VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch.8 v0.8.2] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an unique and great game. Character design is not the usual. It is kind of cartoonish which was strange at first but I used to it qiuckly then. Characters are good story is mysterious and engaging. Renders and animations are nice. Lewd scenes mostly teasing yet but it is quality work. I recommend if you want to try something new.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I almost didn't check this game out, Why? Because of the pic of the ladies involved. Not really up my alley I thought, not generic enough you might say. But then I did, because of the tags. Holy shit am I glad I did.
    After three hours of playing I don't think I've had an erection yet (well, maybe a half-mast or two), and I don't care. This is nothing like the majority of games here (haven't played them all obviously, I do have a life), where you play'em for the fap and everything else is a bonus. This is a story. A REAL story.
    With amazing artwork (those kinda unatractive girls on the frontpage? Shit, they're so beautiful once you get to know them, once you get to really see them) and an artstyle that looks like nothing else. And the dialogues ... they actually feel real! And the music - yeah, a bit generic, but it works, and when did you play a game of this type that actually had decent music and sounds in it? The exhausted dad ... the quirky girls, their situation ... I actually care about these people, deeply. I really don't want this story to end but if it does I sure it is a happy one. These characters deserve it. Please don't let this one be tagged as "abandoned" in a year or so, we all owe it to ourselves to see this story to the end.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story, playable without a walkthrough. I like the possibility to remain in the two girls path only. The characters are a little bit "strange", but after some minute you are addicted to this game :)
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Be sure and take your Dramamine before playing this. This should have that warning on the box.

    This is a pretty good and heartfelt story. It should be five stars, but it shoots itself in the foot on too many occasions.

    We'll start right with the obvious complaint that you'll see in other reviews... the models. No they aren't typical but I really think this is actually a boon for this project. These are real girls... the story treats them as such and it's fitting that so do the models. None of this is porn. It's heartfelt and emotional and has a bit of drama. It's actually well done... very well done. I was moved many times and I fell for the characters.

    But it gets three stars for a few specific reasons. One is the sheer over production. Every scene is swimming around on the screen, characters dance in and out and more than just eyes rolling, entire faces and bodies move in each frame. Now you might be thinking that sounds good, make a stationary medium come alive? Right? But that only works in doses and this thing has that dial set to 13. Every scene is like this. Just a pan and scan nightmare. Heed the warning in my opening sentence.

    And the use of blur is entirely over done. Nearly every shot picks a focus and then everything else is blurred. This works great when highlighting the symbolic painting on the wall in the girls room and in some other shots where something needs focus... but in scenes when you want to focus on more than one thing... like two faces in a conversation, or like the girl's lower half when you see her laying on the bed... one thing you want to see will be in focus, the other will be blurry. It's almost every shot... combine it with the motion sickness... this has the effect of an hallucinogenic drug after playing for any length of time.

    Another aspect of the over production is the use of fonts that change size and styles from moment to moment breaking a consistency to the read. Many shots are broken up by black screens or fades in between shots that don't really change perspective. There are long slow pans going up bodies that you want to click through but you have to wait the full 20 seconds for the image to pan up... and you're clicking along then suddenly at the end of the pan some dialog pops up but you were clicking so it instantly disappears before you even knew it was coming... then you click back and have to wait the full 20 seconds again for the pan while this time you don't click anything... because you don't want to miss the dialog which is generally really good. And too many ellipses (something I do too in reviews and online commentary but it doesn't work in a professional setting) and long periods of clicking through literally nothing as characters think about what they are going to say next or simply to break between different thoughts. The dialog at times is almost too real and could use an editing to slim down conversations, to express what needs to be expressed with less mundane. This gets arguably worse as the game progresses and in chapter four most scenes are this. Just long periods of nothing happening and a hyper examination of the moment to moment details. It's too much.

    The character visual emotion is both great and bad... put simply, it's overdone. It's at times realistically evocative and at other times a caricature. Most of the time it's a caricature. Overblown expressions giving too much away. If these were actual actors they would be called over-actors. The expressions go too far. And frankly they repeat a lot. When your eyes finally catch up to the moving image, you realize you've seen it a lot.

