
Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
That's so weird, that's the black garden. Well, I say that's the black garden but I'm double checking now.
I'm surprised you don't have it by now. I would think druids or devils. I'll be back to you with an answer as soon as I can.

Edit: If that's the black garden (still checking), the only reference I can find is to a druid girl and what I assume to be a devil guard in town, so that's probably the trigger. I'll update this later if I discover anything else!
I tried to take that into account. Switched population around. I currently have 7 druids and 5 devil soldiers, among other things, and nada. :/ I've seen druids interact with a puppy and with a salamander at one point, but nothing about devils.

I suspect that druids are definitely the trigger, because they're the only race that hasn't triggered anything so far, but what else is involved, I have no idea...


I only have druid pharmacists from the lost forest place that you find with the help of pharmacists in the first place. Is there a second type of druid that can be found? And if yes, where?
Jun 18, 2022
Yeah, this one's really weird. It doesn't look like the druids have four professions from what I can see in the files, though I am fairly certain I can't see everything. Farmers and pharmacists? The texts I expect to reveal the route to black garden, don't seem to mention where it's actually triggered. They don't often mention the Black Garden by name, so actually finding every reference is very difficult.

Plus, the druid farmers are probably found in black garden...which is where you can't go, so it isn't that.

So, I take it that you've recruited all the unique one off NPCs inside villages by now?
Because Black Garden is very rarely mentioned by name, it's not really easy to track down, so I'm sorry about that.
I'll know for sure in a day or two, though, promise.

As for what you said about the armor - you're correct. Not only are there puns in those names, but they do indeed not mention teaching skills. But as you have found, they do teach skills. Uhh, I take it pressing A or shift doesn't tell you that they teach skills?


Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Yeah, this one's really weird. It doesn't look like the druids have four professions from what I can see in the files, though I am fairly certain I can't see everything. Farmers and pharmacists? The texts I expect to reveal the route to black garden, don't seem to mention where it's actually triggered. They don't often mention the Black Garden by name, so actually finding every reference is very difficult.

Plus, the druid farmers are probably found in black garden...which is where you can't go, so it isn't that.

So, I take it that you've recruited all the unique one off NPCs inside villages by now?
Because Black Garden is very rarely mentioned by name, it's not really easy to track down, so I'm sorry about that.
I'll know for sure in a day or two, though, promise.

As for what you said about the armor - you're correct. Not only are there puns in those names, but they do indeed not mention teaching skills. But as you have found, they do teach skills. Uhh, I take it pressing A or shift doesn't tell you that they teach skills?
For the armor I mentioned, no, the full stats revealed with A/Shift does not show that off, so if you're not paying attention to your skills, you're gonna miss it. It was honestly pure dumb luck that I saw those skills, and I definitely won't check every item in the game that may or may not have a skill attached to it.

As for the Black Garden, no luck opening that up. At the rate things are going, I'll have Shiro and her party reach lvl 99 and then beat the Abyss dungeon before that gets figured out. Possibly. I'm not playing the game as much right now since other things are taking priority.

Still no luck with the Abyssal mats aside from that one thread mentioned by that one guy some pages back. Found one messed note of hints for the Abyssal ore, but I'm not sure if it was originally that mangled/vague in its original language or not... but it's near useless and doesn't tell you anything that the ore description itself didn't already hint at.

Btw. On a side note. Is there any penalty from using the services of that shadow thing that takes Future Fragments to give party members extra skill trees? Can you get more than 2-3 Future Fragments? Because getting the Witch and Commander tree on every member of my favorite party would be hilarious... Among other things. Cuz Shiro's already maxed out with AP from Life activities.

Also, I'm surprised no one mentioned that rewards from Tanika include Potentiality. Giving her ~350 of any mat at a time has good odds of giving that for a reward, which lets you build it up pretty fast. Also about 6000-8000 money does it too. Had the best results with 7000 myself. Once you max-out the town, you don't have anything to do with the income, so turning it into Potentiality and Dragon Nostrums for the girls makes plenty of sense to me.
Jun 18, 2022
If it's necessary for completion for you, I can compile a list of items that carry skills that don't mention them, now that I know such a thing exists. I probably should have expected that, given that semi-uniques carry skills that they mention in their description, but you can't learn those skills from them. If it's that way, then it would almost make sense that there would be items that teach you skills without mentioning it. Or, maybe he merely forgot to write them in, though that would be a little weird.

