VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch.8 v0.8.2] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game on this site. The renders are unique and beautiful. The scenes are hot and the story is great. This is a must play for the people of this site.
    Sidenote: the dev is very active on this site and listens to the fans.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a great piece of art. I genuinely laughed out loud, I cried, I jerked off, I got angry and I was worried.

    I really like the models, I think the style is unique, interesting and very hot. But obviously that's a matter of taste.

    The story is not groundbreaking in the incest genre, but it has really nice execution and pacing, which many other games lack. It also manages to be believable and make sense given the characters and personalities present.

    The only downside I can think of, is that many choices only give different flavour text, while others that may seem that way actually makes a difference. I found myself going back and checking all the choices for the best outcome a bit too much, sometimes unnecessary. But that might just be me trying to have a perfect playthrough in terms of what I'm hoping to accomplish, and not really an issue for anyone that just picks a choice and commits.
  3. G
    4.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is really good. I like the renders and how they look very realistic. Most games don't have the npc's with more than one facial expression or blinking eyes. Can't wait to see what the future updates look like. I like how I can change the "relationships" without having to use any type of patch. Of course I changed "caretaker" and "ward" to...well most people understand. "wink" "wink"

    The only thing from keeping this game from being a 5 star is the lack of a really good UI. It would be nice to have a UI phone like a lot of games have. That way it would be easier to see where the relationships are with each NPC in the game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Ironically the overall high quality of the game makes it much harder to accept the few inconsistencies that remain.

    This mainly comes down to two major issues:

    For one, the behaviour of the two 'wards' absolutely does not reflect their age. At times it can be hard to believe that they are supposed to be any older than 12 respectively 14 years old. The younger of the two has considerable gaps in knowledge and the older one seems to be in puberty.

    Additionally, the still very convincing way in which the conversations between the characters are depicted, makes it painfully obvious that the MC sees the girls very much as his daughters. However, the game makes it hard for the player to aknowledge this, as it not only lacks loves interests outside of the family, but also actively warns you, when you are about to leave the incest route.

    Obviously, incest and (for lack of a better word) loli behavior ar very common in games, but they are usually coupled with a way less serious and realistic setting.

    This is why this game sometimes feels like an awkward mixture between a dark drama and parody porn.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's got heart & it's gonna make you feel things. It's an excellent visual novel that also happens to be very naughty & sexy. But the core of the game is just about love and overcoming lives hardships, together. 10/10 would recommend !
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This, to me, is a five star game.

    The writing is simply superb to any other game I've played of this type and I have played many. Granted, if all you're looking for is an excuse to fap, then you would be better off looking elsewhere. Where other creators are content to churn out comic books and pulp fiction, Naughty Road instead decided to create a Graphic Novel.

    The story within this VN is deep, heart-warming and at times heart-breaking. I cannot compare this game to any other property on this site because there simply isn't one to compare it with. I started this game with a box of tissues, looking to fap, but ended up using the tissues to dry my tears instead.

    Sometimes because of the delightful humour, like the unintential innuendo in main offender Macy's dialogue. The seemingly random, but oh so raunchy co-worker encounters. The gentle poking of fun at certain VN tropes (hello, shop-lady).

    And many times because of the post-mortem character of the dear mother. One of the most effective uses of a dearly departed character that I have seen, not just in VN's but in all media. I was not prepared to bring the waterworks, yet this game managed to constantly coax them out of me.

    Some critisize the character models, but for me they worked and added to the charm and appeal of the game. Despite their unconventional and cartooney styling, they felt more real and life-like than the picture perfect models that are overused in other games.

    Give this game a chance and you will not regret it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's kind of incredible how hot it is. It tries real hard to justify its setting and motivations and the scenarios built up are well rendered and sexy and great fun.

    Overall, one of the best around. When more smut is added, I'd like to add I'd perhaps even go as far as to rate it the best around.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly the game is pretty fun. The story goes in a great pace, with its cast getting more and more interesting. I really enjoy the style of the characters, and i'm aware that maybe it's not for everyone, but it is honestly interesting and attractive. The to main heroines are fun and they do feel more human than usual, which to me gives more depth to the game and story. They both have their own personalities and struggles, which grows throught the story, and it just gets better and better! I'm truly interested in the next chapters and i hope to keep following its development! Great work!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable slow burn! Funny jokes and innuendos!
    Though the plots were not special, they were easy to remember (which is good considering I have to wait for updates now) Also, how they presented was intriguing!
    Non-typical and very intuitive dialogues!
    Cartoonish characters. They move around, illustrating the current dialogues on screen!
    Detailed environments!
    Great picks of music for moments!

