3.50 star(s) 24 Votes


New Member
Oct 14, 2021
Number of steps don't particularly matter, outside of trying to have a multiple of 5, so that you're either at the 'finish exploring' or the boss room of the path, or at the crossroads (note there is no particular benefit to ending here, so feel free to have one step less than a multiple of ten). If you have resources to spare at the end of exploration, then invest in steps.

Personally, I prioritized stats in the shop, starting with INT and MAT to boost the early magic stone/energy economy. At certain levels of INT, elementals will give multiple basic magic stones in return for one (!) magic stone of their element, allowing for net magic stone gain even in the long run, provided we can keep up with increasing stat requirements. MAT just allows us to get more from each ore deposit, making this more convenient (the elemental stone per basic stone spent remains the same, but now we get the same out of one ore deposit as two earlier, and it also boosts energy drained if you need it).

Roughly during and after boosting stats are the crafting, NPC, or recipe upgrades, in whichever order you prefer. I recommend Fairies and tool/magic processing tables, though. The former for more choices as to what elemental stones to spend for X amount of energy, and the latter because tables allow you to craft as many times as you have materials, tools are important for getting the most out of each step, and magic processing tables can offer the option to craft capture stones. Note that both crafting and NPC options are still randomized, so the extra option isn't always helpful, but more rolls means more chances for something useful to pop up. Gold key and bomb recipes are helpful, though the latter is expensive in terms of elemental stone investment to craft in the field.
Thanks for the detailed recommendations, that was very helpful


New Member
Sep 14, 2021
dude how do u even get to the hero basement did 30+hrs keeps running in the underground basement n never runs into her


Jun 30, 2023
Can you make a guide for the game so it can be easier for other player or can you answer me some question then I can make a guide doc myself and post here.

P.S. how to find the Hero girl?
Dec 23, 2019
dude how do u even get to the hero basement did 30+hrs keeps running in the underground basement n never runs into her
First you must find the hero camp. To do this go the forest route (elves route middle left I think) beat the elf queen and keep going not sure what's best but I'd stay on the surface not taking the stairs.

Second you have to battle the hero in the barracks.

Third go back through the forest (elves route) keep going this way, it's random but after you've fought the elf queen you have a chance to encounter hero camp. Keep repeating forest till you are lucky.
NB This is a difficult map so make sure you have lots of supplies.
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New Member
Sep 14, 2021
First you must find the hero camp. To do this go the forest route (elves route middle left I think) beat the elf queen and keep going not sure what's best but I'd stay on the surface not taking the stairs.

Second you have to battle the hero in the barracks.

Third go back through the forest (elves route) keep going this way, it's random but after you've fought the elf queen you have a chance to encounter hero camp. Keep repeating forest till you are lucky.
NB This is a difficult map so make sure you have lots of supplies.
got it! imma go rush it then thanks man!
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New Member
Sep 14, 2021
aight imma upload my save here the save info is in the screenshot
btw feel free to tell me if the save file ain't working

took me a while grinding lol
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Jun 30, 2023
First you must find the hero camp. To do this go the forest route (elves route middle left I think) beat the elf queen and keep going not sure what's best but I'd stay on the surface not taking the stairs.

Second you have to battle the hero in the barracks.

Third go back through the forest (elves route) keep going this way, it's random but after you've fought the elf queen you have a chance to encounter hero camp. Keep repeating forest till you are lucky.
NB This is a difficult map so make sure you have lots of supplies.
Can you screenshot your capture girls?


Nov 30, 2017
Confusing at first, but this game is a 10/10 gameplay wise. Amazing honestly. Can't wait to try his newer game.


New Member
Sep 3, 2020
First you must find the hero camp. To do this go the forest route (elves route middle left I think) beat the elf queen and keep going not sure what's best but I'd stay on the surface not taking the stairs.

Second you have to battle the hero in the barracks.

Third go back through the forest (elves route) keep going this way, it's random but after you've fought the elf queen you have a chance to encounter hero camp. Keep repeating forest till you are lucky.
NB This is a difficult map so make sure you have lots of supplies.
This is... not correct. The Hero base is one of random B3F levels. You have to go down the stairs, after that, it's random luck if you reach the base.

