
Game Developer
Mar 29, 2018
does not change the fact that something is forced on the player with ignoring a choice the player made.So why making that choice thats beeing ignored available in the first place???

you should know by now that specially that pissed so many players off just because Rachel just ignores it and decides for them both and on top of that ignoring something that should be followed because its the story YOU are telling here before the first update with Gia came out.

the big fuss begann when the first update with this Gia came out.
man make luke at least not looking like a drooling horndog who want´s to bang Gia everytime you can´t be serious with that.All the other girls so far are 10 times better looking than that Gia and luke talks like he sees a goddess there.

and one more thing : Rachel said she does not do webcams shows anymore right?? and what was that then with Gia?? even sex infront of the webcam?? she haven´t even done that in her own webcam shows and now she has no problem with that???

Man that doesn´t really making sense here and its getting more worse as more updates with this gia coming out.
for me it looks like that Gia only wants to get Rachel infront of a webcam again to her own benefit to make money and to have some action with her again (they have done it before).What other reasons could be there for Rachel to so easy agree to everything what Gia told them??
and who knows maybe that is even her payment for the "teaching" thing webcam shows with rachel (n)
A night Alone (Date) with each partner infront a webcam Bullshit!!
and when Luke agrees to Sex with Gia then it will be Steamed online lol
It was password protected chatroom with Luke being the only one with access, it was said that no one else have access and if you ever been in RL webcam chatroom, you'll know when you are not alone there.

Luke see Gia sexy only if you show interest in her.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
does not change the fact that something is forced on the player with ignoring a choice the player made.So why making that choice thats beeing ignored available in the first place???

you should know by now that specially that pissed so many players off just because Rachel just ignores it and decides for them both and on top of that ignoring something that should be followed because its the story YOU are telling here before the first update with Gia came out.

the big fuss begann when the first update with this Gia came out.
man make luke at least not looking like a drooling horndog who want´s to bang Gia everytime you can´t be serious with that.All the other girls so far are 10 times better looking than that Gia and luke talks like he sees a goddess there.

and one more thing : Rachel said she does not do webcams shows anymore right?? and what was that then with Gia?? even sex infront of the webcam?? she haven´t even done that in her own webcam shows and now she has no problem with that???

Man that doesn´t really making sense here and its getting more worse as more updates with this gia coming out.
for me it looks like that Gia only wants to get Rachel infront of a webcam again to her own benefit to make money and to have some action with her again (they have done it before).What other reasons could be there for Rachel to so easy agree to everything what Gia told them??
and who knows maybe that is even her payment for the "teaching" thing webcam shows with rachel (n)
A night Alone (Date) with each partner infront a webcam Bullshit!!
and when Luke agrees to Sex with Gia then it will be Steamed online lol
Him looking at her like a goddess is absolute nonsense, especially that part when he acts like he wants to get into her pants when you choose to be against the whole Gia thing. Funniest thing is how he says "she looks like a luxury prostitute", when in reality it's actually the reverse. With that reddish hair that doesn't go at all with her skintone, and that outfit she had, she actually looks like a hooker that you pick up from the edge of the hood, then use 2 condoms at once to avoid getting something, even though she offers to do it raw for only 5 bucks more, which would mean 20, instead of the usual price of 15, and after you're finished, her first stop is the local hustler so she can get her daily dose of low quality crack.

The reactions from Rachael doesn't help this thing either. Luke says he doesn't want their first time with Gia, and she agrees with it, then says it's something that "we started". Nah, it's something she started without asking him, and from the previous conversations, instigated by Gia actually, as the whole teaching and meeting was proposed by her. It feels like this whole thing for her is just an excuse to get on with Rachael outside of the camshows, and get on with Luke as well if it's possible.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
It was password protected chatroom with Luke being the only one with access, it was said that no one else have access and if you ever been in RL webcam chatroom, you'll know when you are not alone there.

Luke see Gia sexy only if you show interest in her.
for what they are doing a webcamshow even if its passwort protected when its luke beeing the only one who has access when he does not watches it??
Rachel does not tells him shit when you choose to not wanting that date with Gia and Rachel.The only thing she tells him over and over to trust her and nothing more.She not even tells him what they have planned.

secondly there is no way to choose to have intresst in Gia or not there is no options for that.
that options are the only ones that you have in the first meeting with Gia.
the funny thing is when you choose to be ok with the date Rachel acts surprised as if she expected that Luke says no to the date :)

so no choice there even if you don´t like her he still talks like he want´s to bang her at every chance.
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
I have a question, and forgive me, because I have waited for a couple of updates to play.....just to have more content to play through Lol!