To be honest, the second you step into the abyss dungeon, you'll be level 99. The enemies in there grant an obscene amount of experience. It was also where I discovered that Kunyuu had a magic reflect skill I failed to notice because I almost got toasted by something in there.

In regards to what you said about the game being a game with some sex attached, rather than a hentai game, that is true. It's a very comfortable game to play, even though sometimes it's hard to snip around Shiro's rapist tendencies. Outside of that it's pretty much everything I was looking for in a work. I can't forgive the rape, but I can at least appreciate that Shiro tries to make up for it, which is more than you see in most of these kinds of things. In a way, it's a slice of life with fantasy, a standard issue eugenics elf king, and lewd things. (All elves are racist - Falwithwier, Embric of Wulfhammer.)
Speaking of slice of life, props to the line "Oh no, I missed breakfast!" when Kunyuu asks Shiro if she's got morning wood. That's not how the translators wrote it, but when I first read it in the Japanese version, that was my interpretation. That's just adorable.

Unfortunately since the machine I normally use to work on these things is toast, too, I can only occasionally dip into the files to have a look. I'll compile a list of the legendary items for you at the earliest convenience. It's true that most of the hints are horribly vague, and honestly I don't particularly see how they could be fit into English very well. Some things just aren't going to translate well, right?
I suppose, now that you mention it, it might be a good idea to straight up make a wiki somewhere to compile everything, too. The Japanese wiki is pretty barebones, all things considered.
Since there are still lots of people who won't grace this particular location but might need some help, sometimes.

Uhh, in the course of writing this message, I just realized something. You say you haven't beat beat the abyss dungeon, but you already have a Future Fragment. Is the dungeon where you acquired the Future Fragment not the last dungeon!? (The upper right one, right?) I know before I lost my last save I was missing one piece in the upper left of the map (no, not the forest, that dungeon looking place). Oh boy I'm all sorts of mixed up now.

But in any case, no, no there should certainly not be any penalties for basically going nuts using those fragments. That's the reward for going that far, I think. I was not able to test, but I'm pretty darn sure that boss can respawn , though I don't know the trigger. Or maybe the fragments are just in a chest where the boss should be on subsequent visits like it is in other areas.

What team do you use? Shits and giggles, I love learning about how people play games. Have you considered going through the Root Abyss?

There are only a handful of people who probably made it all the way through. It's only been a couple of months, and many of those months were people tripping over the crashes and missing audio, understandably so. That being the case, and because many people only pick up a game for the porn, there might not be many people who met Tanika, much less used those services. But that's absolutely amazing. My Japanese copy lacked the DLC with Tanika so I didn't even know that existed. But you're right, that's amazing. You can craft potentiality, you probably know, but being able to get more "freebies" in essence is never a bad thing. I used some nostrums a month or two ago just to get Shiro's HP to 99,999.


Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Well, to start things off, I'm personally not too worried about items that have learnable skills that aren't visible in their description. While some could be useful, it's not game-breaking if I don't know them all, especially since I don't even use all possible item types to begin with. Might be useful for people that are genuinely interested in learning everything there is to learn about this game though, especially whoever wants to mess with the hardest difficulty.

Speaking of, the game doesn't explain those difficulties at all. Is it "Very Easy - Easy - Normal - Hard"? Or is it "Easy - Normal - Hard - Very Hard"? I generally like to play these games on normal myself, whatever that is, but with this one, I have no idea... I also have no idea what difficulty even does in this game, exactly.

Moving on.

