Others - Completed - Goblin Walker [v1.53] [rusimarudou]

  1. D
    5.00 star(s)


    A fairly simple but completely fun side-scrolling beat-em-up.
    - The combat was repetitive but never felt grindy or monotonous.
    -The sprite animation was amazing and CG's were alright, even with censorship.
    -The story was pretty good, with decently likable characters.
    -The cherry on the top though was that this game has full joypad support.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Well made game, could spend a whole afternoon on it. Good beat em up, or rape em up in this case, and good story for 700 mb hentai game. Personally always preferred to play as a male in these sorts of game instead of female. Usually the developers have you trying to avoid the hentai scene to beat the game, but if you try to enjoy them then you artificially prolong the game, not in this case. Worth playing more then once