VN - Ren'Py - Law School [Ep.2] [MisterMaya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece. Unlike The Entrepreneur, which I found very boring, it's perfect in all aspects.
    The story is very captivating, the girls are beautiful with realistic personality and the whole gameplay is very realistic. Up to the point that you can actually learn something about American law.
    I haven't checked yet how the decisions impact the story but you can surely decide which girls are of your interest and how to treat them and you can shape the character of the protagonist with your choices.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed The Entrepreneur (the dev’s previous game), but already here the level of storytelling and gameplay feels improved, and while the graphics were already great in The Entrepreneur, again they just feel that little bit better here.

    There are a couple of good-looking girls here but literally all the others are better than just good-looking. There are some real stunners here, and I really like that there are several girls whose personalities and stories I really like too, so it’s a fantastic combination.

    The sex scenes are not too frequent, at least at the moment (up to end of Ep2), but they have generally been okay, if maybe a little short. Some of the non-lewds have been great though, with some real tension and feeling shown between the characters.

    There’s some good humour in the writing, and I love that there are a couple of different characters providing the main comic relief. One is female, and it feels quite refreshing, as she is the MC’s best friend, and it’s a role we so often see played by another male.

    I like how (so far at least) this game has managed to give us a compelling bunch of characters and a simple but engaging storyline without needing to follow the tired tropes that so many other games like this one revert to – drugs, prostitution, rape, corrupt police, friends with murderous histories, etc.

    Overall, I’ve really enjoyed this game so far, and I can’t wait to continue it. At the moment, I feel there hasn’t been a cut-off point for LIs, so although there have been a couple of choices that mean you miss some content with one LI or another, I don’t think there’s anything yet that would close off a path, or be absolutely vital in order to get onto a particular path. I’m going to have to start making multiple saves for different paths soon though!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    damn that's good.
    abundant content:
    - each episodes is longer than some complete VNs
    - dozens of well defined, unique characters right off the bat
    - many different locations, context renders. No effort was spared, ever, and it shows.
    Good, fluid character interactions, light-hearted convos with dash of sarcasm and humor. Speaking of humor, in addition to situational humor of the scenes, also a few 4th wall breaks by the dev - like a character complaining about the wait for episode 2, very clever.

    A title that goes straight to my hall of fame, and onward to discovering the dev other title as soon as I finish the current episode.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this. Just love it when a story unfolds with good dialogue and good character development. Will be playing through this a couple times for sure and looking forward to more content! Time to check out his other game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic read so far, I'm always a sucker for a good read with an entertaining story instead of just one trivial sex scene after another. I was really pleasantly surprised by the quality the VN delivered, I even laughed out loud several times. Love the characters and the dialogues, they are believable and it's fun to be put in the shoes of the MC. With this experience, I'm going to read the other game soon too and can't wait for the next update.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Mister Maya once again with a masterpiece.

    Beautiful renders beautiful girls and well written dialogue.

    The college backdrop is pretty typical though with potential for some interesting twists (law school is different, no frats, MC is adopted).

    Don't let seeing Episode 2 dissuade you each episode is a good 3-4 hours of gameplay with multiple paths so probably longer if you do everything.

    Where Mister Maya really excels though is his LI's. Rather than oversatursating you with dozens of meaningless girls that gives you a selection the size of an ocean but depth of a puddle each main girl has really deep and great dialogue with a lot of scenes per episode.

    Cannot wait for more 5/5 in all aspects
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The chapter releases are more akin in length to about 5 updates from most VN authors, it's refreshing to see, I started this game when episode 2 was released, and I was shocked at the amount of content in episode 1.

    The characters are amazing, I enjoy everyone, I like how not every girl on campus is a vessel for the MC to fuck, you root for your male friends to get some action as well, it feels more, real.

    I did get physically angry at the cliche with Miranda in chapter 2 in the showers and how the MC was a total idiot because it makes no sense for his character up to that point, but that's fine, one mistake isn't a big deal, but having a smart law student not understand a girl was naked and humping his leg in the shower and then accidentally approving more made me just get taken out of the universe. Everything else is perfect, I just had to rant at how stupid that moment was. :LOL:
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Rake Tyler

    but a game that I find that shows college in a way similar to real life, most of these college games don't even seem like college, but rather high school, the player doesn't even know what the protagonist is studying or will study and in this one I do know what he is studying and that is already very good for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So, after completing a game with a relatively uncommon premise, the esteemed MisterMaya takes on a classic College subgenre. What do we have here?

