The gameplay is your standard hack-and-slash for the most part, though what's there is done very well. The abduction system is actually an inspired twist that adds a lot to gameplay, both in terms of challenge and pacing. As the player attacks townfolk and smashes things up, stronger opponents spawn in to stop them. This requires the player to have a little more strategy than "smash everything, kill everyone, get to the end of the level". The abductions feel like they could easily be annoying but they never are, instead adding a unique twist and allowing for a little creativity. It's fun to hurl a girl you're abducting at the people trying to get in your way, then turn around and shank the guard who's been following you. It's fun to see if you can juke the guy who's trying to throw a brick at you, and it doesn't feel overly punishing if you fail.

    It unfortunately also gets stale before the end. Most of the progression comes in the form of making the numbers go up, which not only adds nothing of interest but undermines the aforementioned strategical aspect. You don't need to worry about raising the alarm since the knights that come to fight you all die in one combo now that your damage numbers are so much higher. Worse, it doesn't matter anyway since you don't care about smashing things or beating enemies, you just want to make the Kidnapping Quota so you can get to the next part of the game.

    It feels like the game gives the player freedom in how they want to kidnap the women, then takes it away for the bosses. The first boss is invincible until you kidnap 3 girls. The second requires you to have bought and upgraded the bow, which there's otherwise no reason to use. Why make the player jump through hoops to get to the parts of the content they care about?

    The gameplay also isn't elevated at all by the sex content, which is mediocre at best. The player gets a short animation when they abduct a woman, though can't enjoy them since they have to mash a button to get through it, and if they don't they'll get ambushed by the other people of the town and lose their prize. Each boss has a unique scene that's very short, consisting of one looping animation plus a few lines of dialogue. The scenes are poor rewards for gameplay, and the animations don't integrate with the combat. It's just barely better than games that don't even try to integrate the two, and not by enough to make it worthwhile.

    You may enjoy the relative simplicity of the gameplay for a while, though know that it never progresses beyond making the numbers go up. The gameplay loop gets stale by the end, and the ending isn't surprising or inspired. If you're looking to kill an hour or so on a simple game that provides a unique twist on the classic hack-and-slash, give it a try. If you're looking to get off - or god forbid, a good story - keep looking.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 9/10
    Kinks: 5/10
    Overall: 7/10

    Yeeting fucked-silly women at knights and rock-throwing peasants.

    A very competent side-scrolling beat-em up, plenty of things to attack, forgiving combat, and a solid quest-line with an ending that changes depending on your relationship with a couple goblin girls.

    The main quest is pretty simple, you go into town, attack anyone you see, collect the occasional item that drops, and keep attacking until you find the more unique female humans who you dick-down until they mind break and carry this ass back to the exit. See, simple. Along the way you will build up a threat meter (a la GTA) which will spawn powerful knight units to attack you the higher it goes, and cause normal male NPCs to throw rocks and attack you with pitchforks. Collect enough women and you fight the king, who you will also collect and win the game. Took me roughly 10 hours to beat.

    Outside of the side-scrolling battles, you can power up your weapons at the blacksmith goblin girl back at base, buy supplies from the shopkeeper goblin girl, romance both by giving them food supplies you can pickup at full health in town, and progress the plot. There's also a prison area where you can revisit any of the girls you captured, though they are souless now thanks to the whole reviving the demon lord thing so hope you enjoy playing with dead fish.

    Ah yes, the plot. Well, you are a halfling, killed by humans, so you hate them. The demon lord's spirit takes pity on you and combines with your dying body to help you take revenge on the humans, in exchange for your body at the end of it. (don't worry, he's going to give you another) So you work with him to captures girls for the sacrifices, take out enough of the higher ranking female warriors that you can finally battle the king. It's a challenging fight, but easy compared to the secret boss. You defeat the king, take his place, and marry the goblin girls you rizzed. (if you rizzed them, which, you did rizz them, right?)

    The option boss is the time sorceress chick who sealed the demon lord away in the first place and is also why this city has been stuck in time, to fight her you need to beat the game once, reload the clear file, go to the prison, talk to the demon lord's spirit to turn on genocide mode (just means you will always kill humans, including the special ones you can capture), and then fight the king again. After his defeat, which becomes harder as you'll need to save up your ultra attack and healing items, the time sorceress will come out and take you to pain town. I'd highly recommend being at least level 44-47 to even think of fighting her, as her attacks can one-hit kill you. But if you cheese the healing items and time the ultra attack correctly when she freezes time (not slows down time, do not fall for that) you'll defeat her and turn her into breeding cattle for the goblins. The end.

    Overall a great game that I had plenty of fun with, as it was more game-like than a lot of these 0.1v, Beta, Demo, and Early Access titles you will find littered about these forums. Thumbs up.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: It's pretty much what you do in GTA with porn and kidnapping

    Side scroller with fluid control.

    A revenge serve in a hot plate, but they don't even remember you at all with a wholesome ending

    Sex scene:
    Sprite sexes, barely see it, but enough to understand what's going on. oh, and some animated CGs.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Mostly reviewing to remind my future self not to play this if another update drops 3 years from now like it just did.

