Sulring Durgul

Active Member
Sep 2, 2018
Loved most of the update. The girls are awesome and even Chris is starting to be an OK friend.
Scenes and music were good, animations lovely.

But.... there's still all the Stephanie drama. I get that some players will want to reunite with her, but for those who had closure in the first episode, it would be nice not to have to slog through the dream and the note scene at the end.
All of her story is so damn contrived, it requires a suspension of disbelief of epic level to buy it.
I mean, she could just explain things to him and ask him to keep quiet about it but she leaves him a note in a shirt pocket? What is she, 5?
And two years later, he hasn't even noticed? He didn't wear or wash that shirt in two fucking years? Come on!
And don't get me started on the "protect him" bullshit. He's a fairly average guy (except for his looks, the lucky bastard) and he works in sanitation. Who's gonna care about him, much less consider him a threat?
All of this means is that Stephanie was involved in shady business and SHE fucked up by getting with the MC. She disappeared for her own reasons and was incapable of explaining it to him, so it's on her.

So please, please Dev, let all the players who don't want anything to do with Stephanie play without having to see her every damn update.


Mar 25, 2020
This Stephanie.. wtf man? She got married. End of her excuse story. NO excuse for that, no matter the reason.

Kira end game is bit weird?
ep3KiraEndGame if u choose to go with her u get this?
nKira didn't get to feel your 'twirl', you talking her into submission, or showing her how to tame a wild horse.
? Just at the end of scene you sweet talk her into another round? i dont get it, bug or something? Shouldn't that be in ep3RejectedKira instead?

Who's gonna care about him, much less consider him a threat?
His super rich father who he never met and left him 200k$? his father associates ? Which makes steph an asset sent to lure MC into some shit or what not. Anyway shes a cow who got married. So fuck her , who cares.
Eternally yours, doesn't get married to other
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2018
yeah, the Steph drama is real :D

Steph: i'm not afraid to show them how i really feel about you anymore
Steph: but i will do it again in a heartbeat, as long as you are safe

show who? her parents? is she rich? do they want her to marry some other rich guy?
that Hollywood guy who keeps posting on her Nuke? is he the husband?




Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
So please, please Dev, let all the players who don't want anything to do with Stephanie play without having to see her every damn update.
Somehow I have a suspicion that will not be an option and that choice will be more about making her an potential adversary or ally. LI for her feels a bit off anyway, since even with the most Steph friendly glasses on she comes over as at least an incredible egocentric bitch that only cared about herself and her situation and not one bit about MC or his feelings, now for dev to turn that around he will have to pull off a miracle. :p

I do agree though at least let us have that explanation and move forward from that in next episode before the steph drama gets really annoying.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Somehow I have a suspicion that will not be an option and that choice will be more about making her an potential adversary or ally. LI for her feels a bit off anyway, since even with the most Steph friendly glasses on she comes over as at least an incredible egocentric bitch that only cared about herself and her situation and not one bit about MC or his feelings, now for dev to turn that around he will have to pull off a miracle. :p

I do agree though at least let us have that explanation and move forward from that in next episode before the steph drama gets really annoying.

I could totally see Steph as the antagonist of this game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
I don't get all the hate about Steph scenes. It's not like the game will force MC to go back to exclusive with her.

To me, the letter adds an extra story layer that makes the game something more that a plain "gotta catch 'em all" harem game. Plus it has some potential for more hot scenes like the first one for us "netori" connoisseurs :sneaky:


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I don't get all the hate about Steph scenes. It's not like the game will force MC to go back to exclusive with her.

To me, the letter adds an extra story layer that makes the game something more that a plain "gotta catch 'em all" harem game. Plus it has some potential for more hot scenes like the first one for us "netori" connoisseurs :sneaky:
It is not hate about Steph scenes, but it is time to move forward from that drama and have an idea who she will be in this game for the mc: adversary, stalker ex-GF, fuck on the side that wants you as boytoy while being married, somehow a LI or just an ally or whatever.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
This would have been different if she had either broken up, stayed away, had not fucked MC or even would have started with an explanation first when back. Well if you want back fine, but then it is for a relation, makes no sense then to be married and fucking your husband still especially in a situation MC has to know. Besides her getting married while away while still being in love with MC makes no sense in itself, unless she is from a culture where her parents can decide against her will who she would marry, but then MC would have known. They lived together for a few years and if hide such important things from your partner that is extremely selfish.

