
Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
Basically agree with your ranking except I'd flip Robin and Kira...

Agree with the first two, but Linda is too high in the list (in my opinion)
Was not impressed with Linda when it was discovered she was meeting up with Steph.
Now that the Steph drama is finished, it appears that the Linda / Matt drama has arrived, and I am not liking it so far.


Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
I know i said i loved Acting Lessons, and i do, but i still hope this here won't go that direction too much ... i can handle that only every so often.
Still weirds me out there's folks who like that game... I actually did too... right up until that forced choice. Didn't even finish it, just closed it and deleted it... and put me off of any other game that dev made or will make... so I definitly hope this dev won't make that same mistake coz I like this one too much to be forced to have it go the same route as _that_ game... which didn't even reach my trashbin but just went straight to that great bitbucket in the sky.

Oh, and for me it's
1. Cece AND Linda (if that were even an option)
2. Cece (since the first option ain't a real option)
3. Linda

the others don't interrest me at all, well, maybe Lexi but given here career I simply can't see this as a lasting thing. Holly could have been an option but she's definitely too wild to become a permanent thing for the MC. And Robin and Kira as a couple... even though that's many a guy's dream I'd have to say no... Robin alone might have been an option if she didn't already have a thing with Kira and same goes for Kira so both of them didn't make the list either
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Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
For me, this game is fairly simple regarding girls ranking.
It goes as this:
1. Steph
2-99. Steph, Steph, Steph.....Steph
100-199. asteroid belt I
200. Lexi
201-499. asteroid belt II
500. all other girlies, kids and pets
as you can guess it will take me some time to go through all those paths...atm Im on the path No 87 :p


Ghost of torrents passed
Oct 1, 2020
I'm curious to see what the outcome would be if a waifu war actually did get started.

I'm still finding it hard to understand that Steph made it to the top 3 on some lists. I can only conclude those folks have a little masochistic streak going on, conscious or subconscious. Even without knowing from personal experience the kind of situation she was in I can understand the reasoning behind why she so abruptly took of. But still, if I were in the MC's shoes I'd have reacted the same way. If the MC had found the note in that shirt pocket sooner instead of only after having bumped into her at that club, he might have had a different view, at least he'd have known there was something more going on than her just flat out dumping him.

Be that as it may, the MC didn't find the note until after it was too late for him to still have any kind of feelings other than a deep hurt. And if the MC hadn't started moving on yet and no other woman were in his life at that point, there might have been a chance of rekindling the flame once the hurt was dealt with but given that he just had met Cece, who's personality just naturally appeals to the protectionist inside most men, that chance became null and void. Granted, she has a tendency to be suicidal but that only surfaced because her state of mind being at an all time low in her life coupled with being all alone at that particular moment.

I did get very anxious watching the trailer but given how the last episode ended I estimate the chances of a repeat attempt less likely, more so because she now has a roof over her head and Linda, Robin, Kira and Steph being in the picture. Also, contrary to what some think, she's not damaged, she's just oversensitive to feelings and emotions which is a totally different angle.

Even though I think, nay hope the trailer just shows her reflecting on her good memories (yes, the bridge can be a good one as it was the place where the MC pulled her back), I do hope the title doesn't actually literally means there's going to be that big of a separation happening. And I deeply wish the dev not going to make the mistake of writing her out of the story in the way the trailer makes some folks think will happen. Because if that happens this dev is going to end up the same way in my book as that other dev. No matter how awesome this game is, I've experienced personal losses of that nature myself and I just can't cope with a similar situation in a game that has drawn me in so deep on an emotional level. The fact that I get all teary eyed just looking at the banner is for me an indication I would just lose it if that happened.
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Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
I'm curious to see what the outcome would be if a waifu war actually did get started.

I'm still finding it hard to understand that Steph made it to the top 3 on some lists. I can only conclude those folks have a little masochistic streak going on, conscious or subconscious. Even without knowing from personal experience the kind of situation she was in I can understand the reasoning behind why she so abruptly took of. But still, if I were in the MC's shoes I'd have reacted the same way. If the MC had found the note in that shirt pocket sooner instead of only after having bumped into her at that club, he might have had a different view, at least he'd have known there was something more going on than her just flat out dumping him.

