- Sep 28, 2017
- 139
- 219
There is a different Player 5 picture in the files, but doesn't show up in game? What's up with that?
One of the major updates of 0.1.5 was the updating/improving the enemy art and once that was finished I started looking at NPCs and the PC. I was messing around with improving the PC art but I haven't fully committed to it yet. Please let me know if you liked that art example for Player 5There is a different Player 5 picture in the files, but doesn't show up in game? What's up with that?
That's a interesting question. On the one hand I am happy about the size of the game with the amount of area along with the variety of the enemy types. On the other hand I wish the main story was farther along with more fleshed out NPCs. So I guess I am mostly happy so far with the progress so far while there's always a little voice in the back of my mind urging me to push faster and harder to get the content out.If I may, as its now been just over a year since the game appeared on here, how do you feel about it's progress and current state?
You can't fully infest Nurse Troy but you can push her farther down the path to become corrupted. I'll list the method in a spoiler below!Is it possible to fully infest Nurse Troy...?
I could sworn it is.
Not yet. Adding images for each sex position for Male/Female/Futa PCs for every variant of the Infested will take a lot of time to finish. It's something on my to do list but somewhat low right now.Is there still no pics for sex with random encounters?
The purpose of the protection is for those who want to run around fucking Futas without worrying about becoming a Futa themselves. While the Dr. Peckers and Milkshake Jugs TF items can turn your character into a temp Futa, they aren't the same as the Futa variant of the Infested virus so the treatment doesn't protect against those items. Nor does it protect against buying the Futa Experimental treatment to become a Futa that way.i have a couple of questions first about the new futa protection it says it protects from enemies but not from items but the double female encounter has a defeat scene where they use items on you to give you a dick if you don't have one if this is also blocked that would a lore inconsistency and if it's not then it kinda defeats the purpose of the protection though isn't too much of a hassle
Second there is images in files for both futa doctor and policeman is it possible to turn them into futas in this version or is it just something in the considerations
Apparently not cause you clicked on something that has obvious AI art, then instead of leaving like an adult, you chose to waste your time doing your best whiny bitch impression and expressing your opinion which no one gives a shit about. Grow up and just leave next time you find something you dislike.fucking sick of this aicg sewage
Pregnancy for your character is a bad end for your PC if you don't find some Plan P-Minus in the 3 day window. I figured it wouldn't make much sense to have a PC running around getting in gun fights while pregnant.Is pregnancy only a bad end thing?