
New Member
Aug 9, 2020

I'm just here, after installing the latest version from ScrewThisNoise, i saw many mod maps that can't open.
First thing, I just want to confirm that you're trying this via the "call a girl" button, yes? 'Cause via the "walk the halls" button you can only access the base game maps.

Beyond that, I have a wild-ass guess, which is to make sure the same Windws "user" you're logged in as when you play is allowed to access the files themselves, from outside the game.


Aug 27, 2018
Спасибо за ответ по вопросу о VN Game Engine. Ещё вопрос от меня. Я видел инструкцию для создателя VN Game Engine в виде видео по этому плагину. Но хотелось бы больше инструкций. Как загрузить анимацию, как использовать для другого персонажа. Я это не просто так спрашиваю. Не всё сцены для студии у меня загружаются просто так стандартным методом. Поэтому хотелось бы почитать про управление или увидеть у кого-то другое видео данной моды.
Ещё вопрос. Не знаю что из вещей в студии можно использовать в качестве настраиваемого одеяла на стандартную кровать. Шторы, полотенца, много чего из атрибутов на персонажа в том числе, рукава, плащи, фату. Всё выглядит криво при создании. Есть какие то подсказки что можно использовать. Возможно в самой кровати можно с помощью редактора материала сделать невидимую кровать и оставить верх само одеяло, после совместить с другой кроватью но поверх лежащей на ней персонажей. Это мысли вслух.
И ещё X-Ray . То есть рентген. В студийных вещах есть только один член с такой особенностью. Как или из чего можно сделать именно такую анатомическую имитацию при виде сбоку на женском персонаже.

Thanks for answering the question about VN Game Engine. Another question from me. I saw the instruction for the creator of VN Game Engine in the form of a video on this plugin. But I would like more instructions. How to load animation, how to use for another character. I’m not just asking this. Not all scenes for the studio are loaded just like that using the standard method. Therefore, I would like to read about management or see someone else's video of this mod.
One more question. I don't know which of the things in the studio can be used as a custom blanket for a standard bed. Curtains, towels, many of the attributes of the character, including sleeves, raincoats, veils. Everything looks crooked when created. There are some hints that you can use. Perhaps in the bed itself, using the material editor, you can make an invisible bed and leave the top of the blanket itself, then combine it with another bed but on top of the characters lying on it. These are thoughts out loud.
And also X-Ray. That is, x-rays. In studio stuff, there is only one member with this feature. How or from what you can make just such an anatomical imitation when viewed from the side on a female character.


New Member
Aug 9, 2020
yes mine says "DHH Mod v1.01" but there is no sign of the .dhs file anywhere in my whole game folder lol. let me know if you find anything related to this btw, best of luck ^^.
Oh, maybe I was confused. Before, you said that DHH in its notification banner thingy "will state that preset's name on the top of the screen", which I took to mean that in the same banner where it announces the DHH version number, it would also display the name of the preset it loaded. If I'm right about what you meant, mine doesn't do that. It announces only the version number and the hotkey reminder.

Good news! I seem to have made my preferred preset stick. I still don't really understand what's going on, but I figure it's probably one of two things: Maybe the "save settings" button is context-sensitive, and what you save for sex scenes only applies to sex scenes, and you have to do it all over again for interstitial talking scenes, for menu scenes, for the character creator... Or maybe the "save settings" function is just buggy and works when it feels like it. Either way, though, I just kept hitting "P -> preset 4 -> save settings" again and again and eventually it learned to stick with that preset throughout everything, so... victory?

Now I'm fine-tuning the aperture and focal length settings, because damn, that preset is nicely lit but way too aggressive with the shallow depth of field. (And yes, that's with the game's built-in DOF turned off.) Sadly, I'm going through the same thing again, of tweaking a setting, hitting save, and repeating over and over again. But they do eventually stick.

