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Oct 11, 2023
Unexpected Consequences by Dream Cloud Entertainment Review at Version 0.12

Story - This game seems to throw a lot of AVN tropes at the wall and uses what sticks. We have a guy who lives alone in a big house following the accidental death of his parents. He cant afford to live in said house alone so brings in hot roommates. Suddenly it comes to light the parents death is not an accident and we are into a shadow mafia conspiracy story, suggesting, everything that has happened in your life is because of them. Sprinkle some hot room mates in there, A over sexually milf boss, a bit of Incest and a Harem and you have our game. It is not written well, the games pace is far to fast. The dialogue is extremely sloppy. You'd have seen most of this game in other places before, done better.

Renders - They are not bad to be honest, there are times they seem a little dated and you may recognise most of them if not all from other game. There is Something wrong with out MC though and i can not put my finger on it. There are a wide selcetion of girls and they are presented in an above average way. Evironment do not seem varied enough, for example you seem to fuck your tow roomates in the same room - despite them having seperate rooms. Overall our renders, be it girls or environments, seem above average and are probably the best part of the whole game.

Characters - Porn logic applies to them all - they are all individual, yet all the same. They all have individual backstories, that seems to be presented in some massive lore dump somewhere in the game. They all have the hots for our MC, some within moments of meeting him, They all are okay with the MC dating multiple woman and everything else around the plot And they all speak and talk in a way that completely goes against behaviour that is normal for human beings, specifically human beings that haveknown each other for 2 days. The characters are riduculous.

Overall - This game does not work - It suffers from trying to make sure everyboy is happy and avoid conflinct at every opportunity... this is evident by the choices in the game.... They do not matter. Pick one room mate to go on a date with, dont worry, you'll be going on out with the other next time. Finish inside of a girl,No biggie, she wants to be a mum anyway even though she is in her first year of uni. See your first love for the first time in 3 years after you gohsted her once she had a life changing accident, no worries, shes got the hots for you and will jump you anyway. Oh and all this happens regardless, you dont get a choice of girls even though the game does present you with choices... We have a very kintetic novel, the dev wants to go the harem way and there is nothing we can do about it as players.... just sit back and go on the ride.

Below Average 4/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Leap of Faith by DriftyGames

Story - The story here is a big bag of nothing. The dev describes it best in the last chapter stating it's about how consequences brought a group of people together for a summer they wouldn't forget. And that's about it. Narritvely, there is nothing driving this story forward. There are a few instances of what you can consider "Chekov's Gun" but they simply never go off at all.

Renders - To be fair most start great, they all have believable proportions, they are all varied in looks. As time goes on I couldn't help notice, while some increase in quality, some do seem decline. The Environments are healthy, they a full when they need to be, empty when needed. I found nothing suffering from over saturation and even the darker scenes are lit well. There are a lot of animations, both lewd and otherwise. I didn't find them to be janky, but I did question if some were needed

Characters - I'll be brief on this one as I think I'll get more to it next. I found character development a bit lacking in this game, not that there isn't any. It's just hard with the lack of narrative.

Overall - I have struggled with this game, my friend TonyMurray was also playing, you can read his review here, so have been chatting hard about it for a couple of days. It was in these chats the game began to fall apart for me.

Overall the game is not bad at all, it deals with a very sensitive subject. One I suspect is close to our Dev as he navigate and handles it quite well to be honest. Getting there however is a different matter all together..

So we have a series of coincidences, that bring all of our characters together. There is nothing really remarkable about the coincodences, generally it is thanks to coincidence we meet people in general, but this story could have worked with a group of 6 already close friends, especially when you think about it, most indidually do not bring anything worth while...

Which brings me to my next point... The characters are just thrown at us, shockingly not because of a magical cock or porn logic. We spend a little time with some over the chapters, even sleeping with 2 of them. And that's it, suddenly we are asked to make a choice about which one we want... Its like a few chapters have been left on the cutting room floor

I just find the story lacking, there's far too much coincidence that feels forced, the explanations, some are a stretch to say the least.

There could be an argument perhaps the game is told from the wrong perspective and I can see that, but I do think that's what the dev was going for, despite the jumble of a story, the dev is clearly trying to push a message, I just question if he stuck the landing.

By all means, this is not a bad game, I understand why many people give it the praise it does. In fact when the big thing happened, I actually had to take a step back, something an AVN had not made me do for a while...

The game is brave, it tackles a sensitive subject, hopefully highlighting it to more. However in terms of story, Lewds and characters... Well it's a little bit lacking

Above average 6/10
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Oct 11, 2023
Growing Thing's Up by Kinkbr Reviewed at Version 0.34a

Story - On the face of it we have the usual trope of a guy accidentally ending up in an all-girls dorm and each one of them slowly falling in love with him. nothing exactly new. However, that is only the surface. As the story goes on, we realise there is more to the MC than meets the eye. It is a bit of a twist on this type of trope. There is an underlying mystery, as to if it is strong enough to carry the game I'm not so sure, though ultimately I don't think that will matter. The true story is going to be the development of the darkness with the MC and that probably is enough.

Renders - We have some varied and unique character models. I noticed a bit of emphasis put on their facial features. There are a few that are your standard DAZ models, but the Dev has made an active effort to at least change them up. So far I have yet to see any of the weird clothing around the big boobs problem, but there are a few chesty girls. So I can't count this out. Environments are varied and the ones that should have life do. nothing particularly feels empty.

Characters - While the characters all do seem to have their separate personalities, most do seem instantly attracted to the MC and there doesn't seem to be a reason for it. A few of them do seem to have an air of mystery about them. others have a slight bit of growth. there's nothing major in the first instance though as its all about the set up MC's character.

Minigames - There are a few, and they do so far seem optional. However missing them, does stop you from getting content. There's a nice little blackjack-style game, that unfortunately does not seem random and more like there is a correct order to play. There is a Beer Pong game, that starts pretty easy, then gets near enough impossible. Finally, there's a nice game of space invaders. I never got the high score on that one so don't know what it brings. To be fair they bring nothing to the game and could be done without.

Overall - This game has some potential, the problem is we are soon approaching the 2 year anniversary of its release and we are only up to Version 0.3x - in two years we have had 1010 renders (according to the dev log) It seems to be progressing to slow to make any significant impact. Now I can see there's been a lot of effort put into said renders great visuals will only get you so far when your gaps between releases get so long that the story is forgotten. Which is a shame, because the story actually is intriguing. It's well-paced in terms of some of the AVNs out there... though an argument can be made at the speed lewds come. There is simply no need for the females to throw themselves at the MC the way they do as a result the Lewds do seem forced. It's one I am going to keep my eye on as for now it is showing some promise.