So the most logical explanation is she was no longer in love with MC when left and there is nothing in her behavior to show that has changed, it feels more like she sees MC as her property or hates him for some reason and think he has to be punished and decides to be pissed and fuck with his mental state when finally moves on and move to make sure he will not be happy.

If she is a major nutcase and she left to protect MC from herself she still is likely, so MC still better off without her.

Edit: I would still like to know likely why as MC that she left and why she came back and then still have the option to say goodbye and move forward though, without her, since it is unlikely even if the reasons would be good for her, they would be as good or acceptable for me as MC. Yes her getting married plays a part in that, since it shows that she did not consider MC as her partner and moved on instead of wanting to come back whenever possible. Remember she did not just go away, did what she had to do whatever the fuck that was and had a few fucks in the meantime to scratch her urges, she married someone else, the most serious and binding form of relationship possible or was already married to that guy and forgot to tell us. :p
I mean I see your point. But it is not consistent with the message she sent to Chris not to tell MC he saw her. If you are my property, I want you to know I'm here. I can only exercise my control over you if you are aware i am right there.

But I agree that in that situation more than sex I would want an explanation. She did disappear. That is not something you can easily forget even if you move on in life and are totally in love and happy with someone else. One wants explanations.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2017
I am sorry, but in my opinion the only real critique to make of her is disappearing.
Thats the biggest critique
other than that, she didn't tell him she's back and wrote his best friend to keep it a secret, she seems to have the time of her life partying at a vip club (at least she didn't look like she has a large life crisis going on), at her home she get's pissed if MC want some answers and throw a shoe after him...honestly who would be ok with a simply 'hey i'm back lets fuck' after the shit with her disappearing and MC's situation....
and she doesn't tell him she has a husband, one who would apparently kill MC, if he found out about their affair...wasn't that her whole reason she disappeared in first place ''to protect the MC''

All together i would say, her behaviour is contradicting, at least not the actions of someone who is deeply in love with MC but suffers greatly do to her background story.

The correct thing to do was breaking up with MC. Not even explaining him what is going on is a real critique. In fact, explaining him sometimes is worse and would just be counterproductive. Breaking up should have been enough
I agree with u here, best choice would have been to make up some excuses and break up, so she can sort out her shit.
Or tell him the whole story and make it clear he don't talk with anybody about it.

MC getting attached to the relationship and depressed is not HER fault. That is on MC. Pretty much all of us have been dumped once or twice in life and it is your responsibility to move on, not the other part.
Normaly i would fully agree with u here.
But remember the last flashback, she finaly admited she loves Mc and all was better than ever...and than she simply disappeared, no one knew where she was or what happend to her.
Imagine if ur gf/wife/family member suddenly disappeares and no one knows anything or find any clues.
U would be worried sick that something really bad has happend, a accident, abducted or the police calls u any day and tell u they have found their corpse.

So in this case i clearly say Steph has a large part of blame for the Mc's depression.

And having sex with MC and cheating with her husband is not something that can be simply reduced "ohh she is a cheater, I can't trust her" You have no idea what is her relationship with her husband. Context means everything in a relationship.
Agree it is not that simple, but her whole vanishing stunt, not even a single msg in over 2 years, coupled with her actual behavior, not giving any answers and don't telling MC that she's married now...for me that makes her untrustworthy...

And yes i'm sure we will get some high drama, high amount of tears (and most likely a lot of bs) explanation for why she has to act as she does.
While i'm interested in that story, no matter how good that story is, for me she's not a Li, simply to much shit happend.
Also the other grils are simply better in my opinion, even if they also have(will have) their problems.

