Others - Completed - Goblin Walker [v1.53] [rusimarudou]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game! Really fun to play. It bothers me that I didn't know it before.

    +The characters have a lot of charisma and are quite fun to watch.
    +The designs are well done, varied and very sexy.
    +The animations are good, with a decent amount of cutscenes.
    +The story is simple but I found it interesting, it goes to the point and does not drag on as in other games.
    +It has several fun little mechanics.
    +Destroying the city and "gobling around" is a lot of fun.

    -A little short
    -If you don't like non-consensual sex this game is definitely not for you.
    -Combat is basic
    -It can get a bit repetitive to advance through the city.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Definition of evil people : making the best hentai game but you need two hands to play it.

    I love your game and i hope you made more like it. Really loved the art. The story is simple but well made.
    thanks for this experience
    Huge respect
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Goblin Walker is a pretty simple beat-em up. You walk through 5 different stages that you constantly have to revisit. Every time you capture a girl you have to go back to the home base, upgrade your equipment, then start the stage again to get a little farther then last time. The game can get slightly repetitive but it's pretty easy and only take about 3 hours to beat. The actual sexual content is pretty average at best, so you probably won't get much enjoyment if that's your only reason for the game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Seemed fine at first then the RNG kicked in and the first boss showed up. You have to drag them all the way back slower than a snail to the base. Constantly tossing them and fighting a never ending wave of enemies that can deal 1-999 damage as the RNG favors them. You will constantly lose and lose all the experience points and items you gather along the way. The game is hot garbage and lacks any proper balance. Also the grind to get anything is so bad it makes Korean MMORPGs look tame. You won't ever get enough gold to upgrade the weapon or buy items. You will always struggle. Not to mention to build favorability to the female goblins you need way too much food (over 100 each). How the heck did they think making a game so unbalanced would be fun? How the heck did they think making the first area impossible would be fun? The game is just awful and you're better off not downloading it. Don't believe me? Download it yourself. You'll regret it.
    Likes: mc247
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a unique-ish experience. But novelty itself doesn't save it from how boring of a game it is.

    Story 3/10

    You're a half? monster so you're shunned by humans. So naturally, you hate humans. You encounter a demon fireball who merges with you to capture girls.

    Eventually you capture the mercenary king and take over his body. The end.

    Gameplay 3/10

    The main gameplay loop is to go to town and attack randomly spawning humans in a 2D environment similar to TMNT the SNES game.

    If you kill a human, they drop money. There are certain fixed spawn human girls you can beat down, rape, then capture. Capturing is the main purpose of the gameplay loop.

    One particularly annoying part is that you need to carry the captured girl back to base. But you can only walk while carrying. It's a drag.

    There's some element of upgrading/items you can purchase with the money you get which makes the game easier.

    There's around 4 boss battles but they're all quite easy.

    Art 5/10

    There are two types of scenes: mini-animations and regular scenes. The regular scenes are "fully" animated at around 10 fps.

    The old school art is not really to my tastes but the animations are well done. The mini-animations are too small to see very well.

    Overall 4/10

    The game's too short. I beat it in around 5 hours. There's just not enough content. Needs more scenes. The battles need to be more interesting. The plot needs to be more cohesive.

    A side scrolling beat-em up is not exactly new but it's more of a proof of concept rather than a full on game.
    Likes: mc247
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't believe this game has nearly a 5* in here. Also, i can't believe i went through Goblin Walker entirely. This game is a joke. Yeah, yeah it has some pretty artwork and bumpy music. But that's about it. This is one of the most taxing game i've ever played. This system where you have to slowly bring captured girls back to base is not fun. The civilians are aggressive as fuck and some of them are even stronger than the soldiers... If you want to finish this game, get ready to listen to the same bgm for at least 2 hours (village outskirts). You have to capture 20 girls on foot before getting the teleport gobring. Like why? They give you something really useful at the end of the game... Also, when in town outskirts, your partner (the flame head guy or whatever the fuck he's called) keeps repeating the same sht over and over. it gets really distracting at some point. I like the vigilance system though but i just wish there were more enemies and more ambiance. They should've amplified the music on each vigilance level. I also wish you could change your character's appearance (weapon, armor, ect). The h-scenes look exceptional but there are some sound effects missing (pounding, cum sound, ect) which make them less exciting. I just feel i've wasted my time with this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game if you like the subject matter.

    Very solid art and the animations are quite fluid.

    Gameplay is pretty good and doesn't feel clunky or obtrusive like many games of its kind

    Quality rape/raping defeated women/loli content.

    A very solid amount of different women and animations.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    There's not a lot to be said about Goblin Walker so I'll keep this one short. The game is incredibly short, gave me about ninety minutes of play time. However, I'm glad the developer stuck to a focused plan and the game executes everything it tries really well, minor nitpicks aside.

    Having played a veritable cornucopia of RPGM games, I really enjoyed the combat in this one. It's fast and fluid, most of the items that are available in game have their uses and you can use a few different strategies to get around the guards and some annoying pitchfork-wielding villagers. The story is irrelevant in H-Games and Goblin Walker is no exception. Just gives you a good enough excuse to go out ravaging women. I was somewhat annoyed by the occasional fps drop but couldn't gather why it was happening on a gaming rig. Apart from that, before you get a certain item, carrying women back to the base can be an absolute chore especially if you're a fan of going deep into a level. It annoyed me immensely.

    The H-Scenes are sprite-based and they're really well done for the most part. There's a reasonable variety and you can enjoy them at your leisure from the base.