Average 5/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
The Adored Marriage by Simbaclaw reviewed at Chapter 1 0.7

Plot - On the surface of it, the actual plot of this game has barely started. But for all intents and purposes, we have an NTS/Hotwife/Swinging game. It isn't the first time this particular genre has been done it won't be the last. However, to describe this game as a slow burn would be kind. The pace might not be everybody's cup of tea, however when navigating the subject of this game and the complexities around that kind of relationship it works well, but things do seem to be speeding up now....

Renders - I would say they sit somewhere between average and good- certainly possible in any case. I will say that of the girls we have met so far they do seem to be a bit top-heavy and have natural-looking boobs rather than the usual bolts-ons. I'd say the animations are for the most part polished, there are a few exceptions but nothing that would be considered game-breaking. Ultimately I would say the renders are where this game shines.

Characters - It is still early days yet, so we have only been introduced to a few characters, but so far we have got the experimenting couple, a hot redhead, the overly sexual blonde friend and a token BBC. The couple's character development is at least interesting, it's done slowly and respectfully. I hope the other characters get a similar development.

Overall - I honestly came out of this game conflicted, whereas I like the overall pace and the characters so far likeable and are being developed... The overall writing of this game is sloppy. Not only filled with typos, describing things that haven't happened but also switching from the first to third person. The dev has also done a CTRL + F to find and replace the MC's name resulting in the following line "The day had been unusually exh[mcname]g—not because of the workload..." It can be quite off-putting and I would argue these need to be fixed for this game to reach any type of potential. For now though, even with the sloppy writing, it's a fun enjoyable game - we are barely into the first chapter and already seeing that actions have consequences... in this case, good ones, picking the right actions will give Evelyn the confidence to do stuff I am interested to see where this kind of gameplay goes.

Above average 6/10 (I'll revisit this one at a later date)


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Echoes of Deception by MadKoala - Reviewed at Version 0.62

Story - Slowburn isn't even the correct way to describe this game at all. It is at its core a suspense game and we take the suspense here quite literally. The story seems to have progressed to practically nowhere in the current version. Yes, it seems to be moving the pieces in play into position, seeming like it is setting up for something massive, what that is I honestly don't know, as to if it pays off. Well, I am doubtful.

Renders - While on the surface of it our renders do seem great, there is the standard problem of clothing not knowing what to do when wrapped around big boobs - I think this is most evident with our MC - the pockets on her Police uniform, just look completely wrong. The environments are great and the world actually feels big and lived in. There were a few instances of scenes being a bit overly dark, but I think it actually fits the purpose of the story so I can not be too judgemental. The animations came late and they are by no means great, while a little jerky in parts, they are possible.

Characters - We have a lot, from the beautiful female MC, her husband who works away a lot, the son, a helpless victim of crime our MC is helping and a few others thrown in for story purposes. Looking at the actual game, we seem to have the opportunity for 13 different LI's, not all of them seem to have been explored yet, but most of the characters have been introduced in someway. As to actual character development, we do get some snippets here and there of character growth, but I came out of my playthrough feeling absolutely nothing for anyone.

Overall - While the grammar and punctuation of the game are actually above a lot of the standard we get here on f95, the writing is actually quite poor. The pace is all over the place and it feels like there is a lot of filler. Some scenes feel out of place with the one that preceded it or the one that follows. One minute the MC will be at the police station talking about a case that so far seems to have nothing to do with the main plot, then suddenly the MC is at home masturbating thinking about her son. There is a lot of scenes in this game that feels like they should be left on the cutting room floor.

For an AVN as well - the Adult part of that is certainly lacking. The Little scenes that come at the start come few and far between and are generally over in a flash. There is no build-up, no teasing, a few renders and that will be all. Later on in the game when our MC actually realises she is hot, the sex scenes do start to come at a bit better pace, but they are again nothing special.

I think the game does finally remember what it is in the later part of the game and it sorta does come into its own, but honestly, by that point, I had already lost interest. I couldn't tell you how long I had played this game... a fair few hours and so far the undercover mission the MC is on has barely moved, only really getting traction at the end. The premise for this game is an interesting one and not the usual copy/paste stuff you get on here.... its just been executed a bit poorly.

Under Average 4/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Mastering the Pink Box by Studio 68 Games! Reviewed at Version 0.09

Story - At the first instant you'd be forgiven for thinking our Dev has selected some well-known tropes for AVNs, thrown them at a wall and compiled a story based on the ones that stuck. Here we have a mix of an Orphaned MC with a magical cock going to college where women just throw themselves at him with a slight hint of conspiracy/mystery under the surface and that's about it. The pace feels mixed overall, things happen fast, sometimes without rhyme or reason, other times they feel perfectly fine... but the underlying narrative (there are hints of one) has yet to really get going. There is a lot of the story that feels skipped for Lewd Scene reasons.

Renders - They are acceptable, mainly above average in most cases. But by far from anything that is actually special. We have a mix of girls who for the most part feel different, ranging from a busty girl with green hair, (who has clothes so far that do not warp to her chest), to a busty redheaded cheerleader, to a nice blonde. Our environments for the most part are few. We get the standard College lobby, a few classrooms, a few dorms and a few recreational places, though they do feel lived in and in most cases, they are lighted well and saturated in a good manner.

Characters - Most of the characters feel like they are side girls bar one. It could be argued that Devon is being portrayed as the main LI for this game, but I got the feeling our Dev didn't quite know what to do with her. At first, she comes across as "the shy virgin" type that is known to most games, however, if you are on a certain path, this is shown to be definitely not the case... the slow burn character development there is a little clumsy and could have been handled better. The remaining characters are at the moment, filler. There is no real growth with any of them. A few do have some little mysteries teased here and there, but they are yet to be explored, so there is room for growth.

Overall - On the face of it, this is a game I would be very critical of in the past that rely to much on suspension of disbelief and porn logic. But, this game seemed to have a "get out of jail free" card when it portrayed what looked like the Pink Box app, which gave a logical reason for why people were behaving the way they were. Kind of like a Fetish Locator way. That soon got forgotten. It may come back but with the actual reveal of the Pink Box in the most recent update it is kind of surplus to requirements.

The narrative for the game is a little sloppy and at times feels there is no overall destination. There are times when the game gives us something and I can not tell if it's going to be important in the future or if it's just some throwaway thing to get us from A to B. Things do seem to be coming together in the most recent update though and I have a feeling most if not everything is going to be tied together in a nice little bow, but I have some concerns that if that is the way we are going, it might miss the landing. there are also some choices presented that seem a little forced. One in particular, to me, didn't have a right answer and I actually felt a little mad.