    I kinda regret playing this before completion.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for the version : Ch.4 v0.5.0
    Oh so first off, I came across this game several times before finally giving it a go. The character's faces weren't really appealing to me, and it's been a big turn off for a while, but then I browsed by "weighted ratings" and Light of my Life was so highly ranked that I just had to give it a try, and boy am I happy I did. I have to warn you tho, if you're only looking for a quick fap with ★★★★★ babes, don't waste your time on this game, but if you like a good, realistic story with complex characters, try this game, I'm almost certain you'll love it.

    Graphics : 8/10
    Light of my life has pretty good graphics, just not enough to make you go "daaaamn they outdid themselves". They are accessory to the whole game, you don't tend to notice them, it's exactly what you're looking for, unles you're a graphics freak. One thing worth noting is that the characters aren't that good looking. Not that their textures are bad or anything, but the design of their face, just like you'd call somebody ugly in real life, but it feels like it's a thought out choice. A lot of games use the same models from the same cheap / free libraries, and you end up seeing them over and over, used for different characters, which lowers the immersion quite a lot. Light of my light seems to have opted for custom homemade models, or maybe models from a completely different library than usual. It can be a turn on, or a turn off, it really depends on you.

    Sound & Music : 9.5/10
    One very strong point for this game is not only it's music, but how it is used. A lot of games don't even bother using music, and those that do mostly don't use it as well as they should. Light of my life uses the full potential of music in every scene it can, sometimes shifting dramatically from a genre to another, to create the perfect ambiance to support the storytelling. There could be more sounds, or better sounds, but it really isn't an issue, just trying to point out room for improvement.

    Story : 10/10
    Second best storytelling I've seen here, just after Our Fate - A new family. There isn't much to say; the caracters feel real, it's funny most of the time, every part of the game is used to enhance the storytelling, the events are realistic, you even wonder sometimes if the Dev went through some parts of it to nail it down so perfectly (the backstory, mostly). If you like a game with a good story, you owe it to yourself to play Light of my Life.

    Gameplay : 7/10
    There isn't much to say about the gameplay because it's a visual novel, but you kinda have a lot of choices, and even if some don't seem to impact the story, there are quite a lot that actually do, to an extent. There are "emotions" "love" "affection" stats for the characters and they seem to impact the story, but there are no ways, as far as I know, to look at the overall stats of the characters, you're simply notified when said stat changes, so there a bit of improvement to be done there.

    Looking forward for future updates, which seems to come rather slowly.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Top of the line here. If you are bored of cliche VN, this one definitely stands out of that crowd. My curiosity to try this game was sparkled by original look of characters that reminded art of early VNs with a tint of cartoonish/caricature look, then seeing number of review and average score, just surprised how it skip my attention so far.
    Overall, impressive art work, you may compare it to some VNs with photorealistic look, but they not get even close in term of immersion of story or giving you holistic game atmosphere like LOML does . Content delivery methods that control players focus during game another well done piece. Story may be slow paced for some tastes, but this VN of the one you should read trough when it comes to scenes preceding lewd scenes at least, this is where it shines with good narrative.
    Sex scenes are not disappointing either, creator pays attention to avoid awkward physics and genitalia clipping, this is very tedious work I can imagine.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I love that none of the characters in this are the same models I've seen in so many other games. Their everyday struggles with work and life after a tragedy are both believable and relateable. Keep up the good work and ignore the trolls.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The author is certainly brilliant. True, it is not clear to me why he complicates his already difficult work? ....................................

    However, despite all my attitude to the game, which I ignored because of the appearance of the characters presented on the cover, literally after half an hour of the game, the attitude towards them changes.

    ps It's amazing how he managed to make sexually attractive personalities, souls ...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best Ren'Py game in F95zone. Very well made. Perfect work with sound, interesting story and characters, very engaging. On the top of that a great work with the imagery.
    Well done!

    There is no more to say, but these reviews need to have more words so I am adding them here.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This could be a good example of making a risky bet.

    In an environment where Ren'Py games are full of calendar women, huge penises and perfect tits, this author shows us characters that very few would qualify as attractive. And that's not bad... In fact, breaking that monotony is what perhaps sets you apart from the rest.
    When you decide to try it out you discover that the appeal of the novel is not in the characters, but in a well-told script that makes you empathise with the characters, immerse yourself in the story and look forward to the next chapter.