Be that as it may, the MC didn't find the note until after it was too late for him to still have any kind of feelings other than a deep hurt. And if the MC hadn't started moving on yet and no other woman were in his life at that point, there might have been a chance of rekindling the flame once the hurt was dealt with but given that he just had met Cece, who's personality just naturally appeals to the protectionist inside most men, that chance became null and void. Granted, she has a tendency to be suicidal but that only surfaced because her state of mind being at an all time low in her life coupled with being all alone at that particular moment.

I did get very anxious watching the trailer but given how the last episode ended I estimate the chances of a repeat attempt less likely, more so because she now has a roof over her head and Linda, Robin, Kira and Steph being in the picture. Also, contrary to what some think, she's not damaged, she's just oversensitive to feelings and emotions which is a totally different angle.

Even though I think, nay hope the trailer just shows her reflecting on her good memories (yes, the bridge can be a good one as it was the place where the MC pulled her back), I do hope the title doesn't actually literally means there's going to be that big of a separation happening. And I deeply wish the dev not going to make the mistake of writing her out of the story in the way the trailer makes some folks think will happen. Because if that happens this dev is going to end up the same way in my book as that other dev. No matter how awesome this game is, I've experienced personal losses of that nature myself and I just can't cope with a similar situation in a game that has drawn me in so deep on an emotional level. The fact that I get all teary eyed just looking at the banner is for me an indication I would just lose it if that happened.
I totally get what you are saying...
so I got an undergrad in physics, minors in what was called computer science back in the day, and applied mathematics. Then I got a master's degree in space system's engineering-think aerospace engineer but focused almost entirely on the space part. The flip side is aeronautical engineering which is all about aircraft.
I went to work for the Department of Homeland Security when it was founded, and only left it because the office and location where I live is very strongly not the political party I prefer. So there were numerous issues, and I lodged complaints over Hatch Act violations (political crap at the place of business) which is illegal but in the world of the (at the time president) anything that helped his cause was ok, and anything not, was not.

Ok so all of that is to say I worked with some sensitive issues and had to actually keep my family and wife in the dark about a lot of it. DHS has 23 agencies under it's authority. It has it's own spies, military, political branch, and a lot more. So Steph going dark over her job is understandable. And she would have assumed he found the note much sooner than he did. Now Steph is not my top at all. I am team Lexi all the way. I have watched the Cece video enough with tears in my eyes, that I might have to move her up. If I could get her and Linda as a thruple I would place them above Kira and Robin, though they are hot!!!

But yeah man, this game has heart. Serious heart. I am only devoted to two games more than this one. 1 Rebirth, 2 Heavy Five, and then Leap of Faith. Acting Lessons is like number 999999. BaDIK is not in my top 5 but probably is in my top 15. Life Happened is my number 4, and my number 5 is Time for You. 6 is Timestamps.... after that, it gets messy.
Anyhow, peace, and we should all grieve for Steph a little. If you could get her and Holly, or her and Linda and Cece in a big ol' messy quad, I would do that......


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
I'm through Chapter 3 - if the dev still reads this thread, sell this game on Steam and I will be happy to buy it. :) Very enjoyable so far.
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Jan 31, 2018
Leap of Faith is a really good game. 2020 has been a surprisingly good year for high-quality, story driven games, with many new developers entering the space (thanks COVID?). For a first time developer especially, Leap of Faith is exceptionally good. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more attention, and it took me so long to find it as it's right up my alley. I can only assume it's a matter of time.

Drifty is creating a compelling narrative with interesting characters. It has meaningful choices. It has a good and consistent tone, it's serious when it needs to, and humorous when it needs to. It has beautiful renders. It has a great and thematically appropriate soundtrack. It has fluid and fun animation sequences. Perhaps above all, it has a very high level of polish. It's hard to describe completely but everything from the UI to the game mechanics just screams high quality. It is so high that you can easily compare Leap of Faith to current greats of adult VNs like Being a DIK and City of Broken Dreamers and not feel bad in the slightest - Leap of Faith matches up or even surpasses them in certain cases. Everyone who is interested in story-driven adult VNs should play this game.


