VN - Ren'Py - Intertwined [v0.13.2] [Nyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't review games often but when I do it's because the game is truly excellent. A lot of the best games share a lot of the same qualities, like having actual characters with emotions, good renders/art and proper English. Surprisingly it's hard to find games in the adult genre that can accomplish these things but Intertwined is one of them. This is one of the best examples of an adult visual novel that exists on this site, definitely play it if you're undecided.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good writing with cute, compelling and interesting characters, no fantasy elements, super powers, a human story that anyone can buy in.

    It gets messy(aka Intertwined) if you try to "juggle" all the girls, but still believable and most important fun and interesting, characters have understandable motivations and good internal consistency no matter what you choose.
    The "butterfly logic" is very solid so far (5.5).
    Plus the women look hot.

    Everyone should give Intertwined a shot.
    Likes: Yugan
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best ones out there. Actually trying this one without using a walkthrough because i don't want to spoil anything ahead of the story. I actually want to feel the shock or if there is even going to be a shock. Love the interactions between the MC and all the supporting characters (yes including his guy friends). The story has a mixture of teasing, mystery, and branching off. Multiple paths to chose from. I'm only half way through the game and I'm still trying to figure out what is up with Alexis (Lexi). At first she was really hot, now i don't know what she is hiding and it's driving me crazy. i Loved the story line of when he talks about his past with his stepsisters. I know i am just rambling on, but to sum things up .....story is awesome, characters are unique in their own way, sex scenes are animated and sexy. Can't wait for this story to continue.
    Likes: Yugan
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    Well with every new game that lights up the site... it's getting really hard to review it...the bar is getting higher and higher (especially story wise).

    Intertwined has really nice balance between story, reality, teasing and sexual experiences .....

    The part I really love about the game is that.... the story is deep, yet somehow very light and easy on the mind.
    Usually I wait a couple patches before I jump into a game again.... because ever couple of months, you have to go deeper again into the story and maybe replay some parts of the game to remember everything that happened...if you really care about the game and the story.
    With Intertwined I personally remember the story and the details very well and can jump right in without hassle.

    Overall the game is a new gem in the pool of adult games with great stories....

    Milfs +
    Interesting characters ++
    Great Renders +++
    Proper and believable story ++++

    No matter what you prefer in a game... you're going to love this one!
    Likes: Yugan
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really a great game overall. I was kinda skeptical at first but once I started it , the story really kept me going .
    Story - 9/10
    Renders - 9/10
    Girls - 10/10
    Overall I'd say - 9/10

    I'm really looking forward to new versions and how the story unfolds also I think adding some optional femdom content in the newer versions wouldn't hurt anyone as it can be skipped by those who don't like it.
    If you are reading this you should definitely give it a try .
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying the story so far, I especially appreciate that the characters are well thought out and have actual personalities. Spicy scenes are varied and flow well with the plot. Am definitely looking forward to the next installment!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I finally tried this and I'm anxiously waiting for the next update. I like the character building and the fact that choices do matter. That is something I personally like to look for. I like a decent story, and honestly, this is better than decent, in my humble opinion. Again, I do prefer story driven games with good character building. Honestly, the only negative (and it's not a negative in my book) are the few grammar errors, and I do mean few. Just looks like typos here and there, and that happens to the best of us.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the site.
    Great writing, with relatable realistic characters.
    Amazing renders.
    Loveable characters and mostly naturally developed relationships.
    I’ve played upto end of Version 5.5 multiple times for multiple girls, no matter where it goes it’s a great game, but really hope there is an ending where you can rekindle your relationships with Cara or Nikki and marry them, because those two, especially Nikki are by far my favorites.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Besides what others already written, I'd like to point out that I love some easter eggs placed by author, like references to The Witcher otr to The Office. Great work, thank you for wonderful game. I really enojyed my playthrough and I can't wait for more.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2986322

    Thank's the dev for creating this game
    It such a good game
    Maybe even more that being a dicks. I don't know who's my favorite now.
    Everything was perfect in this game, not any mistakes
    First of all finally a good protagonist who I really liked and I can relate to him in his was of thinking and actions. It's a rare with all that bad protagonist.
    The other's character are great like really great
    The writing was on point
    If you like great game you really should play this game for anyone who read this
    ( I really really want to add other's things why this game is such a good game but english is my fouth language that i did learn, i can't express myself enough to tell how I perceive this game)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I started playing this just lately but it is already on top of my favourites.
    Besides the excellent graphics and animations my focus is on the story and
    if it can take me in. If I feel it and can connect not only to the MC but also
    to at least one NPC. I chose to stick to Alexis, maybe I got a special place
    in my heart for this model since Depraved Awakening. But only after
    trying the game out, lettting my guts taking the lead. That left me a bit
    confused, not by the story but knowing there will be no real harem here.
    Which is good in this case, but I had to make a choice quite soon.