I'm also one that thinks the Gia thing should be a players choice and not over ridden by Mom. I mean Luke is an actual boss over her to begin with, and what he says should matter ( not only as her boss, but also as her only son who she is supposed to love over everybody else.....so his opinion should take top priority to her, on that aspect alone).

My question here is.....If Gia has signed the NDA so she can have the date with Mom, does this mean that Gia's son (who has not signed or works for company)....is now forbidden to have sex with Gia and Mom now?
Because Gia would then be breaking the contract if she did....it would be awesome for her to realize that, she can no longer have a relationship with her son, in the date exchange and that Mom fucked her life up now.

I also heard the Ellen has lied and betrayed the MC, and is having a lesbian relationship with Luke's secretary.
If that's the case, since both are on the NDA...Can we as a boss, then just fire one or the other...thus making their relationship null and void, because one or the other can't be with someone that isn't in the company??

I do have one more question.....offhand I can't remember her name, but the woman we meet who's Michelle's MILF friend, that also has a relationship with her son.
Is she still in that relationship?? if so why have Luke as a sex partner and arm candy then??

I'd like to think that she's no longer in it (for the aspect of a one sided incest meme) that her son couldn't cope with it, once it had been known. Maybe he had ditched her for a woman he could be with and married away from her.

I do enjoy your game and hope we are nowhere near done with your story....Keep up the good work Brother........Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017

My question here is.....If Gia has signed the NDA so she can have the date with Mom, does this mean that Gia's son (who has not signed or works for company)....is now forbidden to have sex with Gia and Mom now?
Because Gia would then be breaking the contract if she did....it would be awesome for her to realize that, she can no longer have a relationship with her son, in the date exchange and that Mom fucked her life up now.
well that it is one of the problems Gia has not signed anything and Rachel ignores that NDA sex clause ;)

and if i am right here Ella works at L.P with the Sex Clause in the NDA but Alexandra works at Angels Media who when i am not mistaken not have a Sex Clause they not even have that NDA so technically Ella is also ignoring her NDA contract.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I have a question, and forgive me, because I have waited for a couple of updates to play.....just to have more content to play through Lol!

I'm also one that thinks the Gia thing should be a players choice and not over ridden by Mom. I mean Luke is an actual boss over her to begin with, and what he says should matter ( not only as her boss, but also as her only son who she is supposed to love over everybody else.....so his opinion should take top priority to her, on that aspect alone).

My question here is.....If Gia has signed the NDA so she can have the date with Mom, does this mean that Gia's son (who has not signed or works for company)....is now forbidden to have sex with Gia and Mom now?
Because Gia would then be breaking the contract if she did....it would be awesome for her to realize that, she can no longer have a relationship with her son, in the date exchange and that Mom fucked her life up now.

I also heard the Ellen has lied and betrayed the MC, and is having a lesbian relationship with Luke's secretary.
If that's the case, since both are on the NDA...Can we as a boss, then just fire one or the other...thus making their relationship null and void, because one or the other can't be with someone that isn't in the company??

I do have one more question.....offhand I can't remember her name, but the woman we meet who's Michelle's MILF friend, that also has a relationship with her son.
Is she still in that relationship?? if so why have Luke as a sex partner and arm candy then??

I'd like to think that she's no longer in it (for the aspect of a one sided incest meme) that her son couldn't cope with it, once it had been known. Maybe he had ditched her for a woman he could be with and married away from her.

I do enjoy your game and hope we are nowhere near done with your story....Keep up the good work Brother........Peace!!
I don't remember if Rachel already signed the NDA, but if she did, the Gia thing could be troublesome. Maybe she is an exception because of her current role as an "educator", but if that isn't the case, than Rachel is already in a breach of contract. If Gia starts to work for Luke, and she signs the NDA, she can kiss a goodbye to her son/lover, if the guy isn't part of the company as well yes, but she does seems like the kind that doesn't really care about a little contract breaching.

The Ella-Sandra situation is a really tricky one. Neither of them had breached their NDA, and you couldn't really call it a betrayal or something, but the fact is that they both tricked Luke, went behind his back, and lied to him about why they want to stop seeing clients. While you could say it's their personal matter, it would've been the normal and decent thing to tell why they want out. It also makes them hypocritical, because Ella basically sold herself out in exchange for the favor, while Sandra did something similar and played the victim card as well. It's funny that Sandra, who didn't seem anything like it is behind the whole thing, as a twist I like this.

As for the firing part, the circumstances mentioned above, and a few others as well makes it even trickier. Luke is new at the company, and while he does have the qualification, he lacks the experience. He does need people that qualified and experienced enough to be an effective leader, at least until he has a perfect grip on everything, especially since thanks to Dave, Angels is in a financial bind, from which Luke has to get out the company.