I've already stepped into the Abyss dungeon several times now actually... but I was way under-leveled when I started, so I had to be careful about fights, and on top of that, the place drains Stamina and Satiety like mad. Like holy crap, they go out stupid fast and my Shiro has 630+ Stamina at this point and 550-something Satiety. Mining and cutting trees there drains things stupid fast... It does give a LOT of experience, but the fights have to be managed a tad carefully, even with Shiro having 6000+ attack and being able to double Aura Spam and delete mooks fast. It's also tedious to need to constantly heal her between fights, because Aura spam... Most problems pop up when, for whatever reason, Shiro glitches out and doesn't do her second attack. I'm not clear what's causing that. I think it might be an interaction with the passive from the Individualist tree that also gives a chance for a bonus action... but I'm not sure. Especially since it does kick in at times and lets Shiro start the battle with 3 actions. Or maybe it's the use of instant action skills? Ugh. Too lazy to figure it out tbh.

Speaking of party stuff...

The Party I run is Shiro - Lueme - Mamo - Nyaika. I'll put this under a spoiler, because it's quite a bit of rambling.

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Moving on again. Future Fragments. I got one from beating the Daemon, and another from beating the Founder of Stelights in the Tower. I have no idea if either of these respawn or if going through their MDs to the end has chests that might grant these... I'll have to look into that. Would be interesting, because adding more skill trees to various companions can make them stupid broken in various ways, especially since the Basic Stats tree lets you use all weapons and armor like Shiro can with some investment. Commander and Witch Trees for everyone! Seriously some of the best trees there are.

As for Tanika, while I got her pretty late, as far as I can tell, you can actually get her fairly early on. You need to have, I think, 3 elven lumberjacks and Myrtle Forest unlocked, and the event for her triggers. I think you also need to have Mirrot unlocked and the Trade center built up before it can trigger. Dunno about any story progression conditions though. Either way, considering that once you really get going with Farming you basically have Infinite Money, with some patience, you can have infinite Potentiality even without crafting any.

I can't craft any btw. I think the key ingredient for it, the mind stuff, is in the Black Garden. XD Philosopher Stones are oddly cheap to make, gotta say. Not sure what the deal is with that.

Finally, we loop back to crafting.

I still think that it was a poor choice on the Dev's part to basically lock all the Legendary craftables at the point in the game where you don't have much to use them for. Sure. There's the "Temple of the Seal LvL 90 recommended"... but you need to go IN there to get the key stuff ANYWAY, and then you have some extremely obscure hints on what to do with any of the stuff involved. By the time you figure anything out, you'll be capable of clearing the dungeon anyway tbh.

Either way, the hints don't help much. Not just the ones in the "Nonexistent Equipment Notes", but also the ones related to Abyssal stuff in general. Like. The ore tells you that it absorbs all elements. And then the tattered note you find about it also tells you to combine it with high element stuff and something else that's mangled. Thanks game. I didn't guess that already. It's not like there's a bajilion permutations I could try or anything...

He should have left the Inspiration system work at least for the mats. It doesn't make sense that it DOESN'T work tbh, because the whole idea with Inspiration is that you have stuff and Shiro things about how to use them in between doing other stuff. You'd think she'd get an idea about how to bash Abyssal Ore into a usable ingot of some kind sooner or later. But nope. Dev apparently thought that's too easy for some reason.

Either way. I expect that newcomers to this game would appreciate at least having the option to reference a list if they get bored of trying to bash things together to see what may or may not work. Maybe I'll try looking at the game files myself to see if I can dig up anything. If I have time. Dunno this week. Pretty busy IRL.
Jun 18, 2022
It may not matter whether or not you download the custom fix or the regular. Pretty sure I just downloaded the regular version. You'll need these -- RPG-FIles are the thumbnail CGs for the sex events, and the missing audio files are here in audio.rar. The thumbnail CGs can be just dropped into your pictures folder, it doesn't need to be the CG folder specifically I think. The audio files should be pretty obvious where to put 'em.

This other object here is a potential fix for the auto battle glitch, but don't really count on it just in case. Save regularly. You can use it or not, it goes into the plugin folder.
Addition as of September: Uncensored Nyaika! Just put this in your Busts folder.
Everyone who sees this, please rejoice that you're not doing the crazy things people on Steam are doing to prevent the audio errors.