    In the event that the characters are not your type, the game presents a good modeling of the characters, quite a few poses and a good development. Perhaps (to give you a point against) say that the scenarios are quite simple, but, ultimately, you should give it a chance.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The story telling is first rate and the girls are actually believable. Anger and angst is even palpable. The main characters come off as passble to real life characters. The Personal conflict is the well developed between the main characters and provides and engaging storyline. A story that is enjoyable and capturing.
    Well done.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Original models and not the same old models, faces and bankgrounds you have seen in dozens of other games. Nice story line with some humor. Some kinks and lots of character. In short, one of the very best VN's out there. Looking forward to each update and unlike others, they don't take forever to drop.
    If you're thinking about donating to a game, this should be a serious contender to do that.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I was actually unaware of this game at first until I saw it in the Recent Updates list. At first glance, I raised an eyebrow at the character models, but the tags and description fit what I am into for games like this so I decided to give it a shot anyway.

    I was very pleasantly surprised. The character models are different than your typical 3D adult game, for sure. There seems to be an element of caricature to their design, which isn't wholly bad. In fact, it grew on me as I played through and I actually quite like it now. In a way I find the depiction of the characters in this game to be more on the realistic side compared to other adult games in this genre, where you can often see the same asset being used across games or even in the same game.

    There is a lot of care put into the various scenes, including making the characters blink - which at least to me is practically unheard of, and makes me appreciate even the dialogue scenes even more. Judging from other comments this game has a very long update cycle in comparison to others but it seems to show - in a good way. Every update seems to be worth the wait, and the most recent one (Chapter 4/v0.5.0 - where I got into the game) seems to have really gotten things going. I also liked that the developer made a function in-game to avoid the necessity of a patch to change the characters' relationships to each other.

    Writing-wise I am actually pretty into this story, and I like the alternative approach where the MC isn't really the one in control and is just kind of going along with things - particularly with regards to the two main girls. There do seem to be a few branching paths but nothing major as of yet.

    Progression with each character feels natural and is part of the story. There do appear to be ways to regress or simply not progress due to your own choices, but there is also no grinding events or conversations to get "stats" up; every gain with a character is a result of actually interacting with and talking to each one in a relatively unique way. How natural it feels is the main reason I am enjoying it, I think.

    I am very interested to see where this game goes in the future; despite at least one path being pretty obvious, and I am more than ok with patiently waiting for the next update.

    Don't sleep on this one, folks.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a bit ashamed to say this, but when LomL first released I was one of the people that thought I wouldn't like it because of the preview pictures of the girls :FacePalm:

    When the second release came around, there was already a lot of praise to be seen, and some friends also told me to give it a go, and that's what I did.

    It took me no longer than 5 minutes to fall in love with the game, asking myself why I didn't play it sooner :love:

    The first chapter alone made me laugh:ROFLMAO:, cry:cry: and horny af:devilish:
    Later chapters added a bit of anger:mad: to the mix.
    Also tons of Love throughout all chapters:love:
    It's an emotional roller-coaster.

    The visuals, the music, the writing, the overall presentation, everything is fantastic.

    There are basically no still images in this game.
    Nearly every screen has some kind of movement that brings the scene to life and catches your eye way beyond the time that you'd need to read the text.

    For example:
    In one scene you pick up your daughter from work with your car. In that scene you not only see the outside world fly by but also the movement of the daughter, her blinking eyes(and those even reflect in the mirror).

    Naughtyroad put so much thought, love and so many little details into the game, I'd call it a AAA Adult VN but with the quality level of modern AAA games it would be an insult to LomL.

    The release schedule is a bit slower than other games (about3-4 months), but the size of the updates is huge and easily makes up for it.

    This is no 10-15 minute update game, chapter 1-4 will keep you busy for several hours.

    If you read this and you didn't play it because you think the girls look "ugly", I tell you play it!

    Finish the first chapter and if you're still not happy with it, then it is probably really not for you.

    But nobody should judge this game before they saw the the Love and craftsmanship put into it.

    Naughty really shows what renpy is capable of.

    This game is not 5/5 it's 10/5 !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Chapter 4 (spoiler ahead)

    There are so many aspects regarding lewd games I’ve started growing fond of over the last couple years. Whether it's the thematization of new forms of interpersonal relationships and interplay, a wider range of behavioral expressions and an option to let characters express pure honesty regarding various topics or new never felt freedom when it comes to world and character creation. Suddenly for our characters new obstacles can appear, but also new ways to solve them. Theoretically there are no boundaries. So why even though theoretically I should be spoiled for choice, noteworthy games stay rare to be found? My perspective on this is: There are many things I (and many others) love about lewd games, but we don't love them just because they are lewd games. It needs more.

