
Aug 16, 2018
It´s kinda disapointing that he always makes the stories so short . . . why the hurry to finish it?

Couldn´t he just release a new Chapter each year?

In form of an DLC or so?

I would love to see one of his Games go on longer . . .
He's been doing solo game development with this concept for well over a decade now. I've been following him that whole time. While that's not a bad idea, his mental health breakdowns appear to be too strong & frequent that he'd be able to commit himself to a timeline like that without delivering something. To him, it'd be the equivalent of going radio silent for a LONG time, then living in fear that the end result wouldn't be satisfactory. He seems to do better on this current model of small incremental updates that have reliable and repeatable releases, whereby he can get more immediate feedback from the community at large of whether or not he's "doing good" though admittedly I don't really see a lot of that on the ci-en side of house.

I do wonder what his plan is after Hounds if finished. He'll need a break assuredly, but will he come back at all after this?
I have no idea, that remains to be seen. He's clearly talented and reliable and I'd hate to see him fade away but I could definitely see a 'retirement' after this.


Dec 16, 2019
I think he would be blown away by subscribestar support. not sure what he he had or is currently getting, but "English" support for him is through the roof.
He does get English support, but after the BS regarding credit cards his non-JP income source dropped by half. Same happened to a lot of other creators.


Mar 15, 2020
Is it me or the boss Bagan is ridiculously hard?
Yea his hp pool is ridiculously large and he hits hard even if you dial the difficulty all the way down. The best advice I got for you is that:

When he dashes away, double tap the direction to dash after him and hit the attack button for a dash attack. It'll stun him out of his gun attack briefly enough for you to continue attacking him. Chasing him down is pretty key to beating him. Although, the window to chase him this way is pretty small so keeping it up the whole fight is very taxing.


Nov 14, 2020
At first I wanted to write that the latest update was one of the best in the entire history of the game, but then I looked at the screenshots of past updates...
And I want to say that the whole game is ONE HUGE MASTERPIECE. I don’t know a single developer or a single project with such a sick sexual fantasy (In the best sense). One could only dream about this before.
Multiplying all this by the fact that you release updates every month. +Graphics that are beyond praise.

You have one of the best game projects. If not the best...
If you want to finish development of the game quickly because you are afraid of it becoming obsolete, then don't worry. Such masterpieces never become obsolete.
Keep going and take your time. Remember to rest. Let this game last as long as possible: 1 year, 5 years, 10 years...
But if you resolutely want to complete HOTM in the near future, then let its end be as bright as possible:devilish:.

Best health, a calm state of mind and a HUGE THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK!!!

PS: Fuck Rena and Makoto to death!


Jun 16, 2017
Something I've been curious (and slightly surprised) about is the mod-ability of this game.

Maybe it's more trouble than it is worth, maybe those capable are either unaware of the game or disinterested... but given how long this game has been in development for I'm surprised there hasn't been a single mod (that I am aware of) made for the game to the effect of say... costume change, mechanic tweaks, etc.

I can only imagine Inui may legit get heart broken if he learned someone released a mod that resonated with lots of people (due to him potentially perceiving that mod as superior to his own work, accurate or not).

But it was just a random thought that struck me, I've seen other side scroller games on here get fan made mods but perhaps it'd be too involved a time suck to do similar for this game?


Jul 1, 2019
His unique style of animation and sprite creation make mods very unlikely. Any editing of game code to alter play can be overcame with cheat engine

sure I'd love to see a rework of the struggle system to give a bit of random chance or dynamic challenge (currently either you CAN or CANT get out of a grab) but given the language barrier and small benefit that's equally unlikely.

If he released his (probably bought and paid for) daz and blender models there would still be a lot of work involved.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
i think they all have hounds of the meteor as the folder extracted, right? grab the stuff in that folder and copy them into 1 folder.
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