Even though Alexandra is only a secretary, she's working there for a while, knows how things work, knows how to run her tasks smoothly, which could make Lukes job much easier, not to mention that if they hire someone brand new, it would take a lot of effort and time to get her acquantied to her tasks and such. So you either keep her, or fire her over something that also could be branded as plain jealousy and pettiness, even though the manipulating part does make it somewhat legit, and you get an even worse situation than you already in.

As for Ella, she is also an experienced member of the company, not on the lowest level either, some of the same reasons apply to her that for Sandra, plus she has connections with several clients, and as a former pornstar, as pointed out by Luke and Michelle in their convo, has connections, experience and knowledge in the industry as well. With the porn thing becoming one of the cornerstone of getting the company out of bind, firing her would be the same as shooting yourself in the balls. I guess that's why if you discard her, you go back to be strictly professional, as keeping her as an employee is the right choice, but from your personal circle, casting her out is as well. I did like the fact that you could go all dominant on her, but I'm kinda torn because getting rid of her seems a better solution on the long run now.

Thing is, you could go all Dave on them, treating them like shit and being a scumbag, but that would severely damage their work ethic and morale, and as of now, Luke has to rely at least on Ella big time, and since they are an item now, screwing with one or another or both could affect the work morale for the both of them.

I think Samantha speaks of her son/lover in a past tense, probably after the husband found out they broke things off, so I'd guess that's why she has Luke as an arm candy, other explanation that it's a porn game and you need to get to fuck her duh :D
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Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
zero idea bout the NDA..i kinda pushed all dames to the side other than Michelle and Milf Katie(look at WTHI Katie..you'll go..oh yeahhhh...) i might hafta replay to see if i screwed myself :D
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
zero idea bout the NDA..i kinda pushed all dames to the side other than Michelle and Milf Katie(look at WTHI Katie..you'll go..oh yeahhhh...) i might hafta replay to see if i screwed myself :D
There's quite a few that worths it. Melissa is a cutepie, Beth is really nice, and they all have good stories so far, tho the abused past becomes a bit repetitive at this point imo. So far the ones that aren't that great are Sandra, Ella with the new update, and a few of us isn't happy with the recent developments on the Rachel front.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
So Gia is the first woman I've not taken the path for; honestly she's just not very attractive. Kinda hope that once this 'schooling' is done I'll only have to deal with her in a business setting.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
Tbh I din't get all that stuff with Ella, really could care about her having fun with her girlfriend or fiance or something


Dec 6, 2019
I played through the game and I have to say I find it fun and entertaining. The game has a nice sexually liberated feel to it where even the more sexually repressed characters are still not completely frigid and wan physical contact and maybe even love. I think the sexual component of the NDA in the game is a bit unnecessary for those employees not directly performing sex as part of their job either on camera or with clients. It works in the context of the game though and is an easy way for a harem type game to limit the number of people involved. That said the there are a large number of people (women) introduced so far.

Regarding the character models, I find them to be well done I appreciate there that not all the characters are not carbon copies of the others. Just like there are different body types the game reflects that as well. I find the characters to be well done as well. Toward the end of current content, I find myself rooting for Luke and Michelle. The only character I have a question about is Gia. I wonder if she is even necessary. Clearly she is there to help Rachel get over some kind of mental hurdle but its cleat that Luke has no need for her intervention or guidance. It seems like a contrived way to introduce a new character. I see the wheels spinning where she potentially works in L.P. in some fashion.

I had a thought about the new movie series at Angel. Have is be something like a good girl gone bad or corruption of an angel. Ella commented that the easiest scenes to film were girl-girl. I was thinking start with a female character start out as either a heterosexual female in a bland relationship and meet a new friend that opens her world up to broader sexual horizons. The other is to start out with a lesbian female that has never been with a man and then the new friend still happens. The video series could either be a different actor each video as the main focus or have the same actor with each successive movie introducing something new.

Anyway love the content so far and looking forward to more.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
has anyone seen a option with gia where you can choose if luke is interessed in her or not??

with every other girl you could choose that but with that gia there is not such option.

i did not found it anywhere but maybe i am blind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2018
has anyone seen a option with gia where you can choose if luke is interessed in her or not??

with every other girl you could choose that but with that gia there is not such option.

i did not found it anywhere but maybe i am blind.
You get an option during the camshow if you watch it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
You get an option during the camshow if you watch it.
a little bit too late for that kind of choice isn't it??
all that talk about that woman after the first meeting how hot and sexy she is and how luke want's to fuck her at every chance all that is said now even if luke is not interressed in that woman and even doesen't likes her and does not wan'ts the date thing.
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