I think the potential this game has is huge and could be considered a sleeper hit. I am very interested to see where the game goes once a certain event that is being hinted at happens. I do hope it finds steady footing when the balls its thrown in the air, begin to land.

Above Average 6/10 (Suspect this one will change with future updates)
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Oct 11, 2023
Her Desire by Wack Daddy - Reviewed at Season 2 Chapter 10

Story - Well if we are talking about an overall narrative, there isn't really one. Essentially here we have a story about a woman and her experiences she has as she opens up to her sexual desires. We get little bits of narrative here and there to help our experiences happen, grow and expand. But if you are wanting drama, suspense or anything other than sex, you won't find it here.

Renders - They really improve as the game goes on, that's not to say they are bad in the first moments of the game because they are not. They just get better in the later stages. Other than one character I didn't really notice the standard issue of clothes warping to boobs. Given the nature of the game, environments are few and far between. For the best part we are in the MC's house there are a few times we venture out into the wilderness. For the most part, they are rendered to a good satisfaction, but the environments are not really the showcase of this game. We do have animations here, but they are nothing special. A few frames quickly alternate back and forth, which at first is fine, but after a while looks jerky and odd.

Characters - There are loads, there's no development really, they are just there to serve a purpose. What development we do get is just to get us from one scene to another

Overall - This game is an absolute hot mess. Both figuratively and literally. The story, whatever exists and you can find, is short, forced, massive in porn logic and has far too many neat coincidences. I have been critical of games in the past for this, but cant be here. It is at the base of it a porn showcase covering a wide variety of fetishes and taboos. At its heart this is a game, that know what it is, knows who it is catering for and does not try and hide away at all. And it works.

While this may not be to everyone's taste, specifically the incest, the sexuality, Blackmail or even domination - the game is kind enough to give you the choice and duck out if you are approaching a subject that's a little too much for you, but given the nature of the game, you'd be limiting yourself on content doing this.

Ultimately this game is not going to win any awards, it's not going to be groundbreaking in storytelling. It's just going to give you cheap thrills and it knows it. It has interesting characters, beautiful models and enough logic to get from A - B. It's a fun little jaunt that can be a will be enjoyed for some time by most. Though I can see the premise getting stale I'm interested to see how our dev keeps it fresh.

Average 5/10
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Reactions: TonyMurray


Developer of "Shadows Of Ambition"
Game Developer
Jan 1, 2018
Seeing my game being mentioned on your front page is both exciting and scary at the same time
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Reactions: Lagunavii


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Seeing my game being mentioned on your front page is both exciting and scary at the same time
Just checked my notes for shadows.

Your games actually getting reviewed next time an update drops.

Though it'll get a mention in my February review


Developer of "Shadows Of Ambition"
Game Developer
Jan 1, 2018
Just checked my notes for shadows.

Your games actually getting reviewed next time an update drops.

Though it'll get a mention in my February review
Well I have an update on the way, although it being much smaller than previous updates. This update is mainly focused on reworking the UI, adding QOL features and improving my initial chapter 1 with the knowledge and experience I’ve gained so far, as well as improving some existing renders and adding animations to some earlier chapters. Though there will be some new content in the form of a flashback story, but that’s mainly plot related… so not sure it’ll be a popular update as it won’t be sex focused, even though there will be a sex scene.
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Oct 11, 2023
February in View

So February has been a bit of a weird one, in the first 14 days alone there were about 100 games that met my basic criteria for playing. Once filtered down even further this number dropped even further. Finding a beauty this month has been difficult to say the least. Nevertheless, for science, I had to try.

The front end of February was game-heavy, there were few New games, that is to say, it was updates all the way. A few I have already played and reviewed, some I had played and discarded previously and a few were a welcome surprise.

with that said, let's look at what F95 brought to us this month.

New Games

Sin of Wraths
- This was not a good start to the New Games. The Renders were poor, the story was poor, and the writing was poor. The overall plot seemed pretty nonsensical. I'd be willing to give the benefit of the doubt here, though this is not our devs first game (though I can't comment on the quality of that one) it does seem however past experience from making one game has not helped here.

Eli's Confessions - There is not much here to be honest. It is very short, I see it more like the prologue to what's to come. So far it has set a very basic premise.. what happens when an easily influenced good girl is surrounded by influencing bad girls? though, that's just guesswork on where it going. with no future tags or the likes... it's hard to say. It is promising though the renders are great, our MC is kinda hot. It does seem a little text-heavy, but it's one I am excited to see where it goes.

Just Married - Essentially this is only a Demo, it is pretty honest about that in the version number. I, at the moment, can not see any promise in this at all. The renders border on average to okay and that's a good thing because you'll find yourself staring at the same image as text scrolls. For this to become something, it needs a lot of work.

Velenza Family - At first I questioned if the writer of this was British as the Englishisms were all over, but no it became quite evident as the plot progressed we do not have a British person writing this game. The game leads us to believe that the FMC left a brother and mother back home in Birmingham and due to reasons she has both hospital bills and medicine bills to pay - this simply would not happen in the UK at all. There may be more to the story yet, but as a catalyst for getting this going.... its a pretty poor one. The renders are okay, but I have major issues with our MC's stubble. There was also a scene with blood, but its just seemed like the whole scene was painted with glitter.

Dangerous Thoughts - There doesn't seem to be a month that goes by where one of these AI-style, text-based NTR games pops up. this one is just the same as all the rest. It is not worth continuing given there are at least 12 others out there now.

Succession - This is essentially a tech demo caused to drum up support for the Patreon, as to whether the game will continue at all never mind the quality presented here remains to be seen. But so far we have got some good to great renders, the animations seemed a bit jerky, and some images are missing from scenes, but given its tech demo status I can let that slide. I'm very interested in the Story, it's a bit of The Traitors and I'm sure there are bits of other reality TV in there too. There is potential here, but I wouldn't be shocked if this went nowhere.

Chat Noir - The second AI NTR game of the month. I swear at this point I am just checking them to see if anyone is doing them differently. That's not what we have here though. English is shocking, Typos everywhere, and art is poor. I think it may be time to give this particular kind of game a miss.

Ethereal Threads - This one is a bit hard to discuss. It's a very short introduction to our game world. The renders for now seem fine. The writing is not terrible, but the plot does seem a bit jumpy and hard to follow at the moment, but its early days, so we can let that slide as I suspect it will all come together nicely. I'd like to see where this goes.

