
Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Tainted? What do you mean by tainted?
She's disappeared for two years, she's married and fucking her husband, even though she's supposedly in love with the MC. If she's capable of doing that, then, in my eyes, yeah, she's tained because I would find it difficult to trust her ever again.

According to some posters here, taking cock other than the Mc is a taint.

Don't know if it would be worth pointing out that none of the girls are virgins.
I don't think anyone made any assertions here that girls should be virgins, stop being so reductive of people's arguments, please.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
According to some posters here, taking cock other than the Mc is a taint.

Don't know if it would be worth pointing out that none of the girls are virgins.
I had the feeling it was something like that... but I had to give the benefit of doubt.
She's married and fucking her husband, even though she's supposedly in love with the MC, if she's capable of doing that, then, in my eyes, yeah, she's tained.

I don't think anyone made any assertions here that girls should be virgins, stop being so reductive of people's arguments, please.
Sorry I need to ask.. how are non virgin girls not tainted them? What? if you love x you cannot have sex with y? so I am guessing for you the lesbo couple is also tainted right?
And what would the girl think of you? you are tainted too right?
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
I had the feeling it was something like that... but I had to give the benefit of doubt.

Sorry I need to ask.. how are non virgin girls not tainted them? What? if you love x you cannot have sex with y? so I am guessing for you the lesbo couple is also tainted right?
I have expanded my explanation a bit. The lesbo couple isn't tainted (still not getting involved in that relationship, I have already stated that I basically lost all interest in either of them after this update), Stephanie is tainted due to the history with the MC. Not-virgin girls in general are not tainted, never said that. Context is important.
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Say no to NTR and Fuck a Preggie girl
Feb 5, 2020
I have to disagree on this. She not only disappeared, she's married (and not for show, so not a fake marriage, she's actually fucking her husband), comes back, again without wanting to talk or any sort of explanation (and no, that cop-out note she left a in a fucking tshirt is not an explanation), only for a booty call, gets angry when you want answers, even though the note says she will explain everything when she gets back. And there were some others that don't come to mind, but I'd have to go through it again to remember. Based on what we know of her for now, she's got a lot of issues. From my point of view, there should be one hell of an explanation to give her a chance. I have read the thread for multiple ideas for what happened, and none of them would make me get over the fact that she's married, and basically tainted now. I am willing to hear her out, but the odds of getting over her whole situation are very slim.
I agree. Her note even said, that she hopes they will meet up again and that she will explain everything when they do. What the fuck happened there when MC asked her, "Why?" I think she's a coward. Afraid to face her own mistakes. She is constantly contradicting herself. But like I said above, I really like her as an antagonistic character. But I could never see being in an honest and non-toxic relationship with her with the fear of secrets hanging over her head. It makes me feel sorry for her husband (I know, blasphemy). Like that dude is probably gonna get fucked twice as hard as the MC did. Honestly, I am not even sure if I want to hear her out (I will if it lets me close the door on her face for good). It's just that every time the MC seems to be doing so good, seems happy, he's having fun, and as soon as Steph is mentioned everything grinds to a halt. I say lock the door and throw away the key.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
She's disappeared for two years, she's married and fucking her husband, even though she's supposedly in love with the MC. If she's capable of doing that, then, in my eyes, yeah, she's tained because I would find it difficult to trust her ever again.
I could never trust her again either.
Not the term I'd use, but either she :
A) Broke up with you without telling you.
B) Is cheating on you (if she still thinks you are in a relationship). Even worse, she tells her husband to fuck her within your hearing.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I am sorry, but in my opinion the only real critique to make of her is disappearing. The correct thing to do was breaking up with MC. Not even explaining him what is going on is a real critique. In fact, explaining him sometimes is worse and would just be counterproductive. Breaking up should have been enough.

1) MC getting attached to the relationship and depressed is not HER fault. That is on MC. Pretty much all of us have been dumped once or twice in life and it is your responsibility to move on, not the other part.

2) And having sex with MC and cheating with her husband is not something that can be simply reduced "ohh she is a cheater, I can't trust her" You have no idea what is her relationship with her husband. Context means everything in a relationship.

3) Even if she had just abandoned MC cause she loved somebody else, relationships can later resume. I get the feeling you are all too much in the "silly romance" visual novel or disney's movie mindset but people can break apart, change, need to experience something different and later get together again.

4) And I will call bullshit if everyone that is complaining about her tells me they never wanted to get back with some ex, even after knowing she was in a relationship.

I stand by what I said and welcome every face palm but please explain it. There may be some perspective I am not seeing and I always like to learn.

Edit: To be clear, given some answers I've got, points 1-4 are in my opinion not critiques you can make of Steph and MC, HAD SHE BROKEN UP with MC first. That is why I said that her real fault is she disappearing. It is a capital sin if you will, but the rest of her attitudes under a normal break up are things that are not realistic critiques to make of everyone. We have pretty much all been there, all done that. Not fair to held others to higher standards that we held ourselves.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I don't think they are looking to include him in anything long term, it just sounds like sex to me. The relationship will be those 2 and he gets included in some of the sex stuff.

Might change further on but that's all it sounds like to me.

Usually when i've seen bi girls bring a guy in it's only for some short term fun.
They haven't looked anything long term, but Kira already said herself that she did get swayed more than she planned. Given a specific set of choices, it becoming more than sex and a possible break-up between the girls is exactly what seems will happen. Impact choices notice also hints that what you choose will have a long lasting consequence even on those who aren't your main interest.

