
Nov 18, 2020
How do we turn off that Autosaving feature that pops up small red text in both game and studio 'Autosaving in x seconds.'? I don't even know what it autosaves to and what it's saving, I'm currently on R3, used an update pack from R2 to R3.
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Aug 29, 2020
How do we turn off that Autosaving feature that pops up small red text in both game and studio 'Autosaving in x seconds.'? I don't even know what it autosaves to and what it's saving, I'm currently on R3, used an update pack from R2 to R3.
That's the Autosave plugin, it saves a copy of the character (or scene in studio) you're working on to an autosave folder. I found it quite annoying too. You can use KKManager to disable it.

hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
Когда делаешь свою анимацию в студии используя VN Game Engine (VNGE) то при повороте предмета либо части тела вокруг своей оси он иногда поворачивается не туда куда надо а в противоположную сторону делая дополнительный круг. Если кто то знает как это контролировать то жду ответа что с этим делать. В дополнении могу сказать анимацию можно легко делать полноценную свою в студии.

When you make your animation in the studio using the VN Game Engine (VNGE), then when you rotate an object or part of the body around its axis, it sometimes turns in the wrong direction, but in the opposite direction making an additional circle. If someone knows how to control this, then I'm waiting for an answer on what to do with it. In addition, I can say that you can easily make your own animation in the studio.
sorry for the late reply. when "FK&IK" mode is in use, the bone nodes will actually use the the "IK" technique to mobes both legs, feet, knees and elbows, and this is where the problem appears. it could be due to the way of how "IK" mode works but it can be also on the "IK&FK" mode's side as it is a mod and bugs can happen. on the other hand, using the "FK" mode alone will fix your problem and rotate the nodes exactly how they are meant to. i know this could be complicated but it is the only way that i know to handle node rotations with VNGE.

Has anyone gotten breast physics to work during h-animations? I've edited the settings and clicked on override breast physics in the character editor. When I pick the bounce pose the boobs move as they should but during h-animations they are pretty much solid and don't move at all.
hey ill just ask again cause i dont think anyone cared the last tinme but has anyone used the jiggly mod with the Honey select 2 dx and whats a good percent to use to get them tits nice and bouncy when you pound her or when shes dancing andheres number 2 has anyoe got or know were to get a riss gremory card from high school dxd you know the red head with big breast
Does this game have no jiggle physics by default ? I thought it might be the mods conflicting with each other in BetterRepack R5, but even after vanillafying the game, the breasts are barely moving. This is the case no matter how fast the animation is, or how much I change softness and weight settings. Is this normal ?
it should work, make sure you don't have more than one physics mods installed at the same time.
ex. if you have the "jiggle" mod installed, disable "boobsettings" via kkmanager and vice versa. i recommend "boobsettings" over jiggle.

What's in the SideLoader Pack?
it adds mods, maps and items to be used with the studio neo2. not needed for the main game.

any tips how to make bump maps?
usually they are generated by 3d softwares that the models/mods are created on. but you can also use the main texture to do this the lazyway: open your texture on you favorite editing program and de-saturate it to grayscale, then add a color hue to it or "colorize" the gray scaled image to red, and then have it at 50% alpha and save as .png formate image. just keep inmind that the parts with the most contrast(more color or darker) means it will be carved in, while the parts with less contrast (brighter) will add a bump. you either do that or use it as a guide to create your bumps over using the same technique and color code then disable the guide layer and save in .png.

hay.. can any one tell me how to convert daz 3d model in to HS2 character. Thank you friends.
it is not a simple matter and requires knowledge in several other modding tools. you basically need to export the mesh obj, textures and other data from daz or other 3d modeling applications, then use other tools like sb3utility to add it to a unity player file, edit all the required settings and addresses including bones if any (offset, volume replacement. . .etc), then compress it in to a .unity3d hardmod, then finally use that hardmod to create a .zipmod via a manifest and template.
so either a created model or a port, this is a very simple process explanation on how to add objects to the game. i suggest looking for help at the and check this about zipmod for more info.

