Yeah, just replying that "you have friends" is probably enough.
(Please pass him my words.)
To one of my best game developer.
You have done an exceptional job so far in this game. there is big community of crazy Pervs here who enjoy your games. and who love playing them, they all love you, they wait for the updates, they all enjoy the efforts you put in.
We all Love you, and are here for you always.
you may be having a limited No of friends there in your neighborhood now, but look out of the window, you have global friends now.
you are recognized by these bunch of people.
You are now gone GLOBAL, fak the local.

just keep doing the good work. we will be here for you when there are ups and down in life.
Trust me- your game is exceptionally amazing. Do you know the Reason why ?
because you started off with a small project back in the years, and now you are competing against the finest devs all around the world mate.
its like Olympics, now you are a global player, you stand apart from others.
Buckle The hell Up... and say Cheers to life. Keep it rolling Bro.