4.80 star(s) 38 Votes


Oct 31, 2019
There has been a development.

First, Asimofu posted on Ci-En that there is an existing translation in this version of the game that can be set if you delete the existing save (or something of that nature). I haven't tried this personally and i can't attest to the quality of the translation, it may also be a translation of UI alone and not any text in the game but at least it shows that this dev now intends to offer at least some level of support to English speaking audience.

Also, Asimofu said on twitter that he doesn't authorize any translation or piracy (obviously) of his work, so if you want to respect his wishes, let him handle this part.

I have to reiterate that i think Asimofu is extremely protective of his work and he has that right, whether people want to ignore his wishes is up to them, but the game figures to be one of the best new developments for this genre in quite some time and i don't think its worth continuing to kick the hornets nest on the issue which will only contribute to further distraction from development.

I strongly encourage people to support the mod on Ci-en or whatever platform he chooses to utilize and if they do intend to share pirated version of the game, to not be so open and obvious about it since the dev is keeping an eye on English Hentai forums.

TheeSonus said:
it's gonna suck when you see people are pirating your game, but to then go out of your way to explicitly name drop someone who has supported you and never shared any game files, just because they happened to be trying to translate the game so that people who don't understand the language can enjoy it as well? That's kinda shitty. Seriously, don't be a child about it, just ask them to stop if you want them to stop and talk it out like adults. Not that hard.
I dont think this was handled particularly well by the dev, i think it was probably a huge misunderstanding initially and he likely overreacted to what he thought was a passing out of readily translated full versions of the game, something that is posted here with regularity. I appreciate the work of the translator and his support of this great game for the benefit of the English speaking community, i would encourage him to do similar work in the future on other games when the dev is more accepting of such efforts and won't serve to create a rift between this community and devs who speak another language; none of this was your fault.

Kredyn, In the immortal words of Donald Trump "We love you, you're very special"

sarojin said:
I'm sure even if you made an "english patch thread" he still has that "scumbag forum" mentality, and it wouldn't improve anything, and he'd probably get pissed at that as well because in his words (machine translation as close as I can get it that is) you'd be: "translating so even more people can pirate his game".
If you were a dev and you were making a project and you everything you knew about what they (some forum in a language you didn't underatand) were talking about had to be translated with terrible google translate, you might completely misunderstand their intention and flip out too. The Dev is probably correct that the game was being shared on this forum and that is reason enough to be pissed at it. You are expecting the dev to understand the nuance of a situation when this site can become an outlet for multiple pirated copies of a game he is currently trying to monetize on Ci-en.

He's completely anti-gaijin, but so far he's doing better than Asgar aka the ragnarok bf game creator. (someone said what he did above, and this guy's seeming like he could possibly go down that path).
Was this the case, he wouldn't have put a ui translation into the game as stated above. This doesn't approach the level of the bg rpg dev's reaction to gaijin *yet*, and to be fair when he was talking about that he was just raging in general, hes since calmed down a bit.

This whole ordeal was likely the result of major miscommunication and overreaction, so lets not spread things that we don't know like the fact that you think the dev is anti-gaijin. Thats a pretty irresponsible assessment at this point.

Also, even though he deleted the tweet (said he would apparently), he decided to publicly humilate kreydn, and specifically post a picture of him from this forum. That's really childish, and also very scummy, he could have blurred it out at least, then he also went on to send a picture of kreydyn's twitter as well, and then to put the nail in the coffin he blocked him on twitter. Kreydn based on messages he's said, sounds like he understands enough japanese to understand what he's saying, aka he could have privately messaged him and worked it out.
I don't condone his actions on twitter, but people were absolutely trying to justify the pirating of his game to him in response to this which only inflamed the situation. When you have the perception that someone is stealing from you and they are making the case that it's actually a good thing and you are pissed off already, i bet you wouldn't act appropriately either.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
There has been a development.

First, Asimofu posted on Ci-En that there is an existing translation in this version of the game that can be set if you delete the existing save (or something of that nature). I haven't tried this personally and i can't attest to the quality of the translation, it may also be a translation of UI alone and not any text in the game but at least it shows that this dev now intends to offer at least some level of support to English speaking audience.

Also, Asimofu said on twitter that he doesn't authorize any translation or piracy (obviously) of his work, so if you want to respect his wishes, let him handle this part.