University Secrets - I came out of the game with 2 questions, why are all the eyes so green and is there no heating in this place, every girl is walking around like they could cut glass with nipples. Other than that, there is nothing much to say here, it was a bit too short to make an actual judgement.

Mila Story - This seems to be an AI game that is not focusing on NTR, quite shocked by this to be honest, instead, it seems to be the story of our FMC corruption and eventual fall. The writing is not bad and for AI art, it wasn't terrible. I'm interested to see if this will be a nice slow burn or a speedy fall into depravity...

Locked in Temptation - A typical game about a lad pining over his landlady, it is hard to tell how this one is going to be different from the many others out there. The renders are okay, but the MFC chest is huge. Too huge, it's actually off-putting. This is one to drop back into after a few updates.

I Love Your Wife - Here we have another AI game - that for now does not seem to be focused only on NTS and swinging seems to be the main factor. The Dev has mentioned other paths, but swinging is the focus thus far. The renders are okay for AI, there was a laughable scene and our MC's cock looks out of place. but other than that, the images are consistent, with no missing or extra fingers. I have a slight issue with the way speech is portrayed... rather than having the speaker's name it assigns characters colours. its not too difficult to follow, but the speaker's name would be beneficial. For an AI game, I don't think this is too bad.

Versall - I'll hold my hands up, this was an accidental download. Futa is normally a no-go for me and I often shy away from sandbox games. however, I'm a sucker for things dystopian and the dev suggests that most kinks can be avoided. While there is not much here, it's a little more than proof of concept. Essentially we spent a bit of time laying down lore, getting characters in play and starting the journey. The renders are okay. While the characters are definitely about average the environments are a little dark, but I think that is just the nature of the story. The sandbox mode is essentially just free roam mode and gives you access to more lore and background. Like most of the New games this month there is not much to say.

Office Secrets - Oh my, I thought I was stopping these, I really did. But I read the forum before hand, something I normally do not do. Anyway, the forum was leading me to believe this was not a standard AI Phone game and so far I have to agree. It seems for once it's not an NTR/NTS game and the MC is the one in the driving seat. It's a refreshing change. The art is okay by AI standards, it's not perfect by any means. While there isn't any shots of characters with more fingers than they should, there are inconsistencies. Not massive ones, but outfits do change and jewellery does too. It's a bit soon to cast judgement on this, but I think it's certainly one to watch.

Updated Games

Tangled Bonds
- It's probably best to read my thoughts on this one here!

Saving My Childhood Friend - This was a whole lot of nothingness. Essentially we have established that our MC and his housemate have the hots for each other and they both do nothing about it. The renders are hovering around somewhere between below average to average. There were a few shading issues I spotted mainly with hair, but, bar the FMC nothing is striking about any one of them. The writing is below average, even quite sloppy in places. I'm not sure what the dev is trying to set up or even do here. There is also this annoying thing of having to click a single option to continue the scene. Will not be continuing this one.

Bodycount - The story is not going to blow anyone away here. A sick grandma needs medicine, a Girl needs money to buy medicine, girl gets a job at the bar to buy medicine. Let the fun begin. Where as the story is very basic, you have to remember your main focus is to make money for your grandma, this leads to the games stand out feature. the choices. They're everywhere! some to make money, some to open paths, some to close them. it's great to have so many choices and what's more, it's good to have choices that seem to have consequences. The renders seem good at the moment, our MC is certainly beautiful, and our supporting cast isn't bad either. It might be one to watch, but for now there it is a little lacking,

After That Night - A game I should have stopped playing long before I even got to the end. I don't know why I played it as long as I did but hey read about it here...

My New Girlfriend - One of the better AI art games out there and we are getting a few of these. My review of this can be found here.

Domino Beach - A really nice surprise find this, I can not say I was ever aware of it at all. It seems to have the legs to go far, as to if it will. We shall see. My overall thoughts can be found here.

Summer Temptations - Like the previously mentioned My New Girlfriend it's your standard AI art-driven NTR game, this one is a little newer, so its yet to quite find its feet yet. It's a bit different from the others, yet still has its similarities. The art isn't as polished here, while I don't think I saw any extra fingers or the like, some of the bodies do look a little distorted.

Stay Online - A mobile phone-type game without AI images. I was shocked I tell you. This one was fun and considering I have said I think I am done with these kinds of games now - I'll be glad to continue this one going forward. I reviewed this one here

A Series of Changes - This was a bit of a fever trip to be honest. There is simply nothing special about this game at all. A magical potion turns your gran into a younger hornier version of herself and that's it. It is full of lewds for lewds sake. This game borders a bit on satire, though I don't think it's going full-blown satire mode, it definitely knows what it is and doesn't take itself too seriously, at some points even poking fun at other mechanics found in AVN games. at the base of it, I think the premise is actually a good one, I just think the dev has gone about this the wrong way and missed a bit of potential.

The Pill - This was a weird little fun game I used to pass the time until something better came along. Overall it's just a lot of girls taking pills to increase the size of their assets. a lot of choice leads to different variations of these increases and thus leads to a verity of endings. It's a fun game, but once you've played it once, you're unlikely to have any motivation to go through it the many times needed to get the other endings.

Darker - I wanted to like this one so much, the premise is great I just think it's executed a little wrong. as mentioned in my review here... it relies too much on porn logic and the multiple protagonists are a miss. I might go back to this one, but I'm not in any rush too.

Natasha Naughty Wife - All I can say about this is "WOW" and not in a good way. This game is an absolute mess and was really painful to get through. The dialogue is sloppy, the art style is terrible and there are bugs all over the place. Heck at one point the game describes a white blonde walking into the office while having the image on screen being a brunette. One of the worst games I have played... walked away from this one.

Shattered Dreams - I was actually surprised by this one I mean considering we are only at Version 0.2, there is actually a fair bit of content here. Enough to even get a review. It's one I am going to watch anyway.

Unexpected Consequences - I struggled through this game. I kept expecting something, but nothing was ever delivered. I was getting the feeling the dev made a few concessions in trying to please everybody and it was damaging overall. You can read more here!

Growing Thing's Up - first things first that apostrophe winds me up - I spent a fair bit of time actually trying to find a reason how that grammar would be considered normal and correct. Over all it's a very middle-of-the-road game. I wrote about it here.

Soulmate - This was an accidental download, I normally stay clear of that supernatural tag. But I had downloaded it and thought I would give it a go anyway. Although I did finish what was presented to us I will not be continuing at all. Surprisingly I did not mind some of the supernatural elements. The ghost part certainly added a bit of fun. The vampire issue wasn't done too bad either. But then, the elephant monsters came bounding in and I was well and truly out.