    1) Good writing. The characters have chemistry, the court practice is actually shown in full and has variants, and the game is generally well-directed.
    2) Humour. The game is full of it, and it's good.
    3) A good selection of girls. Taylor is my fav as of right now; the way she and the MC got horny whilst talking about protecting the weak and the innocent was both hilarious and heartwarming.
    4) The gameplay mechanics such as the phone and the freeroams are here, as well as some roleplay elements.
    5) Visuals have improved since The Entrepreneur and are now "very good" even if not "the best".
    6) My favourite part: a lot of likeable male characters. I'm so damn tired of all the "funny goofy bros" and "wannabe rapist bullies" we usually see in AVNs that this game, which actually has normal nice guys who I'd hang around in real life (John and Will), is a breath of fresh air. Especially considering that the designated rival is also likeable in his own way, and the true antagonists are all girls (Aurora, Andrea, and Will's nemesis Jessica).

    1) Just like in The Entrepreneur, MisterMaya overuses a certain female face model, making most of the girls look like sisters. Between this game and Entrepreneur, he actually seems to have access to a decent amount of different faces, so this is likely a matter of preference rather than of being limited in resources. And yes, the model has very beautiful eyes, but its abundance gets boring fast.
    2) Why are the hottest girls in the game (Selena and Vicky) already taken, WHYYYY? :LOL:

    5 stars, so far so good, keep up the good work!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review as of Ep1)
    Only recently discovered this game and was curious to see if dev is a good writer so i tried his 1st game, i have to say im looking forward to how this one will go as i think the 1st game is in the solid 4-4.5 rating.

    Story/Writing - 4.5
    The plot and storytelling is intriguing enough, not sure English is MrMaya's native language, could be better but overall it's not bad.
    Some girls do feel like they are a bit too eager to jump the MC though, but hey its college/uni, crazier things have happened.

    Graphics - 4
    I like the diversity of the faces and looks of the character, may not be for everyone but at least it's not boring.
    Love how the bodies have reasonable and very natural looking proportions instead of oversized boobs and asses.
    Renders are good and adds to the story telling instead of just characters posed to look nice.
    My only peeve is the 'cheek puffing' of female characters when they are annoyed or angry (what are they 5? Even kids that age barely do this unless they are absolute brats with tantrums.)
    Sex scenes are ok, not bad but not great either, probably because its still early so no long passionate scenes yet.

    Gameplay - 4
    Choices do matter when determining the MC's interaction to other NPCs and it's pretty clear how the choices affect the relationships.
    I do wish though that MC has choices to be less of a dick towards Aurora.
    Overall not many forced or unnecessary choices, No grinding.
    Not much branching yet at this sage of the game.

    So for now i'd say solid 4, but really looking forward to how this goes. Keep up the good work Mr Maya!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this game is solid, but i just never gelled with it.

    First off, the renders are a mixed bag. Some of them look really great and compete with some of the best in the genre. But others like generic and are ones you have seen copy and pasted around. I dont mind the renders i just wanted atleast more style to their clothing and their presentation.

    The cast of characters are good enough. I like the best friend and while its a trope, it works well. I also like some of the side characters too. But this game has waay to many characters for the first episode. It becomes hard to really like any of the characters that are not really focused on because theirs just soo many of them to remember. For example, your entire class which is like 15+ people + teachers are the characters. This is waay to many people for the 1st chapter. I think that it would have been better to just take it slower with the introductions. Because of how fast and quick the introductions are, alot of the games cast feels a bit rushed with relationship development.

    Alot of this game is structured like BAD. Thats a good thing as i think the structure of BAD really works well in these types of games. While its not on the same level. It definitely understands what makes the structure good, i see alot of potential in this game just for that reason alone.

    The MC is also really solid. I always enjoy games with great MC's but this game has one of the better ones. Hes hot and really charismatic, but you definitely can tell he has his own backstory thats deeper than what it seems.

    We have had tons and tons of uni/college games over the years. So i think its a good idea to just center the game around one subject, that being law. Instead of just regular uni/college life. I think this adds a good amount of good narrative to build on and in chapter 1 i think its already done a good job on the narrative level distancing itself from other games in its genre.

