Damn I'm a little outraged. I'm outraged that even on the Light path MC is loyal to the ownership of humans, slavery. He treated Mitu, who was the owner of Bertha, calmly. He didn't think anything in his indignation. This is what really surprised me. It was unpleasantly surprising.
and why dystopia tag not presented in tag-list?
because every time a society sets out to create a "brave new world" in the world, and this society itself is built on a principle similar to a criminal gang, my nose starts to tingle as usual, just as it tingles at the mention of the word "dystopia"
and another fucking hypocrisy "calms" me (spoiler: NO!) attitude to women's breast milk that was projected from real life onto the pages of this VN. MC did not finish the milk after learning that it was breast milk, as if he was offered to drink a glass of poison. surprisingly - children are not fed poison, children are given the best that nature has come up with. amazing doublethink.