VN - Ren'Py - Intertwined [v0.13.2] [Nyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story and character development! I really feel for all of these folks in the story. Writing is wonderful, just enough humor to make it fun without trying to turn it into a yuck-fest. I love that it's not wall-to-wall boinking, which lends a little more realism to the story. My only bone to pick is that the story is SO deep with so many branches that my patience will be tested waiting for the next chapters. All in all, and 5-star effort. Bravo!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Josh is the name

    Well, well, well! This is quite the game you have here my friend! I'll admit that when I saw the girls I said : I can't miss on trying this one out! Consider me very impress! I played it and not only did I liked the girls, which was obvious to happen, but the story ! Damn, man! I don't know how to put this, but for me it just feels incredible! I don't want to give any spoiler, so I'll just say in case anyone reads this comment before playing : just play it! I personally enjoyed every bit of it! It just gets better and better! Really strong and good work done here! Good job! Can't wait for the rest of it!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What to say about this VN

    What i like so far :

    -) The story is intriguing and interesting
    -) The characters are great
    -) I like the detail, one of them when the MC picking up Erynn in front of her campus, i like that its crowded and not just an empty space.
    -) The scenery is also great

    Have to say tho the animation is not the smoothest here but to me that is the only minor issue about this VN.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    holy shit this story. no the game itself is so well made it looks so great. i can't wait for the next updates keep going like this. the ending of v0.5 was hard seeing two best friends like that. the hole story is just it keeps my want to know more about it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    [As of v0.6]

    The Good:
    - Amazing Girls
    - Dialogues are fun
    - Cute romance moments
    - FANTASIC STORY (Dev named this game right)

    The Bad:
    - GOD awful Animation
    - Sex scenes too short

    A game which story is more important that solely sex.
    A MUST try.

    Please work on dem animations, it would have been a 5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good Game. Interesting Story. Graphics are good too. One of my favourite games. Needs to be updated soon can't wait anymore. Please give more updates. Hope story would be good to in the future. And to be honest I don't like that Ethan character so please don't let him be ex-boyfriend or have any affair in the past with Alexis or Erynn . Thank you so much for this game. Keep it on.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's overall a good game quite pleasant.

    Good but not great graphics, poor animations but there is some that's already a good point ahaha.

    Story is interesting. A little problem with pacing because there is an another story in the story (no spoiler). So when things are going well, all stop and you play a new game sort of... I was displeased even if this story was still interesting.

    Big problem for the choices.. Generally they are Good answer/bad answer type and not really a choice. Like someone said before here in the review, they need more impact in the story if you need to have choices at all btw... I didn't tell, there is no impact but as i have played, i have counted 2. One of which is quite painfull cause you have to choose between 2 girls with no middle ground :) ok i was greedy, all games don't have to be harem or fuck all around type. Reality can be good too .

    About reality, i dislike a lot the fact that the main character is a chick magnet who don't deserve anything. They fall like flies ( not sure if there is any idiome like this in english) and the MC doesn't earn the girls. There is sometimes, the MC is charismatic and tease/flirt with them but generally the girl is attracted to him like flies with poop. Hum.... ok i have something for the flies today....

    No sound to be reviewed

    So that's it a good game, but not a top notch one. Hey that's still a good job from the author nonetheless ;)

    PS/Edit: BTW the MC is gorgeous! No gay but wow at least i can understand why the girls are falling for him. For once is nice to have as much work on the MC as for the girls.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an excellent game, that has a lot of goos characters that you can feel connected with. It is a game tha doesn't need to be full of sex scenes to connect you to the game. Definetely one of my favorites
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I got captivated, I discovered it yesterday and I went through the five chapters without a break. It's really like watching a good serie,. For me that's really what I'm looking for, an immersive game where you take a liking to the characters and sometimes you don't even think about sex anymore.

    And the characters change clothes every day, that's a big advantage over some of the most known games.

