
Jul 21, 2017
If you used all 4 Rat Den slaves (and they were the only ones you had) it would take roughly 8 game days just to break even on on the costs (rooms and slave license).
But Inno supposedly added additional costs to room upkeep.
If she was so ham fisted to remove 99% of the rooms monetary function then I imagine the upkeep get a similar ham fisted treatment.
We knew the Milkers were getting a nerf, but this makes them useless.

Especially considering I can rob an alley succubus for more money in a single battle than that room provides in a full day.

I supposed crashing the value of jewelry, enchantments, potions, and slaves is next.
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Oct 23, 2020
I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?


Aug 27, 2018
I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?
Catharsis, entertainment, convivence, whatever floats your boat. Believe it or deep down alot of us truly do enjoy this game and want to see it live up to it's potential. That's never gonna happen with Inno at the helm so best we can all do is sit back and enjoy a good trainwreck. Also it's not as if we're all obsessed like Inno stands lie to think ,most of us browse the site, get notified about the threat peek in to see what's new, leave our 2 cents rinse and repeat, taking a few minutes for some cheap laughs and discussion is hardly a herculean task.

Tldr:because it's fun lol
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
But Inno supposedly added additional costs to room upkeep.
If she was so ham fisted to remove 99% of the rooms monetary function then I imagine the upkeep get a similar ham fisted treatment.
We knew the Milkers were getting a nerf, but this makes them useless.

Especially considering I can rob an alley succubus for more money in a single battle than that room provides in a full day.

I supposed crashing the value of jewelry, enchantments, potions, and slaves is next.
The upkeep of the Artisan room remained the same, 500 flames. The Industrial room was 100 flames and now the upkeep is 1000 flames. The upkeep of each pump was 10 flames and now each pump is 200 flames.
The nerf hammer was aimed pretty specifically at the price of the milk.
My upkeep costs for 1 milking room went from 780 flames to 1600 flames per day. <- Minor blip.
However, Wanda (Rat Den slave) went from 70,000 flames to 1,200 flames per day. <- Massive nerf.

This whole thing reminds me of 'way back in the day' when Lust builds were nerfed. Lust builds were so OP they trivialized every encounter, so Inno nerfed Lust builds and they became worthless over night.

Just like with the Lust builds, I expect the money making to move to something else now. My guess would be people farm the alley tiles and enslave demons and muggers, then just sell them on the market. You wouldn't even need to buy slave collars, just enchant a piece of their own clothing with the enslavement enchantment and put it back on them.

I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?
For myself, it isn't hate, so much as it is disappointment and frustration.
I do, still, enjoy playing this game. I haven't run into another game that offers as much customization for the PC and NPCs as I find in this game. But, after 5 years, the game really hasn't gone anywhere. Inno keeps adding more clothing, more races, HAND HOLDING as a sex action, but the story hasn't really advanced at all.

So, coming here to vent is just to relieve frustrations about a game that I actually do like and just wish there was more than an ankle deep ocean to play in.
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Active Member
May 22, 2020
My upkeep costs for 1 milking room went from 780 flames to 1600 flames per day. <- Minor blip.
However, Wanda (Rat Den slave) went from 70,000 flames to 1,200 flames per day. <- Massive nerf.
A fully tricked-out "futacow" currently (I'm still on the last release, not the snapshot) brings in around a million a day. So maybe I have to run a milking room at full capacity

i personally don't think nerfing this hurts the game. It's drastic and I'd have much preferred that milking be gated behind acquiring a secondary base in the Fields.

I expect the money making to move to something else now. My guess would be people farm the alley tiles and enslave demons and muggers, then just sell them on the market. You wouldn't even need to buy slave collars, just enchant a piece of their own clothing with the enslavement enchantment and put it back on them.
You're possibly overlooking the attraction of passive income. Demon farming is profitable, yes, but requires action

It sounds like a dairy is still more profitable than sending everyone to the Angel's Kiss. So I'm still expecting to fill at least one dungeon room with futacows when I play the next release (whenever that is).


