VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch.8 v0.8.2] [Naughty Road]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best written games on this site, with amazing teasing and a lot of great story points (albeit with a reeeeeally slow pace, which can be good at times and a bit numbing at others)

    There's just one reason why i can't give this 5 stars...

    Did the author HAVE to make all female characters Fugly?
    Yeah it may be on purpose, but why make a very explicit porn game if you wanted people to focus on story and character writing, and not give the arguably most important factor for the genre, eye candy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my absolute favorite AVNs!

    The characters are great, endearing and believable. The writing is excellent with an interesting and touching story and dialogue that's actually worth reading with the different characters feeling like they each have their own personality and way of expressing themselves. Most AVN really suffer from having, at best, mediocre writing. This is NOT one of those games.

    The visuals are beautiful, both the characters and the environments. Some people will certainly find the visual style too weird, as the characters all have a slightly stylized look, almost resembling stop-motion dolls. I personally love it, but it won't be for everyone. Another thing I appreciate about the design is how the characters aren't idealised sex gods, but actually have less than perfect physiques. Even with the slightly cartoony design they seem much more real than the characters of most games.

    The lewd scenes are very hot, but also quite emotional and intimate. This owes a lot to how well the characters and the dialogue work, but the scenes themselves are also not just mindless pounding, they're written as two (or more) real people being intimate.

    There's also great music accompanying most scenes, great care seems to have been put into finding appropriate tunes to set the mood. Just another example of the effort put into the game.

    I could go on, because there's really very few aspects of the game that I don't think are just excellent. It's one of the most rewarding slow burns I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing and so far (Chapter 8 just released) the dev keeps on delivering and the game is only getting better, very significantly so, even. I have previously supported them on Patreon and this update has convinced me to to that again, it's just an absolute pleasure to play.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of Ch. 8

    Okay, I think this game has lost me. The main conflict for the girls has been resolved and now we’re just lingering around in the author’s maladaptive daydreams.

    The buildup was great (but overly verbose) and pretty believable, which is really hard to pull off with a father/daughter story, so that’s definitely commendable. But I think the sensible thing would have been to end the game with various configurations for each of the characters rather than lead into another season. As it stands, it feels like we’re just following along with one particular niche ending, like we’re stuck in the epilogue and the credits won’t roll.

    Definitely worth checking out though if you haven’t already. The family dynamic is very sweet and the daughters feel really well-defined as characters. The relationship with the eldest daughter is probably the highlight and the payoff for her feels cathartic from what I can remember (been a while since I played that part).

    TL;DR: Decent grooming simulator that’s suffering from lack of real choices in later chapters
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has unique and great art, with a fun story. I was happy seeing this one getting an update and I hope there are many to come.

    Really the only downside is that it takes a while between updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game ever! I'm going to buy it on Steam, the developer of this game is a genius from Luxuria. Every aspect of the game is incredibly well-designed, from the captivating storyline to the breathtaking graphics. The mechanics are smooth, and the attention to detail is remarkable. The world is immersive, and I find myself completely drawn into the gameplay. It's clear that a lot of passion and creativity went into making this game. If you're looking for an unforgettable experience, this is definitely it!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    realized I've been handing out 1 and 2 star reviews of a lot of bad games lately, and wanted to hang a 5-star out there for this gem of a game.

    First, renders and characters. As you can tell, these are not the same off the shelf character models you see in a lot of games. And that's actually great. The characters here all have a stylized look that isn't exactly hypter-realistic or uncanny valley, but it absolutely works. (You do have one love interest who does look like an off the shelf render model, and she sticks out like a sore thumb against all the other models in the game.)

    "Interesting" is always a favorite flavor of mine.

    But the real story here is the...story. It's got a lot of heart to it. It's well written. There's attention to detail. And it moves along and doesn't spend a lot of time treading water. Things happen, choices come up for the player, and at least most of those choices seem to impact the game in materially significant ways.

    And I don't know if it gets said enough but...this game is sexy. The prelude to sexual encounters is hot. The foreplay is hot. The sex is hot. The aftermath is hot. One of the sexiest scenes in the game is a post-coital conversation with casual, familiar nudity and touching and yeah, maybe and yeah.

    This at times almost feels like a game written by a woman, or written by (gasp) a guy who listens to women about what pushes our buttons (ahem) and (hopefully) has experienced the good results of that. And I totally mean that as a compliment.


    OK, I'm docking my original 5-star review to 3 stars. In the earliest builds of the game through chapter 4 or 5, Naughty Road proudly proclaimed that you didn't need, and shouldn't follow any sort of walkthrough. Play the game the way you want! Make the decisions you want! You'll enjoy the game, regardless.

