- May 27, 2019
- 71
- 60
Thanks for the response. Hopefully he sees itask the developer eccma417, nobody seems to be able to get it to work (I know I tried and failed).
Thanks for the response. Hopefully he sees itask the developer eccma417, nobody seems to be able to get it to work (I know I tried and failed).
What difficulty are you playing on?yup you right maybe there are nothing to avoid about getting sick
Relax manstudyguide What kind of question is that?
There is still much to do:
A part of the map is still off limits, the new area is not entirely stable, about a 3rd of the game is untranslated, there are balances issues and exploits everywhere.
It's only one guy. He's been doing good progress and he's been listening to the community. Let him work at the pace he's been going and don't bother him with a question so long term.
This is a beta version, if you want something changed, do the tests, show your work and explain what should be changed and why. When that's done, we'll be able to look forwards to the next big patch.
Now, I don't mean to be rude, only a bit forceful.
This game is nowhere near done, the way I see it, and I think that pushing eccma417 by asking when the last step will be done will simply make for a worst game overall.
You can finish the game, its just some missing content. But it has a lot of gameplay alreadyRelax man
Usually i don´t like playing incomplete games so perhaps i´ll just wait until the game is finished.
What do I do in the AutoHotkey file to change the controls?
Maybe I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed, but why link a website that seems to just further complicate things instead of just telling me how to change the controls with the AutoHotkey provided in the files? Seriously if the question is "How to do I change the controls"You must be registered to see the links
to incomplete.to_f hater.
this game is completed since, anything else is extra.
STOP play shitty ALPHA BETA GAMMA.0.. VER, download the DEMO. DEMO IS finished game.
install autohotkey.Maybe I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed, but why link a website that seems to just further complicate things instead of just telling me how to change the controls with the AutoHotkey provided in the files? Seriously if the question is "How to do I change the controls"
Answering with "AutoHotkey.ahk" just dosent necessarily answer it if no oneknows what to do with that file. Again I may just be missing something but it seems like you're being Vague for reasons I have no idea of.
Never tried having 2 Moot babies because pregnancy is a pain in the ass, I guess you just don't keep Moot babies (probably means you also don't keep human babies). Weird because there are graphics for human and Moot babies in the game filesZedTed Correct me if I'm wrong, but I tested the second pregnancy and even giving birth to a second baby Moot, Lona will not stay with him, the baby will always run away... Even if she have the implants for milk production.
It's 2 tiles South of the Northern gate, looks like a bunch of buildings on the side of the road. The person you need to talk to is directly West after entering, the one 'on top' of the table.Where is the back alley where you can buy papers?
how do you even get that many coins ?
You can read a guide written by yours truly for a step by step method on how to do it but to summarize:i don get it at all i saved the girl at the sewers in the goblin camp killed the goblin around even the goblin child and talked to the girl she said something like okie lets go so i go to the exit but after back to report the task no one mention her? where is she now?
HOW TO WRITE "THOSE CHEATS"?. f10 then write "what, how". def zzz; $game_player.actor."sexy"=> [[50, 0, 50,50,0],2],; end?Thank you for that tip. Didn't know F10 brought up the console. However I couldn't get the function tip to work with the at symbol but it did without...
Code:def zzz; $game_player.actor.sta+=400; $game_player.actor.health+=400; $game_player.actor.sat+=400; end
Now typing zzz in console gives me full health/stamina/food. This way I can just enjoy the fap material/role play while the game gets bugs/features/kinks worked out. For anyone else wondering what other stats you can modify with$game_player.actor.###
then here's what I discovered so far (only wish I could copy/paste in console)...
Code:LONA_STAT_DEFAULT={ #"attribute"=> [current, min, max, Tmax, Tmin], "type"] "health"=> [[200, -100, 200, 200, -100],0], "mood"=> [[95, -100, 100,100,-100],0], "sta"=> [[100, -100, 100,100,-100],0], "sat"=> [[100, 0, 100,100,0],0], "move_speed"=> [[4,0,4,4,1],2], "will"=> [[800, 0, 800,800,0],2], "weak"=> [[50, 0, 50,50,0],2], "sexy"=> [[50, 0, 50,50,0],2], "state_preg_rate"=> [[10, 0, 10,10,0],2], "morality_prison_labor"=> [[50,-50, 50, 50,-50],2], "morality_prison_guard"=> [[50,-50, 50, 50,-50],2], "morality_fishkind"=> [[50,-50, 50, 50,-50],2], "morality"=> [[0, -1000, 1000,1000,-1000],0], "morality_plus"=> [[200, 0, 200,200,0],2], "morality_lona"=> [[50, 0, 100,100,0],0], "baby_health"=> [[0, 0, 65535,65535,0],0], "sex_vag_atk"=> [[0, 0, 150,150,0],0], "sex_anal_atk"=> [[0, 0, 150,150,0],0], "sex_mouth_atk"=> [[0, 0, 150,150,0],0], "sex_limbs_atk"=> [[0, 0, 150,150,0],0], "dirt"=> [[0, 0, 255,255,0],0], "constitution"=> [[0, 0, 100,100,0],0], "survival"=> [[0, 0, 100,100,0],0], "wisdom"=> [[0, 0, 100,100,0],0], "combat"=> [[0, 0, 100,100,0],0], "scoutcraft"=> [[0, 0, 100,100,0],0], "constitution_trait"=> [[0, 0, 99,99,0],0], #紀錄trait實際數字 "survival_trait"=> [[0, 0, 99,99,0],0], "wisdom_trait"=> [[0, 0, 99,99,0],0], "combat_trait"=> [[0, 0, 99,99,0],0], "scoutcraft_trait"=> [[0, 0, 99,99,0],0], "melaninNipple"=> [[0, 0, 2ona"=> [["typical",nil,nil,nil,nil],9], #從新的stat中刪除,但保留9的特殊屬性,記得補上$lona_stats的init "race"=> [["Human",nil,nil,nil,nil],9] #從新的stat中刪除,但保留9的特殊屬性,記得補上$lona_stats的init }
It's not shown here, but to give yourself gold you can type$game_party.gain_gold(99999)
to remove a wound so you can walk again.
That's a shackle and you cannot remove them normally. You need to go to the blacksmith in Noer (West of the Inn) and pay money to get rid of it.now another question how to take off the main arm? just click it for fun but now i can take it off me....
Well, that's the issue. For some cheats "$game_player.actor.____+=9999" works but not for others. Sometimes you need to change the values in the scripts yourself and some just don't seem to do anything, you need to do your own digging to find out what works.HOW TO WRITE "THOSE CHEATS"?. f10 then write "what, how". def zzz; $game_player.actor."sexy"=> [[50, 0, 50,50,0],2],; end?
Nice, Lona makes quite the good trap.Wanted to see what Lona would look like with a dick, this was the result. I fucked up on the lighting but I think I was going in the right direction.