Why, oh, why don't more modders have a Github repo so there's an official readme and a place to file bug reports, instead of just "It came from The Internet. Its workings are a mystery."? If anybody has any communication with whoever's behind DHH, maybe suggest it to them?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to being distracted from the sex scenes by marveling at how pretty the rendering is. After the blindingly radioactive overexposed bloom-fest of the Illusion stock settings, I can hardly believe this is the same game. Seriously, there's a girl I found on the booru (I think), name Lori, her outfit is a sugary concoction of bubblegum pink, and if you take that girl to the sun-drenched classroom with Illusion's stock Unity profile, your eyes will bleed.
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New Member
Sep 6, 2019
Hi, not sure if anybody else faced this problem. Im tryin to load starstar tattoos.
But whenever i select a tattoo from starstar mods after saving and exiting. The tattoos turns back to their first tattoo even after selecting other designs from their menu.

Should i edit anything? I'm playing the main game by the way. thanks


New Member
Jul 23, 2017
I don't know if it's the right thread to ask, but can someone please help me.
After I update my HS2DX via the inisetting updater (I choose to update all except bleeding edge), all the characters both male/female become like this. inside the cloth the head isn't visible too. In studio it also only shows the cloth.


New Member
Aug 9, 2020
Another question!

I have one girl with a pretty bad offset between where her mouth is and where the sex scene engine thinks her mouth is. So when she kisses, her tongue comes clipping straight out through her upper lip. And likewise, in all blowjob positions, the bottom half of her open mouth is just a gaping void, while the dick clips through her upper lip. Tell me there's a parameter I can tweak somewhere to make the mouth target line up with her actual mouth... Since it's only happening with this one girl, I'm really hoping to fix her character card specifically, instead of messing with the in-game "Better Penetration" settings. Any pointers?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Another question!

I have one girl with a pretty bad offset between where her mouth is and where the sex scene engine thinks her mouth is. So when she kisses, her tongue comes clipping straight out through her upper lip. And likewise, in all blowjob positions, the bottom half of her open mouth is just a gaping void, while the dick clips through her upper lip. Tell me there's a parameter I can tweak somewhere to make the mouth target line up with her actual mouth... Since it's only happening with this one girl, I'm really hoping to fix her character card specifically, instead of messing with the in-game "Better Penetration" settings. Any pointers?
Sounds like part height issue and part head size issue. The animations are made to work with only what Illusion programmed the game to be able to work with as far as body height and head size, anything outside that range will result in issues.


New Member
Sep 6, 2019
does anyone know how to fix the vagina not opening on penetration? when i play it it only works on fur


Jan 2, 2021
So something weird happened.. I had a character I tried being a bit mean to, and at one point, the character said "I dont want to do this anymore", unselected itself from the group I had it in, and reset all its stats.

Is that a thing that can happen??


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
So something weird happened.. I had a character I tried being a bit mean to, and at one point, the character said "I dont want to do this anymore", unselected itself from the group I had it in, and reset all its stats.

Is that a thing that can happen??
It sounds like she successfully left. If you max out her hate, she can attempt to leave.


New Member
Jan 3, 2021
so im getting an message about outdated mods for a character, anyone know how to fix it?

like, the character works fine but getting this message everytime i play is starting to get on my nerves.


New Member
Jan 24, 2021
I love these some kind of characters mods so much but I can't add them into my game. They don't appear in game and my version is R5. Can anyone help me to explain please?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
so im getting an message about outdated mods for a character, anyone know how to fix it?

like, the character works fine but getting this message everytime i play is starting to get on my nerves.
The character is likely equipped with an item from an out of date mod. The fix is to figure out which item, usually an accessory, and remove it. You can either just leave it off or find the up to date version to replace it with.

Pardon me if this is a dumb question, but does the MTL require an internet connection?
Yes, it uses the Unity auto translator, which pulls from whatever server it is set to pull from in real time.

I love these some kind of characters mods so much but I can't add them into my game. They don't appear in game and my version is R5. Can anyone help me to explain please?
The character data is either corrupt or missing from the card PNG.


Mar 30, 2019
Does the game (or cheat menu) the settings of the rooms? I need to make it so that event events (exclamation mark on a yellow background) are played more often in a certain location (room)?


Oct 21, 2017
Is there any way (mod ?) to hide/delete unwanted clothing parts. I never using half of them but scrolling pass them every time is tiring me off.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Does the game (or cheat menu) the settings of the rooms? I need to make it so that event events (exclamation mark on a yellow background) are played more often in a certain location (room)?
There is no way to do this.

Is there any way (mod ?) to hide/delete unwanted clothing parts. I never using half of them but scrolling pass them every time is tiring me off.
Not really
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