    Sometimes I wish I had a chance to avoid the other girls, but only because
    I wasn't sure if I could stick to my choice and not being tempted to much.
    But what really got me was the ending screen of the current version
    accompanied by the piano. WOW.

    It is so much fun letting yourself flow with the story, the humor, the
    dialogues, funny in times, then quite touching. All the ups and downs,
    nicely balanced. I can't give less than 5
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.5.5.

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Visuals - The characters and renders in this are top tier. Including, and it feels weird to say it, the protagonist. After so many honey select games and ones which don't really feature a decent looking protag it's pretty cool to be able to actually play as a character that the dev clearly spent more than 2 seconds creating (even if he's blatantly in his mid-twenties and not 18). Of course, the girls themselves are hot as hell as hell, with some of them being absolute stand-outs (oh man, the red-headed neighbour...) plus some nice variation between them all too. The animations seem fairly decent too, if nothing to write home about.
    • Sex - I've said it before, but I want my erotic games to have a lot of sexy stuff in them, and this hits it out the park. There's plenty of sexual content and it's all really very hot. Honestly, I will admit, I wish there was a little more, but frankly I don't think anyone can really complain about the quality and quantity of sexual content here.

    • Pacing - Around halfway through the current version the game slips into a long flashback sequence. After having spent a couple of hours just starting to get to know all of the main characters, it was super jarring to suddenly be thrown into this long flashback. In the end it does seem fairly pertinent to the story and the characters, plus it was actually enjoyable in itself so I can't complain too much, but at least at first it seemed like an odd and sudden lurch in the direction of the story.
    • Kinks - A very personal complaint here which may or may not really affect others, but while I did enjoy the sexual content, I have to also say that thus far it has been SUPER tame. Not that this is inherently bad, after all even I am in the mood for vanilla now and then, but just as a point of personal preference I'd love to see more varied and rougher kinks introduced.
    • "Where to finish" - A bit of an odd issue here, verging on even being a negative, again related to the sexy stuff. Essentially, while the sex scenes themselves seem relatively well fleshed-out, they almost always seem to end with a fade to black sort of thing. Now, I dunno if you've ever seen that meme about guys only watching a few bits of porn videos, and then skip to the cumshot, but there's an element of truth to it. "Seeing"/playing the cumshot in erotica is one of the hotter moments for me (and I suspect I am not alone in this) because it's sort of the apex of the whole scene, so the way it's done here makes many of the sexy scenes feel very anti-climatic. Which is a bit disappointing.
    • Dialogue - I'm not sure if English is Nyx's (the dev) first language, but occasionally the writing does come across as just ever-so-slightly awkward and stilted. It's not bad by any means, and it all makes sense of course... However, there was a lot of dialogue which sounded just verging on that edge of robotic:
    "Hello MC, it is lovely outside today. How are you today?"
    "Hello blonde girl. Yes, it is sunny outside today, I feel great. Ha ha. Humour deployed."​

    • Melodrama - This consistently feels like one of my biggest gripes with the games on this site, and once again it feels so pertinent here. Particularly as the plot develops further there seems to regularly be so much unnecessary drama going on with over the top responses. Nobody just sits ands talks it out... Although, I will admit, maybe without this kind of soap-y stuff it would just be boring...
    • Erynn is a good girl - So, this was a really weird inconsistency I just didn't get whatsoever... Right at the very start of the game you are told, via quick flashbacks, that the protag used to have a huge crush on blondie Erynn, but eventually they drifted apart and Erynn even eventually took part in bullying him, to the point where he grew to despise her. However, when you get back into town this is immediately forgotten. Erynn has apparently missed you for the last 5 years and thought about you every day and you of course missed her a lot as well. It left me feeling like I'd missed a whole scene where they make-up for past differences and with her apologising rather than him continuing to hold a grudge over the past bullying. It also feels like something of a mixed trick as it could have been actually very fun to come back into town and end up seducing the girl who used to bully you/make fun of you (because that's not a common fantasy at all...). Just... Just weird...