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?
First and by far the most important reason: Boredom.

It takes very little time and energy to check this thread along with all the others, and it amuses me. So that's the true answer. Which leads into the second part...

Second, there's been so little content added to the game over the last five years that at this point watching the game development has become the content. Lord knows we're not going to be playing anything interesting any time soon, but at least we can watch a clusterfuck happen.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2020
I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?
Because she keeps falling into the same bullshit again and again. I could drop the list again, but I really can't be assed to anymore. Especially not here, where we all know what's going on. You do too, you just figure none of it's a big deal for some odd reason. It's not world-ending, sure, it's all over a fuckin' porn game, but it's a years-old porn game that only just starting to pick up any sort of speed again. And that speed is half of fucking GLACIAL. Again, for reasons we all know *cough*delaysdelaysdelaysdelaysunendingfuckingdelayswoulditfuckinghurtyoutoplanorjustnotfuckingassumeyou'llbedonethistime*cough*. And it's been collecting money the

Besides, it's not like any of this is ever gonna get to Inno, insulated as she is by footrests and bootlickers in that hugbox-ass Discord. So your queen will be safe as ever.


Oct 23, 2020
Besides, it's not like any of this is ever gonna get to Inno, insulated as she is by footrests and bootlickers in that hugbox-ass Discord. So your queen will be safe as ever.
I specifically learned about this thread because you guys are actually mentioned every once and a while on her discord. You guys are pretty toxic with how some of you go about criticizing her.

I've actually spoken to Inno plenty of times, and she's actually a very nice person so I don't think it's right to resort to personally attacking her.

Don't get me wrong, you can criticize her for the speed at which she releases stuff, but some of the stuff you guys (not all of you, some of you are pretty civil about it) is pretty mean.

She herself is a lazy, uninspired, witless one hit wonder.
Her response time is on par with a drunken cow, and uses thrice the wellbeing vacations.
Her Discord is doing most of her coding for her now, and strokes her ego like a Silicone Valley Fluffer.
Comparing someone to a 'cow', or to a fluffer is pretty classy.
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2020
If it was a passion project - no money involved or just 'donations welcomed' - the shit Inno catches here and elsewhere would be way overboard.
The moment money is a guarantee, there are going to be expectations. When those expectations aren't met, or are at the very least asked to be kicked down the road a few weeks while extraneous garbage like armpit sex or a damn deer subrace is added, tempers will flare. When it happens repeatedly for fucking YEARS...
So what, some might ask, just stop supporting Inno! Well, it's been done. Loads of people have. It's just never enough to light a fire under her, because there's more than enough people still throwing cash at her, making fixing her horrible organization and patchy-as-Hell work ethic take the back seat on a long-ass bus. There's just no incentive for her to fix the way she does things, even if all she did was stop saying when the next update is (not) coming out.
And then people come here to vent and bitch because it's the place where they're guaranteed to not be dogpiled by simps and kicked out, though it has the opposite problem to near the same degree. So THAT issue can keeping growing and festering, how fun. I think I can say with a good amount of accuracy that the people here who rip into Inno and the game have more animosity towards the people in that Discord than Inno herself.

She can be nice to all the people she wants, but that's not going to fix the reason she's on the map in the first place.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
If it was a passion project - no money involved or just 'donations welcomed' - the shit Inno catches here and elsewhere would be way overboard.
The moment money is a guarantee, there are going to be expectations. When those expectations aren't met, or are at the very least asked to be kicked down the road a few weeks while extraneous garbage like armpit sex or a damn deer subrace is added, tempers will flare. When it happens repeatedly for fucking YEARS...
So what, some might ask, just stop supporting Inno! Well, it's been done. Loads of people have. It's just never enough to light a fire under her, because there's more than enough people still throwing cash at her, making fixing her horrible organization and patchy-as-Hell work ethic take the back seat on a long-ass bus. There's just no incentive for her to fix the way she does things, even if all she did was stop saying when the next update is (not) coming out.
And then people come here to vent and bitch because it's the place where they're guaranteed to not be dogpiled by simps and kicked out, though it has the opposite problem to near the same degree. So THAT issue can keeping growing and festering, how fun. I think I can say with a good amount of accuracy that the people here who rip into Inno and the game have more animosity towards the people in that Discord than Inno herself.