Boxed in - This was reviewed last month, so it bodes well that in two consecutive "Month In Review" posts we get an update. The overall review didn't change or get updated and unfortunately, we only got 3 scenes this update and it didn't really add anything to the overall story. I'm still interested to say the least, so hopefully we will see this again next month.

Shadows of Ambition - Man this one really needs a review now, we are several updates in and this is still on my ones-to-watch list. I think overall this is a good game, it's bordering if not crossed into cliché now, but by that is by no means a bad thing. Although very different in premise I have the urge to compare it with My New Girlfriend. As I said very difficult as the stories are so different, but the art is certainly up there, the writing is too, but for now I think I give the edge to My New Girlfriend. Still its a fun little jaunt and I still think our Dev has something special here. Especially now we are getting into the mystery/suspense drama.

Cyberstay 101 - This was a painful one, which is a shame because it's beautifully rendered and the animations are stunning. But, the story is all over the place, it is obvious that English is not this devs first language and I would congratulate and encourage anyone who is trying to do a game in a second or third language... but nothing about this game makes sense. The story doesn't flow, there are typos, grammatical errors and other places throughout the game. A proofreader is needed here, big time.

Work Lust - We are now three episodes in and there is nothing, so far our ugly MC gets bullied a lot and walked all over at work. The dialogue at least is okay, it flows and keeps a nice pace to the game, but overall I can say nothing as it goes nowhere.

The Adored Marriage - Oh I wanted to like this game so much. Now I don't dislike it, I can't exactly sing its praises from the rooftops. It's got huge potential to be one of the better "hotwife/NTS/NTR" games out there. but its writing lets it down massively. I go into more detail here.

New Neighbourhood - The Dialogue is too clunky for me, bordering on cringe. I don't think anyone ever talks the way these two are. Some of the renders look a little flat and have a cutting issue around some of the character's hair. it's not entirely off-putting, but the white glow certainly adds to the flatness. Animations are not looped right and give a very jerky impression, it makes our FMC tits look terrible. Finally, we already have coding issues - I did not help the old man go to the toilet at the hospital, but by the time I got to showering him, the game thinks I did. It's early days here, but it seems a bit sloppy for my tastes

Captive Consciousness - I considered doing a "my first thoughts" for this but ultimately decided against it, electing to put it here instead. This game relies too much on Porn Logic and suspension of disbelief. While I admit there is a story under the hood that is at least intriguing, the events that lead to that mystery unfolding are questionable at best. No one would behave the way the MC does here. Still, there seems to be a corruption mechanic that's hidden in the background here... we are still too early to see where this goes but if done well it can add a bit to stretch it a bit. Time will tell on this one

Echoes of Deception - The pace on this one was all wrong. At some points, I think it not only forgets it suppose to be an AVN, but also it actual plot. It's a shame as the premise here is a little different from the norm, it's executed poorly and I found it lacking.

A Bars Tale - Technically this was an update, but it still feels like a new game. The Renders were blurry in places, while amazing in others. The character's facial expressions were all over the place. I can not really talk about anything else as there does seem to be a story building, as to what this is. Your guess is as good as mine

Mastering the Pink Box - I was honestly surprised by this one - everything about it I would normally criticise, I gave it a pass at first because of story reasons, that story reason never came to anything and by then I was sort of hooked. I'm still willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt as the actual titular pink box has only been introduced and I think we are about to get a lore dump which will tie most together. I hope so in any case.

Her Desire - All the way through playing this I was questioning how I would review it. I did manage it. But it's not a game that lends itself to my review style. Ultimately this a game that is unashamed in what it is. hot mess - both figuratively and literally. The story, whatever exists is short, forced, porn logic and far too many neat coincidences - seems to work well in this game as it is clearly just a game to show off everything.

The Adventurous Couple - Now this is a game that will probably pop up here and there in these month-in-review posts. I'm more or less done with this game now, but I spotted it there in the Latest updates and thought I would try. I was actually shocked to see this update brings endings... though they do seem forced like the dev gave up on that particular path and closed it. As normal it's an update that brings nothing to the game that's slowly been getting filled up with nothing for a while.

My Dorm - Now this is a game I have heard a lot about, In fact, I've actually tried it before but never really got into it, giving up shortly after starting. It's in my friends Tony's top 10 and as we have discussed other games in the past it came up a few times so I thought about giving it another chance. I went into it this time with a bit of an open mind... It became quite clear that it borders on satire and does not take itself seriously in the slightest. It's completely overflowing with cliches, but it knows it is and is having fun doing it. Unfortunately, though, the game is simply not for me. I stepped back a second time and filled in the gap with two other games before trying again. It's simply not clicking for me.

Leaving DNA - I played the first chapter of this game and questioned what it actually was afterwards. Checking the reviews told me what I needed to know and I got the feeling that I wouldn't enjoy it any further. Nevertheless, I went on and played on. By Chapter 2 I knew this was not for me. Ultimately though, the game is good. Beautifully rendered, well written and actually smooth flowing. Generally though even in None Adult fiction this type of genre doesn't click with me and it really needs to be special to do so. 2 Chapters in and there was nothing unfortunately grabbing me to keep me invested. It was another walk away

Sin Heels - I really gave this a fair chance, however, in the end, I couldn't get past chapter 2. It is essentially a kinetic novel and the choices we get only really are there to allow us the different levels of fendom. There is an underlying story, but essentially it's just boring drama between two warring women. It's very over the top and a lot is designed to show off a characters dom status over others. The renders often seem good, except there's times when the dev seems to have really dropped the ball. Sometimes they seem a little noisy or over-saturated. Either way, this is one that will not be getting continued.

Come Right Inn - I came across the game when it first dropped a few months ago and the fact it was an AI game that didn't seem to be centred around cheating, sharing or a hot wife interested me. The art is also different from the usual AI games out there, I would hazard a guess that different models have been used than the norm. So it's quite a refreshing play. The two chapters although not exactly short don't really give us much, more setting the stage of the mystery, drama and suspense that is to follow. It does seem that there is some sort of power struggle/power grab going to happen with two important people of the Inn and it looks like loyalty will be tested, which is especially interesting given the sketchy reason you are at the hotel to begin with. I'm interesting to watch this one.

