Unity - Completed - Hana Exposure! A Blooming Flower~ [v1.55] [Flimsy]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun Game, The way it makes the game 3d makes this very cool to play. just a couple things i'd want

    1. let us save anywhere, if I want to stop playing but am halfway through a day, i don't want to have to either keep playing when i no longer want too, which has caused me to stop playing other games that do that in the past, or have to redo the day. just let us save anytime on the main map.

    2. Let us scroll back if we miss Text/Add a skip button. i personally don't like reading everything, especially when i know it's just filler or exposition, so i like to skip those parts. along with that I sometimes press the forward button twice and i end up skipping that i do want to read. and since i can't save anytime, i don't want to have to reset a whole day just to reread a sentence. and if that sentence was important i may have to not gone through the work of rereading and missesd it and been confused. or it wasn't important and now i'm annoyed i wasted all that just for it to not be worth it.

    just a couple of things. other than that, great game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Long time since i last rated a game, and i have been waiting for rating this one for a while.

    Graphics was the very first thing that standed out to me, not only the artstyle is simple but pleasant, but i particularly love the 3D enviroments with 2D characters, very akin to Paper Mario, nice touch.

    The Plot here works, i remember previous builds that just let this girl wander around town for no aparent reason, which still worked but, you know.
    However, the introduction of those new characters and intro explaining why Hana is there really makes sense to me, and on later chapters, some thing with her past really makes things interesting and helps me understand how Hana's mind function.

    The other Characters are also charismatic on their own, Hana is such a cutie that makes a good contrast between her inocent and exhibitionsim sides, her buttler caretaker is quite badass, that crazed shopkeeper can be funny at times, the doctor and her patients have some interesting interactions, that camguy ain't half bad... and hana's brother sure is an interesting mistery, hope we can know a bit better of him on future builds.

    Gameplay is the weaker end, as it's only traveling to specific locations to trigger pre-set scenes, also i never bothered grinding much on early stages, but honesty, it's fine, as this is meant to be enjoy for the story and sexy scenes.

    Music and sound effects are basically no existant, but can give it a pass.

    Only notable complain i have it's that the game consumes my batterry too fast compared to other unity games i played, which could be an optimization problem, or just my laptop becoming shitter every day.

    But with all that said, i really love this game, Hana is an absolute cutie, love corruption games where the girl is actually happy and willing to become more and more perverted by her own, wonder how slutty can she be when we reach level 7?... but anyway, while there are some key flaws with this game, i can't help but still giving it a 5/5 score.

    Absolute favorite that hopes gets completed, not only for the sexy scenes, but also that intriguing plot you added on the latest builds.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I tried v 0.62

    Very cool, but needs more work. Art and writing are good. There's not much in the way of gameplay; it's mostly just picking which order you do stuff in. However, with a bit of work, I think it could be quite excellent.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    There's some graphical glitches, a few typos, no sound whatsoever, the gameplay is pressing enter.

    The content is the best fprotag exhibitionism I've ever seen. Pacing is exquisite, art is crude at times but always cute. Everyone should at least try it until the first levelup.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like exhibitionism this is gold, great writhing, great art, likable characters, great scenes.
    This is a slow burn tho, dont expect she to instantly go around nude everywhere. The main character starts of as not even being aware of being an exhibitionist, so we get to see her slowly discover herself in this adventure. The only downside is that its not finished yet, so there is no gallery and save system as of version 0.611 beta, so be aware that you may skip on rewatching some scenes by accident.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Himitsu Yamada

    This is LITERALLY one of the best (or even the best) Н-game in the genre. I played the 0.45 version for the first time and already then I got incredible emotions. However, version 0.611 is just amazing! Extremely happy to find one of my favorite games updated again. Looking forward to the full release of the game. And, of course, I will follow your new games, Hero of Modernity!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.611 Beta

    TL DR: Definitely worth trying if you like the embarrassing/exposure genre any bit. But be aware it can be a bit slow paced for some

    +Really unique ascetics with comic style art integrated with 3d environment
    +Teasing/exposure scenes done extremely well
    +Has a great Level/event Progression
    +Writing is quite decent
    +The scenes & art are drawn superb

    --Cons (some suggestions as well)
    -Cant save anywhere
    -Unable to see past events after levelling up (do get a warning at least)
    -Cant skip introduction
    -Some events has a bit too much dialogue
    -Loading screens (art in the loading screen is nice but still, getting one for entering every building and for some events.. i understand this probably mandatory since its Unity)
    -Cant skip events already seen - Would be good if the initial event icon would grey out much like the way the pink heart is grey when you have already started the event
    -No run button

    All in all, these kind of female protag games are always my favourite, this one definitely included.
    Nearly a year since i last played it and seen huge changes throughout the game, most which are definitely welcomed. Love the new crater area that's been added, the redone scenes & expanded scenes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    good game, need some work, and more develpment, but good game
    At first there were somebugs with certain jobs, butthe developer fixed it, and i liked very much the slow progression of lewliness and how bold the protagonist was becoming
    the levels thing was a plus
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR This game is another excellent addition to the exposure genre that uses a slow burn and a new engine to allow the developer to play with their ideas. Jump into it with a focus on the joys of exposure play and not hard sex and you will be pleased, engine choice be damned.

    For anyone who enjoys exposure porn this is great, its a moderate paced build up of a girl discovering that being naked in public is great, and letting people enjoy her is kinda fun.

    There are three main things that people should know prior to playing:

    1. Firstly, the game world is in 3-d the scenes are not. This can make you ask "why" to which I answer...why not? The creator probably wants to test their ability in unity and knows everyone is sick of RPGM. Engine choice doesn't negatively affect gameplay unless apparently motion sickness. If you DETEST walking for 1 minute in game between scenes learn a touch of patience or hit up hentai foundry for pic after pic after pic.

