1.) I agree with increasing the amount of 'food' found by at least 1 unit or so since its a real grind to get one or two days worth of extra food (IF lucky enough to gain that much) by wasting an entire day searching houses before even dreaming of reaching the second map or stumbling into the random supply drop trap.
2.) Will there ever be an option to go Male-Futa-Female or Female-Futa-Male? Partly due to my own fetishes and partly to see extra dialogue with Captain Mobile Weapons Factory and at some point him giving up and not even questioning how or why you're doing that.
For 0.1.5 I've increased the base amount of food supplies give by a decent amount. Where the snack would give 1 point of food now it gives 2 and so on. I'm also adding an event in 0.1.5 called Raider Robbery that allows for a nice supply of food to be snagged. Hopefully this should cut down on the food issues
Also I do wish to have the full transformation but I need to look at the code and check out what adjustments would have to be made. The code itself is easy it's coding in everyone's responses to a full gender transformation that takes a huge chunk of time...
For 0.1.5 I've increased the base amount of food supplies give by a decent amount. Where the snack would give 1 point of food now it gives 2 and so on. I'm also adding an event in 0.1.5 called Raider Robbery that allows for a nice supply of food to be snagged. Hopefully this should cut down on the food issues
Also I do wish to have the full transformation but I need to look at the code and check out what adjustments would have to be made. The code itself is easy it's coding in everyone's responses to a full gender transformation that takes a huge chunk of time...
Honestly, the cop is my top favorite character right now with his responses. He actually responds to your transformation and can even help you out with tips and weapons.
Once I searched this forum and realised that, no, actually, you can't find your family yet, I ended up really enjoying this.
Re: family quest - was there a warning I missed somewhere in the game about the quest not being completable? Because that's something you should be upfront about. I wasted two afternoon's worth of sessions grinding enemy encounters looking for those damn raiders. As soon as I realised it was a fool's errand, I relaxed and enjoyed what I had access to a lot more.
Also, a bug report, I guess - if you go to Dr. FuckHard with temporary transformatives applied, the options in the proceedure menu get messed up (although there is dialogue talking about the temporary transformatives, implying it should work fine if all was right with the code, which is cool to know).
It's been a couple of months since the last public release and I am happy to announce the 0.1.5b release of Infested Cataclysm! This build is free to the public so I hope everyone enjoys this update. Please let me know if there is any bugs or issues cause this update has a lot of underlying code modified!
Ongoing: The new art update is a ongoing process with NPCs being done next
Ongoing: Bad end for pregnancies with the Sisters still not quite finished. You can still access New Game+ but the scene cuts off rather quickly
Ongoing: The Driving fast travel system is still a mess and will be redone in 0.1.X (if I can ever get away from pushing out bug fixes for my...interesting code...)
If I play a Male protag, I put the spawn settings to females only but still get futa spawning.
If I play a Female protag, I put the spawn settings to just futa, yet I still get females spawning, which I guess wouldn't be an issue if my female protag turned futa.
The only spawn setting that seems to stick is no male spawn.
After fights with infested female Gangster the loot is this:
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.uitem is undefined
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.uitem is undefined
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.uitem is undefined<<if _uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<<set $ItemName to _uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemAmount to _uitem.amount>>\
$ItemName x $ItemAmount, \
good game but needs a lot of bug fixing was able to get pass most of it by saving on the bug and then load the save but the jeep hard locked me after i ran into a enemy going somewhere so the save load ideo did not work -_-
Found the bug and fixed it. The issue was that the Infested Gangster used to share a loot table with the regular Gangstas. I made a new loot table just for them but typoed the name for it. I fixed the issue and I should be releasing a bug fix 0.1.5bb later tonight
good game but needs a lot of bug fixing was able to get pass most of it by saving on the bug and then load the save but the jeep hard locked me after i ran into a enemy going somewhere so the save load ideo did not work -_-
I'm not sure what bug you are talking about? Is there a error message when you hit someone while fast traveling? I know the fast travel system needs ALOT of re-writing so I'll keep avoiding it until I can't stand it anymore. At that point a complete overhaul will be done and hopefully everything will be a lot better and smoother.
If I play a Male protag, I put the spawn settings to females only but still get futa spawning.