She can be nice to all the people she wants, but that's not going to fix the reason she's on the map in the first place.
To be fair, it kind of was at least before folks pushed for Inno to put the game on Patreon. But once Inno got a whiff of that cash money flow, it was all downhill from there. Not giving her an excuse, just pointing out what started the whole mess in the first place.


Sep 21, 2018
I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?
Credit where credit is due, criticism where criticism is due seems to be the general way things go regarding the day to day opinion regarding opinion. Since a lot of people here seem to either have a background in coding or at least know some of what should and shouldn't be possible when working full-time, myself included... well, a lot of the specific complaints regarding the content in each update and work ethic are very well deserved. Inno's apparent inability to withstand constant criticism in response to the game's constant problems she refuses to address certainly doesn't help matters as it does create a certain 'Us vs. Them' environment instead of, you know, recognizing your own faults and trying to correct them like a responsible human being.
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Jul 21, 2017
Comparing someone to a 'cow', or to a fluffer is pretty classy.
Welcome the other side of the Echo Chamber door kiddo.
Inno burned a lot of bridges on her way to sealing that Discord.

She has a well known reputation as an unrepentant flake and paypig milker.
5 years ago the game was 1/7th done.
Yesterday the game was still 1/7th done.

5 years, 100k bucks, and (according to her) 8k work hours later does the game reflect this?
Lazy, witless, manipulative cow who has a Discord willing to sell their souls for her pleasure.


Jul 9, 2020
Inno literally just admitted she can't bring herself to write her own game anymore
no wonder.. seeing people being like this would discourage me too n leave a bad taste. I knew about this game since awhile ago and while I have just started playing, the game seems to have enough content, but I understand for those that have been playing for years and following the Dev's plans or content developing of the game over the following years would be really frustrated if barely anything was added into the game(mostly storyline as I read?). I haven't been to her discord or on here but i too somehow feel the comments criticizing her are a bit much.

sometimes developers just burn out, sometimes they start for fun then becomes for money then they lose interest, other times it's personal issues, discouragement, losing interest for no reason, hitting a wall.. could be many things. Patreon is kind of like putting faith in a developer or whomever and investing money in them in order to see a result.. but that's also knowing that most likely there may not be a result too, I don't know exactly how much was added or not but clearly from some people here the developer didn't meet the expectations to some or a lot.. even if money kept being donated to her

i have no problem with criticisms n i may be overthinking but I just felt the comments get a bit personal at times.
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Aug 27, 2018
I specifically learned about this thread because you guys are actually mentioned every once and a while on her discord. You guys are pretty toxic with how some of you go about criticizing her.

I've actually spoken to Inno plenty of times, and she's actually a very nice person so I don't think it's right to resort to personally attacking her.
no wonder.. seeing people being like this would discourage me too n leave a bad taste. I knew about this game since awhile ago and while I have just started playing, the game seems to have enough content, but I understand for those that have been playing for years and following the Dev's plans or content developing of the game over the following years would be really frustrated if barely anything was added into the game(mostly storyline as I read?). I haven't been to her discord or on here but i too somehow feel the comments criticizing her are a bit much.

