4.10 star(s) 14 Votes


May 19, 2018
As for non-insect creatures, currently the plan is to stick with insects for the V1.0 release of the game as that has historically been my main focus. Having said that I do generally like bestiality/monster content myself so who knows what the far off future holds...
Good luck with the game, I played it a bit and it looks promising so far! Insect stuff isn't my typical cup of tea, so I'll bow out for now. I will definitely keep my eye on this project though, in case you decide to add beast content in the future.


Dec 3, 2022
Well neat. I'm sure you're on it... but that one animation with the flying one being off center isn't a great look. Especially being as it's the first one you're likely to see. And it's wound up in the preview images. I figured it might not be in the actual preview... but well. It was.

Double shame as I'm very fond of that sort of act with monsters and the like. Blowjobs are finicky to animate though, so I get it.
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Nov 28, 2017
Hi everyone, I would like to see other animals in this game besides insects ! For example - Wolves, Panthers or other big cats - Lions, tigers or Leopards - Bears - Wild Boars - Wild Horses - Well and maybe the author will want to introduce some other animals into the game ! I'll tell you honestly that personally I am not particularly attracted to insects ! I would like to see other animals ! I would be glad if the author agreed to add them to his game!!!
May 28, 2022
no pressure whatever u do, this has immense potential. the map is huge lmao

a bug (issue?) i noticed was after a scene, your inventory's items become inaccessible, including the characters clothes.
another was the animation for the wasp not lining up with her face occasionally. could have to do with the inclines but im not certain.

a few things i'd like to see is an auto-aiming feature; i felt like half the game i was chasing the creatures trying to land a hit. either that or make the potion's splash significantly larger.
would also be cool if the potion's splash affected the character too if she was within range of where it lands.
lastly if you made the inventory's interface usable with the keyboard so you don't necessarily have to drag stuff around.

i don't know if you have a team or if its only you, so don't think for a second this game is anything but a huge success in the making, with or without my suggestions -- even if insectai isn't really a fetish of mine. thoroughly enjoyed playing & excited to see its evolution.
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Feb 2, 2020
Very optimized and well performing game. Biggest bug I ran into is going freecam bugged out my inventory and ability to use hotbar.

(I did find one other interesting issue, I have a laptop with a 16x10 ratio screen, this actually messed up the sex animations by causing an offset or scaling issue)

Also, it is possible to move the character when switching back from free camera mode before ending the animation.

Really looking forward to seeing how the semen plays into the alchemy system. Also noticed a key that gave the MC building materials? Could this be a base building game?

I will pay close attention to this one for sure.


Dec 20, 2022
Alright Only thing I could say is common sense shit that will probably be added later.

A way to speed up sex scenes or skip them but still extract fluids, after you seen one a few times you kind of just want to go fast.
Humanoid type insects/Infested types you know the type form hentai.
Breasts growth when pregnant (Can linger a while after birth)
Lactation when pregnant, (can last for a while after birth)
Hostile bugs that are DTF or kill? (Basically they go after the player character and you don't have to press E)
Clothing ripping systems tied to^ hostile bugs, the ripping effect could be done fairly easy in UE with masks on the material.

Now hear me out
Breasts and anal pregnancies lol

Anyway This game is very optimized for a UE game and low file size so I wish you the best dev keep it up.


New Member
Nov 19, 2023
Hey everyone, regarding the misalignment issues for sex animations, what's causing it is Kyra's boots slightly effect her height when wearing them and therefore should be nullified when sex animations are playing. I thought I had fixed that bug with the last build but clearly not. For now a workaround that should work I think is to start an animation without boots, then equip the boots while an animation is playing which should result in a correct alignment. I'll make sure its completely fixed for the next build as its particularly unsightly I know.

As for free camera deleting everything in your inventory, it is a known issue but has been a bit more tricky to solve, currently I wouldn't recommend using it.

A way to speed up sex scenes or skip them but still extract fluids, after you seen one a few times you kind of just want to go fast.
Yep I do intend to add that.

This is my first time developing a game and I don't have any prior programming experience so things are pretty simple because of that. I'm slowly getting a bit better however I'm also considered finding someone to help with programming. Also although I won't be replying to everything I have been reading every post and the feedback has been valuable so please keep it up.


May 30, 2019
I'm a poor little man!(((
I can't play this game because the computer is very old. Can someone kind person record a video. Videos with sex scenes please. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2017
This is my first time developing a game and I don't have any prior programming experience so things are pretty simple because of that. I'm slowly getting a bit better however I'm also considered finding someone to help with programming. Also although I won't be replying to everything I have been reading every post and the feedback has been valuable so please keep it up.
Heya, best of luck with your project! As for feedback, most of the things I wanted to say have already been said by other people here. One thing I noticed is that if you fall in water, especially in the lakes throughout the forest, getting out can be difficult. It's not consistent, but sometimes I keep sliding back into the water even if I hold down the sprint button to swim faster. It's most noticeable in this lake. It can be near impossible to get out sometimes. The only way to get out consistently is in the area marked with the red circle. Maybe it's intended idk
Another thing I'd suggest is to separate the graphical options rather than have one generic "graphics quality" settings. You probably have that planned already but oh well. Personally I like how the game looks but I'd like to be able to minimize the amount of foliage/grass on the ground while keeping everything else intact mainly because the grass seems to be rather resource intensive can also make it extremely hard to find the cockroaches (and possibly other future creatures).

