4.80 star(s) 38 Votes


Game Developer
May 5, 2018
This is very wise. You are trying to convince people that you and your product are a positive thing for them and doing what this guy does achieves the opposite. Even I'm not sure if I should support a person anymore who thinks like this.

It looks like either some people talked some sense into him, or he realized he was doing a knee jerk reaction, because he deleted the tweet about you Kredyn, not really getting a good understanding of the machine translation of what he's saying though.
Not at all, he said in the beginning that he would delete it later and all he said is that he will stop visiting "these forums" for now, but when he releases the full game, he would "deal with it". He is also mumbling around saying how angry he is and how we are thieves and basically crying ever since on his twitter.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
This is very wise. You are trying to convince people that you and your product are a positive thing for them and doing what this guy does achieves the opposite. Even I'm not sure if I should support a person anymore who thinks like this.

Not at all, he said in the beginning that he would delete it later and all he said is that he will stop visiting "these forums" for now, but when he releases the full game, he would "deal with it". He is also mumbling around saying how angry he is and how we are thieves and basically crying ever since on his twitter.

Wow, I'm sorry man I honestly feel responsible. I feel like if I wouldn't have posted that one link, maybe he wouldn't have found out about this.

In the end I understand piracy's a double edged sword, but I feel that quote that I linked, is the better way to look at it, over the years, I've seen plenty of manga, hentai, doujins, and different games.

If I hadn't been on here, manga websites, anime websites, I wouldn't even know about a lot of the stuff I do know about. Same goes with your game, I honestly didn't know about it until then. I'm in a really crappy situation atm, and am trying to fix it, but it's taking time. (financial/personal) You know exposure/advertisement.

Hope everything goes fine for you though man.
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ravioli trueno

New Member
Mar 15, 2020
You can't fight against piracy system, because it's sometime easier to get it from it than the normal way, in this case it's because of the language barrier.
I mean, how do I use his website to support him the right way? LOL

Also If I wasn't on this website, I won't even know that this game exist.
It's true that it won't help him get some cash to live, but being against people who like their work even if they can't support it is not cool, but we don't know his live.

ravioli trueno

New Member
Mar 15, 2020
There is Also a way to show your game via Demo, or older build like You do Kredyn, and it's a great move so you also control the "shared" version (except link in the next messages).


May 21, 2017
Going by machine translation: "‎I fear that game creators are even translating games for people who have been illegally uploaded in and out of pirate forums. Please, disappear.‎"

It's about you translating his game Kredyn, sounds like he's going down the knights of asgar route. I don't get why they don't understand that they have alot of international fans outside japan too, and are passionate enough to translate the game for free to make it understandable and more enjoyable for people that cannot understand the language.

For god's sake instead of Zell23 (forest of the blue skin, succubus affection, shiro no yakata creator), complaining about someone translating his game (forest of the blue skin), he embraced it and worked alongside them. I've seen plenty others too, they see people translating their games and instead of complaining about it, they work with them to do an official translation.

90% of these japanese games never find a translator or even attempt at all, which leaves it up to people that understand the language to translate it so other people can enjoy it. A perfect example is: We only got the 5th sakura wars (niche series already though), in america, we missed out on 1-4, and the episode 0 of 5. Only about like 3-5 years ago or so, did people finally fully english translate the first sakura wars and that took many many years (sakura taisen in japan). People are also working on translating Fate Extra CCC, a game that never came to america. So alot of complaining can be done, but why would you really want to support something that you can't understand?

Alot of times, importing is the only way as well, and combined with the price of the game + super expensive shipping from japan, it's really costly, just to get something you can't make heads or tails of.

Being anti-gaijin as they would call us, is really not the way to go, and could lose a lot of potential people supporting the game.

And, I wouldn't be surprised if it's from me linking those things above of why it got noticed, so sorry.
i think im reminded of the ROBF dev with how he sent virus and fake links of his game to people who translated the game to english not give out the game just the english patch its self. also with how he made alot questions u could never answer if u were from the west in his games


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
i think im reminded of the ROBF dev with how he sent virus and fake links of his game to people who translated the game to english not give out the game just the english patch its self. also with how he made alot questions u could never answer if u were from the west in his games
Yep, I mentioned that above a couple posts back lol. It reminds me of the exact same mentality, and I think he's going to lose a lot of potential supporters, and like ravioli said, it's the language barrier, and a lot of people would not have found it otherwise, same for me with a lot of things japanese based.


Feb 2, 2020
To me it seems like the dev is getting his wish though. He doesn't like westerners so he isn't releasing his game in eigo so there shouldn't be any issue if he doesn't receive money from gaijins. I feel kinda bummed out that the dev feels this way because his game looked amazing and I seriously hope that he is able to finish the game. But he is denouncing such forums so should I pretend the game doesn't exist since I wouldn't have known about it without such forum?


Jul 22, 2017
I really get surprised when developers act this way. Are they aware of just how much trouble westerners can get into supporting hentai projects? We have judges over here that view underage anime girls as the same as child exploitation and several have stated that anime leads to pedophilia just to show how ridiculous these people are. Plenty of us go through so much potential trouble to support these devs and risk our own livelihoods to give them money.