plugins in the other hand are a whole different story where you will actually have to implement the functions into a program that the current core plugins can read.

so I just Installed the R3.1 and the background in the scenes is not loaded, it's just black void. help
looks like you accidentally disabled the bg by pressing (M) on keyboard, it is the default shortcut to toggle the bg on/off. it is also used as the shortcut to bring up the "character dragger" plugin up during h-scene, all plugin short cuts can be changed in "plugin settings" when you press (F1), so you may want to change that to something else like (Alt+M) or else to avoid the conflict. but if the bg is not visible on other game sections, menus and the studio when loaded, it could be something else.

Apologies in advance if there is the wrong thread to ask this question.

Is there any way to stop the camera shake during the H scene? I'm using FairBear's POV mod and tried adjusting the settings but no luck so far.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
pov plugin's work by moving the camera position and attaching it to the character's head, so if the character moves it will reflect to the camera as well. so i don't know if there is a way to achieve what you are looking for other than to place the camera to where the character is looking manually.

Does anyone know how to fix the rendering issues that occur in-game and in studioNEO? I've both recently replaced my graphics card and updated it to the most recent version (Nvidia Geforce 980), and it's a brand new driver. I also don't experience rendering issues in other games in the highest graphical settings possible, so it possibly can't be that. Any help would be appreciated. I've posted a photo of the rendering anomaly, which worsens significantly whenever I get the camera further away.
this happens when using some light settings and plugins like DHH. items that are skinned to the chara body and uses the "AIT/clothes alpha tru" shader will look like this. it doesn't happen all the time sometimes on my end and i am not entirely sure why it is happening in the first place to be true. it could be how the dhh plugin is treating alpha textures applied to a one faces layered meshes or it can be caused by another reprocessing filter plugins, i didn't notice this while using graphics plugin though.
but anyway, just to make sure start the game/studio with dhh turned off and test it. please not that turning dhh off when it is happening will not fix the problem, you have to restart the game and and have it off before loading the character or on menu screen in case of the main game. then, find a dhh preset where it doesn't trigger the problem or help yourself to discover what exactly is causing it by trying changing the dhh settings and modes (sorry i don't know wht exactly is causing it yet).
also alternatively, you can change the clothing's shader where the problem is present to something other than "alpha true" via material editor, doing so will fix the problem but it will also change how the object is rendering as well, like if you change the stocking's shader from "AIT/clothes alpha true" to "AIT/clothes" it will lose the ability to render transparent textures, using "AIT/clothes alpha" may change color and light settings rendering settings and so on. fixing it via DHH settings maybe the best option here but it requires exploring and allot of game restarts :(.
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Jun 16, 2017
Yo guys, could you please help me with 1 issue? If I'm running the game from hdd its stuck on infinite loading screen, if I run it from ssd it's working fine. Any ideas on how to solve this? Also, how do you play this game in pov


Sep 29, 2018
it should work, make sure you don't have more than one physics mods installed at the same time.
ex. if you have the "jiggle" mod installed, disable "boobsettings" via kkmanager and vice versa. i recommend "boobsettings" over jiggle.
Thanks for taking a stab at my problem. I didn't have jiggle mod installed however pushup plugin was and it says on the hs2_boobsettings github page that pushup breaks boobsettings. I have now removed pushup and double checked with KKmanager and the only optional mod I have installed, apart from the ones that come pre-installed with BetterRepack, is the POV mod.
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hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
so i'm trying to get back into HS for my own game, but i'm trying to lose the eternally pointy boobs effect. i'm pretty new to studio neo v2 and could use some help. i just cannot tolerate the pointy boobs, every gazonga, regardless of size is FULLY FUCKING ERECT and ready to duel and it's killing any grittiness or reverence i want to illustrate.
i feel your pain, and i agree with you fully. it is related to how clothe's meshes are made (with a nipple bump), the actual geometry of the mesh actually has a bump, you will have to export the obj and fix the model to remove it. some bump maps also enhance it more even, sadly they decided that nipples has to be look like this even on bras. a complete turnoff, shame.
at least they figured out not to add it on some chest armor which will be pretty silly if they have. also the problem is, most modders that use these clothes as a template for their mods leave the nipple bump as it is, and i dont blame them as many only do texture edits and have no experience in modeling, or maybe it doesn't bother them that much. i tried to remove or lessen the effect with pushup bra plugin and modifying the mune_03 and 04 bones but it didn't help much and was a complete disaster on some cases like flat chest. anyway, get used to it, i dont see a viable fix for this coming any soon.

