VN - Ren'Py - Law School [Ep.2] [MisterMaya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Perfect quality game with interesting story and sexy girls.


    The models are cute. The renders are high quality and rich with details. Animations are well done. The main sex scene of Ep.1 (near the end, on Sunday) is quite erotic, with decent length and variation.

    The characters are colorful and attractive. It's interesting to develop those relationships.

    The story is engaging, even if some people would say that college environment is a cliché. Nothing wrong with that when it's done flawlessly. The writing is good. Dialogs can seem lengthy in a few instances, but actually not too lengthy.

    The amount of content for one episode is impressive.


    Just none.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    4 star game currently but will give 5th star for now, despite the horrible intro. This a good game after the intro, and has great potential. This developer also has a strong track record and I think it will improve.

    Just, the intro really should be fixed, its easy to imagine people not even bothering to play from how it starts. It is terrible UX to offer a skip button if you are not actually going to let them skip it. Why even offer it other than to annoy players?

    After not being able to skip the how-to of a visual novel, the very first scene is a dream sequence with a character named "Mr Badman" - dream sequences are almost always bad in general, but to start the game off before even the MC is introduced, and with goofy character names?

    After that, the game improves substantially. Its slice of life rather than a linear plot, but its well done and the characters are all well written. No ridiculous body shapes or step family members. Some of the reviews dinging the character portrayal, I actually find it refreshing where the MC is not a massive creep/dick. The portrayal of the MC in this game is that of a realistic Gary Stu. Way to many VNs have Gary Stus who have better chances of being in prison or friendless than being the guy. As for the other characters, the pettiness of some of the characters is a tad overdone, but sibling rivalry or people who never grow up (i.e. Rosie / Aurora characters) are not that uncommon.

    Writing wise, the characters are well written but the word choice could be better if the game is going to be set in the US and to keep the story immersive. Just as a few examples:
    • While attorney is technically correct for "Mr Badman" in the dream sequence the better word choice would be district attorney or prosecutor, just attorney implies defense attorney

    • Instead of calling it a basketball national championship, it should be a state championship, there are no national championships in the US for high school sports

    • Since it is a law school setting, the age of the characters should be at least 23. In order to attend a bar accredited law school (which is a requirement to practice law in many states) you need to have a bachelors degree, which would make them 22+. Having the characters be 18 is more of a high school story than a post grad one

    Its just little things like that, but other than occasional spots it is well written, and the renders and models are great. Plenty of content for a first episode as well.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The positives, renders are good, writing is sort of good(see negatives), as in the dialogue is not trash and it's fairly well written.

    But, the characters are just fucking stupid. You have the mc freaking out because someone took a pic of him playing with a basketball he found on the ground. Am I gonna get arrested for theft? Then this toxic gf of one of the other guys freaks out twice on him publicly because he didn't pack her second box of shoes and dumps him because he refuses to drive for hours to pick them up and what does the mc and his friends(rose and john). Tell him he's being too hasty letting their relationship end. Are you kidding me? You don't encourage someone to stick in a toxic relationship. Never stick your dick in crazy. And then the mc gets tricked into a situation where two royal cunts are trying blackmail and when the ta catches him leaving and he explains what happens she doesn't get mad at the con artist blackmailers, at a law school.

    The characters are just so stupid it makes the game unplayable.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Old Man Al

    First off all, the only issue I have and what doesn't make me give 5 stars is: lawyers, judges and all the other stuff that crawls through a court. I am not a fan to begin with and playing this AVN showed me why. The endless discussions about details of some crime/misdemour. I personally find this tiresome, if you don't have that problem or even are a fan of that (you freak) take my rating as a 5/5.

    Let's get to the rest.
    Renders and sex scenes are nice, maybe Rose's eyes are a bit to big for her little head from some perspectives.
    Overall I like the girls, while it is true that some of them look like they are more or less re-used from the devs other game I personally don't have a problem with that. I view it like an actor playing in different movies/roles. So that part is a 5/5 for me.

    Music is on the better side and I'd rate it 4/5. The sound effects are funny and (luckily) not overused.

