VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch.8 v0.8.2] [Naughty Road]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I appreciate greatly that this VN is doing something more unique and tells you straight up at the start what you can expect and that it might not be for you. That being said I do not find the models very attractive or the story interesting enough to stick with it. I would've given this 2,5/5 if it was possible.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    For someone that wanted to focus on dialogue and story, this game has one of the most boring, repetitive stories I've come across. The first 2 hours of the game you basically replay the same scenes over and over again with shallow, uninteresting dialogue. Hard Pass.
  3. C
    5.00 star(s)


    Great game!

    The characters may not be everyone's bread but It's deffinitely enjoyable either way :) Good writing, great graphics, plenty of choices to make,...

    The only downside for me are slow updates but the game itself is really good :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on the site. The first time i played, i actually don't like the characters faces and bodys but after a while playing i really start liking it. The two daughters are amazing, one more innocent and happy, and the old rebel one ( my favorite btw). can't wait to see the future updates.

    Renders: 10/10
    History: 10/10 at lest for me
    Gameplay: 8/10 if there were more consequences on your choices probably a 10

    The game models for sure it's not for everyone, but give a try and support the devs if you have some money to spend.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If anyone dares to touch what you do... Because it's so good! NaughtyRoad you should be very proud of yourself, that few evenings i've spent with your game and girls i will never forget.

    Keep it up my dear! Finally some excellent writed and modelled characters, not some freaking boring unnaturally F breasted something, that 99% of games is bombarding us with.

    I just love those girls as much as a man can love visual novel girls! Can't wait for next update.

    Thank god i've came here by pure accident.
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    First off i have to say, the starting warning scared me a bit, while I understand the story of this game being far more important than just a usual "go here, do this, fuck that" type of game.

    Your warning put a slight fear in me that I wasn't going to not only no have any "content" but i was going to be bogged down with a literal novel of info like i'm playing some browser based HTML game.

    Well, you got me to pay attention and holy hell was every second worth it.

    I'm not sure what parts really hooked me, but something about how loving this family can be and are really got me.

    So lets breakdown some of my favorite bits.

    I really enjoyed a change up from the usual white family, even though it doesn't come up or magically change anything in a BIG way it's a nice break from the norm.

    I usually name characters in games off of mythology pantheons, so getting to use the Hindu deities as names made above point resonate even bigger.

    The oldest daughter's dream revealing her last words to her mother really bring her character fully into view, i enjoy that even early she had such an attachment to her father that made her constantly at ends with her mom.

    The youngest daughter's anxiety mirrored a lot of my early years, I am curious to see where the rest of the story goes with her.

    Off of this, the museum trip is one of my favorites, foreshadowing some events for our characters but also a neat little twist on the girls in the painting mirroring our own; just flipped.

    Where we think the oldest is running the show it turns out the youngest in her own way is pushing the boundaries.

    Big spoiler

    I liked that seeing that earlier convo with Brooke, something that even with the two options ; I didn't think would really mean ANYTHING actually turned into a huge story pointer when you find out the man you fired was the cause of your wife's death.

    I can't wait for more, I need to see where the story goes and branches out to!

    P.S: I need more scene's with Macy(?) and what happened when we were drunk at the cabin on the final night!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I really liked the graphics, even though it was a little different. There are some very small details that need to improve perhaps a freedom so that the father can walk around the house watching over his daughters. Listening to what they talk about. 5 stars for the quality created!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I put off playing this game for a year due to the art style. I decided to pick it up during a lull in releases and my god I was blown away.

    So much more than just another lewd game on F95. The writing and story is honestly top notch, comparable to established media. It really gets to you and throughout my play I actually found myself seeking progression not for the lewd scenes but for the story.

    I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good story, in addition to the lewd scenes.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Most overrated game I know, with fugly characters, ridiculous scenes and atrocious writing. What might be the funniest thing - this game has fried my graphics card on Win 7 and to this moment it doesn't want to launch, to play it I need to use Lubuntu and Wine and then I have no problems.

    - Some sex scenes (which are few) are nice and bodies of the characters are nice too but most chicks here have so fugly faces that it's a huge turn off.