Here's a quick (well, sorta) tutorial on converting an existing opaque clothing item to translucent. The idea is to grab the main texture with material editor, load that texture into photoshop or equivalent to change its opacity, then load edited texture back into game. First, find an item to convert, and set it to the color you want. The color will be in the texture file itself, and not easy to change afterward. In this case I'll use the "tight dress" in red. Then open the material editor for the top (see spoiler), scroll down to "MainTex", and hit "Export Texture". A window should pop up, showing your new texture file. It'll have a name something like _Export_2021-01-31-17-36-23_cf_m_top_tightdress_MainTex.png

FFS take your questions to the discord stop cluttering this thread
there is absolutely no need to discourage people to ask questions here, not all people knows how deal with modded games and in my experience it is never the same with every illusion game that the modders work on. also boards and forums are way better managed and organized when it comes to questions and answers, chat can be allot of pain to track.
but i get your point, i know allot of questions can be avoided by using the "search thread" feature in the forum like: "what does the sideloader add", "downloaded game zip files are corrupted", "character traits" and many many more valid questiones that have been asked and answered allot, but it is still okay imo. the users can chose to answer them and help other people or can simply tell them to use the search function, or simply pass. F95 is a good and a healthy community and i am thankful for everyone who contribute and help making it get even better. i hope you understand how frustrated this can be to some people and be positive about posting in the future.

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Now load that texture file into photoshop/whatever, and we want to make one simple change. On the "Layers" tab, there's the setting for the opacity of that layer. We want to change the 100% to something like 70%. If you're working with a white texture or other very light color, start more around 50%. Note that in many cases including this example, when you change the opacity the texture looks like it gets erased. Don't worry, everything we need is still there. Save the edited texture file as a png.
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Now back to the game - open the material editor again, find MainTex again, only this time we Import the newly edited texture. When you load the texture don't be surprised if nothing happens, or if things don't look like you expected. Some items barely change, occasionally they look perfect, but usually it'll come up dithered like this example did.
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Last step before saving, we want to check out a few shaders to see which looks best. The default shader is AIT/Clothes True, and usually it won't be the best look. At a minimum, we want to try AIT/Clothes Alpha, AIT/Clothes Alpha True, and Hanmen/Clothes True Pantyhose. Here Alpha True seems to look best, so we set the shader and create the coordinate card.
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Once you've done a couple of these it only takes a couple of minutes to make/load new textures. If you make anything that looks good, post it up on the card sharing thread! And here's the card made while doing the tutorial:
View attachment 1014280
thank you for the detailed tutorial and explanation (y) may i ask you to repost this guide in the studio/chara help thread so i can link it to the guides table? it may help preventing this guide to be lost in or get buried with posts in the discussion thread.

Hello, I'm new to honey select 2 I couldn't find this mod, also I don't know how to install them
View attachment 1014783
got to gamefolder/[UTILITY] KKManager/KKManager.exe then click on "look for updates", you will be presented with allot of mod updates, the "sideloader mod pack" is probably what you are looking for. it can be huge though. this whole process can also be done if you run "InitSetting.exe" in your game folder's root.

lmao is that why I never get any answers in these threads? No, I'm not joining discord.

I just want the best settings for better penetration because it's a mess with some positions. If anyone has any findings about that and is willing to share them HERE then thanks in advance.