    It is not just the constant repetition of the same clichés, again and again. Clichés are not bad. It gets bad when the cliché becomes the basis for the game and the developer consciously or unconsciously only follows a predetermined path. It's a bit like our senses. Eat only sweet stuff and soon you will need sugar for everything just so it doesn't taste like cardboard. Most lewd games are like tastes, almost not complex enough to be its own meal, a bit like a lollipop. Then of course there are also better games. Games that differ like chocolate ice cream and chocolate ice cream with sprinkles. A bit more complex in taste, but the best you can hope for is hazelnut ice cream. Once at the top there are games that make an acceptable lunch, maybe something like spaghetti. Nothing complex, but something that I treat myself from time to time if I don't expect too much. Now you can even choose different sauces. Yeah what a change . Of this whole bunch there are maybe 5 games that make enough variety for me to cover a multi-course menu. LomL is none of these.

    Each individual character of LomL has the full spectrum of its own cuisine, even minor characters. There are countless facets of each individual character. Something like Italian, Turkish, German cuisine etc. Each character has an incredible breadth and depth. An incredible spectrum of different dishes, with so many variations. Despite this large selection, each individual character maintains a distinctive style. Of course, in LomL we mainly follow Sir, as well as Denise and Macy. Nevertheless, the way the individual characters behave makes it clear that each individual character is a protagonist in their own game. Sometimes their paths overlap with sirs, but it becomes noticeable, apart from sir, they have their own needs, fears, hopes etc.. Their own life. Nobody exists just for the story to progress. Technically speaking, characters who mainly have the function of advancing the story can hardly be avoided. But what I mean by this is that none of the characters seems so simple. So now with all that food talk I've probably made you hungry, let's move on to the main course, chapter 4.

    So far, each chapter has managed to be better than the previous one. Chapter 4 is no exception. Chapter 1 was a good foundation (and already so much better than anything else). Chapter 2 made great strides in animation. Chapter 3 had an incredibly dense narrative structure. Chapter 4 enriches LomL's environment with several aspects and makes it more dynamic. Of course, these are far from the only points. Every update has improved in several points, but these are the points that stand out for me. I'm not sure if it was discussed before, but besides all other strengths, LomL also has an incredible lively and natural environment. In Chapter 4, a lot has been expanded here. Many other games have the problem that the entire gaming environment is basically nothing more than an amusement park specially created for the protagonist. Isn't it much more exciting if not everything is subordinated to you and you don't get the same installation kit as all other games.

    In LomL's game world, the protagonist and all other characters are exposed to the events of a dynamic, complex world. Things just happen and the people concerned don't always have the ability to influence that. Often all we can do is find our way around the new situation and make the best of it. What can sometimes lead to cruel blows of fate in life is a blessing as a tool for storytelling. Of course, in the end LomL is just a game and everything that happened has a reason. But it makes a huge difference if not everything seems to be developed only for the protagonist. Everything has a lot of reasons and the protagonist is just one of them. Of course, LomL doesn't have anything like a map of the game world (like in so many Open World games). The game world is rather abstract, which doesn't matter. It's like reading a book or listening to it. The most famous fantasy worlds have their origins in books. And as is known from school days, history and geography cannot be separated so easily.

    In the mall (Dave, Vicky), at work (Brooke, Zarah, Sierra, Sara, the boss, the former employee), Denise's school (and her school project), Macy's workplace (Dan, Ethel), so new variables are emerging or expanded on in this update.

    So how would I describe the time in the mall now? Oh yeah vicky. Yes, I use vicky here as an adjective. Vicky was pretty peculiar and funny. To get back to my previous cliché comments, I'm sure most of us won't be reminded of not just one game, but a few games. Clichés are not bad. The important thing is how to use them. Clichés shouldn't be used just because the developer puts no effort into creativity. But clichés can be a useful tool when it comes to building on player expectations. And maybe the opportunity to have a little fun with that ^^. Not only in the mall, but also in later parts of the game, NR made good use of clichés. As for Vicky, she seems to be a joke character. And yet the conversation with her was much more interesting than with characters from other games, who in my opinion are a real joke. I'm not so sure about Dave. Unlike Vicky, Dave already has a connection to what's going on in the game. I see a couple of ways Dave could play a role in upcoming chapters, but most of the assumptions are pretty far-fetched and pretty much linked to what if. However, I really liked the allusions as far as Dave is concerned, so he certainly represents a cliché character to which some players may even find themselves in part.