    I don't know if you understood what i mean, I never used skip button in this game. And It's a good way to work on my English, but unfortunately I can't talk to my teacher about it. Cause I live in the real life haha :sneaky:
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily now, one of my favorites. Came for the fap and stayed for the story as they say. I was extremely hooked as of v0.5, and honestly upset when the update was over. Will be watching for updates on this in the near future.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good VN
    Renders are clean
    Characters have depth
    Ladies are sexy
    Choices need to have fire power
    So far this is a good VN. Story has purpose, and the characters aren't one dimensional. As mentioned, the choices need to have meaning. The MC is supposedly carrying a grudge and when given the opportunity to express his anger, frustration, or betrayal, it goes no where when you chose to do so. I do however like this VN. I even recommend giving this one a play through. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to where things go with the next update.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Dude, finished this game so soon and i wish to have a time machine to travel to future and play this game in this final version, is amazing! Great work!
    I'm so amazed with all characters, all have emotions and back historys, and the mc is badass af, i really like this game, i wish success for the creator
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Its very rare for me to feel this frustrated when a chapter (update) ends. It was a great cliffhanger. I just started this yesterday and ate it up. I am surprised how deep I got into it. I had such a turn around on my opinion of Lexi and Erryn so quickly, That is the Dev doing their job here. I am going to be impatiently waiting for the next update, Renders are very good overall. Writing is solid. I usually give something criticism, but I dont have much. Thanks for a very good story!
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    In short: this is a pretty decent, but very un-unique game.

    The game looks good. Most renders have lots of detail. Faces, hair and eyes look realistic. English is flawless and the conversations are often believable... but also kinda boring.

    And that's exactly what started to annoy me after a while. Even though everything looks quite good, there is not one aspect in this game that makes it original from other games.

    You have litterally seen it all before: standard school setting, hot single mom, hot single neighbor with hot daughter that both look the same age, hot teacher, hot principal, standard goofy best friend that strikes out on all the girls while they all magically fall in love with you, random hot stranger that 'accidentally' turns out to work at your new favourite bar, etc.

    I found that the endless string of clichés and 'perfect' looking models started to get boring after a while. But if you don't care about that this is a pretty good game with beautiful renders.

    One last thing: the animations are... there. At the start of the game they're pretty bad but they get better with each update. So that's promising for the future.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Never played this until now (v0.5) and I almost hate myself. Best graphics - no, best animations - no, but that is to not say they are not top notch. The story and the cleverness in the plot is one of the best things I've seen on this site. The models are gorgeous and not overdone (imo) and the story is fairly believable - intertwined (perfect name for this one) - which is fairly rare in this genre. I was totally blown away. Dev earned a patron today... wonderful VN!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game starting with version 0.5 so enough content to keep my interest.
    For me a really good game with really nice renders, great story twists and fun :)
    Looking forward to the next update
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First rate game, well worth a play through. Great character models, top notch story, in legible English no less, plenty of scenes with good variety. What more do you need? Two thumbs up, highly recommend.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating for this Game is:

    + Graphics Great
    + Characters Great
    + Great Story
    + Long Playing time
    + Hot Sex
    + No Grinding
    + Fantastic Animation

    - Nothing

    Nice Story, not that much text wanting you to skip, Great Animation, love the Story,just like watching a movie,I just cant get enough of it, could continue with this without taking a break.
    Would give this game 10 Stars if I could, the Only problem I,m having with this game is to decide which girl to take.....decisions decisions....

    A Nice Story, Great Characters.
    Definitely worth the Download.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was a pleasant surprise pick up for me. Good characters, good writing, and pretty good renders with acceptable animations. Highly recommend if you are into more down to earth grounded stories.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    top 3 games i ever played on this site! hands down just got to the end of chapter 5 and honestly the makers deserve all the support they can get and tenfold, very deep story which makes you connect with each of the characters as well a pretty complex MC who has layers.