- Sep 26, 2020
- 815
- 1,667
Good catch on me confusing what the player knows with what Suzi knows. And I admit that there's more to Suzi than the surface brattiness. Revisiting some of the content to update my opinion of her, I found the scene where Emma visits Suzi and tells Suzi that the MC looks after her now that Suzi isn't there, and Suzi thinks something like "don't say that, not now" - obviously she's very concerned about Emma's wellbeing and hurt that someone else may be taking her protective role.Are you sure that Suzi knows that? Did Charlie tell her the real reason why she hired a bodyguard? I don't remember exactly, but I doubt it. Charlie is keeping Emma's stalker problems a secret from Emma and highly likely from Suzi, too. Not to mention everyone else besides her own sister/manager.
You are assuming that Suzi knows everything that the MC does and is there for and is still throwing a fit despite that, but she doesn't really know jack shit. Charlie told her that she hired a security guard for the house because of the "crime spree in the neighborhood" and that is what Emma and Suzi know about him. Suzi has no idea why the guy has to sleep next door to Emma's room, which just happens to be her room. She thinks that the "security guard" could as well sleep somewhere else and possibly the guy demanded this room to himself because it's better than the place he was offered, which makes him an asshole.
She has no idea that he's there to protect Emma from a crazy stalker who even breaks into the house. She doesn't know what you know.
This is the first conversation between Charlie and Suzi about hiring a security guard:
I looked through the code and didn't find anything about Suzi knowing the real reason of MC being there.Python:mom "[name_od], I have something to tell you. But I don't think you're going to like it." od "What is it? Oh no, you're not going to embarrass me and go on one of those reality TV shows are you?" scene 02_261 mom "No. I'm thinking of hiring someone to provide security for us and guard the house when I am away." scene 02_260 od "So?" scene 02_261 mom "So, he would need somewhere to live...in the house." od "Mom, don't even think about it!" mom "[name_od], I need to put him in your room." scene 02_264 od "MOM, DON'T YOU DARE! YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT!!" od "THAT'S MY ROOM! THIS IS TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT!!" scene 02_261 mom "I'm sorry, [name_od]. There is no other option." scene 02_264 od "YES THERE IS - MAKE HIM SLEEP ON THE SOFA! OR PUT A BED IN YOUR DUMB YOGA ROOM!!" od "WHY DO YOU FUCKING HATE ME, MOM?!" scene 02_261 mom "[name_od], what does it matter? You're hardly ever here now anyway." scene 02_264 od "{size=+5}YEAH, WELL I WON'T BE THERE AT ALL NOW!!!"
Until the 8th episode where Suzies roomie makes an assumption that maybe he's there to protect Emma from Johno. And that only after Emma tells Suzi that MC has been acting as her bodyguard and not a house security, that Charlie claimed him to be hired as.
It's only then when Suzi and her roomie are finally realizing that Charlie didn't tell the real reason of him being there.
But she's still a brat who massively overreacted to the MC taking her room. Note the line "Why do you fucking hate me, mom?!" - Charlotte is hiring security she feels is necessary, Suzi does not live at home, it's Charlotte's house, and in no way does giving the MC Suzi's room indicate she hates her daughter. Suzi has no evidence the MC demanded the room so acting as though he may have is equally immature. And she extends her anger into a threat to not come home again. This is the reaction of a young child throwing a tantrum, not a girl who is already in college. Not endearing.
It's kind of odd that such a rich celebrity model has a house with only 3 bedrooms and no guest room, but that's artistic license right there.
Even after starting to think that the MC may be there to protect Emma, she refuses to trust him, though he's done everything right to indicate he can be trusted. She hints to Emma that he may be a bad person and she antagonises him - see the scene where she verbally attacks him for making her late because she was waiting for him, but she never told him she wanted to talk to him so it's her fault she's late, not his.
I am sure there will be character development and she will come to trust him and soften her attitude. My stand on her as a potential LI is based on her behaviour now. Probably she'll never be one for me because I doubt she'll change enough to be as sweet as Emma, or as exciting and alluring as Lucy (who is also really sweet, though perhaps not as much as Emma.) But I could see a future in which we are friends, once she stops being immature. And I can understand why others might like her already.
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