Linked post to guide for the game. (Thank you for so much hard work, FruitSmoothie!)
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Welp, I decided to fuck it and look at some of the game files myself. Amusingly, I discovered that the Items.json, Weapons.json and Armors.json have pretty much ALL the recipes for the relevant stuff in them. This allowed me to find the stuff for the Abyssal mats and several legendary items. Interestingly, some of said legendary items don't seem to require Abyss stuff specifically... but they still require post-game mats that you find in some of the final dungeons of the game... so you don't get to use them much anyway.

Also interestingly, the final sword in the game, the best of the best, doesn't seem to have a memo in the impossible items list... possibly because it's "just" two Abyssal Ore based ingots. Dunno what the logic is there, but ok.

I think, but I'm not 100% sure, that you can also get the super-spear without entering the final dungeon, just the one before it... and that thing is absolutely stupid... mainly because it has a skill that seems to 100% seal and enemy for a time, making them unable to do anything.

After that, I said further fuck it and went to beat the final boss, the big-bad Calamity thingamabob...

Whoa boy. Hell. Now THAT was a crazy boss. High damage. High action speed. Summons super-annoying ads. TONS of health. Like, holy crap, Shiro was doing 40k+ damage per Aura hit and it was only slowly punching through, and that was with similar damage from Lueme and damage ranging in the 10-30k values from Nyaika... But you can't really deal damage every turn either. You have to heal, raise shields, and ailments resists and stuff, or that thing will BODY you. That's on top of me regularly debuffing the thing. Mamo nearly died three times. Lueme did die once. At one point nearly my entire party got completely blasted with debuffs...

Admittedly, I underestimated the thing and nearly paid for it, but I managed to beat it in the end. Alpha striking that thing will probably not work unless you have something absurd like, I dunno, a full party of 8000-ish Attack glove users bombarding it with absolutely every instant glove skill ever while under Assault Command and whatever other stance you can pull to eek out a bit more damage... It's likely impossible on the hardest difficulty without a full 99 party... but I'm not gonna test that.

Oh, and the thing drops 10, TEN future fragments. With the 2 I had before. I was able to get Witch+Commander on Lueme, Mamo and Nyaika, and then Tank on Lueme and Nyaika, and still have 5 left over. That's crazy. Not that you have anything to DO with that sort of crazy combo... Unless the last boss respawns somehow, and you want to challenge it on the hardest difficulty, I guess. I recommend getting Sage on every member of your ideal party that doesn't have it too, because the ailment game on that boss is no joke if you can't get resists up in time and as far as I know, there's only ONE item that gives full immunity to all ailments, and it's not a craftable one.

In the mean time, I guess I'm pretty much done with the game until someone figures out how the heck the Black Garden is supposed to be unlocked. There's not much else to do except try to reach Shiro to 50 times sex, max out her Drinking (currently at 6), her Fishing (also at 6) and her Cooking (currently at 7). All other Life skills are maxed out. Maybe push Town happiness even higher? I'm at 380-something... I'm curious if there's a max... I'm not crazy enough to try and get every item ever.


Aug 30, 2019
My goodness, you write fast.

It may not matter. Pretty sure I just downloaded the regular version. You'll need these -- RPG-FIles are the thumbnail CGs for the sex events, and the missing audio files are here in audio.rar. The thumbnail CGs can be just dropped into your pictures folder, it doesn't need to be the CG folder specifically I think. The audio files should be pretty obvious where to put 'em.

This other object here is a potential fix for the auto battle glitch, but don't really count on it just in case. Save regularly. You can use it or not, it goes into the plugin folder.
Where do I put the pictures in the RPG-Files? Like which folder?
Jun 18, 2022
www/img/pictures, Sparta. Sorry, I wrote some un-necessary information in there.

Lexist, congratulations on beating the Calamity. Not every enemy is affected by the difficulty slider, and I realize I wasn't paying much attention when actually fighting the final boss, but I did it on the highest difficulty during testing. Mostly because I never noticed a difference in enemy stats. I was level 99 by the time I actually started testing though, with already the best equipment, so, I suppose at that point it would be moot. Someone said the difficulty slider was working as intended, but I still don't know.