    The story and writing is both great and bad. The author here makes interesting scenes out of absolutely mundane situations. The story is bland and cliche... but each situation no matter how boring still holds you because of the characters and dialog. This is 110% character driven with characters you adore and root for, while most of the plot is cliche when it's not essentially meaningless. It's not good or bad in this regard, it's a hedge. But the characters do get you to feel something in scenes that you've seen a hundred times before. The writing is well done and really the glue that holds this together. The story could be better and more original... but the author knows how to write. They just don't have a whole lot to say.

    The choice system is a bit lame too... the vast majority of choices consist of choosing whether or not the MC initiates a predetermined course, or someone else does... things like "Ask her more details / Don't ask her more details" -- well if you ask, she tells you... and if you don't ask, she tells you anyway. Most of the choices in this are inconsequential and the few that are, clearly pick the nice path. Rarely does not simply giving the daughters what they want end well for the MC and always this doesn't help. And there are several times when I felt like it should give me a choice and it didn't... like the forced date with the coworker... it's just in there to piss off the oldest daughter... it's billed as important and about business but ultimately it existed just to make the daughter's anger meter rise and cause drama just when they've made up. This isn't the only example of manufactured drama.

    And frankly this loses an entire star because of it's use of the MC's inability to control his erection as a plot driver. I'm sick of this trope. It's like the one about potheads that can't stop laughing. Generally speaking pot doesn't make people act like idiots or laugh hysterically like they show in movies... and generally speaking, grown men, adults, can control their erections... the morning wood thing works... the ones when he is awake, man grow up.

    And I'm not a fan of the inside winks and nods at other games and cultural pop references that are generally specific to the author. This one does it several times. I won't give specifics for this game but I'll give an example: say a character wants to play a board game, the MC will then offer to play some obscure real life role playing game that only 13 people ever heard of because the author was one of those 13 people. Play Monopoly here, authors... this title does this a few times in here with references to at least 3 games in this genre and a few references to geek culture B level actors and shows. It's pandering and breaks immersion. It reminds me that there is a person behind the game I'm playing. Don't make it about you.

    This should be a five star thing... it's just overcooked on the production value (find a font and size and stick with them, cut the movement down by 95%) and rewrite the erection scenes to find a new way to introduce her to sexuality that isn't immature and cliche. The majority of the rest of the story isn't... and the opening, how that plays out, frankly was brilliant... use those smarts to address the flaws.

    Otherwise this is kinda smart, generally grown up (gets a bit immature as it progresses, especially in chapter four), often funny, and could be a good drama without any sex in it... infact it would improve... the emotions are great in this... the sexuality is immature. I'm giving it three stars but a solid recommend to play if you appreciate 'genuine'. They try and keep it grounded with the story, for the most part, and it does a pretty good job, brief lapses into immaturity aside and the characters are worth spending time with in spite of the many flaws everywhere else.

    And I'm not against immature stories... it just has little place in this story which takes it's own rich drama entirely seriously.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a good time with the girls. It's a soothing game in a strange kind of way! The art may not be for everybody but the pace and the story makes up it. It's like a good carrot cake, comforting and sugary!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Chapters 1-5 on Jan. 12, 2021

    If you look this VN for to fap (masturbate), sorry pals, at the moment you'd be disappointed (this is in short). But if your thing is a light erotic story, then u're welcome.

    I only took the path of main girls, as the others (there are only work collegues) are not any attractive, I hoped other characters would be the kind you expect from an 3dcgi adult vn, but they were much less desirable (older looking), hence not worthy of time (Imho).

    I liked a sudden image of the younger girl (with pigtails). And I don't mean she's pretty looking (Imho), but you know almost all of us have seen such a difference either in real life or in movies, on tv, etc. That's what's HOT about it. Many critique this game by their opinions for ugliness of the main girls, and I can't blame them for this, though the girls' look is a matter of taste, I guess many won't go for it. At the other hand, if the models w'd have looked like as are in most (and usually unfinished) VNs, this game wouldn't have got this many and high rated reviews.

    I like real life like story development and slowly unfolding actions in an intimacy. But this one is too much regarding story reading. Starting from the ch. 2 there are some tease kind of scenes (I'd rate 6/10). And it getting hottier from the ch. 3. Though no french kiss with the MC until ch.5, and even though it's not shown properly/passionately as there's not third person view of MC, like the girls.

