That's a shackle and you cannot remove them normally. You need to go to the blacksmith in Noer (West of the Inn) and pay money to get rid of it.
Well, that's the issue. For some cheats "$" works but not for others. Sometimes you need to change the values in the scripts yourself and some just don't seem to do anything, you need to do your own digging to find out what works.
Nice, Lona makes quite the good trap.
Cannot, developer only. You need to cheat that in but we don't know the cheat code. However, there are a few cheats in a guide written by yours truly that do work and you can use:You must be registered to see the linksDEBUG TOOL IN TO INVENTORY? "HOW"?
we can add "SKILL, item" DataSkill.txt "Cannot, developer only. You need to cheat that in but we don't know the cheat code. However, there are a few cheats in a guide written by yours truly that do work and you can use:
Replenish HP, Stamina, Satiety, and mood
Add P (Bartering points)
Add Trait Points
You need to talk to the person below the tent and select the third option. You then need to bait the rabbit on top of the poured holy water, I recommend that you bait the rabbit to the people first so taking the chest is easier.I don't seem to get how the holy water on rabbit works. Do I need to drop it or consume it to work?
Someone asked that before found no way to input it into the console. You need to edit the file:we can add "SKILL" DataSkill.txt "
but how to "command add skills"?
def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139
return false if @level < 40
return false if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill
return false if state_stack(131) <1 #prostitute
return false if state_stack(139) ==1 #self
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
#return false if current_selected.include?(1) #weak
return true
def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139
return false if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill
return false if state_stack(131) <1 #prostitute
return false if state_stack(139) ==1 #self
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
return true
def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139
return true
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
def basic_traits
#[25, 33, 41, 40, 48]
#Survival , Constitution .....
#SID:119 IID:60 constitution
#SID:120 IID:61 survival
#SID:121 IID:62 wis
#SID:122 IID:63 scu
#SID:123 IID:64 com
#ui flow = com,scu,wis,sur,con
#32PX ID, ITEM ID, NAME, state_id
[25,64,self.combat_trait, 123],
[33,63,self.scoutcraft_trait, 122],
[41,62,self.wisdom_trait, 121],
[40,61,self.survival_trait, 120],
[48,60,self.constitution_trait, 119]
def gift_traits
#[]other traits # 200 = nil
def basic_trait_addable?(tmpVal)
99 >= tmpVal
#current_selected =>[selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id]
def gift_trait_addable?(trait_id,current_selected)
case trait_id
when 115; return trait_Nymph_addable?(current_selected);#true: can add / false: cannot add
when 116; return trait_IronWill_addable?(current_selected);
when 117; return trait_WeakSoul_addable?(current_selected);
when 125; return trait_bloodlust_addable?(current_selected);
when 126; return trait_masochist_addable?(current_selected);
when 127; return trait_cannibal_addable?(current_selected);
when 128; return trait_BloodyMess_addable?(current_selected);
when 129; return trait_exhibitionism_addable?(current_selected);
when 130; return trait_HunterTraining_addable?(current_selected);
when 131; return trait_prostitute_addable?(current_selected);
when 132; return trait_omnivore_addable?(current_selected);
when 133; return trait_semengulper_addable?(current_selected);
when 134; return trait_ManaKnowledge_addable?(current_selected);
when 135; return trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable?(current_selected);
when 136; return trait_Alchemy_addable?(current_selected);
when 137; return trait_ImproveThrowRock_addable?(current_selected);
when 138; return trait_Succubus_addable?(current_selected);
when 139; return trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected);
when 140; return trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected);
else raise "what are you doing"
def trait_Nymph_addable?(current_selected) #115
return false if state_stack(115) ==1
return false if state_stack(116) ==1
return false if state_stack(117) ==1
return false if state_stack(134) ==1
return false if state_stack(135) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
return false if current_selected.include?(117)
return false if current_selected.include?(134) #trait_ManaKnowledge_addable
return false if current_selected.include?(135) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable
return true
def trait_IronWill_addable?(current_selected) #116
return false if state_stack(115) ==1
return false if state_stack(116) ==1
return false if state_stack(117) ==1
return false if state_stack(132) ==1
