
Jan 28, 2021
Really? The item that removes addiction is Angel's Nectar and its a "legendary" item whatever that means, through from its description and rank i assumed it was a least expensive and or difficult to get
I opened the game to double-check, and at least as of 0.4.4 they are still sold at Ralph's for 1,125 (about as much as four bottles of vodka) and have a base value of 750. I'm too lazy to go throw myself at alley attackers and imps to double-check that they still drop, though, I'm just like 75% sure at least that I remember accumulating them as one of the few things I bothered to take a bunch of for selling/emergencies.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018

Hello again,
I'm sorry about how long it's taking me to get this preview release ready; I've lost a lot of time to reworking and tweaking the Amazons' Camp content, and I've only just (finally) got it into a state that I'm happy with. After this rework (in which I added more content for Aurokaris and another route into Lunexis's bad end), I've now got some more writing to do, so the preview release will be just a little longer. I'm going to release it this Friday, 9th at the very latest, even if there are still placeholders (although there really shouldn't be).
Thank you all so much for your patience, and I'm sorry about the length of time since my last post; I just wanted to really make sure that I had all the content in its final state before giving you another progress update. I'll see you again for the preview release on Friday!
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Jul 21, 2017
where can you even get angels from?
Angels are an as of yet unreleased race. 5 years running.
They currently exist in the form of rare AngelSlimes, unacknowledged romance shop vendors, and debug mode.
Debug can get an Angel to spawn, and Angel children will spawn as normal.
Angel Children will even spawn (only) on Standard Dominion Alley Tiles.
Angels cannot however potion the player into their preferred Angel. They will inflict fetishes and change non-racial variables.
They are also fully transformable like demons.
Surprisingly they do have a racial: +15 arcane, -100 Corruption, +50 Lusk Shielding, +50% Damage to Demons, -50% Damage to Humans


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
It is the day that was mentioned in the blog lets see how it gets postponed this time.
From Inno's blogsite:

I've almost got this preview release ready, and I know that I said I'd get it out today even if there were placeholders, but I've left it so late that I'm feeling completely exhausted and so unable to do a thorough check for bugs. I'm going to have to take another 24 hours to get it finished off, and I really do promise that it won't be any later than that! Thank you again so much for your patience, and it really is almost there now!

Yeah, I know. Don't act too traumatized by the fact that Inno missed a deadline. :p


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
after i done quest in themi... centaur city / maybe amazone camp? i cant go there anymore, game said it now is ruin. So that map can do anything? And i want ask does ellis is the only city we can go on world map so far? i see there more places but cant reach it.


New Member
Jan 20, 2019
Looks like the preview version is up. It will be here once someone posts a compiled version.

Hello again,
Sorry about how long this version was delayed for; I ended up running into some issues with getting the content added for the Amazons' camp (mainly struggling to get the writing done), which is what caused most of this delay. Anyway, I've finally managed to get it finished, and I'm going to slightly change how I work on things for future updates, which should hopefully prevent a delay like this from occurring again.
As for what's in this release, there's new Nyan art from a new artist, Davyn, which I've attached to the bottom of this post. Davyn's twitter can be found here: . There's also the aforementioned content for the Amazons' camp, a new deer race, bug fixes, and a few other minor things included in this version. There is an alternate bad end route planned for Lunexis's content in the Amazons' camp, but I didn't quite have time to get the writing for it finished off, so I'll get that done for the next version.
Speaking of the next version, it's likely to be focused on bug fixes, PR merging, and some minor content addition, but I'll give you a full update on what exactly I'm planning for it in a 'progress post' some time early-mid next week.
Thank you all so much once again for your support and patience, and I'll do my very best to get this next public update out to you in a more reasonable timeframe. I'll see you again in the next post, which as mentioned above, should be some time early-mid this next week. See you then!
I package and release these in-between preview builds for backers over on , but anyone can play them at any time by building them directly from the public github (which is always kept up to date with the very latest version):

(There's a build tutorial .)