    There's nothing this game does poorly since it doesn't do a lot. So in short, it's an hour or so well spent. I don't really see any replay value, but then again, I am a a one and done sort of guy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Play it on one go, at very late night, and it was worthy.

    The Gameplay is a pretty basic beat´em up, the attacks can be fairly limited, the item and upgrade system (thankfully) doesn´t require too much grinding, the constant difficulty increase is fairly balanced (except for certain boss near the castle, dear lord!) but is still a bit annoying when trying to bring captured girls back to the base. (but there is a mid-game item that helps you with that anyway)
    It kinda reminds me of Castle Crashers for some reason...

    The Graphics are great, the battle animations are pretty smooth, the contrast between the characters colors and background colors is well done, the designs are pretty varied, all the capturable girls have their own unique animations, and the full sex animations are great.
    I have to point out, if these were drawn frame by frame, then is pretty admirable.

    The Soundtrack is good, nothing too special, but does it job well.
    Sound effects and Voices are also done well enough.

    The Story is simple but enjoyable, and helps you simpatize with the characters and makes the ending feel more satisfactory.
    And talking about Characters, they are very charimastic and the small dialogues they randomly drop are pretty fun to read.

    To be fair, even if you take out all the sexual content, it would still be a great game and funny to play as a simple beat´em up.

    Honestly, i wasn´t sure to give it a full 5, because i feel there is still room for further improvement and even more content.
    But when your game has no mayor flaw, and every aspect is done well enough, i think is totally fair to give it a 5/5 anyway.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The 2d scrolling and how fun and crisp the gameplay was made it very fun to play. It has a neat feature that allows you see everyone you have captured, even outside the "bosses", in the prisons, something that alot of these don't include. Helped to make the game feel more fun. It could be argued that it has a little bit of grind since it has a upgrade system, one part being necessary to beat a certain boss, but aside from that, it really isnt grindy at all. In terms of length, if you are playing nonstop you should finish this within a couple of hours, this being good since its not long enough to overstay its welcome and its fairly simple to unlock everything the game has to offer. Would recommend wholeheartedly!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Simple game, simple gameplay, simple art and story and simple everything but it's all well done and fairly entertaining, a good game if you like monster and playing an evil main character.

    Recommanded more for the gameplay than for the porn !
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    1> Artstyle is really impressive and fluid in transitions (within the gameplay).
    2> Some of the Music is really good and catchy in fact.
    3> Gameplay handles very well for a game like this. almost bug free, if properly able to run on the system. background applications can in fact impact the game a bit in terms of framerates.
    4> H Scenes are striking at best, mediocre at worst. CGs are great. Moans can get loud, but all in all, the definitive highlight indeed. The gallery could have been expansive, but the promised sequel is worthy of having that honor.
    5> Difficulty ranges from Easy = Low Medium. Might need to grind just a little endgame. Seriously, tackles are game breaking. apart from a boss, NG+ is skippable.

    'Tis a very good game. try it, you should definitely!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A very well made game, the battle mechanics and story are simple but good. I actually enjoyed so much that i spent a entire night (6-7 hours) playing it on normal and new game+. I would suggest ussing headphones because the moans can get a bit loud.
    I really wished it had more content or more to do in order to get a 5 star from me. Oh well ... maybe in a sequel?
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Very fun, simple gameplay with a good steady level of progress. Simple upgrade elements make the action faster without getting in the way, H content is well made, but sadly censored. Best not to rush, take your time and grind for gold when needed. The game has one very good feature where girls that are already taken to the lair do not trigger scenes, which is useful as many of the girls are palette swaps and it is easy to loose track of which girls are already captured.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    draws/animation: really good.

    story: good .

    gameplay: is good but a bit tedious.

    scenes (erotic ones): hot.

    music: is good.

    conclussion: as a game , it works really well, it could be a bit faster (specially in the "kindaps" parts) the characters are "meh" and the sprites and animations are the strongest point in the game.

    this game deserve your time and money.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    u z i

    wow what a fun game! :p totally did not expect this. nice story and art. gameplay is smooth. there is a tiny bit grinding needed but its acceptable imo. overall quite entertaining, especially if you like this genre.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you looking for a game H with a good gameplay, a good art and animation, you can try this game for sure. But why this game is so good because the story is freaking good and make you feel want to play more and want to know more about the story.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Takoto Ama

    Quick review:

    Charming, quick little, animated, 2D revenge rape brawler that puts you in the driver's seat as a horndog demon. I like that -- not too many games let you play the rapey asshole. You just walk up to the village girls and take them, which is a nice little power trip. The sex animations are voiced and pretty nice.

    I dock points because the combat is monotonous and loose (as with most indie Japanese H-games) and carrying girls back to the castle is a real grind. Also, the hidden boss fight doesn't make a lot of sense. Also, the loli content is offputting to me. But I had fun with the game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Simple game but very enjoyable.

    All the scenes are animated and voiced, CGs and sprites. The art is good. The H-scenes, goblin that rapes all kind of human girls... and can have normal sex with both of the goblin girls.

    Gameplay is fun and fluid but very simple and with few enemies. The game is short so it works. Hack and slash type of game. Not much else to say.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable. Has actual gameplay that requires at least a bit of skill which is always nice (makes you feel like you've earned the scenes). Many different scenes which are all different from each other which is nice, also many different types of girl. Each scene is spread out in a way where you don't get bored but at the same time you aren't suddenly overwhelmed. Seeing an interesting looking girl, hitting her, and then her not dieing is probably more exciting than it should be as you know what is coming next. My only issue would be that I wish you could run faster while carrying a girl. With that sorted then it would be near perfect. I wish for more games like this!