Here's a few additional tips:

  • How you play will be determined by how your upgrades look. Earlier runs will require you to make more difficult choices, and you'll want to hoard some gold/energy for when you finish to get more upgrades. Later runs, your gold generation per step will vastly outperform anything you bring back, so you'll use it like crazy as a resource in the run.
  • Surface level maps are fairly weak, but balanced between multiple resource types. The further down you go, the better the resources per map, but the more focused it can get, i.e. a room with only Energy crystals. HOWEVER, B3F is a huge resource SINK. Many are difficult challenges that reward a powerful treasure at the end. Early on, you don't want to go into B3F too early, as it is unlikely that you get a good payout from it. Some B3F can still give good resources during the challenge (ie, the goblin/merchant map), but it is rare. Far more maps give no resources (Sand worms/Skeleton/Snowman maps) and only exist for the treasure.
  • Several B2F maps have several EXP succubus, including one map that has around 10 of them, for massive Energy boost to quickly powerlevel. Also many rooms with a massive amount of crystals for either crystal gain or Energy gain.
  • Early on, the energy crystals rooms can be very powerful for a quick power spike, especially if you have a decent amount of MAT+ potions. Chug a bunch of MAT+ potions, and boost your energy collection massively to get a lot of early level ups on your stats.
  • CLOCKS are the most powerful items you will find, and the rarest. They are received from the Iron chests, or the hooded merchants, or just rewarded on certain maps (in very small numbers). There are a few ways to use clocks:
    • To farm B3F levels for treasures, you need to go through Surface, B1F, B2F, and finally B3F. This means 4 levels, so you'll want to use clocks in sets of 4 at the end of runs where you are sufficiently powerful enough (and have enough resources) to go for Treasures.
    • Early on, while you are trying to get resources, you can use clocks to extend your time in B2F in order to gain massive amounts of resources. Be aware that some B2F levels do require some resources to get to an exit, so you could trap yourself and end your run if you have absolutely none of a certain tool (i.e. Mining picks/bombs).
    • This is rare, but most stat challenges are scaled on your step count. If you're 1 off of a ATK or INT check, you can actually use a clock to lower the step count and meet the variable challenge (does not work for lockpicking chests, or set challenge gates (does work for lockpicking doors))
    • Clocks reduce your STEP count, so do not count towards the bonuses per step for the Impreg/Drain/Whorehouse at the end of the run. They are only for farming treasures/amassing resources to help the run.
  • One item you can buy is a green box that doubles a certain elemental stone type. You can get three of them. The use of these at the right time can make a run massively easier. One of the more powerful items. A good time to use is once you have 60-100 of a certain stone type, converting to 480-800 of that stone. Then you can use a stone shuffler to spread it out among the other stone types, and once you get to an alchemy table, buy up enough grey stones/capture stones to set up the rest of your run.
  • Item stat switches (crafted at the alchemy table) are highly useful and versatile. Keep many on you, once able (25 is a good number). A few uses can be:
    • Swapping the highest stat to appease the STAT granting demonesses. This is more efficient than trying to use STAT+/- drinks, or STAT gaining foods to constantly top off.
    • Dropping a stat to 0 to easily pass the STAT skeletons. You can use STAT- drinks from several stat types if you don't have enough of one type (i.e. use 4 ATK- drinks, swap to INT to use 3 INT- drinks, if you didn't have enough INT-) Especially true if there are multiple types of Knights in the challenge. Getting one stat to 0, and swapping between stat types to pass all of the knights with only one set of minuses.
    • Conversely, if you need to pass a number of STAT checks, you only need to boost 1 stat up, and swap it around, saving multiple drinks.
  • Torches / Swords will be the most needed items. Especially torches. Torches clear Darkness, Ice (snowmen and ice blocks), Hay Bales, and Animals. Two of the more annoying B3F floors are the Snowmen/Ice (requires at least 60-65 torches), and the Animals/Monsters to clear, because getting through the animals requires a massive amount of swords/torches.
  • To be prepared for most rooms, aiming for: 60+ swords, 60+ torches, 20+ shovels, 10+axes, and at least 25+ bombs( / x3 mining picks) can get you through most challenges. More bombs/picks is always good. More swords/torches is always good. Axes are mostly useless except for the ELF maps. Even then, not that many are needed so long as you are smart with them.
    • When crafting, bombs are better than mining picks. To clear 1 rock, you need 3 picks, which will cost 3 gems, 3 wood, 3 iron. The bomb will take only 3 gems and 1 iron. Only buy picks from goblins if you have enough of your other tools (takes 3 picks to be useful, whereas only 1 for other tools). Prioritize saving wood for torches, and iron for bombs/keys as needed.
    • Don't waste axes getting unnecessary wood - if you need to craft an axe because you over spent, you just wasted a gem since it takes the wood you collected. And an iron. You should get enough just from picking them up and using when needed only. If you get a surplus, you can choose to get wood in order to get more torches.
  • Each map type has a set pool of maps to pull from, with surface > B1 > B2 getting better resources, and B3F being the treasure room. This also applies to the different region maps though.
    • Once unlocked, the KINGDOM set of maps (leading to the princess) is heavy on Guards, Knights, and Knight Captains, good for the Whorehouse (Knights) and Impregnation rooms (Guards). The maps also tend to be lower in crystals (have those ready first), but most maps have an alchemy table, which is good if you're looking for one. The boss map has a Health orb at the very front, but 5x -10 health spike traps (-50 health) so if you plan to clear the room, it may not be a health gain, unless you have higher than 50 max health. Also requires multiple torches.
    • The CHURCH maps are more varied, but one variation has multiple Experience Succubus girls that eat a precious metal (Gold/Jewels/etc) for massive exp. A great way to start an early run. Also one of the few map sets that has a mana orb available to reset mana. Otherwise, max mana is essentially useless, since there are few ways to restore it. The boss level also has a health orb (but in the middle), but also has multiple spike traps to offset. Church maps have more caster types, good for the energy drain room, but still has a decent number of guards for the Impreg room, and a few Knights for the whorehouse.
    • The PIRATE/WAKOKU maps have lots of chests, but the boss rooms have multiple spike traps with NO health orbs to offset.
    • The ELF boss map has multiple paths through, making it easier to reach the end on early runs.
    • I have not run the Adventurer/Elf maps enough to comment on the random map pool for them.
    • Most region maps have better rewards than Surface maps, but may be missing or light on certain resources (i.e. Kingdom/Church are light on Crystals) and do not have stairs (no B2F farming). This makes a choice at the start of any set of 10 Step cycle whether to go down a region for more girls/boss to capture, go for treasures on B3F, or to try to dive to B2F and stay there much longer for better resources/rewards and power up a run. I usually prefer to go Church early for a chance at the succubus map, but I'm a bit of a gambler.
  • The steps ending in 10 are save steps. This gives 9 steps between them to get your resources/treasure/girls.
    • Typically you want to do one Region/Boss route (steps 1-5), and then one dive to B3F taking the last 4 steps.
    • Another option is to ignore the Boss routes, and go straight to surface and down to the basements. This lets you get 2 dives to B3F, with one extra step to either stay on B2F an exta step, or to use only 3 clocks for that 3rd B3F run.
    • Sometimes, especially for the first time you need to make the choice (steps 11-19), it can be helpful to skip Boss route, going to surface(1), B1F (2), B2F (3), and then just stay on B2F until step 8 (4-8), then go down the stairs finally on 8 so step 9 is B3F. This lets you get 6 B2F levels in one run between save points for resource gains. (Basement maps will have 3 exits, 1 door labeled "Exit" will end the dungeon and bring you to surface and you need to descend again, 1 door without a sign will keep you on the same level, 1 set of stairs to bring you down to the next floor.) (B3F will always exit you to surface)
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New Member
Sep 3, 2020
Not sure why I'm writing so many tips, or why I find this game so addictive, but here are a few other tips for the three people that will get to read these:
  • You don't need to clear everything of the room. Monsters and negative effects are more obvious (though on my first run through I had no idea what I was doing and fought everything), but even beneficial effects: Sometimes goblins just don't have a good deal - unless you're desperate for a specific tool, you shouldn't pay 2 gems for it (expect maybe torches). Sometimes a chest or crystal is locked behind some challenges that would just cost too much to get to. Ignore them.
  • If you're worried about resources - unlock your path to the exit first, then go back for other stuff. You don't want to lock yourself out shy of your goal. See the B3 spoiler below.
  • Never feed an animal to make it go away - it's a waste of resources.
  • Some tricky maps may require some forethought ahead of time. See the spoiler below.