You mentioned the positions are context sensitive. I noticed that different animations will trigger whether the girl is aroused from masturbation or aroused from the potions. Not sure if it's intended but I wanted to point that out. Also it seems like even after drinking potions it doesn't always activate the corresponding animation.

Not much else to say right now, but I did notice the alchemy tab in the inventory has a section for crafting clothing. Obviously there's nothing there right now, but I am curious as to what type of clothes you have planned for the future. Can you tell us anything about that?

Also, if you need help with the game you could try asking in the Recruitment & Services section of this site

and the dev section
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Jan 12, 2020
Had a sudden spike in Patreon members this morning and had a sneaking suspicion as to why....

Thank you for all the feedback though, I'll try to answer some questions here when I can. Regarding how to trigger different animations, they are indeed context sensitive. Currently the different states are neither aroused, Kyra aroused, Creature aroused, and Kyra pregnant, with each having a unique animation.

As for non-insect creatures, currently the plan is to stick with insects for the V1.0 release of the game as that has historically been my main focus. Having said that I do generally like bestiality/monster content myself so who knows what the far off future holds...

Regarding oviposition, I'm not really a huge fan of it myself however I'll keep it in mind for future content as there does seem to be quite the demand for it.

Lastly, I plan on releasing a public demo of sorts for the game sometime next month with a proper title for the game as well as some general polishing so stay tuned for that.
Hope for a dog or wolf in the future ;)


Oct 18, 2018
I feel the need to put my two-cents after reading the reviews section and it becoming apparent that some people don't really understand the purpose of a tech demo, and give the hard work Devs put in just to get to the point of releasing something that could potentially be great, a fairly negative review.

This has some good bones to add to, giving it the potential to be great further down the road. To the people out there that don't understand what exactly a Tech Demo is, let me explain.

Tech Demos are just a prelude to show the potential of what could be, not what is. They typically have very little in playability, by design. If a Tech Demo has too much added too early, it just increases the likelihood of issues arising further down the road. Yes this currently only has 2 NPC entities with 3 variations on their animations. Yes this has a vast map, that for the time being seems fairly sparse in regards to the placement of said NPC and resources. Yes this seems fairly bare bones. With all that said, this actually has a good bit of stuff to show given the current state in its development.

I have alpha tested and even beta tested games released by large AAA title companies, and in some of those tests your access was limited to way less content.

In conclusion, before giving a negatively charged review on something that really hasn't even progressed to the point of getting off the ground floor, maybe consider how doing so just might make you look ignorant to the development process of many of the video games and projects on sites like this. If you find yourself incapable of having even that negligible of an amount of decency, the perhaps you should consider only leaving reviews on games that are in a completed status on their roadmaps. Yes, people are entitled to the ability to form and share their own opinions. However, if your opinion on a TECH DEMO is, "This has a lack of content," then that isn't a constructive opinion, it's just destructive vitriol spewed over the hard work Devs put into just getting an idea out there.


Oct 18, 2018
lewd scene doesnt stop. wtf man? cant proceed
I made this mistake at first myself and thought, "Oh perhaps it's just a bug because of the early development phase in this project." Then I had the brilliant revelation and idea to check the key bindings.
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Reactions: Monki0


Nov 6, 2023
I feel the need to put my two-cents after reading the reviews section and it becoming apparent that some people don't really understand the purpose of a tech demo, and give the hard work Devs put in just to get to the point of releasing something that could potentially be great, a fairly negative review.

This has some good bones to add to, giving it the potential to be great further down the road. To the people out there that don't understand what exactly a Tech Demo is, let me explain.

Tech Demos are just a prelude to show the potential of what could be, not what is. They typically have very little in playability, by design. If a Tech Demo has too much added too early, it just increases the likelihood of issues arising further down the road. Yes this currently only has 2 NPC entities with 3 variations on their animations. Yes this has a vast map, that for the time being seems fairly sparse in regards to the placement of said NPC and resources. Yes this seems fairly bare bones. With all that said, this actually has a good bit of stuff to show given the current state in its development.

I have alpha tested and even beta tested games released by large AAA title companies, and in some of those tests your access was limited to way less content.

In conclusion, before giving a negatively charged review on something that really hasn't even progressed to the point of getting off the ground floor, maybe consider how doing so just might make you look ignorant to the development process of many of the video games and projects on sites like this. If you find yourself incapable of having even that negligible of an amount of decency, the perhaps you should consider only leaving reviews on games that are in a completed status on their roadmaps. Yes, people are entitled to the ability to form and share their own opinions. However, if your opinion on a TECH DEMO is, "This has a lack of content," then that isn't a constructive opinion, it's just destructive vitriol spewed over the hard work Devs put into just getting an idea out there.
Thank you. Finally someone speaks up about this. It annoys me a great deal that promising looking games gets review bombed by people who seemingly not understand what the Versions Numbers stand for. You are right, some people cant understand that a very early 0.1 or DEMO Version cant be a polished and fleshed out game. It cant and it shouldnt. All this review bombing achieves is discourage the Dev developing this game further, increasing the chance it gets abbandoned like many other promising games before.
4.10 star(s) 14 Votes