That one is a pain, and the randomness of which worms you get can really be a downfall. A good supply of healing foods can really make the difference there, as worms will always take 30hp to clear. You also really need to count the number of yellow worms you can pass through with your energy, as even high energy counts only get you a few more passes. It's definitely one of the rooms that you would rather get later in the run, and one where you want to figure out what your path is going to cost before committing to it. In early runs, it may be straight up impossible to complete it, and you might have to accept the lost step and just walk out.Since you're giving out advice on Basement maps anyways, do you have any particular strategy in mind for the B3 that has a whole bunch of nothing but those giant worms that keep halving energy/stones/stats? I'm not entirely sure myself aside from stockpiling the magic stone doubler.
Your best friend will actually be the magic stone randomizers. You can clear through one stone type, then randomize them to even out your totals again and not take such huge hits on the supplies of your other stones.
Blue worms are actually the ones you have the most flexibility against. Avoiding opening chests or collecting the stones on the ground can help get a few more uses as well, if the stones align with the stone set you're depleting. The chests can give random stones out as well, sometimes giving you an extra clear on a blue worm or two. Then, with the randomizers, you can speak out a few extra clears with those as well.
Definitely one of the rougher maps since there's no way to gain more energy down there, meaning you have a fixed number of yellow worms you can clear before taking hits to health.
The only items that will help are the stone randomizers for blue worms, STAT foods to offset some losses from red worms (if need be, I usually try to avoid that, but sometimes you need to take a hit or two), and health foods to recover from the hits.
If you're late enough in the run that you've managed to encounter a bunch of animals that you got to torch, you might have a decent stockpile of extra steaks that you can afford to take hits to ATK on red worms.
In my more recent runs, once I have a decent bank of the three STAT foods (say 10-15 of each), I also start using ingredients to make a lot more burgers. I find that I go through health foods a lot faster than mana foods. I also don't use the STAT increasing foods until I need them, such as when my INT is no longer high enough to open a door, or get the 5 stones from the elementals. That helps make the hits from certain enemies (skeletons) lower, and conserve more healing foods for later. Likewise with energy and upgrades - Until I need the upgrade, or need to clear energy for the next pick up, I'll stockpile the energy I have, which also lets me change my mind about what stat to put it in. If I encounter a healing or mana orb, I can dump into those instead to get a few extra health back on the heal and for the rest of the run, then build up for the actual stats again later.
In my current run, I'm on STEP 50, and have 63 steaks, 20 of the other 2 stat foods, and 17 burgers, so should be able to through it if I encounter it, but once you hit step 30+ you essentially have everything you need. Still need to think through some of the puzzles, but this game is definitely balanced towards giving you more resources than it takes, so you'll eventually end up at that kind of point. Up to step 30 can be a bit of a balancing act though. The Star treasure though is what really breaks the game (+500 energy in the prep room at start). I think getting one more of those will mean that I get to start my runs with a guaranteed lvl 21 int, which is what is needed for the +5 stones option from elementals at the start.
---- EDIT ---
Aw man, you cursed me! =P

So I don't usually think this much into detail and just look at overall trends, but this is what the paths look like:

- So the first priority is just getting through.
- Also, I keep myself at 31 health after clearing anything, just in case of mis-clicks. Very easy to accidentally end your run on this map.
- After that, if I have the resources, I want that clock in the bottom right, and maybe the chest in the bottom left, since that's 3 items opened with only killing one worm.
- Since I have 6k energy, I know I can pass a decent amount of yellow worms, so I'll probably favor those.
- The first choice is the choice between the 3rd worm being red or blue - since the potential of facing up to 10 red worms means 300 hp (or 30 burgers) that's a lot... I have 46 health, so that reduces 1 and a half sets (4 burgers and a curry) So I have enough healing items to take it, but it would really wipe those out.
- Since I have enough stones to pass about 24 worms even without shuffles, I'll favor the blue over the red - stones are easier to replenish.
- Since I ran into a lot of cows on this run, and I'm up to 72 steaks, I may favor a few -ATK choices on the red worms to keep healing items for other rooms.
- The pile of 3 green gems and 3 red gems are 2 worms each (you lose 1 stone to rounding). The red gems you open anyways, and the green gems are only 1 blue worm away, meaning you net gain one blue clear.
- The top left chest only requires clearing either 1 yellow (8*) or one blue to get to, for a *chance to get a stone of the colors I'm using. (but chests are good treasure anyways). Since my stats are horribly maxed out and expensive to level, I don't mind wasting the energy here.
- I will probably start with red gems, and then use green gems before using a randomizer. With the two gem piles, that should give me 16 (6+2 each) worms through, and it looks like I only need ~14. I may try the chest after depleting the reds and most of the greens and see if I get lucky.
- Fun fact: If you clear the Worm in that nook to the bottom left of the pink metal in the center, you can actually hit it from the bottom left. (the red worm between the 5blue and 7 blue). In this case, I don't want to fight the red.
- Also, I made a mistake on labeling the screen shot, and you don't need to go through 11Blue. The gold is a free space.
- Once I was out of red and green gems, I went back for the top left chest, and got a lucky green gem from it. An extra clear.
- Grabbed the red gems, used the 1 green to open up the 3 green in center bot.
- Made a few mistakes running through, because I wasn't paying attention, but nothing catastrophic.
- Ended up using mostly the steaks to pass the red worms - I won't ever need 100 ATK, and I have way more than the other stats, so it feels ok to waste them at this point. Might need the healing for the stupid spike trap B3 map. That one is one of the worst, you practically need 101+ base health and STILL need to use healing items to clear that level. It's kinda dumb. And the extras on the map are all not worth it since they sit behind -30 or -60 health worth of traps.
- Also, I ended up wasting that Clock. Had three, so used them gambling that I'd get a 4th in the 3 levels that opened up. Didn't. Oh well.
And... cleared. Though made a bit trivial from being late in the run. Didn't have to shuffle. Still sucks up a lot of resources though.

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