Blast from the Past

This was a super fun one to play this month, mainly because I found myself playing it at the exact same time as my friend Tony - So the game we tackled was Leap Of Faith and we were constantly chatting throughout, both our main issues were we never saw why it has the following it did. When It hit, I finally understood, but our chats weren't finished. As we talked it slowly unravelled. I won't go on about it here. feel free to read all about my thoughts here. Still - Playing a game at the same time as a friend is both enlightening and fun. I would recommend it to anyone.

The Fappies!

Best New Game of the Month
- This was a real struggle. Out of the 14 New games I played this month, I couldn't actually give any reason why any of them deserved to be considered the best. Most actually do not present anything. Ultimately though, there were two that stood out above the rest Ell's Confession and Succession, Versall was almost there, but something, I am not sure what stopped it from reaching. Ultimately though I'd say it was just deciding what was the best of a bad bunch. I think given that Succession was more a technical demo and clearly missing things it had to go to Eli's Confession, it's probably the one I'm most interested in playing the next part.

Best Updated Game of the Month - Again this was another difficult one, there were a fair few 6's and 7's in this month's review. Over all it was between Stay Online, Mastering the Pink Box and My New Girlfriend. I think even despite the score difference I had to give it to Pink Box, mainly because it offers so much more than the other two and it's the first game in a long time I played from start to finish in one sitting.

Best Girl in a New Game
Feb New Girl of the Month Update.jpg

Best Girl in an Updated Game
Feb Update Girl of the Month Update.jpg

Best Girl from Blast from the Past*
Lexi - Leap of Faith.jpg
*Lexi is not actually the hottest girl in the game (that goes to a character you have no lewds with - but to be eligible, a character must have at least 1 lewd) scene)
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Oct 11, 2023
University of Problems by DreamNow reviewed at Version 1.6.0

Story - We have the typical college story that has been done before. A young lad goes to college and proceeds to fuck most in his path. There is an underlying story, that borders on something that belongs in a Mission-Impossible film or something. Still, it often takes a back seat to the individual, but lightly connected character stories. It is by no means going to blow you away with its standard of writing. It does rely a lot on cliches, porn logic and Suspension of disbelief. The harem story doesn't work, all of the girls are connected in one way or another, wether it be because of cheerleading, being roommates, or standard friends. Yet despite this closeness it doesn't really pop up that they are all fucking the same bloke (it does in places, but only because the story is pushing it), the latest updates do seem to have the harem breaking down, but we shall see.

Renders - A slight problem this game has is that the characters are all built off the same base model, so they have a kind of the "same" look to them. It's not as bad as some people say and they do all have their own individuality. In terms of the renders themselves though, I would say this is by far the best feature of the game, all done to a really good standard. most characters have decent size tits, so there is rarely a case of the clothing wrap that the bigger chest girls get. I do feel like the environments lack a bit, it doesn't take anything away from the game, but be prepared to be in the same locations for a while.

Characters - The MC seems to have a magic cock, which is standard for an AVN, over the course of the game I don't think he has any real growth. He does at least on the surface seem like a nice dependable guy often offering help at the first opportunity, he essentially is fucking the people he helps so there are some selfish motives there. Most of the LI's being students get small growth, whether it's becoming more confident with their body, growing out of a previously promiscuous life, or moving on from a divorce. It's nice to see that some characters, specifically Roxi for example has a bit of a personality and it does nothing but shows and shines, there are other characters that seem flat and I question why they are even there in the first place.

Overall - I have had a bit of a ride with this game, until the end of last year it was actually in the top 10, but the "problems" in the University of Problems caused my views to change on it. The most recent updates have filled me with a bit of hope and I still enjoy playing it, so it might climb back up, but we will have to see.

The first problem I have with this game is it is for the most part set up to be a monogamous game - I mean there have been numerous times a LI has rocked up at the MC's dorm unannounced and by sheer luck not met another LI. The Harem element does seem to be falling apart in most recent updates but it would have been better if a LI choice was forced way back when.

At the base of it, the game is very basic and very slow, until it isn't and lewds come flying at you at some speed, but even with the speed of the lewds, story progression is taking a back seat. With so many LI's being able to be on the board at the same time, it often feels like there are a lot of things in the air, waiting to land and it can feel a bit hard to follow and super slow. that being said, the harem does seem to be falling apart and we are in the process of setting up relationships now, whether that be couples, thruples or in one case, it looks like a quad. I feel like once the game stops juggling relationships we can really get to the meat of the game.

Obviously this all seems very negative, on the face of it there, are a lot more problems and negativity than there is positivity. But if you drill down there is actually a gem of a game here, I think we are just struggling to get there. The overall UI and presentation of the game is polished, excellent and one of the best I've seen. There is actually loads of content for each individual girl, so you will never find your favourite lacking. But for now all that polish and content is just presenting a wank fest rather than a compelling story. I'd say we are in the middle of a course correction though and time will tell on how this journey continues.

Acceptable 7/10
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Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
University of Problems by DreamNow reviewed at Version 1.6.0

Story - We have the typical college story that has been done before. A young lad goes to college and proceeds to fuck most in his path. There is an underlying story, that borders on something that belongs in a Mission-Impossible film or something. Still, it often takes a back seat to the individual, but lightly connected character stories. It is by no means going to blow you away with its standard of writing. It does rely a lot on cliches, porn logic and Suspension of disbelief. The harem story doesn't work, all of the girls are connected in one way or another, wether it be because of cheerleading, being roommates, or standard friends. Yet despite this closeness it doesn't really pop up that they are all fucking the same bloke (it does in places, but only because the story is pushing it), the latest updates do seem to have the harem breaking down, but we shall see.

Renders - A slight problem this game has is that the characters are all built off the same base model, so they have a kind of the "same" look to them. It's not as bad as some people say and they do all have their own individuality. In terms of the renders themselves though, I would say this is by far the best feature of the game, all done to a really good standard. most characters have decent size tits, so there is rarely a case of the clothing wrap that the bigger chest girls get. I do feel like the environments lack a bit, it doesn't take anything away from the game, but be prepared to be in the same locations for a while.

Characters - The MC seems to have a magic cock, which is standard for an AVN, over the course of the game I don't think he has any real growth. He does at least on the surface seem like a nice dependable guy often offering help at the first opportunity, he essentially is fucking the people he helps so there are some selfish motives there. Most of the LI's being students get small growth, whether it's becoming more confident with their body, growing out of a previously promiscuous life, or moving on from a divorce. It's nice to see that some characters, specifically Roxi for example has a bit of a personality and it does nothing but shows and shines, there are other characters that seem flat and I question why they are even there in the first place.