In any case, I absolutely love that boss. I picked a fight with it before I knew enough Japanese and managed to stumble my way through beating the crap out of it. I think it's got a defense ignoring attack that made Shiro drop a few times and almost cost me the fight.

I believe the boss respawns. Strangely enough, in the Japanese version, only one future fragment is given, I think. I'm...60% sure?
I wonder, if during playing with the tables, someone added a zero somewhere. Eheh.

As for the difficulty slider, there's no mention in game. However, knowing what I do, 1 is likely going to be normal, 0 being easy, 2 being hard, and yadda.

I do most of my work in T++ and so it doesn't really make it easy to study the tables, hence my difficulty. When you are looking at the files, what program are you using? It would help me a lot for my future work. Thank you. (Also, totally not ignoring everything you wrote there, that's just a lot and will take a minute to get through.)


Apr 30, 2021
Which should I download? Normal or costume fix one? Costume fix one is smaller than the normal one.
Jun 18, 2022
Forgive the double post but from what I've gathered, on the second floor of "a tower looking house" to the west of Stelights Castle Town, on the second floor is a book. After opening and reading it, a hommit pharmacist girl will tell you how to get to the Black Garden. I believe it will be one of your towns' residents. It's using the game's archaic Japanese to give out this information, but to the best of my ability this is what I can gather.

I assume that the tower looking house is the area with the Ascetic Fishing Pond, though I was under the impression that was underground, so uhh...anyway. I don't even know if the English version calls it that. Incidentally, would you mind sharing your save with me, friend?

(editted, as I wrote Hermit. Damnit, that's never not going to mess with me.)
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Forgive the double post but from what I've gathered, on the second floor of "a tower looking house" to the west of Stelights Castle Town, on the second floor is a book. After opening and reading it, a hommit pharmacist girl will tell you how to get to the Black Garden. I believe it will be one of your towns' residents. It's using the game's archaic Japanese to give out this information, but to the best of my ability this is what I can gather.

I assume that the tower looking house is the area with the Ascetic Fishing Pond, though I was under the impression that was underground, so uhh...anyway. I don't even know if the English version calls it that. Incidentally, would you mind sharing your save with me, friend?

(editted, as I wrote Hermit. Damnit, that's never not going to mess with me.)
The tower-like house is IN the Stelights Castle Town, on the west-side. I didn't even know you could get into that building... the entrance is on the upper right side of it. Just hug it close and walk around it and you'll get in sooner or later if you can't figure out the ramp thing.

That worked btw. I went in, talked to everyone there a couple of times and collected a couple of books. Then went back home, went to the pharmacist homes, talked to one of the Hommit pharmacists. Bam. Black Garden was unlocked. I'm pretty sure you need to have ~4 Hommit Pharmacists for that to work. Dunno if it works with any other Hommit. On top of that, the conversation with the Hommit doesn't refer to it as the Black Garden. She calls it a corrupted marsh something something and tells you to prepare for Ghosts.

All in all, I suspect you're supposed to be able to unlock that location pretty quickly... but the trigger for it is EXTREMELY bizarre. Nothing in that tower-house has anything to do with the Black Garden, so I have no idea why it's the trigger at all...

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I included my current map... apparently I'm still missing SOMETHING out of this... I have no idea what I could possibly be missing any more. Much less how to go about and find it. I even have the Spriggan bar place and the Night meeting place. Maybe some fishing spot? I dunno...

Maybe there's something in the files...

ANYway. Also, here's my saves, all of them.
Jun 18, 2022
So, thanks to your save, I was able to review some conversations that I hadn't gone back over since my Japanese improved. If you'll excuse me, I'll be the one blowing my nose into an alpaca. Also, you haven't seen the Let's Go Fishing series, that's a must see. But thank you, this helps me so much.

Also sorry, my particle interpretation was incorrect, so I said to the west of the town. I thought it was ridiculous but obviously I couldn't check. I had to borrow my wife's computer to actually have a look at some things and I don't like keeping her out of her seat. I think another place in Stelights might have a backdoor entrance you can't see, or some place does, anyway. The Black Garden I think recommends like level 40. So it's..early,ish, I guess.