If I play a Female protag, I put the spawn settings to just futa, yet I still get females spawning, which I guess wouldn't be an issue if my female protag turned futa.
The only spawn setting that seems to stick is no male spawn.
I'm pretty sure the options are "Do you want to have Futa Infested spawn" or not. It doesn't make it so that it's only Futas just adds or removes them from the encounter table. Same with Males. I'll take a closer look at the code just in case but that's how it SHOULD be working. Maybe?
Once I searched this forum and realised that, no, actually, you can't find your family yet, I ended up really enjoying this.
Re: family quest - was there a warning I missed somewhere in the game about the quest not being completable? Because that's something you should be upfront about. I wasted two afternoon's worth of sessions grinding enemy encounters looking for those damn raiders. As soon as I realised it was a fool's errand, I relaxed and enjoyed what I had access to a lot more.
Also, a bug report, I guess - if you go to Dr. FuckHard with temporary transformatives applied, the options in the proceedure menu get messed up (although there is dialogue talking about the temporary transformatives, implying it should work fine if all was right with the code, which is cool to know).
Sorry about not really explaining how the main quest isn't ready for finding your family yet. In update 0.1.5b I made sure to put that in the notes and in red on the main page so hopefully people won't get so frustrated about it in the future. Right now I'm filling in the new zone with possible allies for the raid/rescue of a family member so the base will remain hidden until those allies are in the game.
I fixed the Dr. FuckHard's error in 0.1.5b so that should be good now! Thanks for reporting the bug
Honestly, the cop is my top favorite character right now with his responses. He actually responds to your transformation and can even help you out with tips and weapons.
Thanks! I'm hoping to add him in as a possible ally for the raid against the Pure Blood Raiders base and I hope to even work on his corrupted path some more in the future
Got a bug fix version ready to be downloaded. It's only mostly minor bug fixes with no new content but hopefully I will have another sister from the Church of Trilogy Life ready to be pushed out for 0.1.5c!
Actually the main Infested virus just rises if you have sex with anyone who is infected but doesn't change your gender. So if you go around as a Male fucking all the normal Infested Females or Infested Males, you will stay a Male just with a bigger dick and balls in the end. There is the Futa mutated variant which can turn you into a Futa if you fuck too many Futas and the Milker and Bruiser variants that act the same as the Futa variant. The Milker's transformation requires your PC to be either Futa or Female while the Bruiser transformation requires you to be Futa or Male.
Hope this clears it up for you!
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Actually the main Infested virus just rises if you have sex with anyone who is infected but doesn't change your gender. So if you go around as a Male fucking all the normal Infested Females or Infested Males, you will stay a Male just with a bigger dick and balls in the end. There is the Futa mutated variant which can turn you into a Futa if you fuck too many Futas and the Milker and Bruiser variants that act the same as the Futa variant. The Milker's transformation requires your PC to be either Futa or Female while the Bruiser transformation requires you to be Futa or Male.
Hope this clears it up for you!
I have a bit of a suggestion but more of a hope of mine like maybe we can make it so that the virus changes the player to better suit the needs of the infested fucking them like the male and female infested push players towards the opposite direction by giving futa infestation levels female infested fucking female players and male infested fucking male players both give futa levels
and maybe there should be someway to make the player completely immune to becoming a futa even if they have tons of sex with futas this can counteract the mechanic that gives extra futa levels but even on its own it can be good
Overall yes, a nice game. Despite bugs and stuff it has some flaws like content getting repetitive. But there are also some individual scenes. I too would prefer to gain feats while gaming.
The project needs major coding refactoring to make the project viable, otherwise, it will become a humongous pile of spaghetti where finding bugs or places to add/edit something will be increasingly difficult.
Moving the code to JS and accessing the code through macros IS the way to handle a large complex project that is more than picking paths, tracking a few variables, and scoring points.
Indeeed. There is also a lot of redundancy. It would also allow to go through things like Feats f.e.