return false if state_stack(133) ==1
return false if state_stack(139) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(115)
return false if current_selected.include?(117)
return false if current_selected.include?(132)
return false if current_selected.include?(133)
return false if current_selected.include?(139)
return true
def trait_WeakSoul_addable?(current_selected) #117
return false if state_stack(115) ==1
return false if state_stack(116) ==1
return false if state_stack(117) ==1
#return false if state_stack(125) ==1 #bloodlust
#return false if state_stack(128) ==1 #Bloodymess
return false if state_stack(135) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(115)
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
#return false if current_selected.include?(125) #bloodlust
#return false if current_selected.include?(128) #BloodyMess
return false if current_selected.include?(135) #WeaponryKnowledge
return true
def trait_bloodlust_addable?(current_selected) #125
return false if state_stack(125) ==1
#return false if state_stack(117) ==1 #weak
#return false if current_selected.include?(117) #weak
return false if @level < 10
return true
def trait_masochist_addable?(current_selected) #126
return false if state_stack(126) ==1
return false if @level < 30
return true
def trait_cannibal_addable?(current_selected) #127
return false if state_stack(127) ==1
return false if state_stack(117) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(117)
return false if @level < 20
return true
def trait_BloodyMess_addable?(current_selected) #128
return false if @level < 40
#return false if state_stack(117) ==1 #weak
return false if state_stack(128) ==1
#return false if current_selected.include?(117) #weak
return true
def trait_exhibitionism_addable?(current_selected) #129
return false if state_stack(129) ==1
return false if @level < 5
return true
def trait_HunterTraining_addable?(current_selected) #130
return false if state_stack(130) ==1
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_prostitute_addable?(current_selected) #131
return false if state_stack(131) ==1
return false if @level < 5
return true
def trait_omnivore_addable?(current_selected) #132
return false if state_stack(132) ==1
return false if state_stack(116) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_semengulper_addable?(current_selected) #133
return false if state_stack(133) ==1
return false if state_stack(116) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_ManaKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #134
return false if state_stack(115) ==1
return false if state_stack(134) ==1
return false if state_stack(135) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(115) #trait_Nymph_addable
return false if current_selected.include?(135) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #135
return false if state_stack(115) ==1
return false if state_stack(117) ==1
return false if state_stack(134) ==1
return false if state_stack(135) ==1
return false if current_selected.include?(115) #trait_Nymph_addable
return false if current_selected.include?(117) #trait_Weaksoul_addable
return false if current_selected.include?(134) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_Alchemy_addable?(current_selected) #136
return false if self.survival_trait <10 #survival
return false if state_stack(136) ==1
return false if @level < 10
return true
def trait_ImproveThrowRock_addable?(current_selected) #137
return false if self.scoutcraft_trait <10 #scoutcraft
return false if state_stack(137) ==1
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_Succubus_addable?(current_selected) #138
return false if state_stack(115) <1 #Nymph
return false if state_stack(138) ==1
return false if @level < 15
return true
def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139
return false if @level < 40
return false if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill
return false if state_stack(131) <1 #prostitute
return false if state_stack(139) ==1 #self
return false if current_selected.include?(116)
#return false if current_selected.include?(1) #weak
return true
def trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected) #140
return false if @level < 30
return false if self.survival_trait <15 #survival
return false if state_stack(140) ==1 #self
return true
IV FOUND SOLUTION"thing"! but i didnt make "devtool"You need to talk to the person below the tent and select the third option. You then need to bait the rabbit on top of the poured holy water, I recommend that you bait the rabbit to the people first so taking the chest is easier.
Someone asked that before found no way to input it into the console. You need to edit the file:
You can just lower the requirement of the traits and then use the "add trait points" cheat.
E.g. You want the Lilith trait which needs level 40, prostitution trait, and is locked out if you have the 'iron will' trait, the 'Weak' trait, or the 'Lilith' trait.