But you're right. I saw the text about a marsh in the files -- but I didn't stop to consider that the plants there would probably have ghost attribute or something, so I thought it wasn't the thing we were looking for. Turns out it was exactly the thing we were looking for.

You say you're missing something, but I don't actually see anything missing here? The map appears to be completely filled in? I'm not 100% here though.
The only other thing I can think of is the partner conversations. As you know, some of them unlock stuff, like the Hooligans unlocking the garrison, and so forth.


Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
I don't know if I'll continue messing with the game or not to get all of the Companion conversations. The game was pretty fun, but I'm not sure if I consider it that fun. It had its frustrating moments as well after all. I am somewhat tempted to try and figure out more of the achievements, but at the same time, I do also have plenty of other things to do, and not just H-games, so there's only so much time I'm willing to spend here.

In any case, the reason I know that I don't have all of the Map completed is because I didn't get the "Uncovered All the Map" achievement. Additionally, from looking in the game's tileset, it seems like I'm missing one cave-like location, and I think something fairy related. There's definitely two things in there that don't appear on my map. Who knows what they are or where though...

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That said, I've also noticed something else that's really interesting... If you check the img/pictures folder, you'll find that ALL the girls except Tanika have "AP Get" icons... which seems to imply that all of the girls should be able to get additional AP somehow, the way Shiro does... but they never do... Unless it was meant to pop-up when you used potentiality? I honestly have no idea... Or maybe it's a feature that the dev was planning to implement but never got around too? Again, no idea.

The only clue in my mind is perhaps trying to put another girl in the lead position in the party? Would that do it? Eh. Too lazy to try to experiment right now, but it'd definitely help with the issue of Shiro getting infinite AP even after you've maxed her out and have nothing to do with it... which tends to happen pretty quickly tbh...


Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
This game has my seal of approval
I'll probably be spending like 60 hours in it like I did with cursed blacksmith
The game mechanics are well thought out, kind of a shame it's stuck in a lower budget h-game instead of a proper video game. It makes up for goofy character faces, the artist loves drawing the girls as if they got fetal alcohol syndrome...
  • Like
Reactions: ArtisticTomato
Jun 18, 2022
Just a small note, Lexist -- you can't move Shiro out of the front. It mentions that in one of the tutorials, I think. In game, I also believe there's a little red square around Shiro to indicate that, but I forgot to doublecheck. For the record I missed a lot of the talk about your party since I tend to have javascript turned off, but, it's been read now. From one of the skill descriptions, if it's accurate, it says "increases companion AP gain". Honestly, whether or not that's a system that only works in the Root Abyss, I don't know. Awkwardly, precisely because of the AP-Get images in the files, I straight up thought Shiro was going to die within the course of the game, since that would be the only way to get her out of the first slot. Super glad that didn't come to pass.

As far as it goes, even if we leave the lewdness out of the factor, if this were a so called "proper video game", most of the best parts of the game wouldn't be in it, because it wouldn't sell.
Glad to hear you're enjoying it, anyway. But um, what do you mean, "as though they've got fetal alcohol syndrome"?

(sidenote: Just noticed the tag "big ass" was listed for the game. I'm trying to consider what passes for a "big ass" in context, since everyone seems to have a fairly tiny ass. Big by Japanese standards, possibly? Sadly, those are some very tiny butts...)


Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
Has anyone else encountered this?

The Date is out of sync
Actually this has been the case after the first few days, I think the unsync happens when a whole day passes without you resting and/or entering/exiting a map while the time segments switch (morning -> evening -> night)
Hope it doesnt have any game breaking effect, because I only have 1 save slot after 20 hours...
Jun 18, 2022
It *should* be okay. The "date" below virgins roughly actually translates as "Days existing". I take it the translators either misread that themselves or felt it was okay as it was.
Basically it will continue to count past 28, to 29, and so on. It's not the actual calendar date. Having said that, the numbers not matching up is pretty strange.
3.50 star(s) 4 Votes