    And now here we are in Chapter 8 where it is made abundantly clear that this has changed. There are now clearly canon paths:

    1. You want all the office romances
    2. You want to romance both girls at home
    3. You want pregnancy content

    That's canon, and honestly...I think I'd be fine with it if Naughty Road had the courage to come out and say that this is the intended path.

    As it stands...I kinda went from wanting to champion this game to not caring if it ever gets finished.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Light of My Life is my favorite VN I've ever played. The writing is top notch, the characters are unique and memorable, the scenes are haaawt. Each chapter just gets bigger and better. Well worth the play.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I never was drawn to the pictures advertising this game. But I kept seeing it recommended. I was between games so I thought why not, I'll try it. I'm so impressed, the writing is great. You are never sure if you are on the right path, and the visuals and small videos are amazing. Well done.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The protagonist might as well not at exist. Actually I'm genuinely pretty sure that the game would be better off without the MC and just leaving the 2 main LIs as the protags because the game seems so entirely constructed around them that the player character doesn't just feel left out, he feels out of place.

    Which would have been fine if the writing was entertaining but it's not. There's a LOT of writing. But none of it is engaging in any real way. It bogs down the game hard. The author lovingly mentions at the beginning that this isn't your usual porn game and that it's not gonna be click for sex, it's so cocksure you'd think you're getting some Hemingway or some shit but no it's just an endless word salad.

    And yeah, the LIs are an acquired taste. They're not traditionally pretty. As in, they're ugly af. I guess I'm supposed to appreciate that he didn't use standard daz3d here?

    And there are basically no animations. Everything is 2 frame renders. Pretty shit.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Juegazo de los mejores juegos de este estilo sin lugar a dudas, las chicas me encantan sinceramente y la historia mas de lo mismo lo recomiendo bastante, espero con ansias el juego completo .
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a hard nut to crack to review this.

    I do like the storyline, but seeing the same posture with different clothes just threw me off. The first 3 days been pretty much the same to me.

    Not gonna lie, time has been spent into animating images (eyes, lol why?) but then again recycling the same posture, scene, and other stuff over and over is what I can't wrap my head around.

    It takes a huge time to build up something. Decisions don't really influence what it should, and you have to pull through lots of days to see something happening: I'm not entirely speaking of sexual content, but literally anything else then just repeating the same stuff over and over.

    The older sister fits my taste, but the young one is just naah with her weird ass face and hair down to her butt is just a no-go for me. Insecure to the max and getting depressed over anything. The MC itself doesn't have any role to play in this, I feel like.

    As other review(s) states this, here are some parts I can agree with:

    You will also have noticed that MC is not really the MC, it's the little sister that runs the whole game, not you as the player. You just follow along while she controls or should say manipulate MC and the bigger sister into what ever she wants, and you have no control over it. All the little sister wants is to make one big incest fuck fest happen….she's gone from shy to crazy and only makes me want to do everything the opposite way of what she wants.

    I tried to stay on both paths, but I simply just couldn't do it. I hated how the shy little sister became a manipulation little bitch where everything has to follow her mind and not the MC. She's controlling the speed and what MC does if you pick anything else you close her path, so that's what I did, and considering content is not meant for this. There's no real point in playing anymore, it just got too idiotic when the little sister/daughter whatever forces MC to masturbate right in front of her. She's not even turning around I mean she wanted MC to close his eyes, turn around a million times, but she doesn't respect the MC enough to do that. Well, then fuck her, it's too stupid and feels more like a submissive MC than the one in charge of the family.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty good but it gets ruined by qute a few things.

    First it makes use of idiotc dream shit, you cant even controle the dreams with the choices given, you can click any choice but nothing changes even clicking resist or dont, it stll forces you to be nude and have the very very ugly wife take her clothes of and give you a handjob and thats even when you have done everything in game to not think about the wife.

    And thats one of the issues, the choices, there are so many fake choices that leads to 100% the same dialogs or saying no gets turned into a yes, its annoyng and not choice driven but kineitc when it does that.

    As for the girls they wont be in everyones taste, i thought the faces looks ok but their bodies no, just no, you need to have some areola fetish to like them since they are made so big that it really ruins the look of their tits and becomes more of a turn-off then anything else when your not into that stuff.

    Then theres the MC who has the normal illness of getting boners from nothing, i mean hes a grown up man with two grown up kids and he gets boners from nothing, its just to childish.

    Im also not into lesbian stuff and this keeps becoming more like a lesbian game then having anything to do with MC and again its not a choice to the player and it only becomes worse doing the game.