    1. Secondly, to those who want sex hard and fast, you wont find it here, nor should you expect it. This is an exposure focused game, sex appears to be on its way but it shouldn't be rushed. Allow the slow descent into degeneracy to build sexual suspense, lord knows your ancestors watched you patiently as you slowly submerged into the depravity that led you here. You didn't jump straight into watching two midgets rail a donkey while a lady peed on someone's feet, it took you time, allow Hana the same courtesy.

    1. Finally The mechanics, yes some things are repetitive, knowing when to do what can be missed and you can't auto skip scenes you've seen. While all of that is a tad annoying this comes with the developers first go at the goat, and it isn't boner breaking. There can always be mechanical improvements in any game, the legendary Milfy city has some dodgy bits that leave you going "where the hell do I go now" that's just part of the business. Nothings perfect, including your claw hand you master baiter.

    All in all this game, as it stands, deserves a 4 star rating, nothing to make you think "maybe I should tell my friends about porn games and f95zone...maybe they will be impressed" but certainly something that anyone who enjoys exposure hentai should play.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The author might not have the highest technical skill, but they have good taste. As a result, the game may not be exactly 'great', but it's 'charming'. I enjoyed the .5 version, waiting for more updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    In comparison to the copy paste games of the current generation of h games, this game takes a step off the beaten path and tries to be something unique. While in it's early stages, the devs have yet to give into the mainstream type of game. after this game is completed, i hope to see these devs continue to give their time and effort to developing their unique game type and improving upon their mistakes and one day create their mark in the industry. hehe xD im waiting for a download to chugg it's way through by shitty bandwidth and this is how im using my time, fukin prrriiiiimmeee, DEVS I LIKE UR GAME ITS COOL
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The 2D parts are gorgeous. Shame they're put in such a empty, sterile 3D engine. Plus, the 3D engine makes this game play like a RPGM game - far too much pointless walking back and forth.

    The embarrassment storylets are well done - it really shows the creator shares the kink.

    Note: As of v0.33 there's no hardcore content. Not sure there will ever be. (Just a heads up if you need more out of Hana than her being ogled)

    Note II: I'm getting the impression each new version adds quite a lot, so if you're into the genre, I'd keep an eye out for this.

    Shame the 3D engine seems here to stay, though.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    My head hurts from playing this game. It's called motion sickness and sometimes comes from videogames. I don't know why it was needed to give this game an open RPG world. Is it necessary? Does it add any value?
    Most of the time is spent moving from building to building which hurts my head and eyes.

    There's no skip button. You cannot ctrl-skip already seen text.
    You use the central "enter" button on the keyboard to get the text moving and there's no customization. Second "enter" button (on the numpad) doesn't work. It's extremely frustrating.

    On the positive side, the writing is decent. Art is interesting.

    This could have been a decent game in a standard setting, where you can move between locations (rooms) by simply clicking the corresponding room images. Plus keyboard customization and this game could become 4 star instead of 2.

    Version: 0.41
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm coming back 3 years later, and boy has the game progressed.
    It is now a bona fide great exhibitionism game where you go from the baseline all the way to pretty much to going (almost) naked. Top notch exhibitionism and corruption. Looking forward to the next updates!

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  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on my experience with many adult games (which isn't something I'm proud of) I can say this is easily a 5 stars game, at least in its current state. I say this because of the amount of low-effort content a lot of devs are putting out these days. The standards are getting lower every day, so if I see a game with actual english, no grind, good art and simple mechanics, it's a 5/5 for me. Also, the art is really different from what we're used to and the gameplay itself is pretty original. My only feedback is to make the map smaller in future updates unless that space is going to be filled with something. In that case, keep going.

    I wasn't even going to review the game at such an early stage but I was really confused to see those 3.5 stars for a game that just started development. That's simply unfair. Wait until the game has more content. The reception was good and this is basically a demo.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Hey! Your game looks promising so far, and we all start somewhere right?
    I have to put 200 characters in this so we might as well actually go through the motion, so without further delay...
    The story, at least from the description, sounds like it's believable to an extent. The exposure doesn't make all that much sense, but that could be her playing into what people want so it still kinda works. 6/10
    this seems pretty original from what I have seen on this forum. not many games have you stranded in a town exposing yourself and working as a maid in the process. 8/10

    Dues to this game being the first release version, and brand new, I'm not going to delve into this. This is because it hasn't had much of a chance to grow yet. Sound, Voice Acting, Bugs, and Content amount will also be spared from judgement. ?/10
    yeah, it's pretty playable. I do have a few issues with he movement system however. For one, when you are walking away from the camera or towards it, you cannot switch to sideways. This could be solved by making it follow the most recently pressed button rather than the axis. Another thing that may be a good idea is turning up the gravity on the player entity, when you gown down the stairs in the inn, you float down, you can keep moving forward during this and reach the wall right as you touch the ground. the mechanics of working is actually pretty decent, not the most original, but if it isn't broke, why fix it? 5/10

    one of the perks of being a brand new game is that you never have to worry about performance. A refrigerator could probably play this game without any problem as it stands. 11/10
    I'll have to admit, some of the animations aren't as fluid as I would have hoped, but they may be place holders or key frames, I can't really say due to how young the game is. for now though, it may be good to smooth them out a bit more than they are currently. otherwise, this has some nicely drawn characters, the cg's might need a touch up, but they aren't unbearable. 6/10
    you do great on this, but that's partially due to a lack of game, I will revisit this as well as the rest of my review when you get a bit more out. 8/10
    this is by no means a bad game, but it isn't a finished one. I think that with quite an amount of pollish, and maybe a but of lube, you can get this game to really shine. I'm giving it an average rating until you get a few more updates out, alright? overall, 6/10 not bad.