    I like the characters in this ANV and the storytelling per se (minus the law stuff). There is a wide varity of characters and the "funny" guy of the group actually isn't the typical air-headed, cringy idiot, but has some more to offer than the first view sights would assume.
    The group dynamic of the MCs project group is actually pretty great, I even daresay it is the best part. Also the dynamic between the childhood friend Rose and the MC is great.
    But the MC is a likeable guy, so no wonder he clicks with most of the characters.
    Humor is actually (mostly) funny, not to many slap stick scenes (imo).
    Overall that part is an easy 5/5.

    The freeroam is not that hard, you cannot get lost or end up not knowing what to do next (imo). And as for the one exam (minigame), if you haven't payed attention before you can relativly easy google the answers.

    Also Chapter 1 is pretty long (and has much text to read - so be warned if you are not a fan of that).

    As you see there is very little I don't like, sadly what I don't like is a central part - the setting per se. I still liked the overall experience and that speaks of the high quality (from my perspective) of the rest.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I know its just the beginning but im liking it so far. hopefully the quality in the future updates remain same. wishful thinking but, hopefully we get to see more updates more frequently. good luck with this
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Does the creator like "Rose's face" so much?
    It was his "common face" from the previous game, and one face was used on several characters.

    What is this? The creator assigned you a wife first? It feels bad.
    There are obviously so many good female characters in college, why do we still have to carry this burden?

    Her face has become tiresome after seeing it so many times, mostly from the creator's last game.
    Take away her character and this game would be worth 5 stars to me.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I really hate trashing something, but this is just so bad. The only thing good about it are the graphics. The rest is just... not good.

    To begin with, your MC really does not have a choice with anything. I ranted about it in the thread as a joke, but sure enough as soon as you get into the story, all choices lead to the same place.

    To begin with, Rose is the typical lifelong best friend who happens to be a girl and there is an underlying attraction there. I mean, how many times have we seen this? Then we have the "middle school kids" picking on a dude over a teddy bear and of course there is the screw up at school that the MC needs to navigate because his room is messed up. Of course there is the phone you have to answer and respond to text messages... what is this? I hate this functionality. If you want to communicate with the MC then just communicate. The phone things were cute to begin with, but now they just interrupt the flow of the game.

    Plus too many of the women/girls look alike. I could have sworn the girl in the park taking pics of the MC was Rose but with dark hair. At first I was completely confused.

    The last straw for me was entering a class room and discovering it was point and click. So of course, there is really only one place you can end up sitting. It doesn't matter the order or anything, you can only sit in one place. SO WHY GIVE US THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE?

    That was it for me. The whole game reeked of a rip off of so many other games and all the things ripped off are all the bad things.. From the characters to the interface. There is absolutely nothing original about this AVN besides the artwork.

    It's too bad because the dev is clearly talented. Great images and a solid production, but to me it just seemed like they are trying to emulate some of the more popular and successful AVNs out there that everyone else copies. I would really like to see them do something original because I bet it would be really good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    (Written after playing EP1)

    - Overall graphics and models look really good
    - animations also dont dissapoint
    - music is also great, looks like dev really tried to get something better then just some generic songs
    - minigames are fun but if you're not a fan u can skip them and the same goes for other things if there is something u could possibly not like u can always (or at least most of the time if im forgeting something) skip that
    - story is also really nice
    - its not just another fuck fest
    - the size of one episode seems really good it took me few hours to complete

    cons (and i really have trouble finding them):
    - if u like loads of sex u probably will have to get some patience, its not just another fuck fest for ep 1 we got
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    - no milf LIs

    Overall the game goes to my top games list. Definitely worth playing if school setting is your thing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked his previous work Entrepreneur but this one seems like way more interesting than his previous work. For a demo this one got fair amount of content and it's crafted beautifully. Girls are pretty and interesting. Seems like all got unique personalities. Quality wise dev improved lot. Liked MC model he's different than usual MC models. It's a demo so there is only one choice here. It's included to show choice Ui and it's nicely done. What I didn't liked in the game was Save/Load UI I prefer usual UI for it. I think dev will change in it in the first release. Overall I enjoyed this demo. Plot seems interesting.

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to first release.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit early but I have to give this one a 5 star review because of how impressed I was as a first release.

    Got to say now this was an amazing introductory demo for a game, it almost felt like a full fledged episode of a normal VN. Not surprising considering The entrepreneur also had fully packed episodes. As for initial impressions I'm blown away by how much MisterMaya raised the quality bar on renders, transitions, animations and it seems like we will even have a new morality system that will be impacted by our choices which is always a welcome addition as long it remains straightforward. I liked every character I've seen on the screen and I'm so intrigued to see how their interaction and relationships develop in the future.