    Im being a little critical because i legit think this could be an amazing game, and i think that the creator is really close to making it great. But it just needs a little bit more time to cook. 3/5 right now for its potential and solid start.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    With the uninspired title of “Law School” and the common occurrence of a first episode being rather rough in more ways than one, or simply lacking in content, I can’t say I was expecting a whole lot going into this one. However, when it comes to VNs within this genre, I’m always happy when my preconceived notions toward a title are proven wrong. There is actually quite a bit here that is enjoyable, and by the end of the lengthy episode, I was left wanting more.

    Pretty simple premise. A dude wants to become a lawyer. Along with his childhood friend “Rose”, he is accepted into a prestigious law school, where he then pursues his goal while navigating through his studies, friendships and romantic interests.

    As others have mentioned, the college setting is nothing new, but I’m of the mind that as long as the developer utilizes the setting in a manner where it compliments the narrative and its characters, then hey, what’s the issue? While there isn’t much meat to the story, I think “Law School” manages to avoid feeling stale despite its premise and lack of narrative complexity due to the earnest quality in which MisterMaya approaches his character writing.

    The Main Character
    The MC, in particular, I really enjoy here. He’s handsome, intelligent, and is not spineless. And not unlike his self-determination and dedication to his friends, he has an unwavering passion and drive for the justice system. I very much appreciate when MCs actually know what they want in life and make real efforts to accomplish those goals. It’s demonstrated multiple times that the MC has aspirations that extend past just having a good time and banging hot chicks. Again, very cool.

    Additionally, as long as we’re ignoring the dream sequences (more on that later) there isn’t really a single moment in the narrative where the MC is a creep. Even in a moment of voyeurism, the scenario and resulting comments from the MC come across more as the MC being shocked as to what he’s seeing rather than him getting off to it. I appreciate the restraint here by the developer, and I really do wish more AVN devs would take notes. I don’t want to play as a pervert, but instead as someone that is a functioning person that has at least a modicum of decorum and understanding of social niceties. The MC is both polite and stern in circumstances where it makes sense, and he’s generally just a pleasant fellow to play as.

    Outside of Jessica being a one-note bitch, the majority of the characters here are easily intriguing and likeable, with various personality traits and quirks. Some standouts are Aurora, Miranda (a mute), Olive, Rose, Alan, Taylor and Mike. Mike in particular is interesting in that I had anticipated him to be a douchebag, but he seems to be a respectful rival, which is mighty refreshing to see. I’m curious where that rivalry will go.

    The character of Aurora has a lot of potential as well, especially in regard to a good “enemies to lovers” scenario (which I’m a sucker for), with MisterMaya doing a solid job of sprinkling moments of both animosity and fondness between her and the MC. With the way that I approached the MC’s outlook/decisions, Aurora and him seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum when it concerns their approach to the practice of law, and it’ll be interesting to see if Aurora can either influence the MC into shifting his principles, or if the MC can do the same to Aurora but in the opposite direction, or if they are both able to look past such things.

    The renders and character models are quite good, and the animations that I came across were smooth and well realized. Characters are more or less appropriately dressed, and female body proportions are thankfully relatively reserved/realistic. Although, Rose’s eyes are occasionally a little disconcerting, in that they look too large for her petite head. I will say that when her hair was pulled up, she looked more natural even with her abnormally sized eyes. But yeah, otherwise she does look a little odd. If it were up to me, I would scale her eyes down a bit to better fit with the rest of the character designs. Or keep that hair pulled up.

    * Dream sequences. You know what I dream of? I dream of a day when AVN devs actively avoid using this device. It’s often nothing more than a way to fill some kind of lewd quota, and for a VN like “Law School” where it’s successfully focusing on the introductions of characters and subsequently building relationships and friendships, these dream sequences serve to only distract and detract. I don’t need cheap lewds to be placed at certain intervals throughout the narrative to remain invested.

    * There are times when the dialogue between characters is either redundant or too heavy on exposition. Having a character like Rose state multiple times (to both the MC and others) that the MC and her are childhood/best friends, or having the MC clarify many times over that he has aspirations to be the best possible lawyer, can be a tad grating due to the fact that these things were established very early on.

    * There are also spurts throughout the first episode where characters can get stuck expressing their feelings not through actions, facial expressions or emergent dialogue and subtext, but instead by just outright stating them. It occasionally treads on being robotic, especially when interactions go on longer than they need to. Again, this tends to occur more often when Rose is interacting with the MC in some capacity, but it can bleed into other scenes and interactions as well. For instance, at one point the MC tells Aurora “I have empathy. I am a human being.” That kind of writing is a bit too on the nose for my liking. Show, don’t tell.

