The dinner conversation...
Kalie comes across as complicit in the "plot", or an idiot, void of any rational, practical thought and/or any sense of ethical, moral responsibility; so, the typical "modern" woman who seems allergic to responsibility, reason, and accountability...

Then, in the bedroom scene after, if you make a certain choice, she's "disappointed" in the MC's "integrity". Meaning, she doesn't really love him at all...
I still see the potential for "redemption", but with this update, she seems too far gone now to be hopeful about such a story line.
She's still hot AF and a good, interesting character.
But in terms of a LI, how I've played the story so far, and my preferences, she's now on the negative side of the likeability spectrum.
She's reminding me way too much of my ex-wife now...
I see we're both Karlsson's Gambit fans. If it helps you understand my perspective a bit more, I play the Kane good-dom, Olivia good, route in that one...