    I do hope the dev won't overwhelm himself with the mini games part like someone else from another game I follow but other than that college setting, characters, and the story are very intriguing and it's nice to see some new competition on the field. I cannot afford to follow on Patreon but I will wish list this on Steam and will definitely be there for release on day one to support it. Good luck on the project and wish you to stay healthy both mentally and physically to bring another project to its completion.

    P.S. I hope our interaction with Rose develops into something more than best friends status because she is already one of my favorite characters in the game and this relationship could develop very nicely and organically through the series.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's too early to really judge this game. However for a demo it's pretty good. The visual are really good, the one sex animation looks good 2. All the girls are real pretty looks alone they are some serious competition for some other LI in some of the popular AVN's out there when it comes to looks.

    Giving this a 5 star instead of 4 because despite it being too early to form a real opinion. I already love Rose she reminds me of some of my favorite LI / characters from other games. This AVN is already going in the I can't wait for an update pile because of Rose.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The Dev's previous work was, up until the very last chapter, one of my favorite games, but then it got a super rushed ending that left a sour taste in my mouth and of other players, as discussed in its own thread.
    Aside from that, all of the soul and quirks of MisterMaya can be seen on this as of now only demo. And its good. Far above average, although average on this site is really nothing to settle for.
    The graphics are very good, both renders and animations, the writing , even if not on par with the greats, is good, and the premise of a Law School setting should work well.
    Let's hope it gets the love it deserves not only from us users, but also from MisterMaya himself, not rushing this one aswell.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This rating is purely based on the offered experience in the demo.

    Not much to say about this yet. The few scenes we can see in the demo seem detailed enough, with multiple animation tracks.

    Great tracks. I think most tracks are instrumental, which, I think, is a good thing. Music with vocals can distract from reading for some.

    Great work on the scenes. Backgrounds are usually out of focus, unless something interesting is going on. The visual gags are funny and not excessive. I enjoy this type of humor a lot.
    Animations, like panning shots, look terrific.

    The UI is polished and clear. The 'controls' and 'about' screens need some work. The red and white text is difficult to read against the chosen background.

    There isn't much story yet, though we can guess that it will involve basketball and will deal with a lot of slice-of-life issues and interpersonal drama. Student group A, to which MC belongs, counts 20 students, of which 12 are women.

    The adoption joke went over my head, until Rose mentioned the adoption in a serious way during the car ride. I do like that Rose and the MC had this discussion, it gives important background on the MC, and how he views life. I was also glad to see a more serious side to Rose because I worried the MC would be stuck with an unrelenting and bratty roommate.

    During the sex animations, lighting resets when it restarts the loop. This could be an artifact caused by compression.

    With love interests depending on 2 stats, it can be a challenge for role-playing players to also match with an LI they find interesting and attractive. While this does allow for replayability and 4 main tracks, players would need to metagame to match with the LI that interests them. I suspect that each track will get 4-5 love interests.
    Edit: reading the comments, the dev confirmed 6 main LIs in total, and a few side-pieces.

    Concerning Love Interests; I would've loved if the demo gave us a little bit more than just a name and close-up. So far, they don't look very diverse physically. I also think I noticed some tropes, like older women having larger breasts. And I suspect the big-chested, dark-haired librarian will enjoy some darker passions. (Dev, feel free to subvert these tropes.)

    Some text is difficult to read, for instance when Dad says, "You two are like cats and dogs, you always fight!". His name is over the cup that Mom is holding, making it challenging to make out. I would love to see a configurable textbox, with optional profile pictures (these help with remembering and recognizing characters)
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished the demo and there is a lot to say about it. I was a good size for a demo. Not to long not to short. Below are my Pros and Cons but some are personal preference.

    - Great models and imagery
    - animations are good
    - music and sound effects
    - Story is not the most original but does have a good amount of differences

    - Would like to know if the friend can be an LI if not that would suck
    - A lot of the females are on the larger breast spectrum. Would like to see a bit more diversity as I like them all not just one size fits all.

    ** Game does not extract in its own folder. This was a bit of a pain. Please place all of the game to extract in its own folder.

    Overall I would say a very good start. Definitely want to see and play the full release and look forward to the updates to come.