Overall - I have had a bit of a ride with this game, until the end of last year it was actually in the top 10, but the "problems" in the University of Problems caused my views to change on it. The most recent updates have filled me with a bit of hope and I still enjoy playing it, so it might climb back up, but we will have to see.

The first problem I have with this game is it is for the most part set up to be a monogamous game - I mean there have been numerous times a LI has rocked up at the MC's dorm unannounced and by sheer luck not met another LI. The Harem element does seem to be falling apart in most recent updates but it would have been better if a LI choice was forced way back when.

At the base of it, the game is very basic and very slow, until it isn't and lewds come flying at you at some speed, but even with the speed of the lewds, story progression is taking a back seat. With so many LI's being able to be on the board at the same time, it often feels like there are a lot of things in the air, waiting to land and it can feel a bit hard to follow and super slow. that being said, the harem does seem to be falling apart and we are in the process of setting up relationships now, whether that be couples, thruples or in one case, it looks like a quad. I feel like once the game stops juggling relationships we can really get to the meat of the game.

Obviously this all seems very negative, on the face of it there, are a lot more problems and negativity than there is positivity. But if you drill down there is actually a gem of a game here, I think we are just struggling to get there. The overall UI and presentation of the game is polished, excellent and one of the best I've seen. There is actually loads of content for each individual girl, so you will never find your favourite lacking. But for now all that polish and content is just presenting a wank fest rather than a compelling story. I'd say we are in the middle of a course correction though and time will tell on how this journey continues.

Acceptable 7/10
I admit, I don't see the part about the harem falling apart, especially when in my main save I have two separate women talking about getting the harem together with/for me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
I admit, I don't see the part about the harem falling apart, especially when in my main save I have two separate women talking about getting the harem together with/for me.
Yeah, this does seem slightly contradictory with what I then go on to say about the setting up of Couples, Thruples and a quad. I meant that the harem of having all the MIs seems to be falling apart, especially given what Natalie said in regards to continuing to date Roxy. I could be wrong, but I think we are slowly approaching a point where you're going to have to choose a relationship, whether that's Sara on her own, Sara with Nikki, Sara with Nikki and Ashley etc etc


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Mila AI by aDDont reviewed at Version 1.3.8

Story - This is a narrative built around specific kinks. Be it NTR, NTS or something more. If you want an in-depth detailed story with action, mystery, suspense and the likes, you'll need to look elsewhere. Here we have a somewhat simplistic story not focusing on the overwhelming, instead detailing in on the nuance and core elements of the kinks its telling to create a tight woven experience. It is actually written in an exceptional manner and in a way that keeps the somewhat limited stories moving at an exceptional pace. We've barely scratched the surface with the writing as there are still paths to explore, but what we do have is enough to keep most interested.

Art - AI is often a tricky one to master, but here we have some of the most polished art you will see in this type of game. You will never see more fingers than you should, less fingers than you should clothing suddenly changing styles and the likes you normally see. Instead, we see a nice impressive showcase of consistent artwork that stands out above the rest.

Characters - Ultimately this is Mia's story and her fall into depravity or not if you choose. Regarding her actual fall, her reasons behind it are logical and believable. Her growth in each of the paths thereafter follows a nice progressive arc that does not feel rushed at all. Every other character is there to support Mia in whichever path they choose, there is limited development for these people, but bar Bob on the hotwife path there doesn't need to be. Their purpose is to be essentially tools to get Mia to a point and it works well

Overall - The NTR/NTS genre has been the flavour of the month now for some time and the genre has been flooded with AI games of various types. This one breaks for the"norms" established by the others simply by having a strong narrative, art that is consistent and not the usual model resulting in a nice breath of fresh air. on its surface, it might seem a little basic, a showcase of certain kinks if you will, but don't let it fool you., despite the "basic stories" it actually got some depth to it brought in part by the atmospheric writing, but also the emotions displayed by the characters. This is by far a highly recommended title that with great art, a compelling but simple story and an interesting main character is definitely greater than the sum of all its parts.

Acceptable 7/10
Dec 17, 2024
Mila AI by aDDont reviewed at Version 1.3.8

Story - This is a narrative built around specific kinks. Be it NTR, NTS or something more. If you want an in-depth detailed story with action, mystery, suspense and the likes, you'll need to look elsewhere. Here we have a somewhat simplistic story not focusing on the overwhelming, instead detailing in on the nuance and core elements of the kinks its telling to create a tight woven experience. It is actually written in an exceptional manner and in a way that keeps the somewhat limited stories moving at an exceptional pace. We've barely scratched the surface with the writing as there are still paths to explore, but what we do have is enough to keep most interested.

Art - AI is often a tricky one to master, but here we have some of the most polished art you will see in this type of game. You will never see more fingers than you should, less fingers than you should clothing suddenly changing styles and the likes you normally see. Instead, we see a nice impressive showcase of consistent artwork that stands out above the rest.

Characters - Ultimately this is Mia's story and her fall into depravity or not if you choose. Regarding her actual fall, her reasons behind it are logical and believable. Her growth in each of the paths thereafter follows a nice progressive arc that does not feel rushed at all. Every other character is there to support Mia in whichever path they choose, there is limited development for these people, but bar Bob on the hotwife path there doesn't need to be. Their purpose is to be essentially tools to get Mia to a point and it works well

Overall - The NTR/NTS genre has been the flavour of the month now for some time and the genre has been flooded with AI games of various types. This one breaks for the"norms" established by the others simply by having a strong narrative, art that is consistent and not the usual model resulting in a nice breath of fresh air. on its surface, it might seem a little basic, a showcase of certain kinks if you will, but don't let it fool you., despite the "basic stories" it actually got some depth to it brought in part by the atmospheric writing, but also the emotions displayed by the characters. This is by far a highly recommended title that with great art, a compelling but simple story and an interesting main character is definitely greater than the sum of all its parts.

Acceptable 7/10
Great review for this game. It's definitely one that's on my watch-list. I played it a couple updates ago, mid (2024), so curious to see how the game has progressed. I did see that there's a big of a style change? At least from the thread, it seems to lean more towards realism now than before
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Being a DIK by DrPinkCake - Reviewed at Version 0.11

Story - On the face of it we have a simple school setting game, go to school, do some lessons, meet some girls, and build up a harem. You'd be forgiven if you play this for the first hour or so and think you've seen it before. This is so much more than the usual types you get in this genre—every path, though different is cleverly woven into the overarching narrative. In other words, you are not punished in terms of story by picking one route over another. It is full of clever comedy, and huge emotion and is overall entertaining. There are times that certain scenes could be written in a less sloppy way, but they are few and far between and are more personal pet peeves than anything major. As writing goes it's up there with the best and almost fault-free.

