VN Unity Completed HuniePop - Valentines Day Update [Final] [HuniePot]

4.40 star(s) 12 Votes
Dec 5, 2019
whats in the valentine update?
Here are the details of the update:
  • Ending Scene: HuniePop is decidedly not a story heavy game, but some players felt a little disoriented at the end; wondering if they had "beaten" the game. So we put together a short conclusion scene between Kyu and the player, just for closure. For players that have already completed the game, you can access this scene by spending the night with Venus one more time. Kyu will visit you the following morning.

  • 100% Completion Changes: We have implemented a few changes that begin to take effect after the player has witnessed the ending scene. These changes will help make getting to a 100% completion rate much less of a grind.
    • You will be able to buy girls' collection items directly from their collection screen, but at a steep Hunie cost.
    • You will be able to choose which date location to go to with girls that you have already spent the night with.
    • The chance of getting a "learn a detail" question when talking with her will double for girls you have already spent the night with.
  • Alpha Mode: We have added a new post-game feature called "Alpha Mode". Alpha mode is sort of like an endless freeplay mode. You will be locked into the "Hard" difficulty setting and each date you go on will be progressively more difficult, indefinitely. The challenge is to see how many Alpha mode dates you can get through. To activate Alpha Mode you have to give Kyu each of the 12 pairs of panties, but you can only do this after you have witnessed the ending scene.

  • Steam Achievements: As highly requested we've added 20 Steam Achievements to unlock; half progress and half challenge. The progress achievements will be unlocked retroactively. All you have to do to retroactively unlock is boot up the game and load into your save file. If you'd rather earn them from scratch simply start a new save file.

  • We have completely re-done Kyu's final CG photo, replacing the old one (The old photo will be included in the KS digital art collection and will be floating around the net I'm sure, so it's not going anywhere).
  • You can exchange the Tissue Box for a new special date gift that you can't get any other way.
  • If you happen to have tossed away a pair of panties, you will now be able to re-earn them by spending the night with that girl again.
  • You now must also have spent the night with Kyu, in addition to the eight normal girls in order to unlock Venus.
  • Your date's bra will fall off halfway through the bedroom bonus round.
  • A handful of game balance tweaks and a handful of minor bug fixes.
  • Version number and censored/uncensored flag added to title file load screen.


May 13, 2021
Am I the only one who genuinely liked this game, not only as naughty stuff but because it's a fun game?

Also is this the same game as what's been out forever or is there something new? Because I don't recognize that sauna picture from the version I played a while back.
I love playing this for just fun


Nov 20, 2019
Is the valentine update ending scene with kyu a sex scene? if not, not even gonna bother with a download lol


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Wait. How can people say the sequel's terrible?
For me, I just couldn't enjoy the story or the gameplay. If it was just the story, I wouldn't mind. If it was just the gameplay, I would totally mind, but I might put up with it. Storywise, you're walking around randomly trying to get random chicks to hook up. I felt like I was half third-wheeling and half trying to trick them into liking each other.
Gameplaywise, I hated the stamina system. Before you were at the mercy of Joy bells, but now you're at the mercy of Joy bells and the stamina hexagons, on top of having to build up Passion and Sentiment separately. But what really made me quit was the baggage system. Seriously, you're going to sap my stamina for a combo greater than 3? Really, you're going to tank your passion every turn I'm not spending turns with you? Man, I wasn't exactly winning before, but this? This is a total waste of time and mental effort. I'm being hamstrung for doing what would normally be considered playing well. And for what, to appear different from the shit we liked in the first game?
Jan 6, 2020
The sequel fucking sucked. Huniepop is one of my favorite games and I'm never going to stop being mad about the sequel.
I feel the same way. It was so badly designed, super broken, replaced good girls with trash ones, and was a massive chore to play. Huge fucking bore of a grind and the stamina and baggage system are there for the sole purpose of screwing you over and padding the game. Developed and launched so lazily too, like at launch it didn't even have achievements or trading cards on steam. I tried to play and enjoy it like 15 times and each time I hated it more. Fuck man, you can't even change the baggage the last time I checked, and you get punished for trying to talk to the girls cuz of the baggage unlocking. Maybe I would still find a little enjoyment in the gameplay if the stamina system didn't exist to solely slow you down and aggravate you.
Jan 6, 2020
For me, I just couldn't enjoy the story or the gameplay. If it was just the story, I wouldn't mind. If it was just the gameplay, I would totally mind, but I might put up with it. Storywise, you're walking around randomly trying to get random chicks to hook up. I felt like I was half third-wheeling and half trying to trick them into liking each other.
Gameplaywise, I hated the stamina system. Before you were at the mercy of Joy bells, but now you're at the mercy of Joy bells and the stamina hexagons, on top of having to build up Passion and Sentiment separately. But what really made me quit was the baggage system. Seriously, you're going to sap my stamina for a combo greater than 3? Really, you're going to tank your passion every turn I'm not spending turns with you? Man, I wasn't exactly winning before, but this? This is a total waste of time and mental effort. I'm being hamstrung for doing what would normally be considered playing well. And for what, to appear different from the shit we liked in the first game?
Thank you for reminding me that the stamina system sucks even more than I remember cuz it punishes you for getting 4 and 5 in a row. I cannot imagine what went through the dev's head when he thought that was a good idea in a damn match 3 game. And also yeah the double dating thing made me feel like a third wheel too, another big complaint I forgot I had.


