
Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I've always thought such a choice would ruin his "teddybear-ish" appearance, as you could theoretically go see that side of him if you wanted to,. And when you see it, it sticks.
Yeah, I had that issue with a game... Where the MC went full hard dom on someone as a path and once I'd inadvertently veered down that path it ruined the rest of the story for me. It stuck with me because, even if I didn't play that path, it meant I knew the character was capable of it - that it was part of his personality. I prefer romantic VN's overall and so I try to avoid corruption path games.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2020
Sometimes you have to introduce choices into a VN where the consequences of them tends to shape the readers opinion of the MC. ea. If I were to give you the option the let the MC cheat on your chosen girl, would that change your opinion of the MC - even if you never took that choice yourself (or only played the choice on a fun playthrough)?
I think even possibility of doing something obviously change how the players see the main character.
In most visual novels, the MC are pretty much a blanc page that we don't even get to see his face, but if you want to give a more shaped personality to James, it would be best to not give player the possibility to act very much out of character.
If you give the players the possibility to cheat on the girl, the truth is most players will do it just to see more h scenes, and most players will see James as a cheater.


Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
I've played a few VN's by now, so far there's been less than a hand full that made enough of an impression for me to remember what they were about when a new update got released. And even less that made a big enough impact in the first chapter/episode/whathaveyou to make me go :geek:. But this one is definitely one of them. Just finished chapter 2 and can't wait to find out what happens in the ones I still have to play through.

Great music, cool animations, cool characters, nice realistic feeling story

And knowing that you'll have to make a choice at some point makes it so you actually pay attention to how the game progresses and which choices you make instead of simply relying on a walkthrough that steers you in a direction of whatever the walkthrough creator's preferences may force you.

Also a nice touch you get warnings when a crucial decision has to be made. Not sure if they'll have consequences in the long run but judging how chapter 2 ended for me, I feel there's still opportunities.

PS. also added as review.. it ain't much since I only just started playing this game but even the first chapter already put it in my top 5.
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Jan 19, 2020
The whole cheating thing revolves around Holly. It used to be that you had the option not to commit to one of the girls (giving you the opportunity to hook up with Holly instead). Unfortunately that got changed in the last update meaning that now you either have to cheat or get involved is some three-way to get with her (none of those which works for me). A pity really because I would have loved to play her on a solo as well, but I guess that's just me being greedy.
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Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
Just finished chapter 4 going with Cece, and given my current feelings about the LI's I'm not sure if I want to do replays for any of the other girls. I only wish there was one more option... I'd definitely go for that one if it were possible.

Even though at this point I'm clearly more attracted to Cece I also have big weakspot for Linda. Which only was strengthened by the wakup scene on the MC's bed. Given how the story progresses when making certain choices it feels as that it could be possible. On the plane Linda is clearly getting excited by Robin an Kira going at it. If you let her get the drinks she even takes a peek at what they're up to. Then later at Lexy's place when they prepare for the TorD game, Cece clearly shows she's not totally against the idea of being kissed by a female (Kira). Knowing the MC's history with Linda I wished there was an option to go for a similar route as with Robin and Kira... going for Cece made me feel bad about ignoring Linda's feelings.

Other than that, damn this game is abso-freakin-lutely one of the, if not the best game I've played sofar. Emotionally speaking that is, the storyline is great too but as far as storyline goes there's one other game that tops it for me... not by much though but still, that angle just is my favorite.
And honestly, if asked to vote for one of them after having played both now, I just couldn't, in my book they both share the #1 spot.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
It's interesting that some people ask about the feasibility of LoF having a corruption route for the MC. Based on the depth of characterization so far, IMHO, there seems but one immediate and unavoidable consequence of the MC's first really dick move ...

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Jan 19, 2020
It's interesting that some people ask about the feasibility of LoF having a corruption route for the MC. Based on the depth of characterization so far, IMHO, there seems but one immediate and unavoidable consequence of the MC's first really dick move ...

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I think most people are on the same page regarding James's character, but if someone has an itch to scratch oh f*cking well...