I have to reiterate that i think Asimofu is extremely protective of his work and he has that right, whether people want to ignore his wishes is up to them, but the game figures to be one of the best new developments for this genre in quite some time and i don't think its worth continuing to kick the hornets nest on the issue which will only contribute to further distraction from development.

I strongly encourage people to support the mod on Ci-en or whatever platform he chooses to utilize and if they do intend to share pirated version of the game, to not be so open and obvious about it since the dev is keeping an eye on English Hentai forums.

I dont think this was handled particularly well by the dev, i think it was probably a huge misunderstanding initially and he likely overreacted to what he thought was a passing out of readily translated full versions of the game, something that is posted here with regularity. I appreciate the work of the translator and his support of this great game for the benefit of the English speaking community, i would encourage him to do similar work in the future on other games when the dev is more accepting of such efforts and won't serve to create a rift between this community and devs who speak another language; none of this was your fault.

Kredyn, In the immortal words of Donald Trump "We love you, you're very special"

If you were a dev and you were making a project and you everything you knew about what they (some forum in a language you didn't underatand) were talking about had to be translated with terrible google translate, you might completely misunderstand their intention and flip out too. The Dev is probably correct that the game was being shared on this forum and that is reason enough to be pissed at it. You are expecting the dev to understand the nuance of a situation when this site can become an outlet for multiple pirated copies of a game he is currently trying to monetize on Ci-en.

Was this the case, he wouldn't have put a ui translation into the game as stated above. This doesn't approach the level of the bg rpg dev's reaction to gaijin *yet*, and to be fair when he was talking about that he was just raging in general, hes since calmed down a bit.

This whole ordeal was likely the result of major miscommunication and overreaction, so lets not spread things that we don't know like the fact that you think the dev is anti-gaijin. Thats a pretty irresponsible assessment at this point.

I don't condone his actions on twitter, but people were absolutely trying to justify the pirating of his game to him in response to this which only inflamed the situation. When you have the perception that someone is stealing from you and they are making the case that it's actually a good thing and you are pissed off already, i bet you wouldn't act appropriately either.
When your first reaction is to publicly humiliate someone by posting their information (twitter and forum), block them, effectively cutting off any kind of communication (no way to explain yourself or even work things out), then as you just said knowing you can't fully understand the language and do all this, that's pretty bad, and a pretty damn "irresponsible assessment".

I understand you said you don't condone it, but doing all that and lumping a whole group of people all together without understanding anything (especially language wise) is def anti-gaijin, the ragnarok bf game creator reacted far worse in the long run.

People did statistics and were able to see where people were getting his game from (ragnarok game), and it was mostly japan. My point is, if this would have been a forum he found that was the same kind of site this is, and it was japanese instead of english, then found a person like kreydyn that once again was japanese, would he have reacted the same way? If not, that's def anti-gaijin.

It would have been one thing if he tried, but he made no effort whatsoever to contact kreydyn privately before he blew his top and posted what he did. If that's what I was specifically mad about, I'd try to communicate with this person I was singling out first, then depending what happens, react in a different way.

Also a much better stance to semi deter people from pirating your game is to offer a demo and looking through I can't find one at all. Why do you think people do it in the first place? they're interested in your product, too many games have no demos whatsoever in an age where they're more rampant then when they used to be. Back in the ole nes days, you had to rely on magazines, or rent it from stores, or god forbid you buy it and hope it's good.

Also, I looked through his posts and it's pretty coincidental that now in a new post, he's talking about localization like you said, almost like he now knows there's a decently sized overseas audience, and I'm wondering if it's because of this, pretty suspicious it was talked about now, because I saw some comments that were in english (showing there was an audience)

Since it seems it's not going to be looked at as well, a developer that went through a very similar situation said this (it's not about this situation):


Also I repeat, as some others have stated as well, I wouldn't have even known about games like this AT ALL, if they didn't appear here or similar places.


Aug 14, 2019
If he's willing to translate even the bare minimum, that's good enough for me.
I feel this debate as gone long enough. What we can do for now is add a note on the thread starter that the creator currently doesn't want fan translation, and don't update the download link.
No need to lock it up : it's still a discussion thread, after all.


Oct 31, 2019
I agree with much of what you said Sarojin. The most ideal outcome is to localize this game for the english speaking community, how that is best done i don't know, i think the dev would rather have direct control over that aspect of the game for whatever reason and became very defensive at the suggestion that it should be handled otherwise.

