So, played the demo (With both hands.

) Its pretty good, though the controls can be a bit tricky. Specially with the space bar enteracting with things (Like ropes, ect.) as. I've either had a sticky space bar (Not for that reason. Get your head out of the gutter.) or maybe its cause of my old laptop. But game runs smooth if a bit janky in some parts like the black wall closing in and being slow and too dark to see stuff. (This was something another player mention Idk who. But I agree its slow needs to be lighten up and sped up a tad or so. (Make it fair but difficult "or just add a Easy/Hard mode"?). Would like to have more save spots or just a auto save function so; I can save wherever so I don't have to repeat a whole section.
(Not a deal breaker if not installed. Just a quality of life thing. Otherwise reminds me of the old school sonic and mario games where it puts back at the start.

Which I don't totally mind just frustrating lol.)
I tried to see the other endings. Like the mc impreged by the villagers (Idk if I missed it or not.). But over all, for a demo, this is fun and well done. Its spooky but not so spooky I'm pooping my pants. (Which is good cause I want to get to the lewds! X3 an not a bash on the creator. This has the making of a good thriller adventure lewd game.) 10/10 would smash the mc and get her preggers.
I can't wait to see more from you and if you continue to work on this game. Would love to see more stuff and different puzzles outside of platforming. (Again doesn't have to be difficult puzzles either just some stuff that don't require platforming.) But that is me.
Again, this looks awesome, keep up the good work.