sometimes developers just burn out, sometimes they start for fun then becomes for money then they lose interest, other times it's personal issues, discouragement, losing interest for no reason, hitting a wall.. could be many things. Patreon is kind of like putting faith in a developer or whomever and investing money in them in order to see a result.. but that's also knowing that most likely there may not be a result too, I don't know exactly how much was added or not but clearly from some people here the developer didn't meet the expectations to some or a lot.. even if money kept being donated to her

i have no problem with criticisms n i may be overthinking but I just felt the comments get a bit personal at times.
Well you said it right there patreon is like making an investment and like any investment you make if you realize it isn't paying out because the person you're investing in is making stupid mistakes you have a right to demand some accountability. This happens inthe real world all the time Ceo's are bent over by shareholders because when you take people's money they expect to get something out of it and will have your head if they don't. Which is why Inno would've been giving the pink slip years ago if she actually worked a real job, but thankfully in the she's built a nice little empire of white knights ready to jump in this thread and defend her honor from the "meanies on f95" who dare critized her for taking thousands of dollars PER MONTH and doing basically nothing to earn it. If at any time Inno had paused donations during her long breaks or shown any real growth in terms of development besides promising the moon and going "uwu sorry i missed another deadline cause i got a headache see ya in a month tee-hee"she wouldn't catch half as much shit.

Considering Inno is the one who decided to disable comments and lock up her discord for her loyal fans(read: simps who shower with praise) so kinda easy to guess why some resentment had built up, especially when many had reasonable concerns about the pace and scale of development that were promptly ignored. I'm sure Inno is a perfectly nice person to have a beer with or whatever but that doesn't change the fact that the game has gone nowhere in 5 years while raking in thousands by the month. There are far better games that are lucky to get even half of that so pardon me for not having much sympathy left, many of us(myself included) have been following this game since it was first released and are understandably peeved at how much it's potential is being squandered.

Plus like Draupnir7 said earlier most of us stopped supporting long ago byt it's never gonna be enough to make a difference. Besides getting updates on the thread I also get updates on reviews, and you know what happens if I click a new review 9/10 almost word for word it'll be some shit like,"Wow what an amazing game, one the best on the site, i'm so invested and can't wait to see more i literally just went and donated another 100 bucks into Inno's bank account(apparently without taking 2 seconds to read the damn game thread smh)" so even in the year 2022 there are still new suckers paying into Inno's wallet meaning this shit likely never gonna change, what you see in this thread is the final stage of following LT, acceptence in the fact that it will never be completed in any meaningful way and despite all the warnings and evidence in the world people will still gladly eat piles of shit by the spoonfull and call the rest of us crazy for suggesting that just maybe, we're owed somethingwith a little more substance, only to be called entitled for not accepting this big ole dung pie with a smile and a thank you.

Tldr; This situation is one of Inno's making and any more stans who wanna argue can stay mad cause deep down you know we're right.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2020
seeing people being like this would discourage me too n leave a bad taste.
Chicken/egg time, I guess. Which came first: heavy verbal floggings or the first inklings of frustration with a serial inability to keep to a repeatedly-lengthened schedule?
Mostly rhetorical, but it kinda depends on how you want to view any particular log of slung shit. There's always gonna be assholes - bumblefucks who aren't into the game at all and just want to scream at degeneracy, coomers who are disproportionately upset their specific flavor of degeneracy isn't being added...
Most people you'll find here, though, are people who like the game and want to see the game finished, or at least further along this fucking THIS. Which it really should be by now - if nothing else, I feel like we can at least agree on that. And every delay adds frustration. And this thread is where they can put it, because it ain't goin' in the Discord.
This thread, in its current shitting-on-Inno state, is the result of seven years of digital blue-balling.

would be really frustrated if barely anything was added into the game(mostly storyline as I read?)
Got it backwards. For a LONG time, there was only one daughter of Lilith. We're talking years. The new village out in the fields and the Amazon stuff is a very recent addition. If you want to be pedantic, you can divide that time between pre- and post-Outside Dominion, but even then, the map's been empty for an age. The meantime has been stuffed with content that your mileage may vary on regarding how urgently it needed in the game, but precious little was story-related.


Active Member
May 22, 2020
... I have just started playing, the game seems to have enough content, but I understand for those that have been playing for years and following the Dev's plans or content developing of the game over the following years would be really frustrated if barely anything was added into the game(mostly storyline as I read?).
Where you are right now is where I (and many other posters) was a couple years ago. I originally joined this forum back when progress had been halted on the main quest (ie. you could progress the main quest to the point where you could leave Dominion, but there was nowhere to go) for close on two years. The reason given for this was that Inno had given commitments to her supporters to add certain side content to the game before continuing the main quest.

