VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch.8 v0.8.2] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding. Naughty consistently updates his progress and it is documented. He delivers. Quality updates, and quality artwork. Plus the story is beautiful. Can't wait to see where Denise's story goes. What happened at college, why is she a wreck. So many questions.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, so The models are a bit weird. But they have a certain style, I guess. While the models here aren't exactly my type, the scenarios and the animations in which the models are used are mostly very good. Which kinda makes up for that. The story and pacing are both superb. So good that they make up for anything else I didn't like. Very nice work dev. Good luck!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I had trouble getting into this when I first downloaded it, I was not sure why, and I'm really still not. A couple months later, I decided to try it again and I am absolutely in love with this game.

    I see people talking about the models used and I just don't get it, they are unique and beautiful. Their personalities are great(once Macy stops hating on herself) and the story is told very well. I can't wait for the next update.

    I also love that the dev keeps us updated regularly, They post these charts that show progress and keep a pretty open discussion, no months with no contact.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in history and art, mainly because of the
    diversified models and the sad backstory, which helps a lot to connect with the characters. Love every minute playing! Don't be afraid to play the game because of beauty standards. :BootyTime:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, thats pretty awesome!!! I'm not into family and insest stuff, but this little bitches are something! I began understand Kraster with his daugter farm:ROFLMAO: Interestig story, especially the family part. Lovely characters, not typical appearence(!!), interesting personalities. 10 of 10! EXTREMELY looking forvard for the next chapter!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ch. 6 v0.6.4]

    My man NRP you're a scholar amongst men. LOML is by far the most eloquently written VN I have ever played. The sex animations could be more fluid but the story, character progression, and writing make up for it. I love the imperfections of characters physically and emotionally. We all process trauma differently and this showcases the varying degrees. Christ man you got me feeling feels for 2D girls well done.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game. Just Excellent. Really compelling story line and characterization.
    Dev has done an excellent job of creating non generic characters who don't look like the belong on the cover of Vogue. At the same time, he created an excellent story thread which forces the player to participate in the game and enjoy it to it's fullest extent.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing that actually makes you care about the characters. The scenes are really well done and it's just an extremely enjoyable experience from beginning to end. This game will coax both tears and sexual fluids from your body. Fucking excellent.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The author does know how to write a decent story and there aren't many visual novels that good (imho). I didn't skip a single line and going further and deeper into the plot was one great experience. There's plenty of work put into dramatic details that make this game much more than a quest for erotic adventures and I hope that future updates will maintain its unique mood and atmosphere. Thumbs up.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't wait to continue! Its a great art and story :love: Every person has own charm! Hard to choose the favorit cause each has own way to intimacy. Would be great to see more and have more offten kinky things in family
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hats off to you good sir marvelous job. The characters and story had depth not just the normal stuff. Played through a good few time the updates are 100% worth the wait. Looking forward for to what the future may hold keep up the great work.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is set up very clearly to be father-daughter incest. But, naturally, the developer lets you define the character relationships to avoid getting banned from Patreon. Because I'm super not a fan of father-daughter incest, but AM a super fan of brother-sister incest, I made the girls my younger sisters. The game hardly ever refers to MC's "wife" as such, which made it pretty easy to imagine her as MC's mom along with the girls, which I very much appreciated.

    The character models, as anyone can see, are quite unique and original (plus points!). But, they're not always the most attractive (minus points). Overall I definitely enjoy looking at the characters more than I thought I would from the preview images. The sex scenes create interesting situations and help you feel invested in the characters and the the scene to enhance the experience.

    The best aspect though is the writing. The story starts out quite melancholy. MC and the girls are distraught over the death of the girls' "mother" from 5 years ago. MC comes across as a genuinely sad but caring individual. The eldest girl has some anger issues in the beginning, and a genuinely tear jerking reveal connected to it. The youngest girl stretches believeability with her naivete fr an "18" year old, but her antics eventually become charming. There are just enough side characters as well to flesh out the story and add extra enjoyment as well, both with their personalities, and their own unique stories. At time though the dialogue can feel a bit repetitive and drag on a bit, which prevents me from giving this a full 5 stars.

    And finally the best of the best about the writing, I'm not sure any porn game has given me nearly the same quality or quantity of genuine laughter. I would be remiss if I did not give this game a high rating for that reason alone. Comedy may be highly subjective, but if you're looking for a laugh, give this game a go, and make the girls' relationship to you anything you want.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really I'm giving this a 4.5 stars, because the only "issue" I have with this game is that it is a bit TOO slow of a burn and I love a slower burn rather than the all-too-common eager harem harlots that dominate too many VNs.