Even in this 3 chapters, if you choose to reject Robin, telling Kira you like her, and not being okay with the polygamy, scenes are changed. You can't challange them in the bar, they tone down on their relationship much more in front of you, Robin only introduces herself as Kira's friend not girlfriend to Lexi. The high mile club scene still happens, but you had no role in that either way.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
All this drama about Stephanie, and here I am just wondering what her new life Nuke post is about. I guess we'll find out on the next episode.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
MC getting attached to the relationship and depressed is not HER fault. That is on MC. Pretty much all of us have been dumped once or twice in life and it is your responsibility to move on, not the other part.

And I will call bullshit if everyone that is complaining about her tells me they never wanted to get back with some ex, even after knowing she was in a relationship.
I've been dumped, but not ghosted, so at least I knew what was happening.

Nah, had sex with the ex, but never wanted to get back together.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Even if she had just abandoned MC cause she loved somebody else, relationships can later resume. I get the feeling you are all too much in the "silly romance" visual novel or disney's movie mindset but people can break apart, change, need to experience something different and later get together again.
This would have been different if she had either broken up, stayed away, had not fucked MC or even would have started with an explanation first when back. Well if you want back fine, but then it is for a relation, makes no sense then to be married and fucking your husband still especially in a situation MC has to know. Besides her getting married while away while still being in love with MC makes no sense in itself, unless she is from a culture where her parents can decide against her will who she would marry, but then MC would have known. They lived together for a few years and if hide such important things from your partner that is extremely selfish.

So the most logical explanation is she was no longer in love with MC when left and there is nothing in her behavior to show that has changed, it feels more like she sees MC as her property or hates him for some reason and think he has to be punished and decides to be pissed and fuck with his mental state when finally moves on and move to make sure he will not be happy.

If she is a major nutcase and she left to protect MC from herself she still is likely, so MC still better off without her.

Edit: I would still like to know likely why as MC that she left and why she came back and then still have the option to say goodbye and move forward though, without her, since it is unlikely even if the reasons would be good for her, they would be as good or acceptable for me as MC. Yes her getting married plays a part in that, since it shows that she did not consider MC as her partner and moved on instead of wanting to come back whenever possible. Remember she did not just go away, did what she had to do whatever the fuck that was and had a few fucks in the meantime to scratch her urges, she married someone else, the most serious and binding form of relationship possible or was already married to that guy and forgot to tell us. :p
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Deleted member 53157

Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
Though I am not a giant fan of the arranged marriage theory it is still much better than the "Steph is a spook and had to leave on a mission" idea. Currently my list of theories:

1) Steph is somehow tied to the MC's dad and wasn't supposed to fall for him but did.

2) Arranged marriage

3) She's an undercover police officer

4) She's a spook

Regardless, it doesn't matter, she's married or "married" and the MC needs to move on so she can't hurt him again
She simply wanted to jump cocks and look for a rich sugar daddy husband. Anything else would not make sense literally unless the plot is really hammy or rubbish. I mean they were planning to be together and settle down. All those excuses is mental gymnastics she tells herslf so that she does not feel guilty. And guess what , she cheated on her husband also lmao. Guess once a cheater always a cheater eih?


Feb 10, 2019
What a nice story we've got here, and glad that I found this little gem here yesterday.
Got to admit that I hate to see Stephanie coming back into MC's life just like that and they hook up right when he was going to have fun with Lexi and Chris at the Metronome.
My favourite girl got to be Cece. I wonder how MC's going to help her and vice versa. Maybe a nice ending with these two.
My other girl choice is Lexi, a superstar but definitely a woman looking to live a nice love story with MC.
Can't wait to see how the story develop between them.

Deleted member 53157

Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
"I left to Protect you" As if the the MC is not man enough in her eyes to protect himself and her. She treats the MC as an infantile thing. Too stupid to understand her problem, too dumb to realize that there is a problem, and too weak to man up and protect himself and her from said "problem".

Actually steph story is much of an idiciment of the MC as it of stepph. He was a total moron not to see to massive red flags for a women he wants to settle down with. That means he never knew anything about her really or everything he knew about her was a lie. Do not know which is worse.

Yet she looked fine and dandy and having tons of fun when you saw her in the club. So much for the "i am suffering without you" schtick.She has a husband whom she fucks directly after she kicks you. She is just a serial cheater and a chronical liar and shes addicted to the thrill and high of cheating and lying. I think those two things turn her own. She must have cummed like a faucet when she fucked her husband and thought about how her ex was just inside her before him. Poor husband. I am actually sympathetic with the husband and wish to tell him of his wife infidelity and whorish nature. Wish the mc could have grabbed some pics or recorded the sex.


Jul 25, 2019
They were a couple before the met you. Why should they care if you are participating, or giving permission?

Put the porn aspect of the game aside for a moment, and look at it as if they're people.
You aren't the alpha who fucks all, and allows them pleasure with each other so long as your cock gets some satisfaction.

You're the guy that the lesbian couple decided they might like to include, for some fun.

I get people who aren't into NTR (be it cheating or sharing). I'm not into it either.
I don't get people who are into lesbian sharing but treat lesbian content without your dick in the middle as if it is NTR and some huge betrayal or turn-off.

And I really don't get people (save straight women) who would rather avoid the lesbian content altogether.
I did not realize that those two are a couple .I did not say that I do not like lesbians. I meant that I do not want MC to be Cuck by those two. I mean, I don't want Cece and Lexi to be influenced by Robin or Kira. For example, if you pay attention to that scene, Linda enjoyed.

Sorry for my poor English.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2018
But that last scene with the letter & that f*** awesome song :eek: f*** chills man!!
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