I can almost 100% attribute his new revelation about the game being partially translated to this little fiasco, this is the dev taking control of it to a degree and the fact that he is translating it at all at this point is a very good sign that one way or another, the game will likely be released in English at some point, therefore we don't have to worry about any kind of Gaijin-blockers, at least unless someone goes off blowing this whole thing up again and he decides to cut us all off by introducing some ridiculous aforementioned Japanese only minigame of sorts.

My position is clear, hes making the game, i want to pay for the game and i want the game to (ideally) be translated to English, but even that isn't necessarily a dealbreaker for me because of what the game is (Or more that it isn't an overly verbose text-filled rpg).

I will say that the quality of the dev's work is such that i want him to continue to make games and so long as he does, i'd be willing to support him monthly as well for the foreseeable future, i've made comments before about tapping into the ever-increasing pool of english speaking users with the same mindset on Patreon or whatever platform he prefers -- Even Ci-en if i must.

What i absolutely don't want is for the dev to continue to be attacked for this nonsense and create a justification for the continuation of pirating the game. Pay for the fucking game dudes, and if you don't want to pay for it, at the very least don't openly talk about pirating where the dev can find it, and once again, people shouldn't be talking like they are doing the dev any favors by taking money out of his pocket, that happens all too often in other game discussions as well. If you are going to rip the guy off for whatever reason at least be respectful about it.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2018
I think it'd be better if this thread was either locked, or only provided english patches of the game.
Asimofu is clearly aware of us and wants us to stop redistributing his game, so we should respect his wishes
especially as this is affecting his motivation.

I don't want his animosity towards us to grow into a blanketed hatred toward westerners in general.
Lets do our best to , maybe that way, he'll at least allow translations to go ahead.
Sorry, let me try this again.
guys... Guys! GUYS!

This is a piracy website. Yar-har!
Real Talk: Piracy holds no moral highground, however any damage that it does is often overinflated and misunderstood (Not every game pirated is a potential sale, etc etc.). It also does help content creators, but much more ones whose business plan consists of patreon-supporters-get-1-or-2-week-early-access variety; it helps those who just do a game release less so. There's obviously a community here that helps promote and create buzz for games, as the traffic for this site is huge, and many content creators understand this, which is why many still converse and take bug reports from people in these threads.

However, It's fine that ASIMOFU holds the opinions they do, and it's their right as a game creator, whether they ultimately change their mind or not. But at the same time this is piracy website at its heart, and this...


Jul 6, 2017
I don't really understand people saying that pirating his game cost him money, I never knew about his game until I got the link from this website, and then when I got the translation I started using Ci-en to give him money...

The way I see it, distributing Japanese games and translating them will make the authors more money than if they contain them to Japan...


Jul 22, 2017
What should be done with the thread is a decision to be made by moderation.

Honestly, if we locked the thread, that would only serve to piss people off more.


Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
That's been plenty of discussion about the Dev's preferences for how they manage their game, translations, this site and semi-related themes.

The game is linked from here and this thread is enabled for discussion about it. Offsite "politics" is really not about the game so much.

Let's try to stay on-topic, please.


Dec 28, 2018
So this game won't get updated on this thread anymore?
So long as piracy is a thing, we'll probably get updates here. We just won't get fan-made translations or anything from Kredyn et al. Which is understandable enough.

Whether Asimofu will continue his crusade against us or not is a different story, and I hope, at least for his sake, that he doesn't include an anti-foreigner testing system in his game. That would kill almost any interest in it.


May 24, 2018
... and I hope, at least for his sake, that he doesn't include an anti-foreigner testing system in his game. That would kill almost any interest in it.
I mean honestly, at that point I'll learn Japanese. This game is a shining gem in a sea of shit, and I will not let anything, even hundreds of years of Japanese isolationism, stop me from jerking off to this masterpiece.
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Apr 22, 2020
someone have a dl link for 0.0.6 or watever the newest is?
I've played 0.0.6 and its no difference, a shop has been set up and you now have to find a key in order to go to the next level. No new monsters or sex Scenes. The shop only contains fruits, stealing from it gives you a cut scene but no penalty. even if you go back to the shop on the next level she only asks if you want to buy your "stolen" goods. ( its not stolen in her perspective, its the same as normal buying)


Feb 7, 2020
when we gonna have new updates? , this game incredible, but I would love to be able to keep the scenes and not have them end so quickly. the gameplay need rolling, like dark souls, to be perfect.

edit: and need a reverse rape mode, like the forest of the blue skin...I feel like a 5 year old kid asking Santa for the toys he wants haha.
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New Member
Aug 25, 2021
Okay, so I'm not sure if you are talking about me, but I did only upload the translated files and not the game itself. I never leak other devs/aritst or whatever's work. In fact, I just uploaded a txt file for the game. The translation is being injected on the fly to the game by a tool also not made by me. So you can't even say that I edited his game files becasue that is not true either. I just shared it here, becasue this forum has the biggest english community around the game.