    That being said this definitely one of the BEST VN I've ever played (perhaps behind only "A Petal Among Thorns" which is my all time favorite. The characters are incredibly well written and feel real, witch causes the player to become emotionally invested in the characters.

    The story is heartfelt, sad, uplifting and numerous. Most of all it is believable. The MC isn't an immediate pervert and neither are (most) of the other characters.

    There are clever post chapter synopsis and donation requests which was perfect as it made me donate more to the developer, not only for putting so much time and effort into a beautiful game, but your humor really grasped me. This is game had me genuinely LOL multiple times.

    Keep up the hard work for you are an amazing artist and developer and your hard work is greatly appreciated.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a great game not just if you're horny though for that purpose it's still really good the writing is good too

    and it also feels like your decisions actually make a difference so it feels alot more rewarding to play
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games I heard good things about and looked at a lot of times, but ultimately skipped because of the character models. We all have different tastes, but these models are not really for me, even if my preferences for AVNs are story over sex scenes.

    However, a few days ago I caved and downloaded Light of my Life to check out the game purely on a story level, and hoping the models would grow on me. Unfortunately I had trouble finishing the game. There are a lot of good things here though.
    The dynamic between Macy, Denise and the MC is quite good. The premise is interesting and I saw potential for a lot of conflicts, drama and intrigue. Macy is the bratty, angry and combative elder ward with a soft interior, while Denise is sweet and caring, but dealing with anxiety issues. Both well written characters in my book.

    It started well, but as I played, the game got more and more repetitive. Not just the same renders, but you keep repeating the same mundane tasks every single day with slightly different dialogue.
    Wake up, massage, coffee, go to work, get home, eat dinner, sit on the couch, go to bed. When the game breaks away from this repetitive cycle is when it gets much better. The museum scene being a prime example. Unfortunately these are few and far between, especially in the early game.
    Without spoiling anything more of the story, I found myself getting bored.

    The models didn't grow on me. I actually at times found them repulsive and borderline creepy. Not something I want from a sex game. Some of the facial expressions are really over the top and feel jarring. Other times the facial expressions can be excellent. Very mixed bag for me, tilting heavily towards the negative.

    Overall it's not a bad game. Far from it. It just didn't keep my interest as much as I hoped it would.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Updated for 0.8.1
    Maybe it's me, or maybe it's the game, but my opinion of it has fallen off I'm sorry to say.

    The issue, for me, is that the game drags a lot and its content is, at the end of the day, very stretched to make it seem and feel longer than the available content can justify. When you actually look at what's happened, how much the story has moved, how much the characters have evolved, how much the MC's relationship with them has grown, how many scenes have occurred, it's honestly not that much from chapter to chapter; there's simply a lot of repetition and a lot, a lot of words and conversation, but not all of it is enjoyable to read. It's honestly almost torture sometimes as far as VNs go; and actually, a number of VNs seem to be written this way, so it's not a problem unique to this game.

    I get that making these games are hard, and takes time, and the work deserves an income and that income can be a lifeline for some devs; and I get that there are so, so, so many entitled players who are never satisfied and peck and poke at the author about the tiniest things over, and over, and over. But all that said, it still doesn't make this game satisfying to play on the whole.

    There are still great scenes; there are plenty of great moments; the characters are all cute, or adorable, or some such, and none of them are really hateable. Although.. the latest chapter does add an extremely annoying character.. and not in a "this fits the story" kind of way, I'm ok with unlikeable characters that serve an interesting purpose; but no, this character is not interesting, and they do not serve a purpose.. it's more like a "this annoyed the author at some point and now he feels compelled to annoy us with it too." He's sexist, he's selfish, he's immature, and that could be an antagonistic character that works.. I'm open. But, this one was clearly just the author venting, maybe understandably, but it's plain unbearable, does not make an interesting character, he isn't saying anything you haven't heard before on the internet or at work, the takeaway for the player is not complex or interesting, it just makes the game a worse experience and pads time.

    On top of that, no matter how much the author insists you do not get punished for choices... you do get punished for choosing the wrong thing. If you try to act a certain way, which sometimes is creepy so I get it, you miss out on scenes. It's impossible to completely lose the daughter's routes by accident, so you'll always be doing stuff with them, but you absolutely can lose scenes. And further, if you try to play the game in a way the author deems too selfish, you will get an earful from him through the mouth of the characters. Ok... geez.. relax, I like to be dominant in my fantasy games. I don't like to hear the author virtually bitch at me for it. Just don't make it a choice, I'd be totally ok with that. It's kinda funny when you're playing it for free and I can't be too mad. But, if I were paying money for this, I would be quite irritated. Your mileage may vary there, these might not be problems you'll ever run into depending on how you prefer to play.