Apr 21, 2019
Thank you for reminding me that the stamina system sucks even more than I remember cuz it punishes you for getting 4 and 5 in a row. I cannot imagine what went through the dev's head when he thought that was a good idea in a damn match 3 game. And also yeah the double dating thing made me feel like a third wheel too, another big complaint I forgot I had.
Yeah that's exactly what I wrote for the review too. "Ever wanna play a match-3 game where a 4 or 5 in a row can make you lose? Bam here it is."
I don't know how the dev managed to so tremendously misunderstand what their fans liked about the first game. Instead of making another dating sim with bejeweled as a gameplay supplement, they decided to go all-in and attempt to make the most sophisticated variation of bejeweled like it was an esports title. It kinda goes without saying the dating sim part of the game wasn't even put much thought into when they literally made the conscious decision to jokingly include a girl that's deliberately designed to be annoying and unlikable.
I genuinely felt insulted for even having bought it with actual, earned money and couldn't refund it because it took me more than 2 hours to find out just how bad it was, let alone having waited 5 years for it. The fact that its steam review was overflooded with meme good reviews and very few actually addressed the glaring issues disappointed me even more. Frankly one of my worst gaming experiences of all time.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Yeah that's exactly what I wrote for the review too. "Ever wanna play a match-3 game where a 4 or 5 in a row can make you lose? Bam here it is."
I don't know how the dev managed to so tremendously misunderstand what their fans liked about the first game. Instead of making another dating sim with bejeweled as a gameplay supplement, they decided to go all-in and attempt to make the most sophisticated variation of bejeweled like it was an esports title. It kinda goes without saying the dating sim part of the game wasn't even put much thought into when they literally made the conscious decision to jokingly include a girl that's deliberately designed to be annoying and unlikable.
I genuinely felt insulted for even having bought it with actual, earned money and couldn't refund it because it took me more than 2 hours to find out just how bad it was, let alone having waited 5 years for it. The fact that its steam review was overflooded with meme good reviews and very few actually addressed the glaring issues disappointed me even more. Frankly one of my worst gaming experiences of all time.
I know there was like one or two intended annoying characters, but man, I didn't really care for most of them. Abia's entire identity is nonstop innuendos, Zoey's about as cringe-inducing as Suki, except not racist, Lillian is like an Audrey that never grew out of her goth phase, and Brooke... Brooke somehow manages to be less annoying, but so much more hate-able than the other four. The game is somehow even more excruciating when I have to impress her.
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New Member
Feb 11, 2019
Wait. How can people say the sequel's terrible?

While a lot of other people disagree, I personally really liked the new dating mechanics. I disliked the fact we were forced into double dates throughout the entire game but I did enjoy the challenge and felt like it was actually "earning something". The biggest issue was the fucken characters. Holy shit they were so unlikable garbage. I spent my entire play through begging to have any Kyu content because she was the only untainted character. While the game mechanics were fun for me, the story and characters were complete trash.
4.40 star(s) 12 Votes