    Though in ch. 5 the development of relationships steps forward, it's a waste and disappoinment in the matter of time - a chapter required to get released, - that's around 6 months. If one gonna play this for the first time, it's may not get so disappointed as the one who waited long enough for the ch. 5.

    Girls from different cultures are welcome and what's more, interesting, but it has to be precisely measured with a good story and kinky scenes. Could be good if ch. 3 was ch. 1, ch. 4 was 2, and ch.5 - 3. That is, I think this game is unnecessary long for the length of whole 2 chapters there.

    Hope the ch. 6 will be more developed and I won't have to add more disappoinment thoughts about it. For now I recommend to wait for another year or 2 and then try it with the skip button in use (atm, there's not a normal walkthrough).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Was hesitant downloading at first (because I thought the characters looked odd). I was soooo wrong. This game pulls at your heart. The characters gain a beauty all of their own, mostly due to their development. The sex scene with Sarah was HOT! I can not wait for the next episode. i only wish that the story goes on for a long while. Go for 10+!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game

    Love the focus on telling an interesting and (at least more than usual) plausible storyline for the relationships,

    Plus the fact that the girls are not traditional supermodel style really is a good touch

    Love it
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Cptn. Popcorn

    Normally this isn't a game that I would play. I usually don't play story driven games. I am glad that I played this game. I will admit, I wasn't sure about the characters from the screenshots. The characters grew on me. This is also the only Renpy game that I didn't turn on "skip unseen text". I will admit, it can be depressing at certain points, but it picks up and makes you care, not just about boning, or getting your rocks off, but about the characters you interact with.

    The story is excellent and original. The characters and models are unique, and look better in game than the screenshots. The only thing that I'd say was frustrating was that it's very slow, but that slowness can only be worth it. This game does something that is actually really hard to pull off, even for triple a game developers, make you care. I know that I am repeating myself, but it's important. Usually a vn is all about that grind, raising stats, playing the same damn convo over and over hoping to see a change. This, this does none of that. No repetitiveness that doesn't contribute in someway. The "tenants" are sweet, and really grow on you, and the story focuses on them.

    Just give this game a chance, I loved it, and can't wait for chapter 5. I just hope that you can appreciate how good of a game this is.

    TL;DR The games fucking good and you should play it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1575367

    This is a great game. I was not sure if I would like it at first but the characters really grew on me and the developer has done a great job of keeping the story interesting with ongoing relationship progression. You can see the entire review here.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    What an absolutely wonderful journey this has been so far. The incredibly innocent younger daughter, the anger issues of the older daughter, the love as well as tension between the two - completely believable. The first intimate encounter with the coven - as close to perfect as I've ever seen. And such an excellant blend of humor, silliness and emotion. And the subtle, yet constant animations give a feeling of life to the characters.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really liking this game. The girls are...well...exotic looking but lovely in their way. They could be Jewish to Persian in decent.
    I like the story line. It reminds me of the Bible story of Lott and his daughters where the daughters plot to give him a child. Except in this story the daughters just want to make him happy exclusive of other women and the young one is working to make that happen.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of you might call me crazy, but I love the most about this game is hat the female characters aren't Miss Universe beautiful.
    in real life there're all sorts of women and every man has his taste regarding them, I agree that regarding faces they aren't astonishing gorgeous and because of that, for being different from women in other games they are the best. As bodies go they are perfectly imperfect like 99% of women are in real life, and that realism, despite being a bit cartoonish, in my opinion makes the game sexier and even better. Love their bodies, specially the daughters.

    As far as game play goes, in a way I wished there were more straight forward options to advance the game quicker, but how it is it, the slow pace, it hooks you even more to the story. Finally a game that puts a corruption , blackmail and BDSM lifestyler (guess my user name says it all) like me, to long for the sweet love story presented in the game. I'll be honest, I love the incest part of it, but the love part is the best in it.

    All this is why for the first time since I've joined F95, I felt the desire to rate a game and express my opinion on it.