I now want to talk about my issue with Leap of Faith. I prefaced this with the overwhelming praise because the game deserves it, even if I do have problems with it. My criticism is because I want the game to be the best it can possibly be.

Minor spoilers ahead.

My primary criticism is to do with Episode 4, and more specifically what I see as the game pigeonholing, or forcing major decisions on the player far too early. The start of Episode 4 asks you to pick one of the love interests. This decision will affect who you go on a "date" with at the end of Episode, and from all indications, who will be your primary (if not exclusive) love interest in the game going forward. This is far too early for the story. I realize I am not the first to raise this issue, and Drifty has mentioned it already (8 chapters), but I wanted to give my opinion on it. The choice of love interest should have really been at the end of chapter 4, not the start (at a minimum, anyway). Both the player, and James as a character aren't really at a position to make such a choice. You barely know anything about much of the girls, or at least anything other than the superficial. Chapter 4 should have been getting to know each of the love interests, then deciding.

The clear casualty of this issue is Stephanie. When we have to decide at the start of Chapter 4, we have yet to have single real conversation with her, nor have we heard her reason for leaving. There's also a disconnect between the player and James, who the player is meant to inhabit. James may or may not be in love with Stephanie based on his emotions, but the player doesn't really have anything to go on other than a couple of flashback scenes. The result is incredibly gamey. Most people probably won't pick Steph initially, then they get to the conversation with her and hear her out, then they have reload back to the decision to pick her if they like her, completely breaking immersion. Alternatively, players may pick Steph on a whim, then hear her out, decide her reason is shit, then reload to pick someone else. In other words, the player is making a decision that really requires knowledge they only obtain after that decision.

While the issue with Stephanie is the most obvious, the same issue affects all the love interests to some extent (with the possible exception of Lexi). You only find out more about them during Chapter 4 after the decision, or worse, only on their specific path. The relationship and history between Linda and James is unclear, particularly how they broke up and James began dating Stephanie instead. Robin and Kira come across only as a sexually open/promiscuous couple who just want a threesome. Only after you pick their route to you learn about their desire to settle down and have a family (a possible point of tension?). Cece's condition (and the cause thereof) isn't really explained or meaningfully expanded upon, even if you do pick her path. Lexi seems to be the only one who seems to be more or less what she initially appears to be, but her path has issues too. Unless you specifically pick her path, she barely chases after you, bizarre given it's the primary reason she invited you and your friends. On her path, she states she's been throwing herself at you, which doesn't seem the case at all. Lexi also seems incredibly unfazed by all the other competing love interests.

Chapter 4 should have allowed you to go on all the "dates" with all the love interests (even if it means skimping or moving the sex scenes currently within the dates) and get to know them much better, then you decide which one to pursue, then you can get a sex scene. While moving the decision to the end of Chapter 4 isn't perfect and there are still some underlying issues, I think it's far better than how it's currently set out. I still think there needs to be more time/chapters, especially to develop some interpersonal conflict, competition and jealousy between the love interests (and James), but okay for Drifty's planned eight chapter length budget.

While it's not as a big deal, I also find the forced choices and passage of time also annoying. Yeah I know devs have to limit choices and can't explore every combination of choices, it does at times feel really artificial. At the start of Chapter 4, there's no real reason James can't do more than one of the options. There's no real reason James can't text Steph (it takes like 5 minutes) then go visit Lexi. Robin's and Kira's conversation seems like in only takes ten minutes. The only two that seem like they take any substantial length of time is Cece and Lexi's choices (but James always has time to visit Linda after?).

The passage of time during Chapter 4's "party" section also confused me. It's one of those cases where I can't tell if I'm just an inattentive idiot, or it was poorly communicated to the player. Initially I thought the whole party sequence takes place over one night/two days - Lexi's song showing a flashforward. This is probably because I was first on Lexi's path where they say they would have a date tomorrow, so I took it at its word that the date was the next day? Then I though maybe the party sequence takes place over a few days (no more than a week). Now I see here on this thread people saying the time skip is a few weeks, which is why Cece has a tan? I'm really not sure what the passage of time is meant to be. If it is meant to be more than a few days, than it raises the issue of why James fails to spend more time having deeper and meaningful conversations with people other than his chosen love interest (and Linda I guess). Also don't Chris and Kira have jobs to go to? Like at Chapter 4 end summary screen, it says about Kira and Robin "In fact, you've dismissed both of them completely. They are completely ok with being just your friend". So over possible weeks we're at Lexi's, we don't get a single other opportunity to talk to them about being a couple/throuple, other than the very first night? Even with both of them being pretty into it? Like why not?!?