Even if she had just abandoned MC cause she loved somebody else, relationships can later resume. I get the feeling you are all too much in the "silly romance" visual novel or disney's movie mindset but people can break apart, change, need to experience something different and later get together again.
What we know from the note and what she posted on nuke she is still in love with mc...or at least she says so.

I'm not for a "silly romance" visual novel or disney movie, but lets be honest, most of the times going back together after a break up doesn't go/end well (or only for a short time) least not from my experience or anyone i have ever known.

Well this got way longer than planed but whatever


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I mean I see your point. But it is not consistent with the message she sent to Chris not to tell MC he saw her. If you are my property, I want you to know I'm here. I can only exercise my control over you if you are aware i am right there.

But I agree that in that situation more than sex I would want an explanation. She did disappear. That is not something you can easily forget even if you move on in life and are totally in love and happy with someone else. One wants explanations.
The property thing is just one explanation, it is more like she sees mc in a way as still hers, whatever she has done as part of her a being very egocentric person, it is one of the few things that makes sense with her behavior and why one of the roles I could easily see her in is that of the stalker ex-GF if MC tells her to take a hike.. (What the reason might be, even if she would be a spook or agent it does not explain getting married and still being married, unless operation is still ongoing and then reasons to stay away from mc are still same and even then she could have told him the bare minimum before leaving and why).
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Thats the biggest critique
other than that, she didn't tell him she's back and wrote his best friend to keep it a secret, she seems to have the time of her life partying at a vip club (at least she didn't look like she has a large life crisis going on), at her home she get's pissed if MC want some answers and throw a shoe after him...honestly who would be ok with a simply 'hey i'm back lets fuck' after the shit with her disappearing and MC's situation....
and she doesn't tell him she has a husband, one who would apparently kill MC, if he found out about their affair...wasn't that her whole reason she disappeared in first place ''to protect the MC''

All together i would say, her behaviour is contradicting, at least not the actions of someone who is deeply in love with MC but suffers greatly do to her background story.

I agree with u here, best choice would have been to make up some excuses and break up, so she can sort out her shit.
Or tell him the whole story and make it clear he don't talk with anybody about it.

Normaly i would fully agree with u here.
But remember the last flashback, she finaly admited she loves Mc and all was better than ever...and than she simply disappeared, no one knew where she was or what happend to her.
Imagine if ur gf/wife/family member suddenly disappeares and no one knows anything or find any clues.
U would be worried sick that something really bad has happend, a accident, abducted or the police calls u any day and tell u they have found their corpse.

So in this case i clearly say Steph has a large part of blame for the Mc's depression.
Agree it is not that simple, but her whole vanishing stunt, not even a single msg in over 2 years, coupled with her actual behavior, not giving any answers and don't telling MC that she's married now...for me that makes her untrustworthy...

And yes i'm sure we will get some high drama, high amount of tears (and most likely a lot of bs) explanation for why she has to act as she does.
While i'm interested in that story, no matter how good that story is, for me she's not a Li, simply to much shit happend.
Also the other grils are simply better in my opinion, even if they also have(will have) their problems.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I understand from this that all boils down to her disappearing out of the blue. Which i agree that is total motive to tell her to fuck off.

I have a very strong feelings that the reasons why she did what she did are gonna feel a lot like bullshit. I don't care if the aliens themselves threaten to destroy Earth, you tell me it's over, you properly break up with me and then you walk away. A letter is not fine.

That is why I said that the only real critique to make of her was that. All other things, had she actually broken up with MC are not for me critiques that can be really made. Otherwise it feels I am holding her to higher standards that what I hold myself and I hate when other people do that to me.. We have all been sad for a break up, all wanted to go back to an ex, almost all of us either cheated or start seeing someone before closing another relationship. So start acting like she is a monster for things that are that common seemed wrong (the one that is not common is the disappearance). Even if she now appears out of the blue and just want to fuck MC, it is MC decision whether he accepts her or not.

What we know from the note and what she posted on nuke she is still in love with mc...or at least she says so.

