Light of my Life,
The first time I fired it up, I was confused. Believe me, I thought I did something wrong as I saw after the drunk scene the logo again.
Silly me.
I was looking for a really good story and some atmosphere that captures love and harmony.
Well, this game gets a lot of things right.
First, I think incest is wrong but as a game fetish it can be very erotic.
Though I like to play a very romantic route where nothing is really forced but evolves naturally.
So, how is it?
Technically, its really well made.
Effects are nice and new to me (of course) and you kind of get sucked into the story.
To me, its great that you do not see yourself as the protagonist. Besides your arms and legs but never your head.
The art is great. I have to assume a lot of love went into creating the game.
I have to admit that I love the characters all around. They look cute. You have to fall in love with your daughters. I kind of wished I had daughters like them.
Every character I met so far, is what I want.
Story. Its a story about loss of love. You lost your life partner and you are stuck where you need to support your daughters. To be the person that cares for them. No matter the situation.
One daughter suffers from panic attacks, the other is suspicious of you.
So you need to build a relationship with them.
It is very good laid out and you can play as strict or caring.
I played with no numbers shown up. In real life you have no chart either. So lets evolve it naturally.
Got to admit that it is an emotional journey. You can get really sucked into the story.
The effect of the game work well, with the story. I like the scenes when a character that talks to you, leaves towards the side.
Over time, depending on your choices, you will come closer to your daughters. Denise especially grows closer to you and relies on your support to make it through the day.
Macy on the other had, is harder to get closer. She is like a though women that has a vulnerable inner.
Little things, like in real life, cement the bond between you and them.
I got actually tears in my eyes. You can emphasizes with all of these characters.
Though, the game has many tags, to me romance

was the one I was interested in.
And it delivers on that for sure.
The music is also a nice touch for the game. Every situation has a sound that paints the situation. I do not know if the music is self made or taken from somewhere else. The bottom line is, they fit the situation.
So how would you rate a game like this.
Since the game is not done yet, I will give a five. Because it sticks out of the crowd of games.
Its a new experience for me. I usually like to play female protagonists and more devious games. But this is what I actually really like to play. To be in a romantic relationship with my girls. Perhaps also without incest as a boyfriend (?).
I know we play games for our fetishes and desires but It struck me that what I really like and love, is romance. Its deeper than anything forces and it mirrors what I feel deep inside me.
So this game delivers to me what I was seeking.
Both daughters look great. We established that. I always wondered where they are from? I can not say what background they have. All I know is, that they are looking so great that I wish I would be in love with them in real. Silly, right?
The game lets me connect with them and you feel for them.
To the devs I can only say, you did a good job. And if you ever develop a game again, keep the male out of visible sight. The story is so much more immersive. Because I know that I am caring for these characters and not some guy in the story.
I think, I hope, I can make out with Brooke and build a family. To make the family whole again. I think I would love that. But its too early to say as I do not know where the story will lead.
Ok, have to play further….