I really like when we have that choice to stay above a settings "corrupting" influence and remain "pure". I liked Lilly so I'll have the mc focus on her. I like building confidence without going full blown slut. I hope that's a route.
It is. Now Annika is always a bit of a smart ass. You can't change that. But how you approach the other characters, how you talk to them, and how you pursue or not, is up to you. I can tell you that each character has their own likes and dislikes, so being a slut and trying to corrupt them, won't work on all of them. You CAN corrupt all of them, but some of them need you to take it slow, act morally good, and use logic to talk them into doing corrupt stuff... While some of them, want you to be a dirty slut... Each one is very different. You very likely WILL NOT be able to sleep with all of them in a single playthrough. BUT, I have a new game plus system built into the story, so you can go back, keep your points, and keep trying the other characters.