does not change the fact that something is forced on the player with ignoring a choice the player made.So why making that choice thats beeing ignored available in the first place???
you should know by now that specially that pissed so many players off just because Rachel just ignores it and decides for them both and on top of that ignoring something that should be followed because its the story YOU are telling here before the first update with Gia came out.
the big fuss begann when the first update with this Gia came out.
man make luke at least not looking like a drooling horndog who want´s to bang Gia everytime you can´t be serious with that.All the other girls so far are 10 times better looking than that Gia and luke talks like he sees a goddess there.
and one more thing : Rachel said she does not do webcams shows anymore right?? and what was that then with Gia?? even sex infront of the webcam?? she haven´t even done that in her own webcam shows and now she has no problem with that???
Man that doesn´t really making sense here and its getting more worse as more updates with this gia coming out.
for me it looks like that Gia only wants to get Rachel infront of a webcam again to her own benefit to make money and to have some action with her again (they have done it before).What other reasons could be there for Rachel to so easy agree to everything what Gia told them??
and who knows maybe that is even her payment for the "teaching" thing webcam shows with rachel

A night Alone (Date) with each partner infront a webcam Bullshit!!
and when Luke agrees to Sex with Gia then it will be Steamed online lol