IMPORTANT: If you're building through github, you'll now need to place the 'liliths-throne-public/res' folder in the same directory as the exported .jar!
Make sure you build from 'dev' branch.
v0.4.5.5 Patch Notes
  • Added new artwork for Nyan, by Davyn. (Davyn's twitter: )
  • Fixed bug where the game would freeze and break when having sex with a slave in a milking room while all of your milking rooms were full. (by Maxis010)
  • Fixed two related bugs where items (such as enchanted elixirs) would not stack correctly after saving/reloading, and where one or more of these separate stacks would disappear upon another save and reload. (by Maxis010)
  • Fixed bug where the 'In Control' perk (from the 'teacher' background) would triple negative obedience changes instead of just the positive changes as the job describes, and also fixed issue where changes would be tripled twice. (by Maxis010)
  • Fixed issue where you could encounter a softlock when accessing your phone or options menus while in the 'Set alarm' dialogue. (by Cognitive Mist)
  • Tracked down numerous elusive bugs. (by Maymay)
  • Fixed an issue where if you saved an elemental transformation preset then the TF preset menu would crash with a null pointer. (by Maxis010)
  • Fixed issue where the game could potentially get stuck in a loop when exiting the Unit Preferences menu. (by Maxis010)
  • Fixed bug where removing an NPC who had summoned their elemental would cause games that are saved after that to crash upon being loaded. (by Cognitive Mist)
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly defined dialogue IDs in Lunexis's bad end scenes. (by AceXP)
Maxis010's 'Milk Tax' Contribution (PR#1626):
  • Affection gains for overworked slaves have been reduced.
  • Base value of milk, cum, and girlcum are no longer affected by fluid modifiers or flavours, resulting in a potentialyl significant decrease in the amount of money that can be earned from milking slaves.
  • Affection gains via fetishes from being milked now correctly account for whether it's milk or cum that's being milked.
  • Fixed issue where milk slaves' clothing could potentially be duplicated.
  • Increased upkeep costs for all milk room upgrades.
  • Added new item tag, 'ELIS_ALLEYWAY_SPAWN' and 'ALL_AREAS_SPAWN', which mark items/weapons/clothing as being able to randomly spawn in encounters in the Foloi Fields and in every area of the game, respectively.
  • Added content for the Amazons' camp in Elis (which appears after completing the Themiscyra section of the main quest).
  • Added 'deer' as a race, with associated drink, 'Glade Springs', and food, 'Tree Shoots Salad'.
  • In random encounters, racial items for badgers, goats, and sheep will now only spawn in Elis, while racial items for cows, mice, pigs, rabbits, raptors, and wolves will now additionally spawn in Elis.
  • Added diameter value to the 'Penis Length', 'Clitoris Length', and 'Tail Length' elements in the transformation menu.
  • Added value of expelled cum to the 'Cum Expulsion' element in the transformation menu.
  • Cum expulsion values which correspond to 'large', 'huge', 'extreme', and 'monstrous' cum storage values now dirty 1, 2, 4, and 8 additional inventory slots of targeted characters during orgasms.
  • When transforming a character's leg configuration into 'quadrupedal', 'arachnid', or 'avian' from any of the other configurations, that character will gain 33% extra height (the 33% increase is reverted when transforming the other way).
  • Added 'cycle target' and 'clear target' actions to the 'Commands' tab in combat, giving you control over who your allies are targeting.
  • Any body areas or clothing which are dirtied by cum upon a targeted orgasm are now appended to the orgasm description.
  • Any body areas or clothing which are dirtied by squirting when the orgasming character's vagina is concealed, or when a parter is performing cunnilingus on them, are now appended to the orgasm description.
  • Added a minor variation to orgasm descriptions for when a squirting character is being penetrated.
  • Using the 'Unequip all' action in sex will no longer unequip condoms.
  • The 'object of desire' perk's effect to make participants in sex need an extra orgasm before being satisfied no longer stacks when multiple participants have this perk, and the effect is no longer applied from spectators.
  • Added the option to take either the dominant or submissive role in the sex scene in the museum during the prologue.
  • Added an extra pre-fight option for the Lunexis encounter in Themiscyra, which allows you to skip the fight and avoid the negative affection hit with Ursa, Aurokairs, and Meraxis if you have the 'sacrificial shielding' perk equipped.
  • Improved wording in the description of the 'controlled aggression' perk to make it clear that your damage is doubled only during the first turn of combat.
  • If you have quicksaved at least once, the quickload feature will now load the last quicksave you made, instead of the quicksave which matches your character's current name.
  • Typo and parsing fixes.
  • The information icons in the fetish preference options page now correctly display tooltips when moused over.
  • Reducing cum storage via the TF menu now correctly reduces the character's currently stored cum value to the new maximum.
  • When being transformed into a demon, all relevant 'Elder lilin's power' perks will now be upgraded into their demonic versions, not just Lyssieth's.
  • Fixed bug in the 'defeated by raiders' scene in Thymescria, where the raiders would fuck you and Aurokaris without first growing cocks before the scene started.
  • Aurokaris now correctly starts sex scenes with raiders in the 'resisting' pace (unless non-con is turned off).
  • The raiders in Themiscyra will now correctly end the sex scene as soon as they're satisfied, instead of waiting to satisfy you and Aurokaris before ending it.
  • Fixed issue in combat where NPCs would sometimes target combatants who had already been defeated.
  • Fixed bug where orgasming in Lilaya's sex scene while wearing a condom would result in your orgasm actions being unresponsive.
  • Fixed bug where fetish combat moves would be unequipped during sex scenes if any sex action related to the fetish was performed.
  • Tattoos with a 'none' icon type will no longer incorrectly state that they're 'primarily coloured grey' in the selfie/character page description.
  • Fixed issue where offspring would be born with randomly-coloured eyes, hair, and other coverings, instead of having thse colours inherited from their parents.
  • Removed the ability to fly in the demon fortresses in Submission to prevent an issue where you could fly past Meraxis and take her gear before encountering her.
  • In the custom slave ordering screen (from Helena after completing her quest), parts of the slave's body are no longer concealed during the final character overview.
  • Fixed bug where milk slaves would not identify a milking room as being free if you were standing in it and there were already 7 other characters present.
  • Fixed bug where slaves would move between milking rooms during their job hours, instead of remaining in the same room for the duration of their work.
  • Fixed issue where racial items were not being marked as being available to be found in 'item found' encounters.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
>Base value of milk, cum, and girlcum are no longer affected by fluid modifiers or flavours, resulting in a potentially significant decrease in the amount of money that can be earned from milking slaves.
>Increased upkeep costs for all milk room upgrades.