Now there are 2 debates here. One is about piracy, which is debateable and one is around me translating the game. I have nothing to do with the first one so I will skip that one.

Regarding to the translation, the only thing that you can say to me is not asking for permission. I had genuenly no idea he would care about this at all. I had no idea he was this different from me. So I guess here I made a mistake. But he could have DM-d me on twitter, or literally everywhere and I would have removed it without a second thought. (I already removed it, since that is what he wanted.) But he instead chose to throw a tantrum, publicly humiliate me on his twitter and block me so I can't even reach out to him now. I honestly think this is unjustified and he is being childish.

Also do you realize that by you being here he would most probably just block you the same way he did with me? In his eyes, the pirate community is bad and should burn in hell and if you interact with them in any way you are the same scum. And you did interact with this community. This is where our mindset differs completely and while he completely rejects and wishes that these people wouldn't play his game (hell he even would refuse to take money from people who are here), I would rather interact with them, and if that means he will get a nervous breakdown, then so be it.
I don't mean to attack you for making a translated version at all, and I am positive about unofficial translated versions (unless the author explicitly forbids them).
However, it is your fault that you overlooked the possibility that by being active on a pirate site, you too could be identified with those who enjoy pirating.
I also question your childish belief that all relationships should be mendable through discussion. You are free to want to interact with someone, but there are plenty of times in life when a first impression can kill all chances. Have you thought about that possibility at all?
Perhaps Asimofu would have been happy to help you if you had done the translation in a non-illegal place like Twitter.
By the way, I'm only here to post critical content, I'm not officially active here, so there's no chance that he blocks me.

I am attacking everyone who brings up the subject of translation to justify uploading the game itself on this site. Making a translated version has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself being uploaded here.

I don't really understand people saying that pirating his game cost him money, I never knew about his game until I got the link from this website, and then when I got the translation I started using Ci-en to give him money...

The way I see it, distributing Japanese games and translating them will make the authors more money than if they contain them to Japan...
I agree that piracy actually does little to decrease sales, and may even increase them, but again, I'm not talking about sales at all. I'm simply saying that will of authors should be respected. The author doesn't want pirated copies to be distributed, and doing something the author doesn't want will cause delays in development, or worse, stop the development of the game.
Again, he is not making the game as his job, so the production could be stopped for various reasons.

I've seen a number of posts here justifying piracy because it benefits authors, which is an imposition of ideas and an extremely childish thing to do.
Before you call Asimofu childish for being angry, you should reflect on your own actions. You may not be in the habit of doing so at all.


New Member
Aug 25, 2021
Also a much better stance to semi deter people from pirating your game is to offer a demo and looking through I can't find one at all. Why do you think people do it in the first place? they're interested in your product, too many games have no demos whatsoever in an age where they're more rampant then when they used to be. Back in the ole nes days, you had to rely on magazines, or rent it from stores, or god forbid you buy it and hope it's good.
I'm surprised you had such a noble idea!
Have you played Asimofu's previous title, Echidna Wars DX, and did you know that you can download a trial version of it for free on DLSite?
If you knew that, you wouldn't be saying something so misguided as that he won't release a demo version of Estra. It's very irresponsible to say things without doing any research, like you did, isn't it?
Estra is still in the development stage, it's not finished, it's just a game in development that you can play if you pay for it on Ci-en. Official demo version is released when the game is finished.
Sarojin, can you please stop using misguided examples to start irrelevant conversations, because it makes the discussion meaningless?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2017
The real funny thing here is that Asimofu probably just googled (or whatever) his game and this f95 thread was one of the top results. Hell, for me searching this game's title on duckduckgo this thread is the first hit. If you want to have a covert pirate operation it might be a good idea to limit some forums to registered only users, many other forums hide some of their subforums from web searches, you need to be logged in to see them.
4.80 star(s) 38 Votes