    Later in the evening we come to an important part of the game: the slumber party. Why important? Because chill and snuggle time with M + D, that’s why. You can never have enough of it. On the part of Macy, I'm happy that we see her more relaxed now (especially later). Her temperament is part of her charm, no question about it. But it's nice to see that she gets the chance to just let go. Also, as a side note, fancy lingerie and everything around is nice, but can get boring fast. Slumber party in actual cozy clothing, which wasn't designed to be stripped off rather to be worn lends so much into making it believable and not a boring porn setting. Who would have thought .

    Next we have pun day, or 'The awakening of manly bits'. It was hilarious! Yes, of course, I definitely assumed that one day, someday, this would happen. But not at the moment. But it's like life. There is not always a step by step system to work through and in the end, you have unlocked a new scene. Sometimes stuff just happens whether you are prepared for it or not. What I also like about the scene (apart from the fact that it was pretty funny later when Macy was there) is that Denise didn't behave like some characters from other games in similar situations. Yes, sir has his penis out, but that doesn't mean Denise has to act like a constantly horny, stereotypical porn star (even though the setting is similar). The characters in LomL have their own loveable personality and so Denise has her own way of dealing with it.

    For the dream sequence with Charlotte later in the night, I can only say that it was important. Yes Charlotte was hit by car, but that's not so simple. She didn’t just die. Like the long fight for life on her deathbed, Charlotte will not easily disappear from the hearts of her loved ones. It's hard to let go of them, you would do anything to keep them with you a little longer, much like what Ethel said. Sir lost so much at that moment, he probably never felt so bad and at the same time there are his two wards. They weren't prepared for this situation at all and now they need Sir more than ever. For Sir this meant that he had to change his working environment, he had to take care of his wards alone, he had to take care of their mental scars. Sir wasn't ready for any of that, he was a mental wreck. Many scars will never go away completely, and it will take a lot of time and lots and lots of cuddles to cope with it ❤.

    The events in the office were shaped by the Asshole Bomber and her assistants the Purple Avenger. Both are returning for a final great mission. I'm not going to go into too much detail here. However, I would like to highlight a few things. What struck me particularly in the 5 days in the office was how naturally dealing with Brooke and the 3S became. I think it's nice that you can also see in the case of supporting characters that there has been a development and how the dealings with Sir have changed among themselves. What I also liked was the allusion to the bad traffic from the last chapter and how it affects not only the protagonist. LomL is a game where actions have consequences and it was good to see that e.g. Having sex with Sara also has long-term consequences that don't necessarily have to be positive. It would be boring if everything could be solved with sex, like in some other games.

    I can only say that the relationship between Brooke and Sir is extremely well written. As is so often the case, their two relationships can be described as complicated. Yes, Brooke is a prank player, a rule breaker and also a little exhibitionistic and yet Brooke can be serious and understanding when it comes down to it. Brooke became a close friend of Sir, with perhaps an erotic adventure here and there. Brooke understands Sir's situation with M + D (at least what she knows of it) and for that she is ready to put her fantasies of a more serious relationship at the side. Brooke has never said it directly, however, many thoughts and intentions can be read from her talking.

    On the dynamic with Denise and Macy. It is by far not just the protagonist who is the driving force in the house. Denise has her own plans and from time to time she tends to overthink certain things. And yet, even if it can sometimes be a bit chaotic, somehow, she often finds her own solution, sometimes even surprisingly effective. Now that Macy has apparently bridged the big gap between her and Sir, I wouldn't be surprised if a completely new dynamic develops at home.

    When it comes to the visual elements, LomL is in a class of its own. Everything I could have asked for is here, put there with a strive for the perfect result. Intelligent use of light and shadow, a lovingly designed background, small animations here and there with the eyes and sometimes with body parts or objects and most importantly (absolutely gorgeous) realistic looking character models in natural poses. Also, for all of those who always ask what happens in the next chapter, just have a better look at the happenings through every chapter. Sure, there is always the major topic of the week, but there are many other bits and pieces here and there that lay the foundation for the next big WTF moments. For me that's part of the fun (even long after finishing this chapter). Because no character doesn't just have a personality from a prefabricated kit but behaves like a natural individual. It creates tension and uncertainty. This makes it much more exciting to imagine upcoming events and backgrounds.

    For me, LomL is not just perfect for a lewd game. It has fascinated me since the first release. Regardless of whether on the part of non-lewd games that shy away from sexual topics, or lewd games in which, despite all of the sexual openness, it seems practically impossible to write a deep intimate relationship between "real" people. Here is where LomL shines.