    * While I do enjoy the MC, one could very well argue that he is too perfect at the moment, and that the introduction of some failures and/or personal flaws in future episodes would round him out a bit. And I think that extends even into his circle of close friends. Will, Alan, John, Lana and Rose all seem like decent people, and that’s fine, but it’s to the point where there is little to no conflict amongst them. A little tension can go a long way. In fact, at the moment, I would say characters like Olive, Miranda, Aurora, Taylor and Mike would be far better suited for group activities with the MC, as there would then be clashing personalities. Perhaps such things are planned for the future. I hope so, at least.

    * Finally, I was disappointed to see that for all the curriculum that is covered by the professors, as well as the time spent in researching matters in the civil case simulation/exercise, that these things didn’t factor more heavily into any real decisions for the MC. I was actually jotting down notes here and there prior to the trial, thinking that at some point that I was going to be faced with certain options in how I approach things. But very little was of any consequence.

    Minor Complaints
    * Again, I did enjoy the overall visual design, but I do think the depth of field effect is at times a bit too strong.

    * I very much like the inclusions of smart phones in games like this, as I think it’s a great way to provide additional characterization and meaningful character interactions through DMs and in-world social media, but there are a couple things that are slight annoyances. The first is that the font itself that is featured within the phone could use a change. I’m not sure what the font is, but it’s emulating a kind of handwriting style, which is a bit strange for a phone. Legibility can suffer as a result. The second issue is that the social media elements and texts in the phone are not persistent across the designated events that involve said phone. Which is to say that you can’t access your phone at any time you feel like, and with each phone event, the prior interactions with contacts and whatnot are no longer visible. Kind of a bummer.

    I really enjoyed my time with this first episode, and based on the general quality and polish of it, I’d recommend it to others that enjoy narrative-first AVNs. There aren’t a lot of lewds here, and if that’s all you’re looking for, I would say you’re better off avoiding this one for now. But if that doesn't scare you off, you could do far, far worse than "Law School".

    I’ll be donating to MisterMaya’s Patreon due to him approaching the majority of the elements in this AVN with a level of maturity that is sorely missing in most AVNs. Again, it’s not perfect, but with some improvements here and there, this could be a top tier experience in the future. And even if it only progresses on the current trajectory that it set in its first episode, it’ll still be very solid. Five stars from me. Try it out.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid start toa game with a lot of content for an episode 1. Images are great, animations are solid, and settings feel lived-in. There's a good mix of potential (presumably) LIs, in terms of both physiques and personalities, as befitting the law school setting, as well as some good rivalries, frienemies, and the start to a solid story. Even the obvious comic relief slacker type character isn't particularly obnoxious, which is a hard thing to manage.

    Not a ton of lewds in this first episode (several kisses, and potential for one BJ, one sex scene, a few dreams, and one voyeuristic experience), but what's there is handled well. The main character is a bit of a Gary Stu, but AVNs are power fantasies, so I don't mind that. And he seems relatively mature, handsome, and generous, if oddly obsessed with library access.

    I only have a few cons. One, sometimes there are dark scenes and it's hard to tell what is going on in those scenes. Amp up the ambient lighting please! And two, the professors can be really long-winded. Even if that's true to life, there are ways to convey that without having us click through a 10-20 screen speech. Also, while this is a law school, and the curriculum seems to fit that, the students all seem to be behaving like they're 18-year-old pre-law undergraduates, whereas they'd have already gone to college before this.

    Definitely looking forward to future episodes!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great amount of content for a first release, the theme of law is well studied and given considerable attention and importance. Refreshing sight of a college VN, the navigation sequences were enjoyable and not tedious. High attention to details seen in phone messages. Waiting for further releases to know more about each of MC's law school comrades. But it's extremely promising and it will be highly anticipated
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played through episode 1 of Law School and honestly a masterpiece episode. I enjoyed most of the characters and felt like i want to know each of them more. I really hope the next episode isnt too far away. [9.5/10 for me]

    Taylor was my favorite from her model, the way she interacted with MC and she seemed incredibly inteligent just like MC. Aurora suprisingly caught me off guard, there is def more to her then just one of the school "bullies". Elsa is stunning, she also feels like the forbidden fruit of the school. Olive the sweet shy girl and I like the way you portrayed MC as her seemingly knight in shinning armor. Miranda is perfect plus her fucking eyes are perfection, she seems innocent but i feel theres a naughty side to her. Rose is an odd one here, i never felt this mixed before because i honestly can't tell if she should just be MC's best friend or they end up being the perfect couple. Lana of course is great, however i do feel like Lana's old hair better and her twin Andrea seems to be the perfect bitch u get to hate on(i wonder how it would feel to have MC hook up with both of them, we def need that threesome...or add Aurora to the mix instead haha.)