    - Characters are fugly.
    - Writing is atrocious and ridiculous, something taken out of the worst Harlequin novels and cheesy dialogues.
    - There is quite a lot of grinding and repetition and day after day we're repeating the same scene with some subtle differences and very, very slow progress.
    -Even in the current (v0.6.1 state) there is little content here and too much teasing
    - There is no replayability here, you can pick the options randomly and it won't matter much

    All in all I rate it 4/10, a waste of time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really original and good looking character models. Well writen story and characters. Good balance between adults scenes and story elements. Its great in every aspect .
    One of the best adult VN games I've played so far.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    love the visual, love the characters personalities and interactions between them to me that's the best kind of plot for an erotic game, focus on character make them feel real and create a connection with the player
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has very funny dialogue at points, along with serious tones when it needs to be. It has great visuals and the character models are not dead behind the eyes. I look forward to future updates. As of this point, the story is so good and there is no need for any mods. Cheers to the creator.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 522652

    easy one of the TOP 3 VN games I have ever played. Brilliant story, deep characters, great renders, nice soundtrack, full immersion. The kind of VN I would play even if there were no pussy at the end of the rainbow. wow.

    Having said that, this game is not for everyone:

    - slow burn for the main 2 characters, so if you want lewd content immediately, you will be disappointed. The side-characters however are easy lay, and make up most of the naughty content so far to keep you entertain in that regard.
    - The girls are no 3D artificial supermodels, but rendered with reality in mind. For me that is a plus, but some of you may think differently.
    - The game lets you set your relationship ties with the 2 main girls to avoid problems with Patreon & Co, but truthfully, the fantastic backstory only really makes sense in an incest setting (at least to level "step-daughter"). "Landlord" and "tenant" won't really work. I do not have an incest kink, but it did not bother me.

    If these points don't bother you, go play the game, you are in for a real treat!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My oh my!

    I was super hesitant to try this after seeing the renders, but the reviews pushed me over... And boy am I glad!!!

    One of the first things I do to all my downloads is to "enable skipping of unread content"...So I can get to the ahem.... lewd bits when I don't feel like sitting though literary excursions.

    This is the first game where I cannot bring myself to press the Ctrl key!!

    The story is so involved, the characters so complete, the situations are so genuine and the animations are so real (like really real.. e.g. the orgasms for the females.. so perfect)!!

    The difference between this and most other titles on this site is the difference between watching a superb movie with an adult twist and hardcore scenes vs. watching a SkinMax flick.

    Most others use the story to get to the scenes...LOML weaves the sexy bits so well into the story that it feels natural. the moods, the hesitation, the fear ...all as genuine as the actual sex.!!!

    The choices too are what a real person would face, not like "Put it in the ass" or "put it in her pussy". and the outcome of choices will surprise you sometimes, because these are real responses, with complex emotions involved in them.... its such a refreshing experience.... And for the worriers, no, there is not too much grind. just a slow, steady build up which you enjoy as much as the main event.

    The Dev is clearly passionate about this project and It shows!

    Only issue I face is that I play it only a little every day, because I am too scared I might complete the content... the chapter transitions especially have my stomach on knots of dread... I get a sinking feeling, which is replaced by a gleeful smile, when the next chapter begins...YES it is THAT engaging!

    Nothing but 10/10 all the way!!!!! cant wait for more!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing and a truly moving story. Very slow burn though, but the story is more than worth it. The daughters are both flawed, but it is those flaws that make them so very believable. If you are like me, you will find yourself abandoning your usual modus operandi of "maximizing lewds" in favour of "maximizing 'best dad'". Only "dating my daughter" has ever come close to giving me that same drive, but that game lack the charm and courage of "light of my life"

    The models are height quality, and it is refreshing to see a non-blonde bombshell in the spotlight for once. Also, the authors clearly isn't afraid of introducing character that are less than beautiful as "capture targets".

    All in all. "Light of my life" is the best VN on f95zone to date in the opinion of this guy that usually is bored to death by visual novels. More than that it is among the best games on this site period.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never felt more conflicted about a game, and I mean that in the best way possible.