    I am very torn between giving Intertwined 3 or 4 stars. On one hand, I have to admit, I actually enjoyed playing it, I enjoyed the sexy stuff and the setting and characters. In the end though I feel like it was juuuust forgettable and generic enough that it rests closer to 3 than it does 4.

    Even though I am whinging a lot, I think from a moment to moment basis, most of it didn't really affect how much I actually enjoyed the game. It's only now when I reflect on it that I really think "man, did I enjoy that as much as I thought I did?"

    This is with the exception of the Erynn segments, because I swear that just confused me so completely...

    On the other hand, I can't really see myself raving about it too much. Visuals are all well and good, but not the most important for me thing in terms of erotic VNs and beyond that, the game doesn't feel super special. It's a crowd-pleaser but also not exceptional, if I were to describe it in a word it would be: solid.

    The writing is fine, stilted and awkward sometimes, but it doesn't take you out of the experience. The setting is mundane and uninspired, but its presented nicely.

    Character's internal monologues are edging a tiny bit towards insipid territory as all the girls respond in the exact same way to you: "oh gosh, why am I thinking like this about him. Why does he turn me on so much? Oh my goodness. I've never felt this way before. What's wrong with me?" But, again, it's not so over-the-top so as to completely remove you from the experience and actively detract from it (unlike SOME GAMES I could mention).

    All in all, it just works and is just a decent experience.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The young man comes back to his hometown trope is used a lot in games, but this is the most fantastic execution, to the point it's not a trope in this game. Fantastic story, it really lives up to its name. One of the good ones on this site and I can't wait to see where it'll go next!
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One

    I usually skip games where the overview is "young man returns home, and yada, yada, yada", but I gave Intertwined a chance given the great review score it has. And, I gotta say, Intertwined is freaking amazing.
    Though the render quality is not as great, or as up to date as it should be, the characters are really well written and endearing. Not to mention, the story, though slow to start, has gotten better and better as it goes on.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's in really early stages but it was amazing, an enjoyable plot, variety of character with different personalities, nice models, although is something linear is a really well done novel. I hope to see more of it, I think that in a year or two it will be one of the best games in this site.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Liked the characters, liked the plot, and liked the girls. A couple of things were excpectable, but nevertheless enjoyable. Looking forward to more updates. Keep going the good work. Layla is one of the cutest characters ever, hope 0-6 incluedes more of her.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    .Black Panther.

    Review at V0.5.5

    This game is one of my mistakes in judging at first glance.
    The first time I started this game, I dropped it before getting off the plane in the game. because I thought this game just was one of those games that if you even open the refrigerator or wardrobe, a girl will fall out of it and try to have sex with MC !!! . And this is not a game I want to play. but this judgment was wrong.
    The second time .I was bored and had no other work, I did not have another game on the computer. So I played with the lowest expectation of a game .then OMG !!!.

    First of all, this game does not need sex scenes to convince the player to continue the game. So far, the beautiful, complex and strong storyline of the game is enough for this purpose. The game has beautiful and deep characters and keeps players eager to know about the game's characters. The characterization of the characters, their connections and their past are well done. The game's storyline is such that its continuation cannot be guessed, we may be surprised at any moment. In general, all the efforts to make this game have reached a good result, which I hope will continue in the future.
    I do not want to reveal anything about the game. So I suggest you just play and enjoy it.

    thanks for this game. Keep it up! Can't wait for the next updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic renders and animation, fun game design if relatively simple. There's no real way to get off path though more branching might be nice. Main character looks 25 which is whatever but still it works.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best written games I have ever played. The story is awesome. The characters are complex. Sometimes mysterious, sometimes funny, sometimes deep. And the character development during the story is very good. Combined with detailed and very good visuals. The animations could be better but it doesn't really affect the game.
    Play it! You won’t be disappointed.
    Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really liked this one (0.5.5.) Fun, quirky dialogue without errors, an eye for detail, nothing rushed. Interesting characters, enough foreshadowing to create some mystery, but not too much. Great pacing and a good use of flashbacks.

    Great renders, good looking models. Looking forward to what comes next!