Renders - Even in the early chapters of the game, they are above average and as time goes on they get better and better. Though I'd argue there are some issues with some of the girls. One in particular looks like she has a skin condition and bolt-on tits. there are a few who have massive tits and fall to the clothing warping to them problem. But even still they are very attractive. Most girls have realistic proportions and there is nobody who looks silly or out of place. The environments/locations are great and actually where you will see some of the light humour if you are looking. There are often things going on in the background that really help this world feel lived in. Finally, we get on to the animations, while I can't fault them and they do look stunning I do question if they are actually needed, most would retract anything from the story if they were not included.

Characters - There's a lot, but I'll talk about our MC first. An interesting mechanic of the game is the Dik/Chick rating. depending on actions and choices you will either lean towards being a Dik or being a Chick so there is obvious growth in the character there, it's just on which way to go is your choice. Our MC has the choice of 5 main girls and I'd argue all bar 1 has some sort of character growth... hell there's even a bit of a reference in a later chapter about how the one with no growth has effectively had none. That being said, they all do have their own personalities, they all seem different and they all bring out the best or worst of the MC. If any of the Main Girls don't do it for you there are several side girls too. Though most are not written in nearly as much detail as the main ones, they still have their histories, stories and personalities.

Mini Games - There are a lot, sometimes they are a hit, and sometimes they are a miss. Fortunately, you get the option to turn them off at the start, but completionists will want at least one to do at least one playthrough with them turned on. They start of simple, just finding the words available from a sequence of 6 letters, finding the next number in the sequence or tracing your mouse around a maze. though they soon ramp up in difficulty when you have a resource an allocation type management game or a please-all-you-can party planning game. The mini-games come thick and fast and as they get difficult they can feel a bit tedious

Overall - As the time has gone on and the updates on this have begun to take some time to come, I feel the cracks have begin to show on this one a little. Whereas, thanks to the paths, the updates are quite meaty, managing so many paths is slowly affecting the pace of the game somewhat. It's not exactly stalled, but sometimes it feels like despite the steps we take forward, we actually get nowhere. I can't fault it based on an update though, as I think playing it as a whole game it genuinely works.

I won't say the game is perfect, depending on who you ask you'll find lots of problems, the pacing, the mini-games, the focus on some characters rather than others or even how punishing the game gets in later stages in regards to choices made earlier. But you are never going to please everyone and overall this game is greater than the sum of all its part.

Overall, there is a reason this game is popular, there is a reason its forum pages are currently in the 10s of thousands and there is a reason the game has so many Patreon supporters. It's overall a fun game, with interesting and compelling narratives, a great selection of girls, and plenty of lewd scenes. there is something for everyone here and it's a must play

Solid 9/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Victoria in Big City by Groovers Games - Reviewed at Version 0.6

Story - For what its worth there isn't really any complex story here, it does however feel like we are lacking any kind of narrative - Essentially its a "Fish out of Water" tale, with various porn games tropes thrown at it. Some of them fetishes go from 0 - 60 rather fast, while others are built on slowly. There is a definte pacing issue here, caused by multiple factors, but I cant help but feel that is because its a FMC as we have to approach things differently when its not a male.

Renders - The renders are really well done, quite far above average. Most of our characters have a nice sense of realism to them, but I'd say about 95% of them do boarder on the busty side. We do have a few environments here that help give the world a scale and most of them have okay lighting, there are one or two places where they lack detail, but nothing too extreme. Animations, while there are some they do kind of come late, but they are done with a quality as the rest of the graphics.

Characters - Obviously we have our FMC who after moving to Big City has some growth, The rest of the characters though are a different matter... We have the topical boyfriend who is just asking to be cucked, the best friend who is a slut among sluts ready to demonstrate to Victoria the better life, a hot neighbour with a magic cock ready to show Victoria that sex can be amazing. The supporting characters are there really to serve no other purpose than to get our FMC into the various situations needed.

Overall - I cant help but feel this game lacks any kind of direction, It's not bad by any means,but its not good either. After the initial "Oh no I am stuck in this big city with no money no job" there's no real story there and it's a bit of what situation can we get Victoria into this week. OurvFMCs fall from grace happens a bit too fast for my liking and given the pacing issues on different paths, it can feel somewhat forced. Ultimately this is a game that knows it's a porn game and is just giving us with well-presented Lewd Scenes. I couldn't even comment to tell you if it has any potential to get anywhere simply because I don't know where it's trying to go. For a corruption game, it's not too bad, but there are better ones out there. It's a nice middle-of-the-road game, but if it doesn't change direction soon it runs the risk of becoming stale and boring.

Average 5/10


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
My Bimbo Dream by MBD - reviewed at Version 0.10.1 Full Beta

Story - Overall this is a merging of genres you have more than likely seen before. We have the transformation of an innocent girl into a slut, we have the "landlady" lusting and there's even a bit of NTR/NTS thrown in too. This isn't a case of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. things are done in a very progressive way; for the most part, it feels like a natural progression. We do have choices, but other than two major ones at the start, they only really exist to show or not show lewds. After a certain point, the game feels rather kinetic.

Renders - The art here is really great. everything seems to be rendered with quality in mind and it's noticeable in the attention to detail given to our FMC when she goes through her transformation. Everything so far seems in proportion, there is nobody with really over-the-top bolt-ons (though judging by the title screen this will change), and the bustier characters have a bit of naturalism about them. The lighting in the environment is okay, I did notice a tiny bit of oversaturation in some places, but it's nothing too extreme.

Characters - Obviously our FMC is the star of the show, there is an air of mystery about her with amnesia from an accident in the past. But the answers are quite telegraphed throughout, specifically by her best friend. She does grow over the game, in some ways more than one. The male MC has a little bit of character development over the game depending on the paths, but its mainly just him growing in confidence in the role you picked at the start. The other characters in game are there to just serve a purpose, whether it be the FMCs best friend there to push her into embracing the Bimbo or the Males best friend there to encourage his perviness.

Overall - This is a game that knows what it is, it is not quite as shameful at presenting itself as other games are and is quite the refreshing slow burn, the story is not by no means going to blow your socks off and at times you will question the actions or lack thereof of both our MC and FMC. For what it is it actually works, and having the three options at the start really helps to try and please everyone, though after this control is really taken away from the player and its somewhat disappointing in some arts of the game. It hasn't by any means got massive potential as at a certain point most if not all paths are going to get stale, but I am at least looking forward to the Journey.

Acceptable 7/10