Are they just not aware of how many scam hentai projects and artists there are? Or do they expect westerners, with all the legal shit already put against them (to the point that credit card companies like mastercard will auto suspend your transactions if you purchase or donate to Japanese sites because the the transaction looks "suspicious") to support openly people whose works they haven't sampled or even checked themselves to see if the content doesn't have enough in it to put them in jail just to for having it on their hard drive? FML you make porn for a living and live in nation that knows just how good they still have it, you'd think you would have some perspective.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
i feel bad with these kind of devs, most of the times they hear "Piracy" they suddenly get triggered and starts complaining and
threatening everyone... (just like the Overlord Writer)
Like, okey i understand that having your work taken for free by others is practically be "stolen"but
-Have they thought why their works are pirated in the first place?
-Have they thought about the benefits they can get by that?
-Have they tried to make a deal or talk with those people than do it to get a mutual benefit?
Nah, just fuck those burglars.
Fortunately there are good devs willing to be friendly and willing to get the support from "Pirates" by working together with them and expanding their public. Just my two cents


New Member
Nov 1, 2020
Ahora asimofu está súper desmotivado en twitter, debería intentar verlo desde una perspectiva diferente.


New Member
Aug 25, 2021
In my opinion, it probably doesn't matter to developers like him whether piracy is actually useful to them or not.
I think they enjoy seeing people who value their games pay for them and enjoy them, not making money itself. If they just want to make money, they can work for a company.
And even if they get more of those people thanks to piracy, the existence of a pirate community may completely destroy that enjoyment, like a drop of mud ruins a barrel of wine.
I personally believe that piracy is inevitable, but I am surprised that the people who use it believe it is absolutely useful to developers. Isn't it up to the developers themselves to decide if it is useful to them or not?
So you're saying that piracy is how you guys came to know about this game.. Haha, that's just the result for you guys, there are better places to advertise the game. This is not the place to do it - for most developers include ASIMOFU.
Most importantly, piracy has not been a source of mental/emotional support for him at all. Even if he has the money, if he doesn't have the motivation, his personal game production will stop.
It is obvious that ASIMOFU is under a lot of stress because of piracy, and I am worried that he will stop developing because of it. Besides, I don't want the money I spent to help him to be wasted.

P.S. I came here because I saw ASIMOFU's statement on Twitter.
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Oct 31, 2019
I understand why hes upset. Hes putting a whole lot of effort into creating the systems for this game and he doesn't want the game to be pirated, if hes upset about people editing the language i might understand that as well. I think he probably feels like its a violation to edit the game without his permission and then to spread files around that will likely be used in conjunction with people who pirate the game.

His biggest fear is probably that hes doing all of this work and in the end hes not going to be rewarded, or perhaps hes very protective the the magnificent game he is in the process of making, either way it isn't our place to say whether pirating the game is good for the game or bad for the game, it just sorta rubs people the wrong way to say 'I'm Helping'!, when you share a file that the dev pretty obviously wants everyone to pay for instead.

I really wish there was a way to explain that some of us have good intentions, have supported him on Ci-en before (As i have) and would continue to support him in that method and via other methods despite being Gaijin.

I would contact him on twitter and try to explain, but i don't want to piss him off anymore than he already is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
I posted a similar situation in some previous posts, and it was from developers who went through the same kind of situation. Once again, lumping all people in a group together as bad just because some do, is asanine thinking.

Also, by reacting with a knee jerk reaction like that, you deter potential supporters away, it happened with that one situation I linked in my previous posts (not going to post again).

Once again I understand the whole piracy debate, it's why I said it's a double edged sword.

No one can honestly say that piracy has completely screwed them over, because more than ever nowadays, people DO find out about games/series through sites like this. Do not tell me it's not a big thing and quite a bit of people, because like I said most of the anime, manga, doujins, and hentai, i've found out about through sites similar to this.

It's once again that language barrier, and two different countries market. The only real thing that's changed over the years, has been manga, light novels, anime, and about 3-5 years ago or so maybe a little more, point being it was pretty recent, they finally realized there's a western market for visual novels (and it's pretty big!)

I can give you a perfect example:

I found out about Rising of the shield hero through a manga website, then watched the anime. I bought not just the regular vol 1 and 2 blu rays, but the collectors edition to support them (even though I don't like the anime company producing it), I also bought figmas (poseable figures), for shield hero, nenodroids (chibi poseable figures), some statues as well.

It's definitely how a lot of people find out about these series, because companies otherwise without knowing there's an audience/popularity for it, wouldn't take a chance and release it for the western market, as much as they would for the japanese market since that's what they know works.
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New Member
Aug 25, 2021
If language differences are a problem, ask the developers to make a translated version and wait for it to be made. If you are very kind, you can tell him that you will do the translation work.
There is no need to upload the game itself, which is distributed for a fee.
It is not wrong to keep people away who are where stolen goods are being distributed.
It's shameful to cite plausible "examples" to bolster the self-serving theories.