hm, maybe slavery might not be as profitable now...
ah, who am I kidding, this is barely going to do anything besides maybe change the primary method.
  • Thinking Face
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Sep 21, 2018
Anyone else find it slightly amusing how there are still no plans to 'officially' reimplement followers yet there is still content being added regarding them in the form of changing their targets manually?

Also, it's nice to have confirmation that Inno does their writing with the tried and true method of pulling whatever shit they can come up with on the spot with little to no forward planning whatsoever. Definitely explains the month long delay and likely large number of placeholders. Doesn't justify them, but definitely explains them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Do I even need to crack any jokes about Inno and writing at this point? Another month of delays to get some fairly simple writing done. And that's only off the previous update that was delayed for months because of writing. I guess the only high point is that Inno actually *did* the writing instead of giving up and just releasing with a couple dozen placeholders for a change.

How much do you guys figure was done in the last 24 hours lol

To any future game devs out there, if you hate writing don't start a text only game.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2019
Anyone else find it slightly amusing how there are still no plans to 'officially' reimplement followers yet there is still content being added regarding them in the form of changing their targets manually?

Also, it's nice to have confirmation that Inno does their writing with the tried and true method of pulling whatever shit they can come up with on the spot with little to no forward planning whatsoever. Definitely explains the month long delay and likely large number of placeholders. Doesn't justify them, but definitely explains them.
Sounds like George Lucas, in that regard. Looking at how much the original Star Wars movie changed from its first script to what appeared on the screen---to say nothing of how it has been changed since the 70's---I think it's fairly common for a lot of changes and time to be required from outlines, rough drafts, full drafts, and all the various rewriting for flow and polishing until it's in a presentable condition. Especially on a long project where you are always having to balance the new ideas with what has been previously established. Rushing the process is how you get scripts and stories that fall back on the ". . .and it was all a dream" trope. Things take as long as they take.
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