But you are too low level and chose the 'Weak' personality trait.Code:def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139 return false if @level < 40 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill return false if state_stack(131) <1 #prostitute return false if state_stack(139) ==1 #self return false if current_selected.include?(116) #return false if current_selected.include?(1) #weak return true end
So you remove (or reduce) the requirements for the level and remove the check for 'weak' personality:
Code:def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill return false if state_stack(131) <1 #prostitute return false if state_stack(139) ==1 #self return false if current_selected.include?(116) return true end
You save the changes and you should now be able to take the trait at any level as long you have the prostitute trait AND do not have the 'iron will' trait or the 'Lilith' trait already.
You could also just remove everything but that could have a few issues, e.g. able to take the same trait multiple times.
Here's the contents of the file if you want to see what you can edit:Code:def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139 return true end
Code:class Game_Actor < Game_Battler def basic_traits #[[icon_32_index,item_id,value],[state_id,item_id,,value]] #[25, 33, 41, 40, 48] #Survival , Constitution ..... #SID:119 IID:60 constitution #SID:120 IID:61 survival #SID:121 IID:62 wis #SID:122 IID:63 scu #SID:123 IID:64 com #ui flow = com,scu,wis,sur,con #32PX ID, ITEM ID, NAME, state_id [ [25,64,self.combat_trait, 123], [33,63,self.scoutcraft_trait, 122], [41,62,self.wisdom_trait, 121], [40,61,self.survival_trait, 120], [48,60,self.constitution_trait, 119] ] end def gift_traits #[]other traits # 200 = nil [ 200,116,200,200,117,200,200,115,200, 200,200,200,200,200,200,200,131,129, 200,200,125,200,136,200,200,200,200, 135,130,134,137,132,200,138,133,200, 200,200,200,200,127,200,200,200,200, 200,200,200,200,200,200,200,200,200, 200,200,200,200,140,200,200,126,200, 200,200,200,200,200,200,200,200,200, 200,128,200,200,200,200,200,139,200 ] end def basic_trait_addable?(tmpVal) 99 >= tmpVal end #state #current_selected =>[selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id] def gift_trait_addable?(trait_id,current_selected) case trait_id when 115; return trait_Nymph_addable?(current_selected);#true: can add / false: cannot add when 116; return trait_IronWill_addable?(current_selected); when 117; return trait_WeakSoul_addable?(current_selected); when 125; return trait_bloodlust_addable?(current_selected); when 126; return trait_masochist_addable?(current_selected); when 127; return trait_cannibal_addable?(current_selected); when 128; return trait_BloodyMess_addable?(current_selected); when 129; return trait_exhibitionism_addable?(current_selected); when 130; return trait_HunterTraining_addable?(current_selected); when 131; return trait_prostitute_addable?(current_selected); when 132; return trait_omnivore_addable?(current_selected); when 133; return trait_semengulper_addable?(current_selected); when 134; return trait_ManaKnowledge_addable?(current_selected); when 135; return trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable?(current_selected); when 136; return trait_Alchemy_addable?(current_selected); when 137; return trait_ImproveThrowRock_addable?(current_selected); when 138; return trait_Succubus_addable?(current_selected); when 139; return trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected); when 140; return trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected); else raise "what are you doing" end end def trait_Nymph_addable?(current_selected) #115 return false if state_stack(115) ==1 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 return false if state_stack(117) ==1 return false if state_stack(134) ==1 return false if state_stack(135) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(116) return false if current_selected.include?(117) return false if current_selected.include?(134) #trait_ManaKnowledge_addable return false if current_selected.include?(135) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable return true end def trait_IronWill_addable?(current_selected) #116 return false if state_stack(115) ==1 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 return false if state_stack(117) ==1 return false if state_stack(132) ==1 return false if state_stack(133) ==1 return false if state_stack(139) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(115) return false if current_selected.include?(117) return false if current_selected.include?(132) return false if current_selected.include?(133) return false if current_selected.include?(139) return true end def trait_WeakSoul_addable?(current_selected) #117 return false if state_stack(115) ==1 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 return false if state_stack(117) ==1 #return false if state_stack(125) ==1 #bloodlust #return false if state_stack(128) ==1 #Bloodymess return false if state_stack(135) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(115) return false if current_selected.include?(116) #return false if current_selected.include?(125) #bloodlust #return false if current_selected.include?