Here's a few specifics I mentioned in the last post:

Church map with Demonesses:
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Church Map with mana orb
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Church Boss Map
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A Good B1 Map
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A view on how to progress through a B3 map (one of the easiest)
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Plan your path.

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Active Member
Aug 13, 2017
Not sure why I'm writing so many tips, or why I find this game so addictive, but here are a few other tips for the three people that will get to read these:
  • You don't need to clear everything of the room. Monsters and negative effects are more obvious (though on my first run through I had no idea what I was doing and fought everything), but even beneficial effects: Sometimes goblins just don't have a good deal - unless you're desperate for a specific tool, you shouldn't pay 2 gems for it (expect maybe torches). Sometimes a chest or crystal is locked behind some challenges that would just cost too much to get to. Ignore them.
  • If you're worried about resources - unlock your path to the exit first, then go back for other stuff. You don't want to lock yourself out shy of your goal. See the B3 spoiler below.
  • Never feed an animal to make it go away - it's a waste of resources.
  • Some tricky maps may require some forethought ahead of time. See the spoiler below.

Here's a few specifics I mentioned in the last post:

Church map with Demonesses:
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Church Map with mana orb
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Church Boss Map
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A Good B1 Map
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A view on how to progress through a B3 map (one of the easiest)
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Plan your path.

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Since you're giving out advice on Basement maps anyways, do you have any particular strategy in mind for the B3 that has a whole bunch of nothing but those giant worms that keep halving energy/stones/stats? I'm not entirely sure myself aside from stockpiling the magic stone doubler.
3.50 star(s) 24 Votes