No, that is not an excuse for protecting those people. If you can't follow a simple list of instruction, it is your problem, not the one of the creator. Are you kidding me? If this is the one thing you can't handle, I don't want to know how you live.
This gets beyond ridiculous.
You think it's too simple for people not to be able to do?
You quite obviously have never seen a tech luddite in action on a computer

They are really something else
It isn't about excuses dude, they just plainly can not do it
I have built computers from the ground up probably about 100 times or so over the course of my life, I have recompiled games in order to make cracked versions of them, I didn't even need instructions for this shit to work, I'm used to the way it works, but I'm not a tech luddite and the creator failed to take them into account for his game
The sensible way to go about it would be to create 1 upload set that has the latest update as a multi zip and then another the same as the one it currently has for people who want to minimize downloads by only applying the update files
Some of the people are actual tech luddites, the other ones are just kids that haven't got a clue and shouldn't be playing it anyway, at least it has a silver lining in keeping some kids away from it I guess