1. Strip club foreclosure (I followed both Gabrielle's and Cara's storylines and I have access to the strip club)
This one took a bit of digging since the stripclub is considered a modded plotline provided by "Corrado". There are a few things required before the foreclosure event triggers:
- The strip club cannot be open (time of day has to be earlier than "evening")
- Sarah's "Epic Tits" quest (where you can convince her to take more serums for larger tits) must not be active
- Gabrielle must be able to be blackmailed (26+ Sluttiness)
- A countdown will occur with a random time interval between 10 - 16 days
- Note: This countdown is just a built in delay before the event chain to buy it can start
After the stripclub is foreclosed, the following must happen before you can buy it:
- Talk with Gabrielle about the stripclub closing down (stage 1)
- Talk with Cara about the foreclosure (Stage 2, Stage 3)
- Requires you to have met her
- No choices to be made here, this part of the progression is "on the rails" up until after MC has his internal monologue
- Talk to Cara again (Stage 4, Stage 5)
- WARNING: Once you take this action to talk to Cara you have 19 days to buy the stripclub before it's bought by someone else
- You will then enter a game loop where if you can come back to Cara at anytime to buy the stripclub if you haven't already
2. Sarah's "first threesome" (Naomi's storyline)
Sarah's threesome request is an event that can only occur after the 5th week in-game, and has
81+ Sluttiness.
3. Ashley's "bend over desk" event and her storyline in general, which is, IMO, the weirder and harder, together with Camila's.
This seems to be part of Ashley's obedience storyline, which requires her having
181+ Obedience. Starbuck still hasn't fully written this scene, and I'm not sure when it'll be completed.
In general, Ashley's storylines (love, lust, obedience) are mostly unfinished due to Starbuck refactoring the event plots for every main LI.
4. Ellie's "love story" path
After Ellie gives you a handjob the next event is her bringing lunch to you, which can occur at any time after "early morning" and when she has
41+ love.
5. Jennifer's boss and his family: it is hinted that I need to seduce her wife or daughters...
This might be related to a rival plotline that Starbuck has started via Jennifers lust questline. Christina and Iris are vastly underdeveloped as of the current version, and only Emily's story seems to have some inclination towards her being an avenue you can use to gain council influence.