It is understandable that pirated games are easy to access and provides some publicity.
However, I think piracy should never be justified for any reason. Anyone who promotes a work in a way that the developers disagree with has no right to call themselves a "supporter" or a "fan".

It is obvious that the people ASIMOFU wants to promote his work to are those who do not use pirate sites.
In other words, you here have no need to be a supporter for him at all.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
If language differences are a problem, ask the developers to make a translated version and wait for it to be made. If you are very kind, you can tell him that you will do the translation work.
There is no need to upload the game itself, which is distributed for a fee.
It is not wrong to keep people away who are where stolen goods are being distributed.
It's shameful to cite plausible "examples" to bolster the self-serving theories.

It is understandable that pirated games are easy to access and provides some publicity.
However, I think piracy should never be justified for any reason. Anyone who promotes a work in a way that the developers disagree with has no right to call themselves a "supporter" or a "fan".

It is obvious that the people ASIMOFU wants to promote his work to are those who do not use pirate sites.
In other words, you here have no need to be a supporter for him at all.

You have your opinion on it and I have mine. It's exactly why I called it a "double edged sword".

I'm not going back and forth constantly, because it seems pointless for both sides.

Several japanese developers don't even attempt to translate works at all, hence why people that understand the language translate it. That's where I'm leaving it.

I also have a feeling the previous posts I made that are quotes from a developer and another person that brought statistics in, that dealt with similar circumstances weren't looked at, but w/e it is what it is.
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New Member
Aug 25, 2021
You have your opinion on it and I have mine. It's exactly why I called it a "double edged sword".

I'm not going back and forth constantly, because it seems pointless for both sides.

Several japanese developers don't even attempt to translate works at all, hence why people that understand the language translate it. That's where I'm leaving it.

I also have a feeling the previous posts I made that are quotes from a developer and another person that brought statistics in, that dealt with similar circumstances weren't looked at, but w/e it is what it is.
So did you ask him about the translated version?
How do you know for sure that he won't release a translated version?

You don't understand the point of my statement at all.
I agree that piracy is a "double-edged sword", but in my opinion, it's not about the possibility of a disagreement between you and me, it's about a possibility of hindrance to the development.
If you don't care about the possibility of hindrance to the development, you can do piracy as a "support" for him.

Unfortunately, I can't help but think that any discussion with you is futile.
I can't talk to someone who can't even understand the common sense that paid software should not be released by other people for free without permission.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Been a fan of Asimofu since the Fromage/Milia wars days.
I'd happily support them if their work was released on steam, but even then, there's the stigma around hentai applied solely by those who can't differentiate fantasy from the real deal.
There's several factors preventing many people from supporting hentai creators.
It sucks that they choose the translators to blame.
Perhaps we should just wait for them to translate it.

I think on Twitter, someone's giving him the idea to add a japanese quiz to the game or something to make the game unplayable for westerners :I
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New Member
Jun 2, 2020
well shit,i just got blocked (i knew this was going to happen) what a shame...
i REALLY enjoyed 0.0.6, but couldn't get too much into it because of the language barrier (guess i going to need to learn Japanese now...)
The worst thing is that i EVEN posted the CI-EN page thanking me for supporting ASIMOFU...
I gotta resort to drastic measures, like having to create a new Twitter with a Japanese ip and a Japanese mail account just to follow him.
This never happened to me before, i feel betrayed.
Even other Japanese content creator that i follow (Deaver0211) thanked me for supporting him and liked my post of the pixiv fanbox thanks screen and stated that he was going to do his best...
Man what a day to be a foreigner...



New Member
Jun 2, 2020
well shit,i just got blocked (i knew this was going to happen) what a shame...
i REALLY enjoyed 0.0.6, but couldn't get too much into it because of the language barrier (guess i going to need to learn Japanese now...)
The worst thing is that i EVEN posted the CI-EN page thanking me for supporting ASIMOFU...
I gotta resort to drastic measures, like having to create a new Twitter with a Japanese ip and a Japanese mail account just to follow him.
This never happened to me before, i feel betrayed.
Even other Japanese content creator that i follow (Deaver0211) thanked me for supporting him and liked my post of the pixiv fanbox thanks screen and stated that he was going to do his best...
Man what a day to be a foreigner...

View attachment 1372015
edit: i dont know what to think, i am watching asimofu's Twitter on cookie-less browser so i don't login on my account (the blocked by asimofu) and it literally retwitted a post of other content creator who says that we foreigners lack sense of value, that this content creator don't understand us. Motherfucking Language Barrier how i hate you.
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New Member
Aug 25, 2021
From what I read in ASIMOFU's tweets, every people who is active on a site where pirated copies are distributed are all enemies to him. His work has been uploaded on this topic as well, and putting out a translation patch here means encouraging the use of pirated copies. I guess he doesn't hate all translators, but he hates the translators who are active here, doesn't he?
There's not a language barrier, but there's an ethical barrier.

If all the foreigners who has interest to him come from this site, then inevitably he will hate all foreigners. Of course, not every foreigner uses piracy and is an enemy to him, anyway it's impossible for anyone who is active here to convince him to clear up this misunderstanding.
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4.80 star(s) 38 Votes