And if anyone knows of a way/mod that makes hair loose so the collisions are more accurate to prevent things like this?
View attachment 1014864
not on this hair specifically, other hairs can be adjusted via the chara maker "adjust" function or via bone mod for more freedom and control but it requires bones to do so. it can wave alright but it is using another technique move (not bones).

Is there any mod which gives some more poses? I mean I saw porn videos with HS2 and there are different poses.
some mods can add animations that can be used in the studio but doesn't add more to these h-scene animations in main game.

Is there a mod that changes the way audio is triggered? I don't care much for the way the game does moaning, since it triggers a moan clip every time there's a thrust, which sounds really unrealistic and unattractive. Is there a mod that changes the moan sounds to either heavy breathing, or significantly lowers the frequency of moan sound effects?
not that i am aware of. it has to be edited and change the actual audio files of the game, and there are allot of audio files..(for each personality/state/event..etc) i am also not sure if you can change the events on when they are triggered.

Now, I'm wanting to learn how to make it so you can alter the color and access the alpha channel while in HS2. Then, it's on to making my own stuff for HS2. (Some day)
you can change the color in tree ways:
1-change the color first thing before exporting the main texture the first time (patterns can also be used and will export over the main tex as well).
2-change the color or the whole texture on photoshop before exporting the final .png file.
3-change the object color hue on material editor, but it is not recommended as it will maintain the oreginal texture color you have edited but only alter its R,G,B values and tint its will not re-color it.

Am I dumb or is it really hard to install the better dick mod from Hooh? I don't know what Im doing wrong but the KKmanager cant even see the new mods
please refer to this post here and check out the related posts to it as well.

I downloaded DX R2 Base Game Repack. Stuck at white loading screen. I did everything in the FAQ but nothing worked. The game used to work in my old pc. Can someone help me please ?
check this post here, it may help you fix it. also recently, somebody fixed a game crash using a method i didnt know of. good luck.
please make sure you back up any deleted files.

Yo guys, could you please help me with 1 issue? If I'm running the game from hdd its stuck on infinite loading screen, if I run it from ssd it's working fine. Any ideas on how to solve this? Also, how do you play this game in pov
it could be that the game folder path on your HDD is too long, which is a common reason for white screen while the one on the SSD is short? ^^' also there could be a bad sector on your HDD, or the folder it is in does not have both read/write permissions. there could be other reasons on both the hardware and software/OS. for starters, try moving the game to the root of one of that HDD's drives and try running the game via InitSetting.exe in your game folder.

Thanks for taking a stab at my problem. I didn't have jiggle mod installed however pushup plugin was and it says on the hs2_boobsettings github page that pushup breaks boobsettings. I have now removed pushup and double checked with KKmanager and the only optional mod I have installed, apart from the ones that come pre-installed with BetterRepack, is the POV mod.
i know that the creator said that pushup plugin is not compatible with boobsettings but this is only if the card had pushup activated to the top or bra (or both) and the character is wearing them, once the chara is in half or topless state boobsetting is perfectly functional. which i actually like allot about those too plugins, i find it perfect :ROFLMAO:.
so ill take it that the problem is not solved yet right? pushup is not the cause i tested. and since you don't have jiggle installed, first check if the breasts softness and weight are not set to 0 on maker (or has a very low value). also please upload the card of the character you are using here so i can take a look at and test with my setup.