The weird, inconsistent passage of time really confuses the narrative. I'm left feeling like Chapter 4 is incomplete, even though it's meant to be finished and is by far the largest and most extensive of the chapters.

Most of the other issues I have with Chapter 4 have already been well articulated by ename144 in this good post.

Anyway enough from me. I've been really critical but I have to reiterate even with my complaining, this game is really fucking good.

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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Leap of Faith is a really good game. 2020 has been a surprisingly good year for high-quality, story driven games, with many new developers entering the space (thanks COVID?). For a first time developer especially, Leap of Faith is exceptionally good. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more attention, and it took me so long to find it as it's right up my alley. I can only assume it's a matter of time.

Drifty is creating a compelling narrative with interesting characters. It has meaningful choices. It has a good and consistent tone, it's serious when it needs to, and humorous when it needs to. It has beautiful renders. It has a great and thematically appropriate soundtrack. It has fluid and fun animation sequences. Perhaps above all, it has a very high level of polish. It's hard to describe completely but everything from the UI to the game mechanics just screams high quality. It is so high that you can easily compare Leap of Faith to current greats of adult VNs like Being a DIK and City of Broken Dreamers and not feel bad in the slightest - Leap of Faith matches up or even surpasses them in certain cases. Everyone who is interested in story-driven adult VNs should play this game.


I now want to talk about my issue with Leap of Faith. I prefaced this with the overwhelming praise because the game deserves it, even if I do have problems with it. My criticism is because I want the game to be the best it can possibly be.

Minor spoilers ahead.

My primary criticism is to do with Episode 4, and more specifically what I see as the game pigeonholing, or forcing major decisions on the player far too early. The start of Episode 4 asks you to pick one of the love interests. This decision will affect who you go on a "date" with at the end of Episode, and from all indications, who will be your primary (if not exclusive) love interest in the game going forward. This is far too early for the story. I realize I am not the first to raise this issue, and Drifty has mentioned it already (8 chapters), but I wanted to give my opinion on it. The choice of love interest should have really been at the end of chapter 4, not the start (at a minimum, anyway). Both the player, and James as a character aren't really at a position to make such a choice. You barely know anything about much of the girls, or at least anything other than the superficial. Chapter 4 should have been getting to know each of the love interests, then deciding.

The clear casualty of this issue is Stephanie. When we have to decide at the start of Chapter 4, we have yet to have single real conversation with her, nor have we heard her reason for leaving. There's also a disconnect between the player and James, who the player is meant to inhabit. James may or may not be in love with Stephanie based on his emotions, but the player doesn't really have anything to go on other than a couple of flashback scenes. The result is incredibly gamey. Most people probably won't pick Steph initially, then they get to the conversation with her and hear her out, then they have reload back to the decision to pick her if they like her, completely breaking immersion. Alternatively, players may pick Steph on a whim, then hear her out, decide her reason is shit, then reload to pick someone else. In other words, the player is making a decision that really requires knowledge they only obtain after that decision.

While the issue with Stephanie is the most obvious, the same issue affects all the love interests to some extent (with the possible exception of Lexi). You only find out more about them during Chapter 4 after the decision, or worse, only on their specific path. The relationship and history between Linda and James is unclear, particularly how they broke up and James began dating Stephanie instead. Robin and Kira come across only as a sexually open/promiscuous couple who just want a threesome. Only after you pick their route to you learn about their desire to settle down and have a family (a possible point of tension?). Cece's condition (and the cause thereof) isn't really explained or meaningfully expanded upon, even if you do pick her path. Lexi seems to be the only one who seems to be more or less what she initially appears to be, but her path has issues too. Unless you specifically pick her path, she barely chases after you, bizarre given it's the primary reason she invited you and your friends. On her path, she states she's been throwing herself at you, which doesn't seem the case at all. Lexi also seems incredibly unfazed by all the other competing love interests.