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
I think most people are on the same page regarding James's character, but if someone has an itch to scratch oh f*cking well...
I think ename144 summed it all up nicely...

Obviously, an MC who cheats on his girl comes off very differently than an MC who has the opportunity but chooses to remain faithful. But how does that translate into a game where we can just reload a save and do both? I think this hinges on whether we see the MC as a character in his own right, or as a (mostly) blank slate that the player controls.

If we see the MC as a mostly complete, mature character that the player exerts a small influence over, then the option to cheat will be a genuine hit to his "teddybear" appearance. Even if the player turns down the offer, the fact is that he might have. That forces us to mentally adjust our image of the MC to account for that. In effect, it means that that the MC has always been the sort of man who would cheat on his girlfriend given the right circumstance... which might not be very strenuous, depending on how you write it!

On the other hand, if we view the MC as an empty shell to be filled by the player (at least to the limits of a video game), then the option to cheat is merely indicative of the type of MC we are playing in a given runthrough. In this case, the option to cheat can instead enhance the MC's teddybear quotient, because it's up to the player to decide just how tempted the MC was by the offer. If we want to play a white knight type, we can keep him on the straight and narrow as clear proof of just how devoted he is to his girl. If we want to play a cad, we can enjoy the way he strings along his latest conquest. But either way, our thoughts are limited to the current 'version' of the MC.

I obviously can't speak to how you (Drifty) perceive the MC, but for myself I'd say the MC is closer to the pre-defined character than he is to a tabula rasa. We already have a long backstory for his relationship with Chris, Linda and Stephanie - not just the facts, but insight into what they meant to him, too. We've had numerous comments about the sort of man he is, from just about all the girls, without much input from us players. Even when asked why, for example, the MC saved Cece, we don't get the option to say he thought she was hot, or lie about his motives to keep up appearances. No, the answer is uniformly given for us: he saved a girl he barely knew on pure instinct. Heck, even the fact that the MC HAS a face in the first place contributes to the notion that he's the same core character no matter what choices we make.

So I guess that was just a really long-winded way of saying that I suspect you are right and giving us the option to make the MC cheat on his girl will ultimately change the way he's perceived (obviously the full impact would depend on the specific details). But I don't think that's an inherent result of the option, just of the way you have structured the story and the characters up to this point.
In LoF, the MC has a backstory and his character traits are pretty much cemented by the start of the game. His particular circle of friends gravitate towards him because of those traits. I don't think it makes sense to suddenly have the game go all "Fallen" by providing the player moral/social choices out of sync with the MC's established character. Besides, in a well-written game, such choices would also lead to different outcomes socially, potentially creating parallel and irreconcilable story lines based on the branching those choices. There's plenty of shallow, badly-written games available on this site that cater consequence-free for the worst (and often illegal) excesses for those that want them. I could write a list but frankly, I'd be inclined to write a list of suitable psychologists/therapists first... :rolleyes:


Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
Removed as post was made due to a complete misunderstanding.
Apologies to whomever felt addressed
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Active Member
Sep 17, 2020
I think you misread my post, I never suggested a corruption route. Since there's already an option to go with Robin AND Kira (who are not objecting to sharing the MC between them and even have their own personal relation with each other, and given that both Cece and Robin seemed to be open to having a relation with a woman and already shared the bed with MC together as a truple, (although not romantically still almost nude), why would it be so different for the MC to go with a Linda/Cece threesome as opposed to a Robin/Kira threesome? Provided ofcourse the story would actually go on a route where both Linda and Cece decided to see if there could be more between the two of them than just being good friends, given that Linda clearly finds the idea of two woman making out a turn-on. And why would one route be ok (since the game gives you that option) and the other a dick move?

You obviously don't mind there being a relation between Robin/Kira and the possibility given by the game to go that route, but someone wishing it were Linda/Cece instead is suddenly a douche? You've clearly got the wrong idea and are judging by two different standards.