also meanwhile, please try this chara that i made and tested with both boobsettings and pushup aplied and test it at your end and let me know if it worked or not.
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Jun 16, 2017
it could be that the game folder path on your HDD is too long, which is a common reason for white screen while the one on the SSD is short? ^^' also there could be a bad sector on your HDD, or the folder it is in does not have both read/write permissions. there could be other reasons on both the hardware and software/OS. for starters, try moving the game to the root of one of that HDD's drives and try running the game via InitSetting.exe in your game folder.
Yo, putting the game in the root of hdd actually helped. Thanks a lot. Wierd thing is i had the game in just one additional file where i keep other games so I thought it would be fine. On SSD I even got the warning that the path is too long but it ran just fine. Could you also help me with pov mode? How do I even turn it on?
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hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
Does this game have no jiggle physics by default ? I thought it might be the mods conflicting with each other in BetterRepack R5, but even after vanillafying the game, the breasts are barely moving. This is the case no matter how fast the animation is, or how much I change softness and weight settings. Is this normal ?
Created this shot with custom animation using hun hunter node constrains tutorial. Actual anim is faster and don't know why in gif it slows down:
How it comes out straight from Studio Neo:
View attachment 1007692
After some tweaks in 2D software:
View attachment 1007693
good job as always BNDFHJeje, the composition of your scenes are always clean and neat :). i like the brassy tone you made on the monster's skin in the back.

did you use the video capture plug to export this video? you can set a fixed frame rate on the settings before exporting, like if you put to 60, it will get fixed on 60 fps video output and capture more frames, but it will take more time. you also can fix the speed of a gif using photoshop or other animation programs. you also can use a web service like , you can edit all kind of things on that website and it is really handy when you are in a hurry. looking forward to see more of your work (y).

ps:i edited the speed of your gif by +20% using ezgif as a test (no frame skipping, just play speed edit), take a look:
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hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
Yo, putting the game in the root of hdd actually helped. Thanks a lot. Wierd thing is i had the game in just one additional file where i keep other games so I thought it would be fine. On SSD I even got the warning that the path is too long but it ran just fine. Could you also help me with pov mode? How do I even turn it on?
looks like solid state is too fast it seems :LOL: for pov, i dont remember the hot key but i think its is (P), i think it conflicts with the DHH shortcut so changinf it to somthing like (control+P) is a good idea, but there are other short cuts as well so make sure to check them out as well. all plugin settings can be accessed when you press (f1)>plugin settings on the bottom>then search for "pov" on top, you can find all setting related to the plugin this way.


Jul 15, 2018
good job as always BNDFHJeje, the composition of your scenes are always clean and neat :). i like the brassy tone you made on the monster's skin in the back.

did you use the video capture plug to export this video? you can set a fixed frame rate on the settings before exporting, like if you put to 60, it will get fixed on 60 fps video output and capture more frames, but it will take more time. you also can fix the speed of a gif using photoshop or other animation programs. you also can use a web service like , you can edit all kind of things on that website and it is really handy when you are in a hurry. looking forward to see more of your work (y).
I didn't even know there was a video capture plug-in lol. I've been doing a much more tedious process but it seems to work because I get to keep the high quality of the render (no compression like in video) and I get to keep the alpha of the characters in the png which I need (I'm doing a 3D art replacement pack for the game Shera and the Three Treasures for fun).
The process that I'm doing is kinda dumb haha but I lower the animation speed of the characters down and use my iphone's garage band's metronome and I press F11 to the beat of the metronome so that the animation stays smooth. Then in my compositing software I fix the speed of the animation to my liking.
I will start using ezgif when I show off some more artwork next time.
Thanks for the help!
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Jul 8, 2018
i feel your pain, and i agree with you fully. it is related to how clothe's meshes are made (with a nipple bump), the actual geometry of the mesh actually has a bump, you will have to export the obj and fix the model to remove it. some bump maps also enhance it more even, sadly they decided that nipples has to be look like this even on bras. a complete turnoff, shame.
at least they figured out not to add it on some chest armor which will be pretty silly if they have. also the problem is, most modders that use these clothes as a template for their mods leave the nipple bump as it is, and i dont blame them as many only do texture edits and have no experience in modeling, or maybe it doesn't bother them that much. i tried to remove or lessen the effect with pushup bra plugin and modifying the mune_03 and 04 bones but it didn't help much and was a complete disaster on some cases like flat chest. anyway, get used to it, i dont see a viable fix for this coming any soon.

thank you for the detailed tutorial and explanation (y) may i ask you to repost this guide in the studio/chara help thread so i can link it to the guides table? it may help preventing this guide to be lost in or get buried with posts in the discussion thread.