I'm not for a "silly romance" visual novel or disney movie, but lets be honest, most of the times going back together after a break up doesn't go/end well (or only for a short time) least not from my experience or anyone i have ever known.

Well this got way longer than planed but whatever
Most of the time, yes, going back to an ex does not work. But that is not to say that pretty much everybody I have known have told or I've seen myself there was a time they would have gone back to someone if they could. Some could and end up not working, others couldn't and eventually move on and I know that some did and even remarried.

The property thing is just one explanation, it is more like she sees mc in a way as still hers, whatever she has done as part of her a being very egocentric person, it is one of the few things that makes sense with her behavior and why one of the roles I could easily see her in is that of the stalker ex-GF if MC tells her to take a hike.. (What the reason might be, even if she would be a spook or agent it does not explain getting married and still being married, unless operation is still ongoing and then reasons to stay away from mc are still same and even then she could have told him the bare minimum before leaving and why).
Like I said to Raziel_8 above, what I meant with the previous post is that some attitudes by themselves are not things we can really criticize her. It is that they are done after she disappeared that they are not tolerable. The problem lies in that.
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Active Member
Feb 4, 2019
Don't know if it's been mentioned Zoey Raven but your walkthrough (thx :D) for Ep.3 states:

"Note: If [Ep3TimePassed] =1, then [Lexi+2] & [Ep3SawLexiTopless]"

If tried all combinations where "[Ep3TimePassed+1]" is mentioned and you don't catch Lexi topless. Checking the code and trying again it should read:

"Note: If [Ep3TimePassed] =0, then [Lexi+2] & [Ep3SawLexiTopless]"

as you have to get there before she finishes putting the outfit on.

Raptus Puellae

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2020
Correct me if I am wrong, but I understand from this that all boils down to her disappearing out of the blue. Which i agree that is total motive to tell her to fuck off.

I have a very strong feelings that the reasons why she did what she did are gonna feel a lot like bullshit. I don't care if the aliens themselves threaten to destroy Earth, you tell me it's over, you properly break up with me and then you walk away. A letter is not fine.

That is why I said that the only real critique to make of her was that. All other things, had she actually broken up with MC are not for me critiques that can be really made.
Even if she now appears out of the blue and just want to fuck MC, it is MC decision whether he accepts her or not.
have we seen Steph in daylight? what if she had a vampire decide to embrace her and she didn't want to get MC involved?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Correct me if I am wrong, but I understand from this that all boils down to her disappearing out of the blue. Which i agree that is total motive to tell her to fuck off.

I have a very strong feelings that the reasons why she did what she did are gonna feel a lot like bullshit. I don't care if the aliens themselves threaten to destroy Earth, you tell me it's over, you properly break up with me and then you walk away. A letter is not fine.

That is why I said that the only real critique to make of her was that. All other things, had she actually broken up with MC are not for me critiques that can be really made.
Even if she now appears out of the blue and just want to fuck MC, it is MC decision whether he accepts her or not.

Most of the time, yes, going back to an ex does not work. But that is not to say that pretty much everybody I have known have told or I've seen myself there was a time they would have gone back to someone if they could. Some could and end up not working, others couldn't and eventually move on and I know that some did and even remarried.

Like I said to Raziel_8 above, what I meant with the previous post is that some attitudes by themselves are not things we can really criticize her. It is that they are done after she disappear that they are not tolerable. The problem lies in that.
Well not communicating at all I would say, even after you meet her again. That is why i hope that will finally be in episode 4 whether her reasons are good or bad. To me the whole of her behavior feels like very egocentric and only thinking out of her position and just assuming MC will agree or accept, whatever she wants or does for her reasons even if they would be good. Not the behavior of a partner to whom you are important but of someone who thinks they own you or have rights over you cause they love you even if they have pretty shitty way to show you.

Also that marriage does not seem new, so she likely married that guy soon after leaviing you or even before meeting you ...........
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
have we seen Steph in daylight? what if she had a vampire decide to embrace her and she didn't want to get MC involved?
True that might explain things even if would change story a lot from where it is now, though that would still be a problem. :p
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