    First let me say incest isn't really my thing. I just kind of roll with it because if you don't then most games on this site are bizarre stories about a guy with conflicted feelings about his landlady. That said, if it is your thing then just stop reading and go play this, it's going to rate about a 10/5 for you no matter what you think of the models.

    I picked this one up because I was in the mood for something well written and it shows up on everyone's list of that variety, and boy did it deliver. The thing that has me so conflicted personally, is that the characters and execution of the story are just so believable and well done that it crosses the line from porn game to excellent, just believable enough story. With the vaguest of spoilers that you'd quickly figure out, the three main characters are severely damaged people who end up filling a void in their lives with incest with one another, rather than getting the mental health aid that they clearly need.

    Again I want to stress that it's extremely well executed, but its so well executed that it makes me think about it more than the porn romp fest that most of these games are. At the end of the day the story is just such a tragedy that I end up feeling very conflicted about it all. I'm also definitely going to finish it to see how it all plays out.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Not the usual horribly written Engrish spelling blonde big titty bimbo story. Stock Daz assets are heavily modified and not noticeable. Conversations are pretty realistic and don't feel rushed. Renders are excellent for the most part. Some scenes are a bit too dark for my taste, but you can see what's going on and it doesn't really harm the feel of the story. The only thing I have an issue with is that the updates are not coming soon enough. I would prefer more small updates than a single massive one , but that's just my opinion. The appearance of the characters is not my taste, but it's quickly overlooked with the quality of the story.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game so far. Played through the most recent update as of this writing.

    Yes, it's unconventional in the dev's direction chosen for appearances. I don't really mind that. I thought I would dislike it, which is why I put off downloading for several weeks (maybe more), but I regret waiting. This is the kind of writing you compare other games against (if you care about the story). The characters are believable, their personalities are consistent with themselves and with what you'd expect to evolve over the course of events in a fiction such as this.

    • Well written
    • Relatable dialogue
    • The human experience is there, including (naturally) the taboo elements
    • Despite the odd appearance of the characters in the game, they're still quite attractive
    • I love how creative the interactions and reactions are throughout
    • The animations! I never realized just how dull other games' still-framed approach was resting on its laurels until I played this game. I wish more games had subtle (and not so subtle) fluid and not-so-fluid animations.

    • A bit repetitive; more or less the same cycle of events. I think "grindy" is the term the kids use.
    • The writing about the character of the mother, and her influence in the overall direction things take feels noncommittal.
      • I think devs should've decided she either has to influence outcomes, or do away with her involvement entirely after explaining her backstory at the beginning.
    • The breasts are a bit boring for me, save for the eldest sister. I'm sure their appearance was every bit something intended, but it just left me desiring a less extreme.
    • The scene/s we all want to play - the one/s we downloaded it for - are not (yet) in the game.
    Seriously, grab this game if you're into inc. Wonderful title.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a cheap motherfucker and a couple chapters in I refused to keep playing until I'd paid for this game.

    This is the only adult game I've done that with.

    If you like good dialogue and emotional bonds, this game is a must play
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3078705

    I really like this game a lot. It has one of the main things that most other games uploaded here seem to lack, consistency. A lot of times, the story seems to come second to the adult scenes or is just an after thought. This one is different, the story is front and center, it has had a lot of time and attention given to it and the results show.

    The first positive is the characters.
    - Macy is my favorite. She is angry adult who is a little bitter from life experience, but she is never annoying. The way she is written makes it hard not to be sympathetic.
    - Denise is very sweet and naive. The way that the MC handles things with her is refreshing. You never go full throttle trying to corrupt her, things just progress naturally and it's a breath of fresh air.
    - MC himself is not a creepy lecher. His unwillingness to admit to himself what he really wants at times makes him someone to sympathize with in his own right.

    I also appreciate how there are no artificial game overs or surprise lock outs. You can play this game how you like and make your own choices. You don't have to worry that picking the joke dialog is going to ruin your play through.

    The art style is love it or hate it honestly. I love it, it's unique and stands out from the crowd.

    You should play this game, the story is really nice and the characters are great. The only downside is waiting for the updates. The game isn't finished and sadly, quality work takes time, so updates aren't quick. However I really think once it's complete it's going to be remembered as one of the best you can find here.