got to gamefolder/[UTILITY] KKManager/KKManager.exe then click on "look for updates", you will be presented with allot of mod updates, the "sideloader mod pack" is probably what you are looking for. it can be huge though. this whole process can also be done if you run "InitSetting.exe" in your game folder's root.

not on this hair specifically, other hairs can be adjusted via the chara maker "adjust" function or via bone mod for more freedom and control but it requires bones to do so. it can wave alright but it is using another technique move (not bones).

some mods can add animations that can be used in the studio but doesn't add more to these h-scene animations in main game.

not that i am aware of. it has to be edited and change the actual audio files of the game, and there are allot of audio files..(for each personality/state/event..etc) i am also not sure if you can change the events on when they are triggered.

you can change the color in tree ways:
1-change the color first thing before exporting the main texture the first time (patterns can also be used and will export over the main tex as well).
2-change the color or the whole texture on photoshop before exporting the final .png file.
3-change the object color hue on material editor, but it is not recommended as it will maintain the oreginal texture color you have edited but only alter its R,G,B values and tint its will not re-color it.

please refer to this post here and check out the related posts to it as well.

check this post here, it may help you fix it. also recently, somebody fixed a game crash using a method i didnt know of. good luck.
please make sure you back up any deleted files.

it could be that the game folder path on your HDD is too long, which is a common reason for white screen while the one on the SSD is short? ^^' also there could be a bad sector on your HDD, or the folder it is in does not have both read/write permissions. there could be other reasons on both the hardware and software/OS. for starters, try moving the game to the root of one of that HDD's drives and try running the game via InitSetting.exe in your game folder.

i know that the creator said that pushup plugin is not compatible with boobsettings but this is only if the card had pushup activated to the top or bra (or both) and the character is wearing them, once the chara is in half or topless state boobsetting is perfectly functional. which i actually like allot about those too plugins, i find it perfect :ROFLMAO:.
so ill take it that the problem is not solved yet right? pushup is not the cause i tested. and since you don't have jiggle installed, first check if the breasts softness and weight are not set to 0 on maker (or has a very low value). also please upload the card of the character you are using here so i can take a look at and test with my setup.

also meanwhile, please try this chara that i made and tested with both boobsettings and pushup aplied and test it at your end and let me know if it worked or not.
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I see. that sucks, so I'd need to get cards and mod clothings that don't have the bump?
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hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
I didn't even know there was a video capture plug-in lol. I've been doing a much more tedious process but it seems to work because I get to keep the high quality of the render (no compression like in video) and I get to keep the alpha of the characters in the png which I need (I'm doing a 3D art replacement pack for the game Shera and the Three Treasures for fun).
The process that I'm doing is kinda dumb haha but I lower the animation speed of the characters down and use my iphone's garage band's metronome and I press F11 to the beat of the metronome so that the animation stays smooth. Then in my compositing software I fix the speed of the animation to my liking.
I will start using ezgif when I show off some more artwork next time.
Thanks for the help!
thats amazing! i admire determined and hard working people like you really, you even used a metronome to maintain a stable fps! awesome :LOL:.

there should be two plugins for video export i think, one of them is "videoexport" by joan, (control+E) to open the plugin. i cant say i have tried them but i think video export supports gif but i am not sure about transparency, last time i checked it i didnt see any alpha options in the plugin settings, but maybe the plugin is updated now so heck it out. but even if it doesnt, you can still have a solid bright color for the background and use it as a chroma then mask it on an external video editing program like after effect or else, i am sure that there are some free to use ones, check out link here.

I'm having flickering problems with pantyhose and gloves. Is there a fix for this? I apologize if this was already answered.
please check out the last reply in this post here.

I see. that sucks, so I'd need to get cards and mod clothings that don't have the bump?
yes i guess, i know i made it sound like there are too few but actually there are a bit more than few ^^', most imported mods dont have them, but i noticed anything been edited of HS2's clothes does.
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