Anyways, that's my piece. Overall it is a great game and I am excited to see where it goes. Even if it stays vanilla AF, it's a solid experience and a credit to the creator. I just think it could be taken to the next level with the suggestions I added above.
This is as fair of a response as one could give! I appreciate you taking the time to word things diplomatically, and I appreciate the kind words!
What's funny is, I was actually in the middle of working on another Julie missionary animation just now (recycling Kelly's kissing animation), when I decided to take a break and noticed your comment

so let's talk about the animation critique first.
The long and short of it is, I
love missionary position. The only other positions that come remotely close for me are lotus and cowgirl (and reverse missionary). What all of these have in common is face-to-face sex, and the ability for the woman's breasts to be squished between them and such (or grabbed by the hands in the case of cowgirl). There's a sense of intimacy that drives the entire thing for me.
Unfortunately, it's not just "missionary is my favorite," it's "I literally get soft when I see 69'ing"...or doggy style (some exceptions), or anal, or even piledriving. They do almost nothing for me. So I'm simply not going to spend 5-20 hours making a 69'ing animation when it's not fun for me.
I'm not throwing any shade at you or your tastes; if anything, I'm jealous, because liking that stuff would mean I could vary things up and have even more fun (not to mention, more popularity). Just explaining why it doesn't happen.
In regards to many animations looking the same, lack of backgrounds, etc., I can only say that
context matters a great deal to me. So when I make an animation (or a still image) of Flin 'n Julie in missionary that I'm really proud of, I wanna see it used in all sorts of scenarios, not just one brief moment. If I really like how I managed to get the boobs rippling against the chest, then I wanna see how that looks with Amy's face as well, hence the shameless recycling of many animations (to be fair, in many cases I find that I need to make a few edits to their general frame in order for it to feel right with the new character, so it's rarely a flat copy-paste). The simple fact is, when I play through the game and see the same animation 7 times, I love it every time.
And I think that's perhaps what people have trouble understanding or believing: I honestly just fucking love what I make. If I can't jerk off to a given sex scene, image, or animation I've made, I
don't include it in the game. I either edit it until I can, or I scrap the entire idea. There are rare exceptions, and sure, there's some old imagery still in the game that I don't like anymore, but once upon a time, I did. And when I find time, I revamp those images gradually.
Admittedly, sometimes an image doesn't really come together the way I wanted, and I settle because it's "good enough."
In regards to nipples, I refer you to a post I made a while back:
-snip- (just click the quote to find the post earlier in this thread)
I'm...not adding nipples. Not seeing them doesn't bother me at all, and the amount of effort it would take to add them, especially to retroactively add them, is immense...for something that doesn't bother me at all.
But I will
try to see about adding them in the next game I make. But it will likely be years before that game sees the light of day.
Oh yeah, and no blackmail, sorry. You mentioned how not adding explicit reference to the cheating sucks the thrill out of the kink (I agree). Well, blackmail sucks the fun out of the sex for me.
Both people need to be holding back, while a tidal wave of lust builds within, until that wave bursts forth and they consensually give in. One might be more hesitant than the other, but never by a lot. This is the type of scene I strive to make.
All this to say, every opinion you hold is valid. I don't mean to come across as aggressive in any capacity, and I apologize if my tone has given that impression. I'm just trying to convey that this game is backed by strong feelings I have; it wasn't thrown together haphazardly even though it might look it. I knew when I first released this that the lack of nipples would weird people out (though I'll confess, across all my niche tastes and preferences, this is the one thing I feel truly alone in lol).
In short, I may throw in the odd shot here or there of a new position, but beyond that, the primary reason I make this is because it's really fun to make. Making 537 different missionary animations might seem psychotic to some, but it is truly fun for me haha. And also, I prioritize my efforts towards things that bother me.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a thoughtful set of critiques, and thanks for the compliment about the animation quality, I appreciate that! I hope this helps to explain why I approach this the way I do, and why I'm so stubborn about staying the course.