5 Stars!

(I’d give it 10 if I could)
TLDR; If you want to have several hours of total immersion in a super erotic and emotional story, Just try the damn thing! You’ll be sitting there, after about 10 hours of current content, going to yourself “Holy shit! I just read every damn word and loved it!”
Long version…
Normally, I would do a review by listing the Pros and Cons, followed by a quick summary. But with LoML, I feel that it would be a shame to reduce this game down to a set of bullet points. So I am going to try and write something closer to what they tried to beat into my head during English lit classes in high school, and give a proper “game report”. I’m also trying hard to separate out any spoilers, so as not to ruin the fun for new players.
I was one of those people that, when they looked at the OP of the game, were kind of thrown by the non-standard look of the girls. So I skipped over it for many weeks. But, as I got more familiar with F95 and had tried literally hundreds of other games, I kept coming back to LoML. Why did it have such a high score? It wasn’t artificially boosted… not with over 300 reviewers. So, back in September, I finally tried it and I was blown away!
There is honestly nothing in this game that I feel is a ‘Con’ worth writing about. Even the often-made complaint of the updates being almost a year apart are not a Con for me. Why? Because this game deserves to be ranked up there with many of the novels I read daily. I wait a year, even two, for sequels to my novels, so why should LoML be any different? Not only does the Dev have to write a great story for each chapter, but he also has to render thousands of images and put it all together in a software package. So I just wait patiently and when the update drops, it’s just as fun for me as when my new favourite book appears on Amazon.
The core of LoML are the four main characters.
The two parents and their two daughters. And while the mother was killed before the story starts, she remains an integral part of the story throughout the chapters. And what, in my mind, sets this game so far above the others on this site, is that the Dev makes those characters and their story the main focus and leaves the MC job up to you, to play as you see fit. That’s a profound shift away from how most of the game devs do things on here. Usually, a VN is constructed so that you have to follow this rigid logic diagram of choices based on what the dev thinks is correct for ‘their’ MC. Any deviation from this predetermined path results in you locked out of content and/or your game ended. I really hate this approach as, frankly, most Devs write their MC’s as immature creeps, with the intellects of 12 year old boys. I end up having to download a mod or a walkthrough just so I can get to the content I want.
In LoML, however, you are free to play the MC as you want to play him, with very little interference or risk. And, when there is an important fork in the story to decide, you are given ample warning ahead of time. This is so liberating! It allows you to immerse yourself into your character and the story 100%. And don’t think that just because the dev leaves the MC job up to you, that the story is very linear and rigid. Naughtyroad has done a tremendous job fleshing out the thousands of little details and conversation changes that your choices do influence. So, you do have an impact on the story and you get to play the way you feel is right and you see those choices get results.
Let’s talk about the story… OMG! It is intense! I don’t want to spoil any of the major parts, but there is so much emotion in this game that I actually had tears at several points. The dev handles grief and anxiety and guilt with such skill that I have to think they had some experience with this in their past. And because you truly fall in love with these characters, the erotic scenes are that much more intense. It’s not a fap-a-thon by any means, but when you almost cum in your pants over some playful banter between the MC and one of the LI’s, you know that this is good shit!
And finally, throughout this whole awesome story is a thread of humour that makes even the most banal conversations interesting and often hilarious (
watch out for that Bear!) I am so envious of the relationship between Denise and Macy. I grew up with an older brother and we didn’t become friends until we were long into our adulthood. As kids, all we did was try and kill each other, lol. These two girls though… just amazing the depth of their love for each other. I literally laughed out loud like a dozen times.
So I have had almost 10 hours of total entertainment (with several “happy endings”

) and now I will put the game down and patiently wait until the next update, while trying not be too disappointed in the other games I play here.