    For the Dev, keep up the great work and ignore those that criticize the artwork, it's awesome as it is.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Give this game a chance, the story is pretty damn good. The game imo; has an excellent balance between the story and lewd content. In one moment you are teary eyed from a beautiful moment shared between the characters, to laughing your ass off, to beating your meat. This game really feels like the devs are giving it their best to give the player more than just porn. Seriously give this game a shot, a lot of people disregarded it simply because the models used are different from the norm, but all the character models in this game are unique. And what i mean by that is the characters all look different from one another, different body proportions, no same breast sizes copy pasted on the same body model like other games. The renders are great as well. Give this one a shot.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best family friendly western VN swag you can get.

    The unique inbreed look of the wards fits the story so well and brings an even higher flavor to the game.

    Great renders with quality work for each scene, love when the dev has small animation like blinking eyes or moving characters, change of background between scenes all to make the VN feel alive and intimate along with the story, characters and whats happening on the screen.

    I hate using ctrl button in VNs and the wards has stats as well that you can influence (love, anger, anxiety) but as there isn't a "wrong answer" you don't have to save scum.

    Super hot and cute only needs more headpats.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Models looks like goblins. and there is little content so far.
    that said, the story and writing is S tier and that is the reason I give this 4.5 stars and not less.
    honestly I can see it as a game that will do well on steam.
    also I went with the caretaker title and I must say it turned some conversations in the game a lot weirder than using "forbidden relationship" titles.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room. The renders of the two main girls. They definitely put me off of playing the game for a while. I would be the first to admit that they aren't really my type. The younger one is REALLY not what I would call "my type".

    Now that we have that out of the way let's talk about how this is probably in my top 5 favorite VN's on this site. Probably number 2 or 3. Depending on how I feel.

    That is a testament to how looks really are only skin deep. As I spent more time with the great writing and the mostly interesting and semi-realistic characters I found myself becoming more and more attracted to the characters that I started out very meh on.

    I think the choice to create an entirely unique style for the characters really lets the reader actually fall for the characters rather than just looking at DAZ model #13 (though great things can be done with generic models, also).

    So I want to really urge anyone who is not attracted to the models to try the game anyways. It just works regardless of the models.

    It isn't perfect mind you. I think there are some pacing issues and some of the reasons for certain character feelings can seem flaky, but it is well beyond what I would expect from a porn game. There is one scene where the younger girl is on the MC's lap that... well let's just say that scene really strains my suspension of disbelief in a way that most of the rest of the game doesn't.

    So as a whole this VN isn't a near perfect five compared to triple A VN's like Saya no Uta or something. But it is a legitimately well written, well plotted VN and as a pure erotic game it deserves a lot of praise for that because usually the plot is just lost in the flesh.

    Also, it has humor that is ACTUALLY funny and not cringe or straight up painful to read. Like it has jokes that don't make my eyes literally roll out of my head. So thank you for having a modicum of restraint on the humor and you know that refrences aren't jokes... jokes are jokes which you actually know how to tell. This game would have been ruined by shitty or out of placed jokes. Instead it is elevated by humor.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated for v0.6.4

    This Visual Novel is not for everyone. You don't have to worry about grinding, there is none of that, but if you're here armed with cocoa butter lotion and a sock, this probably isn't the place you want to be. If you enjoy a narrative, then that is what you get from this story. When you finally get to spicy content from Chapter 6, it is very erotic.

    The story while good, does have some drag and repetition; it definitely feels like this is done for budgeting; though I wish there more scene variations or more dramatic changes for the male protagonist.

    I really enjoy the female models for the "wards". They look more realistic and do not follow the model troupe. I believe all the female models are custom assets, and while they avoid barbie doll look, they tend to have more personality and lack the dead eyes you see with many 3D models.

    If you aren't looking for a quick fap check this out.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the renders, love the latina characters. Let's see where the story goes. I really wish the creator(s) incorporate more of latin culture, make it vague enough where it intesects with most, if not all, of our latino cultures. Maybe more dancing scenes? More user input to refer to certaing things/body parts. Overall pretty fucking good! I pledged to the creator on Patreon.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best games on the site. This is an absolute must play. It's very much a VN that goes straight through, but you do seem to have some control over the events. Looking forward to the next build. Time to check the Patreon.