(128) #BloodyMess return false if current_selected.include?(135) #WeaponryKnowledge return true end def trait_bloodlust_addable?(current_selected) #125 return false if state_stack(125) ==1 #return false if state_stack(117) ==1 #weak #return false if current_selected.include?(117) #weak return false if @level < 10 return true end def trait_masochist_addable?(current_selected) #126 return false if state_stack(126) ==1 return false if @level < 30 return true end def trait_cannibal_addable?(current_selected) #127 return false if state_stack(127) ==1 return false if state_stack(117) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(117) return false if @level < 20 return true end def trait_BloodyMess_addable?(current_selected) #128 return false if @level < 40 #return false if state_stack(117) ==1 #weak return false if state_stack(128) ==1 #return false if current_selected.include?(117) #weak return true end def trait_exhibitionism_addable?(current_selected) #129 return false if state_stack(129) ==1 return false if @level < 5 return true end def trait_HunterTraining_addable?(current_selected) #130 return false if state_stack(130) ==1 return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_prostitute_addable?(current_selected) #131 return false if state_stack(131) ==1 return false if @level < 5 return true end def trait_omnivore_addable?(current_selected) #132 return false if state_stack(132) ==1 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(116) return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_semengulper_addable?(current_selected) #133 return false if state_stack(133) ==1 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(116) return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_ManaKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #134 return false if state_stack(115) ==1 return false if state_stack(134) ==1 return false if state_stack(135) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(115) #trait_Nymph_addable return false if current_selected.include?(135) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #135 return false if state_stack(115) ==1 return false if state_stack(117) ==1 return false if state_stack(134) ==1 return false if state_stack(135) ==1 return false if current_selected.include?(115) #trait_Nymph_addable return false if current_selected.include?(117) #trait_Weaksoul_addable return false if current_selected.include?(134) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_Alchemy_addable?(current_selected) #136 return false if self.survival_trait <10 #survival return false if state_stack(136) ==1 return false if @level < 10 return true end def trait_ImproveThrowRock_addable?(current_selected) #137 return false if self.scoutcraft_trait <10 #scoutcraft return false if state_stack(137) ==1 return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_Succubus_addable?(current_selected) #138 return false if state_stack(115) <1 #Nymph return false if state_stack(138) ==1 return false if @level < 15 return true end def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139 return false if @level < 40 return false if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill return false if state_stack(131) <1 #prostitute return false if state_stack(139) ==1 #self return false if current_selected.include?(116) #return false if current_selected.include?(1) #weak return true end def trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected) #140 return false if @level < 30 return false if self.survival_trait <15 #survival return false if state_stack(140) ==1 #self return true end end
what u mean " cheat plugin"?i got the cheat plugin and unpacker the problem is that the game have it own key map which is rewrite the F1-F12 to it own not the engine. if you know how i can get rip of this F1-F12 back to it normal engine it may be works, function cheat manu + debug mode which allow you to edit variables and switchs in game.
this is not lonarpg. "but, u can't share?, about (how to use this cheat plugin)?its something similar to rpg mv cheat manu plugin.
OMG i am a fucking moron, Cheers xDIt's in the menu under system:
View attachment 675561
Starts dancing on her dead bodyYou must be registered to see the links
Is Possible you can explain where do i load item.rvdata2? and where to add. i try putting it on saveeditoronline but i dont know how to get it work.IV FOUND SOLUTION"thing"! but i didnt make "devtool"
You must be registered to see the links
load save game then unpack "Game.rgss3a with Decrypter.exe"
load "items Items.rvdata2"
add many "permamently: hp,staminaa, food" if u want.
dev test : possible if u dont have much wounds.What the hell you need to do in this quest? Soldiers just killing you and you even cannot fight or run because of tons bruises
steal will do a AOE sight check, not just target, it included the npcs around you.eccma417, the stealth mission where you need to pick pocket the drill sergeant seems bugged; even with 35 scoutcraft, picking his pockets seems to always fail.
It worked, thanks. Thought the sight check was only for the person you are pick pocketing.steal will do a AOE sight check, not just target, it included the npcs around you.
try use throw rock lure him into somewhere without npc around, and steal.