    It's a fun premise. The story is fun (revenge!), the gameplay is fun (dragging their women back to your sex pit), it's got a fair sound track, but it just doesn't put out on the H side of things. Tons of little sprite animations, but only one per character (meaning most character's wont be fuckable in the position you want to fuck them in) and no dialog during (except for a couple rare scenes), no sex audio I can recall... Most of the sexable females are also nameless beings as well, insignificant. A small investment would make this title perfect, but without it, the game is mediocre in my opinion.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Goblin Walker, emphasis on walker.

    At first I loved this game. Some action rape with some loli options and pretty good sprites.

    What I quickly got annoyed by was the walk back out of the city. Holy shit you walk forever.
    And the control (arrow keys) are not a very good setup for long periods.

    In the end the game crashed and I realized I wasnt really interested in reopening it so... eh.
    Decent gameplay ruined by walking sim.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Short, simple, sweet. Gameplay is a decent side-scrolling beat-em-up that I think strikes a good balance between being difficult enough to be engaging, without making reaching the sex scenes a chore. Only a handful of CGs but plenty of opportunities to fuck women in the middle of combat. And not so long that it overstays its welcome.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Four out of five stars seems like the perfect ranking for this title. It's honestly a really fun, albeit simple, arcade beat 'em up style hentai game that actually operates really well. It's almost shocking how good it feels compared to other self developed titles that tried this, both NSFW and SFW. The story is not that deep, but most of the charm comes from the gameplay and short character interactions, so it makes up for it. Animation, while not stellar, is bountiful with 22 random girl captures, 1 tutorial lady, 3 female bosses, and the two half-breed girls getting 2 each (Total of 30 animations from my findings). All of which are pretty nice to watch.

    The problem that stops it from being perfect is the repetitiveness. While beat 'em ups are fun, ones with a leveling system that is capped and sets you at such a weak stat, means a ton of just going to the first section of the level, hitting a few people, leaving the area just to do one level up, and repeat until you have enough HP to survive simple attacks/kill enemies efficiently. This would've been possibly passable, if it wasn't for the fact that you unlock the feature to remove this level capping system and have all your EXP carry over to as many levels as you want (at the cost of killing potential captures), AFTER you beat the game. It honestly would've made the tedicious sections where gaining too much EXP, only to get a single level up is inevitable, a bit more tolerable if it was just an option from the beginning.

    To keep it more brief, fun beat 'em up style hentai game with lots of goblin goofiness, a bit too much hindered grinding for my liking, but honestly still feels worth the 3 hours it takes to beat it. Although I can't seem to figure out how to get the last animation "memory". Ah well, hopefully you will have better luck than I.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay and art are both really low quality. The gameplay especially is annoying. It took me nearly a hundred kills to get a single h-scene and it was nearly impossible to complete due to being harassed by tons of enemies at the same time. Not a satisfying game at all
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A great fun game that kept me hooked for about 6 or so hours. Pretty easy most of the time if you know how to fight and are spending your money wisely on upgrades. A few of the boss battles force you to think outside the box a little which I appreciated. The solutions were still simple but it was different than just your usual hack and slash. The story isn't bad for what it is. Definitely wish there were more games like this out there. The only real negative is that the game isn't capable. Don't get me wrong the scenes are sexy even with the censorship, but mostly the game keeps your hands busy surviving to worry about fapping. Thank you for this gem.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice game with cute art style, some animations but very repetitive which was a real turnoff for me. Going 4 maps deep and capturing a woman and then slowly crawling back the same way made the game very boring for me. I thought buying the instant return would fix this, but no, you can't instant return when with captured. Shame, makes it a bit grindy with no additional gameplay or reason
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Instant 5/5, hands down.

    You fight all the people in the city, you cause chaos, you abduct women and sacrifice them in a demonic ritual, eventually the armored knights arrive but you defeat them too, the game is FUN. The H-scenes are also pretty good too.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible feel. It plays like you feel it should and the progression of character strength feels smooth. I am constantly on a hunt for games that feel and play similarly to this one. Very unique nothing like it, 5/5 easy. Thank for this and I look forward to more from you. I wish it was still on steam so I could buy a second time.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Goblin Walker [v1.52] [rusimarudou]
    A game that I liked and that I recommend.

    The game is very simple, you just have to walk around the 4 maps and catch the girls.
    I liked the art a lot, even if the actual scenes are very few.

    Nice gameplay but the stones thrown by the farmers have crazy physics. Work tools were promoted, but stones were not supposed to exist.

    I didn't like the story, as far as I'm concerned the "time magic" completely ruins everything, it's something that really bothered me.

    Despite being simple, it's an original game that works well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Not a boy

    A Simple beat them up with good progression, the animation is good and the story is good enough, simple and passable.
    Overall it take me 4 hour to beat this game.
    5 out 5, would recommend to those that just want to have a little bit of mindless fun.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    What an absolute banger of a game. The combat is nice and fluid, remeniscent of old arcade beat em ups. The grahics are very appealing. You can play with kb/mmouse or controller.

    The music is great. The hentai is, as always with the good games, just the popped cherry on top. Play this, if you actually want to play a game and not just fap. Although it's propably easy enough to play one handed...