All I wanted to know was what commitments she still had before she would be able to return to work on her game.

And here we all still are.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
I specifically learned about this thread because you guys are actually mentioned every once and a while on her discord. You guys are pretty toxic with how some of you go about criticizing her.

I've actually spoken to Inno plenty of times, and she's actually a very nice person so I don't think it's right to resort to personally attacking her.

Don't get me wrong, you can criticize her for the speed at which she releases stuff, but some of the stuff you guys (not all of you, some of you are pretty civil about it) is pretty mean.
F95 and Discord are two sides of the same coin. Both places can be unpleasant and unwelcoming depending on what's your opinion on the game's development and the person behind it. The main difference is that you won't get banned from here for having an "unpopular" opinion.

Also, a lot of politicians tend to be nice people outside of their work, whether they are good/serious/professional at their job is a different matter altogether. Nobody gives a damn about Joe being good at parties, they give a damn about Joe being corrupt and pocketing tax money. Everyone hates politicians on principle and will bad-mouth them day in and out, regardless of whether they are nice people or not. Inno is a service provider and is getting paid for it, being "nice" is the bare minimum expected, especially when dealing with her fans and costumers (over at Discord), however, and more importantly, people care about the quality of her service and her professionalism.

While some criticism can be needlessly toxic, it got to this point in no small part thanks to Inno's (repeated) errors, misjudgments and lies, all of which have been pointed out and discussed ad nauseum in this thread. The few times this thread tends to derail (for the worse) is whenever someone points out and/or tries to stop the "hater behavior". It was relatively quiet and peaceful just a couple of days ago and while some were still complaining about the delays, it was par for the course and pretty tame.

This is the only place people have left where they can vent all their frustration undisturbed. Inno shut down the comments at the blog and you can only say so much on Discord before getting the boot. If there ever was a gap or animosity in the community, this only made it worse, because there will always be a "favorite child" (Discord) vs the "bastard" (F95).

That animosity started somewhere; people were unhappy with certain things and so they criticized and complain, but it rarely ever did anything. Everyone knows money speaks louder and this means being a supporter. Let's say you see the potential but aren't happy with the way development is going? A negative opinion and/or frequent criticism almost always results in being told to unsubscribe, however, the moment you do so your opinion stops being relevant because you're no longer a supporter. It's a goddamn catch 22. This means only a specific subset of people stay as supporters and if your opinion doesn't align with theirs, then it's not wanted ("Unsubscribe if you're not happy" might as well mean GTFO). How is a game supposed to improve like this?

It's irritating AF for a game with so much potential to lie in the hand of a subpar developer and even an worse community (mostly the supporters) that allow it to rot to this degree. I sometimes think having no game would be better. It's kinda like having your crush leading you on and giving you false hopes that will never be realized because they're too nice/cowardly to say it outright and don't want to hurt your feelings...
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Feb 16, 2021
say, would it count as copyright infringement if I used the same mechanics to make a game ( for sex scenes, equipment , etc). Plot and all would be very different but I feel so much wasted potential in this game. Updates only focus on plot and not on mechanism anymore. fetishes, companion system, jobs, etc have been completely left aside are barely worked on. would code it myself and use different language probably but just curious.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
say, would it count as copyright infringement if I used the same mechanics to make a game ( for sex scenes, equipment , etc). Plot and all would be very different but I feel so much wasted potential in this game. Updates only focus on plot and not on mechanism anymore. fetishes, companion system, jobs, etc have been completely left aside are barely worked on. would code it myself and use different language probably but just curious.
I don't think it would be copyright infringement if it's just mechanics, but then again I'm not too read up on the law so...
Even then though, I don't think any action would be taken against you besides by some... "avid supporters" we could call them, of inno. At least from what I'm hearing, anyways.
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