And basically everything is used as variable while
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should be used for static lists (or may memorize - things like that -
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), as this already slows down, when you play on android (on desktop as well as android the limits are 5-10MB - see
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- and that is way ENOUGH, usually!! If done right!! Note - my save takes 5MB resp 2MB as jsmin if we are talking about uncompressed data in session. GB sizes of storage is possible but in other regions like IndexedDB, Cache API, Service Workers, ....) It would also prevent the need to adept when changing/adding values on game updates (depending what changes of course - if you have setup.player.maxHP and set $player.HP at certain steps that recover HP - simply changing the setup value is enough. If you have to do recalulations, then of course not). Yes, you can change setup data. "setup object must never change during gameplay" does mean it should not change while playing. While on game updates you do initialize again. But be aware of implications -
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vars if needed (for XP you can use thresholds f.e. or level based or whatever).
Added: The Spring/April event has been added with a thirsty nun obsessed with fertility. She can be found as a home event and will more often show up in the months of April & May (IRL).
Modified: Modified Seasonal Events. Now the first time you have a home event during the seasonal/holiday time frame the new seasonal event is guaranteed to show up. After that there's a higher chance for a repeat during the seasonal time frame but it shouldn't be enough to crowd out the other events.
Added: Paths have been added for each class. These are sub-classes that give unique abilities and access to different skills to each class. Every one of the classes have access to at least 3 path and these paths are chosen when you level your character up to level 4.
Added: New General Feat - Season's Greetings - Which allows a player to run across holiday events way more often than the usual off season rates.
New enemy type of Double Female Infested
On another note the threesome scenes are with the new Double Infested Females located in the new Sunrise View zone as a rare (10%) spawn.
Added: New Status Affect of Drunk. There's no way having a high Drunk status could turn out badly in a porn mutant/zombie style apocalypse
Fixed: Bug with Candy the Receptionist's friendship value becoming corrupted
Fixed: Candy's friendship corruption strikes again! Found it and fixed it. This update should resolve any issues if your Friendship with the friendly receptionist has been corrupted.
- Being drunk comes from beer? That seems to be bugged when drinking.
- Candy still keeps bugging out with 0.1.5bb - manually fixing her value it keeps happening. May depends from where you do enter?
I have another bug fix version of Infested Cataclysm which I've named 0.1.5bbb which is like VVV but with more BBBs. Lots of typos and lots of bug fixes for stuff I've missed. Now on to the development news and the reason I haven't named this version 0.1.5c. I have been busy working on the next sister from the Church of Trilogy Life and while writing part of her story I discovered that I will need to advance more of the Main story line involving the mystery of the Infested virus! So I'm busy finishing her scene and writing an event that leads to a boss fight! Hopefully I should have all this finished here within a week or so, maybe!
I have a bit of a suggestion but more of a hope of mine like maybe we can make it so that the virus changes the player to better suit the needs of the infested fucking them like the male and female infested push players towards the opposite direction by giving futa infestation levels female infested fucking female players and male infested fucking male players both give futa levels
and maybe there should be someway to make the player completely immune to becoming a futa even if they have tons of sex with futas this can counteract the mechanic that gives extra futa levels but even on its own it can be good
What I can do is make it so that Doctor FuckHard will offer a FutaBGone experimental treatment to prevent PCs from becoming Futas from fucking Futas. It won't stop TFs from items but it should allow for more fun time without having to worry about sudden Futa syndrome! It might just take me a awhile to code that.
It's set for IRL time of year on your PC for holiday/seasonal events. You can still run across such events outside of that time period but it's a lot more rarer unless you have the Seasons Greetings general feat.
The paths do have relevance as they give you unique abilities such as a shield equipment slot, healing from hacking, extra weapon and armor proficiency, extra damage with certain weapons and so on. You gain access to them at level 4. The Double Infested Females should only be able to spawn in Sunrise View unless a certain event is in progress.
- Being drunk comes from beer? That seems to be bugged when drinking.
- Candy still keeps bugging out with 0.1.5bb - manually fixing her value it keeps happening. May depends from where you do enter?
Beer can and should make your PC drunk if your PC fails their Fortitude save to resist getting drunk. Checking the code I missed a proper placement for a /if statement and noticed the DC was rather low. I went ahead and raised the DC from 12 to 14 since my level 4 test character is a officer and could only get drunk from a beer on a 1.
Candy SHOULD be fixed, I had missed a space where she had corrupted values being added to her Friendship score. I went ahead and put a copy of her Friendship fixing code in whenever you chat with her so hopefully that will be the end of that fun business.