    I also actually enjoy most Male character here too, which honestly rarely happens. Seriously all these character models and graphics are amazing props to you. They really seem to each have their own spice to em. Great work and i can't wait for the next update!

    Also i really couldn't give two shits about Law before i played this, and you somehow ended up having me invested in law throughout the whole episode and never felt like i was just skipping the law parts of the episode which i for sure thought i would be. Really fantastic work here @MisterMaya
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    well, as a ex law student i liked a lot this game. It was a good feeling remember good times in college like the friends, teachers, exams and the game was great with some observations to be make

    - story very well written
    - MC is very likeable and have charisma
    - MC friends are likeable too and you sympathize with them
    - I liked mc rival and their faceoffs gonna be interesting
    - Most women are beautiful
    - great graphics, renders,music
    - good humour ( i liked the jokes and sarcarms)

    - lana new visual ( she was great with red hair)
    - lack of sex scenes (we got 5 scenes and 3 of them are dreams)
    - sometimes excessive dialogues
    - missing some thickness and milfs
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a nice game at all, beautifull renders, models e story so far
    I'm already waiting for the next episodes and curious about how this story will devolop, the first ep it is very long and that's a good thing, hope that the next ones will be long as the first one
    Keep going with this nice project
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Update 2.0
    I played all through from the beginning. And I must say, I don't see anything to change my mind overall.
    It is definitely not a porn game. It is more like a comic over college life with some short lewd scenes (until now).
    2 points: Lana changes back to her old hair style. And Olive´s talk about the seeing of humans and horse is absolute wrong! Horses have only two optic nerves instead of three like humans have. They can see only blue and yellow, all others are contrast.
    Btw: The text size for messages on the phone could be bigger. Difficult to read. Just a suggestion.

    I played just through the episode 1.
    The college story is not new, the law school is fixed to US law; so different to European law, for example drinking alcohol is allowed from 18 on. This makes some scenes ridiculous, but at least acceptable.
    The girls are looking good, but very similar. The sex scenes could be better, at the moment more to read than to watch. The change of the look of Lana is going in the wrong direction, but that is my personal opinion.
    To the story: I was surprised, that Aurora didn't try to blackmail the MC before the trial test to stop him.
    I will still follow this AVN, even if it is not "F.."-material. ;-)

    I give now the fourth star for the quality of renders and the beautiful girls. :)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I find writing reviews lame, but gotta glaze this one real quick.

    Easily one the best 0.1 releases I have played, both quality-wise and especially length-wise (so much content damn).

    Really liked it overall - MC, characters, models, the environment. I see Dev put in a lot of work. Obviously, nothing special narratively nd deals with a lot of clichéd tropes but I enjoyed them because they were nicely executed for the most part. Sexual aspect of the game is kinda mid and dialogs can get cringy occasionally tho.

    Finally, college settings are overused but I fuck with the law theme. Also liked the Naruto-ass rivals aspect, fresh angle in an AVN. I want more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Look I'll be honest if you have little to no interest in law and order or how the justice system works, you will find this avn very dragging and boring. This also have cringey college humor if you are an older person, be prepared.
    If you okay with these conditions (like I am) proceed further:

    - Cute and likeable LIs with different characteristics.
    - Top notch renders and animations.
    - Well written with no grammatical error.
    - Likeable MC which is not a creep and likeable antagonist (so far)
    - Great humor (Subjective)
    - Decent amount of playing time for episode 1, my playing time was around 5 and a half hours.
    - We have a female best friend that doesn't secretly love MC but we can/will see the attraction developing also same goes with other LIs they don't immediately want to jump on MC, you can see the attraction build up, it feels real. To me it's the hardest thing to do and this game does it beautifully, if that makes sense.
    - As of now there is no plot but that is understandable.

    - Some dialogues could be shorter.
    - Needs better explanation for the point system. (Selfness spectrum)
    - Also need a bar for the spectrum though we could that before next episode.

    - Some thickness is immensely appreciated.

    Not a music person so don't have an idea

    5 stars accordingly to me. First time reviewing cut me some slacks.