    The things this game does fantastically is the renders. The appearance of the models aren't for everyone, but they're certainly unique and I find them quite cute. The quality of the renders, the attention to detail (except for a few here and there) is top notch, it really does look great most of the time. The animations are nice, too, and the atmosphere overall is great. But the visuals do not make a game, the writing does. And that's quite disappointing for me overall.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    (Currently version 0.6.4)
    This is my first and probably one of my only reviews, but I have to say I'm really enjoying it so far. I really enjoy the character's personalities and design. The character design honestly is unique from other games, and I truly appreciate the change of pace.

    I can't wait for more, I do hope this sees success!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So I finally got around to playing this game, like a lot of people (I assume) I was put off by the models but after seeing how well it was rated thought I have to at least give it a try, I was so glad I did.
    The models got some getting used to and if you are just looking for a VN to skip through to get to the steamy bits this game might not be for you. However if you are looking for an extremely well written VN with fully developed characters you can't go wrong here.
    I was honestly surprised to find myself caring for the 2 main girls, I wanted them to be happy, I wanted the MC to make them happy.
    There was a section where the youngest was subjected to an event that made her anxiety spike, you spend time through the game doing things and making decisions that would hopefully lower this trait in her and once I saw it spiking again I found myself IRL feeling upset over it, I wanted to get her out, I wanted her to feel safe.
    Only bad thing now is waiting for updates, I started on the 0.6.4 update and there was a incredible amount of story here, however now I have finished it I want more, almost wish I didn't play it until the game was finished just to have the full experience.
    Keep up the great work.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few VN here that have a story that is interesting and adds to the sexual tension. the models are unique and their personalities feel less tropey than others.

    Would recommend for any perverts that enjoy the build-up as much as they enjoy the animated scenes.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Light of my Life,

    The first time I fired it up, I was confused. Believe me, I thought I did something wrong as I saw after the drunk scene the logo again.

    Silly me.

    I was looking for a really good story and some atmosphere that captures love and harmony.
    Well, this game gets a lot of things right.

    First, I think incest is wrong but as a game fetish it can be very erotic.
    Though I like to play a very romantic route where nothing is really forced but evolves naturally.
    So, how is it?

    Technically, its really well made.
    Effects are nice and new to me (of course) and you kind of get sucked into the story.
    To me, its great that you do not see yourself as the protagonist. Besides your arms and legs but never your head.

    The art is great. I have to assume a lot of love went into creating the game.
    I have to admit that I love the characters all around. They look cute. You have to fall in love with your daughters. I kind of wished I had daughters like them.
    Every character I met so far, is what I want.

    Story. Its a story about loss of love. You lost your life partner and you are stuck where you need to support your daughters. To be the person that cares for them. No matter the situation.
    One daughter suffers from panic attacks, the other is suspicious of you.
    So you need to build a relationship with them.

    It is very good laid out and you can play as strict or caring.
    I played with no numbers shown up. In real life you have no chart either. So lets evolve it naturally.

    Got to admit that it is an emotional journey. You can get really sucked into the story.
    The effect of the game work well, with the story. I like the scenes when a character that talks to you, leaves towards the side.
    Over time, depending on your choices, you will come closer to your daughters. Denise especially grows closer to you and relies on your support to make it through the day.

    Macy on the other had, is harder to get closer. She is like a though women that has a vulnerable inner.

    Little things, like in real life, cement the bond between you and them.
    I got actually tears in my eyes. You can emphasizes with all of these characters.
    Though, the game has many tags, to me romance :love:was the one I was interested in.
    And it delivers on that for sure.

    The music is also a nice touch for the game. Every situation has a sound that paints the situation. I do not know if the music is self made or taken from somewhere else. The bottom line is, they fit the situation.

    So how would you rate a game like this.
    Since the game is not done yet, I will give a five. Because it sticks out of the crowd of games.

    Its a new experience for me. I usually like to play female protagonists and more devious games. But this is what I actually really like to play. To be in a romantic relationship with my girls. Perhaps also without incest as a boyfriend (?).
    I know we play games for our fetishes and desires but It struck me that what I really like and love, is romance. Its deeper than anything forces and it mirrors what I feel deep inside me.

    So this game delivers to me what I was seeking. (y)

    Both daughters look great. We established that. I always wondered where they are from? I can not say what background they have. All I know is, that they are looking so great that I wish I would be in love with them in real. Silly, right?
    The game lets me connect with them and you feel for them.

    To the devs I can only say, you did a good job. And if you ever develop a game again, keep the male out of visible sight. The story is so much more immersive. Because I know that I am caring for these characters and not some guy in the story.

    I think, I hope, I can make out with Brooke and build a family. To make the family whole again. I think I would love that. But its too early to say as I do not know where the story will lead.

    Ok, have to play further….