    From chapter 3 you can go on route with one or both daughters, going on only one is clearly not how dev wants you to do since you will lose out on alot of content, but going with both which i would have done if there wasent a huge lesbian vibe going forward with both.

    And by then you will also have noticed that MC is not really the MC, its the little sister that runs the hole game not you as the player, you just follow along while she controles or should say manipulate MC and the bigger sister into what ever she wants and you have no controle over it and all the little sister wants is to make one big incest fuckfest happen....shes gone from shy to crazy and only makes me want to do everything the oppesit way of what she want.

    Game also just becomes more childish, unrealistic and stupid, like sister playing wth her self in the bathroom not locking the door, cums for 10 mins while the little sister walks in talks and talks and finaly walks out and big sister is still cumming i mean gimme break.

    I treid to stay on both paths but i simply just couldent do it, i hated how the shy little sister became a manipulation little bitch where everything has to follow her mind and not the MC, shes controling the speed and what MC does if you pick anything else you close her path, so thats what i did and considering content is not ment for this, theres no real point in playing anymore, it just got to idiotic when the little sister/daughter whatever forces MC to mastubate right in front of her, shes not even turning around i mean she wanted MC to close hes eyes, turn around a million times but she dosent respect the MC enough to do that, well then fuck her its to stupid and feels more like a submissive MC then the one in charge of the family.

    Also going on only one route just dosent work, i tried going on big sister/daughter route and even on that the two sisters has a sexual lesbian relationship, which is just so worng when your going after one of them and they have more sex together then with MC and they end up as GF/GF i mean story went to shit and its one of the worst porn games ive ever seen, shutting MC out like that is brainless and i just stopped playing.

    Animations are ok
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very long till releases, maybe one and a half years but still worth the wait. The story is fairly simple a father trying to keep his family together after the passing of his wife. You have the rebel daughter and the daddy's girl giving you most of the story. Second part is the work/ co-workers and while leave a nice spacer for the main story, the co workers are their own.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a special place in my heart. A poor family with a huge trauma because of the loss of a special someone. That person appears and communicates with their loved ones in dreams, it's always extremely emotional. The VN has the perfect amount of comedy and drama. The adult content is priceless and has extremely beautiful art. I love it. It's a unique VN, there is nothing like it out there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If you give this game a chance you will be surprised how immersive it can get.
    Corruption steps are very tasteful, there is a character progression, you really feel the storytelling is well made.

    This came as a big surprise for me.

    Exceptional good game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An incredible slow burn that manages to make an incest plot believable. It's very easy for father/daughter relationships to come off as creepy or exploitative, but Light of My Life makes it heartwarming and romantic. The non-incestuous plotlines are fun, too.

    The art style isn't the most attractive and the pacing gets a little slow in the later chapters but all in all still one of the best VNs I've experienced.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very likely the best VN I've ever played, porn or otherwise.
    Great characters, both personality and design, great dialog, great pacing, great quality of life options, the list goes on! Hell, the writing even got me teary eyed in places, which is a bit absurd. If there's even a single thing on the OP that interests you this is a game worth playing, buying too.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was an absolute delight to play and I'm thrilled to say that I've completed it in its entirety. I've never written a game review before, but I felt compelled to share my thoughts on this one. The dialogue in particular stood out to me as being exceptionally well-crafted and added a lot of depth to the overall story.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loved this game. I think the girls are very pretty and love how unusual they are compared to most games out there. I absolutely love the younger ones tits! i wish there were more games with this style, longer nipples. Her ass is amazing and she is so short and fun. The older girl has an amazing body as well. very natural looking for both of them. I love their unique facial features and think it is a part of what makes this game so special.

    I am hoping to find more games like it with models of this appearance.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    So I consider myself to be quite coom-brained, but I found this quite enjoyable nonetheless.

    The dialog is very realistic and I think it's good that you basically get to pick whatever and the story will still continue as normal anyways (unless you are picking an option to end someones route). As someone with an incest kink, it had just the right amount of spice. (assuming you actually put in the right roles)

    The artstyle was definitely questionable at first. But I thought, let's just try it out. The faces no longer bother me. If anything, I think they are a unique charm to this game. You see so many boring generic 3D games nowadays, with all of the characters following 1 out of 5 basic archetypes, devoid of emotion and personality. So having a more unique, albeit a little controversial, artstyle is very catching to me. I actually think they're pretty damn hot now.

    Now my only problem with this game are the repeating scenes with very little changes. This is mainly referring to most of the Denise couch scenes, 90% of which are just "hey how was your day".
    Also the coomer in me is still slightly disappointed it took so long for le seggs.