I'm with you on the hair color subject, my friend. As long as it isn't "Ronald McDonald" orange I'm generally fine with it. Purple is my favorite color so that is always nice to see. As to hair color relating to magical abilities, I find no basis in the lore of any of the stories I've read, films/videos viewed or games I have played to support that assumption. May be an anime/hentai thing. IDK. I don't follow any of that. I prefer realistic art. The more realistic the renders, the more I like them. I do enjoy some fantasy elements like the inevitably slim waisted women. But, in general, the more the art resembles reality, the better I like it... right up to photorealistic images. Anime/hentai just can't touch that level of quality art. It all looks like shit to my eye. I just don't like those styles at all.
Back to the hair color... women have been producing cosmetics to paint their faces and using dyes to color their hair and clothing for centuries now. I see no reason that women in a fantasy setting wouldn't do that as well. I agree those colors you mentioned are not natural hair coloring. However, a woman's inclination to change her appearance in an effort to look and feel more beautiful is universal. It's not just the ladies either. Some men color their hair to hide the gray. I don't bother with that. I've earned this white hair! When I was younger I would get a dark tan in the summer so I used to rub a few drops of lemon juice into my brown hair to let the summer sunshine lighten the color to better fit with my darker summer skin. I'm much too old to mess with that now but the vanity of youth prevailed at that time.
I'm enjoying this title although the story progress has been slow going thus far. Still not sure if I will stick it out through the end or not... we shall see.
Adventure ever on, Phat

PS: Again, hair color really doesn't matter. All girls are pink in the middle
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