Chapter 4 should have allowed you to go on all the "dates" with all the love interests (even if it means skimping or moving the sex scenes currently within the dates) and get to know them much better, then you decide which one to pursue, then you can get a sex scene. While moving the decision to the end of Chapter 4 isn't perfect and there are still some underlying issues, I think it's far better than how it's currently set out. I still think there needs to be more time/chapters, especially to develop some interpersonal conflict, competition and jealousy between the love interests (and James), but okay for Drifty's planned eight chapter length budget.

While it's not as a big deal, I also find the forced choices and passage of time also annoying. Yeah I know devs have to limit choices and can't explore every combination of choices, it does at times feel really artificial. At the start of Chapter 4, there's no real reason James can't do more than one of the options. There's no real reason James can't text Steph (it takes like 5 minutes) then go visit Lexi. Robin's and Kira's conversation seems like in only takes ten minutes. The only two that seem like they take any substantial length of time is Cece and Lexi's choices (but James always has time to visit Linda after?).

The passage of time during Chapter 4's "party" section also confused me. It's one of those cases where I can't tell if I'm just an inattentive idiot, or it was poorly communicated to the player. Initially I thought the whole party sequence takes place over one night/two days - Lexi's song showing a flashforward. This is probably because I was first on Lexi's path where they say they would have a date tomorrow, so I took it at its word that the date was the next day? Then I though maybe the party sequence takes place over a few days (no more than a week). Now I see here on this thread people saying the time skip is a few weeks, which is why Cece has a tan? I'm really not sure what the passage of time is meant to be. If it is meant to be more than a few days, than it raises the issue of why James fails to spend more time having deeper and meaningful conversations with people other than his chosen love interest (and Linda I guess). Also don't Chris and Kira have jobs to go to? Like at Chapter 4 end summary screen, it says about Kira and Robin "In fact, you've dismissed both of them completely. They are completely ok with being just your friend". So over possible weeks we're at Lexi's, we don't get a single other opportunity to talk to them about being a couple/throuple, other than the very first night? Even with both of them being pretty into it? Like why not?!?

The weird, inconsistent passage of time really confuses the narrative. I'm left feeling like Chapter 4 is incomplete, even though it's meant to be finished and is by far the largest and most extensive of the chapters.

Most of the other issues I have with Chapter 4 have already been well articulated by ename144 in this good post.

Anyway enough from me. I've been really critical but I have to reiterate even with my complaining, this game is really fucking good.

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Thanks for the kind words. I hadn't thought about it in quite those terms, but you do raise a good point.

I feel like we get a decent sense of who the girls are by the end of Chapter 3 (with the obvious exception of Stephanie), but we do see them almost exclusively in light of friendship. Cece's kiss goes completely unexplored for a full chapter, Linda's kiss was a decade ago, and Lexi is (ironically enough) more or less a fangirl crushing on the MC despite barely knowing him. Kira and Robin are shown in an overtly romantic light (especially Kira), but then the revelation of their existing relationship winds up re-framing most of the romance anyway. And the implications of that change are likewise ignored until and unless the MC has a talk with them.

Perhaps that's why the romances feel so underwhelming relative to my (considerable) interest in the characters? I'm not saying the MC needed to have lewd scenes with all of them before making a choice, but a little more time to explore how he might feel about each girl specifically as a potential lover probably would have been a big help.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Quick question for those of you who are current - I've only played through Chapter 3 - is Chapter 4 completed? I didn't want to start it until it was completely done as there was a message at the end of Chapter 3 that mentioned how CH4 would be developed in 3 pieces due to length.

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Quick question for those of you who are current - I've only played through Chapter 3 - is Chapter 4 completed? I didn't want to start it until it was completely done as there was a message at the end of Chapter 3 that mentioned how CH4 would be developed in 3 pieces due to length.
Yeah, Chapter 4 is completely done and updated with all the missing pieces now.
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