The fact I went with Cece is simply due to her story and because you get forced to choose between the two (the others simply aren't an option for me). I'll even go one further. Seeing they aren't an item and I just don't see any of the other LI's as a possible match for the MC, I'd very likely would decide to not get involved with any of them if that were an option. Sadly because it _is_ an erotic VN you get forced to make a choice and in the process possibly break up a friendship between two girls who both have strong feelings for the MC.

And along comes someone being high and mighty judging someone for wishing it were slightly different whilest having no issue playing the game themselves. There's a reason there's choices. You may not like some of them but that don't give you the right to judge someone for seeing a different option, if the MC didn't have it in him the option to go with a Robin/Kira threesome wouldn't have been there to begin with.
I think Linda + Chris make a beautiful couple, same as Kira + Robin.
Adding the fact that I don't feel as touched by Lexi's story (poor rich and successful girl), the only girls I would match James with are Cece or Steph.
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Jan 19, 2020
I think you misread my post, I never suggested a corruption route. Since there's already an option to go with Robin AND Kira (who are not objecting to sharing the MC between them and even have their own personal relation with each other, and given that both Cece and Robin seemed to be open to having a relation with a woman and already shared the bed with MC together as a truple, (although not romantically still almost nude), why would it be so different for the MC to go with a Linda/Cece threesome as opposed to a Robin/Kira threesome? Provided ofcourse the story would actually go on a route where both Linda and Cece decided to see if there could be more between the two of them than just being good friends, given that Linda clearly finds the idea of two woman making out a turn-on. And why would one route be ok (since the game gives you that option) and the other a dick move?

You obviously don't mind there being a relation between Robin/Kira and the possibility given by the game to go that route, but someone wishing it were Linda/Cece instead is suddenly a douche? You've clearly got the wrong idea and are judging by two different standards.

The fact I went with Cece is simply due to her story and because you get forced to choose between the two (the others simply aren't an option for me). I'll even go one further. Seeing they aren't an item and I just don't see any of the other LI's as a possible match for the MC, I'd very likely would decide to not get involved with any of them if that were an option. Sadly because it _is_ an erotic VN you get forced to make a choice and in the process possibly break up a friendship between two girls who both have strong feelings for the MC.

And along comes someone being high and mighty judging someone for wishing it were slightly different whilest having no issue playing the game themselves. There's a reason there's choices. You may not like some of them but that don't give you the right to judge someone for seeing a different option, if the MC didn't have it in him the option to go with a Robin/Kira threesome wouldn't have been there to begin with.
Dude, you're barking up the wrong tree. It was Drifty contemplating a corruption route, nothing to do with you. Pays to read the thread ya know...:rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
Hi FaceCrap (apologies, it's hard to address someone like that without it sounding insulting :p),

in-game corruption obviously means different things to different people. Your example of entering a consenting three-way relationship isn't even close to the corruption example Drifty said he contemplated - demanding a BJ from a female friend as a condition for performing a simple favor for them. In fact, I wouldn't consider the three-way relationship options corruption at all, provided it's consensual and not coerced.

I am sure you've played enough games on here to understand where real corruption routes often lead...

PS - I was never responding to any earlier post of yours.
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Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
If you mean the scene where's she is sitting at the table just as the MC goes inside after his talk with Steph, that is because the sun has set and the only light source there is artificial light. Depending on the type of bulb this _will_ change someone's skin color. As soon as she walks past the MC out of the room and into the corridor out of range of the lamp above the table, you'll see her skin color becoming even a darker tan than she shows during daylight/moonlight outside

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Welp. If you wanted to induce a worry for whats going to happen to Cece. Bang up job, Drifty.

I assume MC is going on a trip to Daddy.

Also, for some reason I saw 5000 miles and was expecting the Proclaimers to be the music. Thinking it was going to be a super upbeat sneak peak. Heh.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2018
Welp. If you wanted to induce a worry for whats going to happen to Cece. Bang up job, Drifty.

I assume MC is going on a trip to Daddy.

Also, for some reason I saw 5000 miles and was expecting the Proclaimers to be the music. Thinking it was going to be a super upbeat sneak peak. Heh.
Which song is this from the sneak peak? U have a link??
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